Create javascript array which have the same structure with php array - javascript

In the sever side i have an array with structure like that:
array ('_1489378560544_544' => array (
'customer_group_id' => '0',
'permission_id' => 'disable_products_price',),
'_1489740032764_764' => array (
'customer_group_id' => '',
'permission_id' => '',),)
So now in the client side i want to create an javascript array with the same structure to server side. Is there any possible way to do that?
So after i got all data separately how can i organize my array look like this
var arr = [{_1489378560544_544 : [customer_group_id : 0 , permission_id : 'permission_id'] }]
Here is my javascript get data function:
$('#category_permission > tbody > tr').each(function() {
var id = $(this).attr("id");
var customer_group_id = $(this).children('td:first').children('select:first').val();
var permission_id = $(this).children('td:nth-child(2)').children('select:first').val();
Thanks for your help.

You can use json_encode to convert your PHP array to a JSON string and use JSON.parse() to obtain the equivalent Javascript object. Take a look here:

Something like this :
var arr = [{_1489378560544_544 : [customer_group_id : 0 , permission_id : 'permission_id'] }]

in your php view file
jsStr = '<?php echo json_encode($array)?>'
jsObj = JSON.parse(jsStr);
like that all keys can be accessed to get the value. javascript don't support alphanumerical keys for array.
Answer from #Mistalis should help.


javascript - convert string to json array

I was using s3 select to fetch selective data and display them on my front end .
I converted array of byte to buffer and then to string like below as string
let dataString = Buffer.concat(records).toString('utf8');
the result i got was string like below
Now i want to convert them to json array , i got a solution like below
let dataArray = dataString.split('\n');
//remove white spaces and commas etc
dataArray = dataArray.filter(d=> d.length >2);
//change string to json
dataArray => JSON.parse(d));
Now the problem is that i have splitted them with new line and wont work if the json is compressed or data itself can have new line.
What is the best way to handle this situation. i want the output like below
please take a look at this solution.
let dataString=`{"id":"1","obj1":"191.25","obj2":"11.81","obj3":"3.44","obj4":"15.62"}
let dataArray = dataString.match(/{(?:[^{}]*|(R))*}/g);
dataArray => JSON.parse(d));
Yeah, it is not a very good idea to concatenate objects into a string like that. If you don't have any other choice, however, something like that should do the trick:
const initialString = `{"id":"1","obj1":"191.25","obj2":"11.81","obj3":"3.44","obj4":"15.62"}
const json = `[${initialString.replace(/}\s*{/g, '},{')}]`;
const array = JSON.parse(json);

How can I use decoded JSON data inside PHP?

Using this plugin I need to draw an audio waveform with pre-rendered data.
I stored JSON data inside MySQL as {"sample_rate":44100,"samples_per_pixel":4410,"bits":8,"length":2668,"data":[0.13,0.19,0.15,0.11,0.13,0.13,0.24,0.35 ...]}
So I tried:
$json = $row['wave'];
$json_array = json_decode($json);
$json_wave = implode(',', $json_array->data);
<div data-track-wave="'.$json_wave.'" id="play'.$row['id'].'" class="track"></div>
function createWaveform(json) {
$( "#waveformbottom" ).empty();
var linGrad = document.createElement('canvas').getContext('2d').createLinearGradient(0,0,0,170);
linGrad.addColorStop(0, '#ff3b25');
linGrad.addColorStop(0.5, '#ff0018');
var wavesurferbottom = WaveSurfer.create({
container: document.querySelector('#waveformbottom'),
waveColor: '#b3b3b3',
progressColor: linGrad,
backend: 'MediaElement',
//Set peaks ! THE PROBLEM !
wavesurferbottom.backend.peaks = [json];
//Draw peaks
if($(this).width() != width){
widthbottom = $(this).width();
wavesurferbottom.drawer.containerWidth = wavesurferbottom.drawer.container.clientWidth;
$(document).on('click touchend', '.track', function(e) {
var wave_data = $(this).data('track-wave');
A debug of my wave_data shows that is correct like 0.01,0.13,0.19,0.15,0.11,... however the waveform is not drawn.
Instead if I set wavesurferbottom.backend.peaks = [0.01,0.13,0.19,0.15,0.11,...];it works.
I'm not a JSON expert, what am I doing wrong?
The difference is that one is a string (which isn't valid JSON anyway - it's just a list of comma separated numbers):
var json = $(this).data('track-json'); // a string
And the other is a JS array:
var x=[0.01,0.13,0.19,0.15,0.11];
A simple approach is to split it by , - that'll convert your string into the JS array that you need, like so:
var samples = $(this).data('track-json').split(','); // Renamed because it's not JSON
It's also worth noting that you'll get an array of strings rather than an array of numbers, but many JS libraries handle that. If you wanted to go the JSON route, then make sure your attribute contains square brackets:
The PHP to create that could look like this:
$json_wave = '['.implode(',', $json_array->data).']';
Then use a JSON.parse call to convert it into a suitable array of number types:
var samples = JSON.parse( $(this).data('track-json') );
If you still want to use JSON
$json = $row['wave'];
$object = json_decode($json);
$json_wave = json_encode($object->data);
This is a JSON string, presumably something like [1,2,3,4]
HTML unchanged
<div data-track-name="'.$row['name'].'" data-track-id="'.$row['id'].'" data-track-json="'.$json_wave.'" id="play'.$row['id'].'" class="track song-play-btn playthistrack"></div>
JS parse the JSON where you've identified the problem
//Set peaks ! THE PROBLEM !
wavesurferbottom.backend.peaks = JSON.parse(json);
wavesurferbottom.backend.peaks will be an array of Numbers - presumably what the rest of the code expects

Getting array values in php from jQuery post

I am trying to send an array from jQuery post to PHP.
But I am not getting any values with the below code.
Could anyone help ?
$("body").on("click", ".js-form",function(event){
var arr = [];
i = 0;
$('.addcolor').each(function() {
if( $(this).text()=="done"){
arr[i++]= $(this).data('request-id');
$.post("../ajax/save_Request.php", {requestids:arr, action:'save_request' })
alert(arr)-> prints 11,24,35 (eg)
But I am not getting any values in the following PHP variable.
$ids = ( isset($_POST['requestids']) ) ? $_POST['requestids'] : 0;
Try with this 'choices[]'
$.post( "test.php", { 'choices[]': [ "Jon", "Susan" ] } );
See more in : and search the key "Pass arrays of data to the server". I think that you missed []. Try it and return me the result.
Try converting the array to a JSON string first, using
var json = JSON.stringify(arr);
Now that it's a JSON string, you can simply pass it through a hidden field. Then, once you get the string back from the PHP page, you can turn it back into an array using
$array = json_decode($arr, true);
where $arr is the JSON string.
I had a similar problem with trying to pass an array from JQuery to another PHP page and this worked for me.

How can I get serializableArray jQuery that contains one array object in php?

How can i get my object array serializable in jquery to php ?
I have this:
I need get this array sent by jQuery(vetDespesas) in php to create my sql query.
I try use dump php serialize, unserialize but it won't work.
I use this in jQuery:
// this = my Form html
var dataSend = $(this).serializeArray(); // other datas...
**dataSend.push({name:'vetDespesas',value:vetDespesas});** object array
and in php, how can I write the code?
$requisitadopor = $_POST['requisitadopor'];
$autorizadopor = $_POST['autorizadopor'];
$departamento = $_POST['departamento'];
$unidade = $_POST['unidade'];
var_dump($_POST['vetDespesas']); // doesn't work =/ (array of objects)
vetDespesas = JSON.stringify(vetDespesas);
and i php use:
$a = json_decode($_POST['vetDespesas']);
My chrome console print:
public 'dataDespesa' => string '15/12/2015' (length=10)
public 'descDespesa' => string 'teste1' (length=6)
public 'budgetDespesa' => string '001 001 0E2R' (length=12)
public 'valorDespesa' => string '2133.33' (length=7)
How can I access this data?
You should turn it into a JSON string before send it to PHP :
vetDespesas = JSON.stringify(vetDespesas);
And to get the object in PHP code you should use json_decode() :
$my_object = json_decode($_POST['vetDespesas']);
You can access to object(stdClass) attributes using ->, e.g :
echo $my_object->dataDespesa;
echo $my_object->budgetDespesa;
Hope this helps.

JS/Jquery - using variable in json selector

I need to use a variable when selecting data from a json source like this.
The json is retrieved with jquery getJSON().
var beverage = fanta;
var beverage_price = data.prices.beverage;
Now beverage_price = 10
var beverage = sprite;
var beverage_price = data.prices.beverage;
Now beverage_price = 20
When I try to do it like in the examples, the script tries to look up the beverage entry in prices.
Thanks a lot!!
You can access it like:
var beverage = 'fanta';
var beverage_price = data.prices[0][beverage];
As VisioN mentioned in the comment, data.prices is an array, you need to access its first element with [0] which contains prices { "fanta":10, "sprite":20}
here is the working example :
Or else you can make data.prices an object like below : (if it is in your control)
var data = {
"prices" :
and can access without [0] like this :

