How to access JSON file in JavaScript? - javascript

I have a JSON file as data.json and I have an HTML file with JavaScript embedded in it. I want to access data from the JSON file in a simple HTML(file:///C:/Users/XYZ/Desktop/htmlpage.html) file and NOT in a server-client manner(http://....). I have tried following simple code to import JSON file.
<!DOCTYPE html>
<p>Access an array value of a JSON object.</p>
<p id="demo"></p>
<script type="text/javascript" src="F:/Folder/data.json">
var myObj, x;
x = data[0].topic;
document.getElementById("demo").innerHTML = x;
I have read this method of using
<script type="text/javascript" src="F:/Folder/data.json">
on other StackOverflow Questions. But it is not working.
Please tell me the simplest way to access the data in the JSON file.

You could try writing something like this in your JSON file in order to assign the data to a variable: = JSON.parse('insert your json string here');
You can then access in your page's javascript. You can also omit window. and just assign and/or read from data, which is the same as
Perhaps a cleaner approach would be to use an AJAX request either with jQuery or vanilla Javascript, both approaches have many answers available on this site.
You could also look into a solution with jQuery.getJSON(): Loading local JSON file

If you are able to use PHP for your desired task (accessing data from JSON file and doing some stuff with data) it will be easier to use PHP to open JSON files. You can use following code to access JSON files.
$str = file_get_contents('data.json');
$json = json_decode($str, true);
Here $json will be the outermost object (if file starts with '{') / array (if file starts with '['). Then you can use it in a regular way.
Maybe some of you can think that why I'm posting PHP solution in Javascript question? But I found this very much easier than opening file in Javascript. So if you are allowed to use PHP go with that.


PHP json to a JavaScript variable inside an HTML file

I write the following script that creates a nice JSON of all the images under the current folder:
header('Content-type: application/json');
$output = new stdClass();
$pattern="/^.*\.(jpg|jpeg|png|gif)$/i"; //valid image extensions
$dirs = array_filter(glob('*'), 'is_dir');
foreach ($dirs as $dirname) {
$files = glob(''.$dirname.'/*');
$images = preg_grep($pattern, $files);
$output->{$dirname} = $images;
echo json_encode($output, JSON_PRETTY_PRINT);
I have an HTML file with a basic page and I want to display the JSON's data in a formatted way after some javascript manipulation.
So the question is how can I get the PHP data into a javascript variable?
<script src="images.php"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
// Desired: Get access to JSON $output
<img ... >
I tried to put both
and inside that script tag but none of them work so I am guessing I am missing something fundamental here (my ever first experience with PHP :)
you should focus on what needs to be done, but currently you are trying to implement your own idea. maybe you should change your approach and do what you want in another way?
passing php variable to js is possible. but for what reason do you need this json? if you want to operate with it to generate html (f.e show images to user) you can do it on pure php without js. if you need exactly json you can generate json file with php and and get this file via additional js request. but the simplest way is
// below php code that generates json with images
$images = json_encode($output, JSON_PRETTY_PRINT);
// php code but in html template
<script type="text/javascript">
var images = "<?= $images ?>";
I won't guarantee that this js line is going to work but you get the idea)
P.S you dont need to use stdClass for such purposes. we do it via arrays (in you case it will be associative arrays), arrays are very powerful in php. json_encode() will generate same json from both array or object. but if this part of code works fine that let it stay as it is
I took #Zeusarm advice and just used ajax (and jquery) instead.
For others need a reference:
Nothing to change in PHP script in the original post.
Add jquery to the HTML file with <script src=""></script>
Make a GET request like this:
<script type="text/javascript">
var images = ''
$.get('images.php',function (jsondata) {
images = jsondata
I am sure this is not the cleanest code but it works :)

Use PHP to extract data from an object literal in the middle of a JavaScript program

I have a JS file with the following assignment of an object literal to a variable in it.
var data = {
title:"My webpage",
I want to access this JS file from PHP to read this data so I can output it into HTML.
Since this is not JSON, the following does not work.
$str = file_get_contents("data/data.js");
$object = json_decode($str, true);
echo $object['title'];
How would I access that file and write out the 'title' to HTML using a PHP file?
Is there a reason you can't use a .json file?
If not a really quick and easy/dirty solution would be to have a file like:
"title":"My webpage"
And then just get it the way you are trying to.

How to update JavaScript variable using PHP

I have a JavaScript file named a pricing.js which contains this content in it:
var price_arr = new Array('$ 16.95','$ 30.95','$ 49.95','$ 70.95','$ 99.95','$ 109.95','$ 139.95','$ 155.95','$ 199.95','$ 460.95');
But I want to to update this part of JavaScript file using PHP so please help me in this how can I update this part of the content from JavaScript file using PHP?
'$ 16.95','$ 30.95','$ 49.95','$ 70.95','$ 99.95','$ 109.95','$ 139.95','$ 155.95','$ 199.95','$ 460.95'
Please understand that Javascript is Client Side code and PHP is server side code.
There can be 2 possible ways or scenarios which you want to achieve:
If you want to manipulate the JS file before sending it to client, you can rename the Javascript file to have .php extension and write php code to provide a variable. For Ex:
// write php code to create a string of values using a for loop
$price_array_string = "'$ 16.95','$ 30.95','$ 49.95',
'$ 70.95','$ 99.95','$ 109.95','$ 139.95','$ 155.95','$ 199.95','$ 460.95'";
// Javscript Code var price_arr = new Array(`<?`php echo $price_array_string ?>);
The other alternative is that you get the value of price array by making an Ajax Request to a PHP web service.
Simply give the pricing.js file a .php extension. You can then include PHP in the javascript file the way you would for any other page. Just be sure your HTML code specifies that it's still "text/javascript" when you load it. You'll probably want to set the content-type in the PHP file as well, like so: header("Content-type: text/javascript");
Using your PHP script you can put a value in an HTML5 data attribute of an element on your page and then read it from your JavaScript, e.g. <body data-array="'$ 16.95','$ 30.95'"> can be generated with PHP, and then read with JS: var are = new Array($('body').attr('data-array').split(',')). Here jQuery is used in order to read the attribute value, but you can also do it with pure JavaScript.

Parsing CDATA from Javascript

This is my first post and I'm sorry if I'm doing it wrong but here we go:
I've been working on a project that should scrape values from a website. The values are variables in a javascript array. I'm using the PHP Simple HTML DOM and it works with the normal scripts but not the one stored in CDATA-blocks. Therefore, I'm looking for a way to scrape data within the CDATA-block. Unfortunately, all the help I could find was for XML-files and I'm scraping from a HTML file.
The javascript I'm trying to scrape is a follows:
<script type="text/javascript">
var data = [{"value":8.41,"color":"1C5A0D","text":"17/11"},{"value":9.86,"color":"1C5A0D","text":"18/11"},{"value":7.72,"color":"1C5A0D","text":"19/11"},{"value":9.42,"color":"1C5A0D","text":"20/11"}];
What I need to scrape is the "value"-variable in the var data.
The problem was that I tried to replace the CDATA string on an object.
The following code works perfectly :-)
$lines = file_get_contents('');
$lines = str_replace("//<![CDATA[","",$lines);
$lines = str_replace("//]]>","",$lines);
$html = str_get_html($lines);
foreach($html->find('script') as $element) {
echo $element->innertext;
I will provide you with more information if needed.
A decent HTML parser shouldn't require Javascript to be wrapped in a CDATA block. If they're throwing it off, just remove them from the HTML before parsing, doing something like this:
Download the HTML file into a string, using file_get_contents() or cURL if your host disabled HTTP support in that function.
Get rid of the //<![CDATA[ and //]]> bits using str_replace()
Parse the HTML from the cleaned string using Simple DOM's str_get_html()
Process the DOM object as before.

node.js javascript var available in res.render()'s target

I'm trying to make a variable (eventually to be replaced by more complex json selected from the database) accessible to client-side javascript. I wanted to load it when the page is rendered instead of an ajax call and its not going to be rendered via a template like ejs (I want to pass the data to an extjs store for a combobox). So I have a standart response I render:
function (req, res) {
res.render('index.html', {foo: ['a','b']});
and a blank html page I want to access foo:
<!DOCTYPE html>
<script type=text/javascript>
any ideas? I've thought of maybe writing the whole html page via res.send() (which has a few more things than the example above) but that seems like such a workaround for something that should be obvious to do...
Assuming the same array foo in your question above, here are a couple ways you could do this.
This one uses an EJS filter to write an array literal:
<script type="text/javascript">
var foo = ['<%=: foo | join:"', '" %>'];
This one encodes it as JSON, to later be parsed by your client-side javascript:
<script type="text/javascript">
// note the "-" instead of "=" on the opening tag; it avoids escaping HTML entities
var fooJSON = '<%-JSON.stringify(foo)%>';
IIRC, ExtJS can handle JSON directly as its data. If not, then you could use its JSON parser first and then hand it a local variable. If you weren't using ExtJS, you could use this to parse on the client:
If you choose to encode it as JSON, it would make it also make it easier to later switch back to AJAX for retrieving your data. In some cases, that would have an advantage. The page could load and display some data, along with a busy icon over the element for which you're loading data.
This isn't to say there's anything inherently wrong with including all the data in the original request. It's just that sticking with JSON gives you the flexibility to choose later.
In EJS the following should work
<script type=text/javascript>
console.log( <%= foo %>);
I do recommend against dynamically generating JavaScript though as it breaks seperation of concerns and forces JavaScript to be on.
Turns out the above doesn't work nicely for arrays. So simply encode your data in semantic HTML. Then enhance it with JavaScript. If the JavaScript must get data then store it somewhere more sensible like the cookie or retrieve it through ajax.

