String.replace regex is not replacing `*` in string - javascript

I have a string that comes in and I am running a string.replace on it and it is not removing the * character from the string but it is removing the | character.
var s = "|*55.6";
s = s.replace(/[^0-9.]/, "");

Use a global regular expression (/.../g) if you want to replace more than a single match:
s = s.replace(/[^0-9.]+/g, "") //=> "55.6"
Edit: Following your pattern with + (which matches more than one of a pattern in succession) will produce fewer matches and thus make the replacement with "" run more efficiently than using the g flag alone. I would use them both together. Credit to Jai for using this technique in his answer before me.
Demo Snippet
var s = "|*55.6"
s = s.replace(/[^0-9.]+/g, "")
console.log(s) //=> "55.6"

It's because replace executed just once. Use g option to replace every match.
s = s.replace(/[^0-9.]/g, "");

You haven't used a global flag for your regex, that is why the first occurrence was replaced, than the operation ended.
var s = "|*55.6";
s = s.replace(/[^\d.]/g, "");
Using + quantifier alone wouldn't help if you have separate occurrences of [^\d.], though would be better to use together with g flag. For example;
var s = "|*55.6a"
s = s.replace(/[^0-9.]+/, "")
console.log(s) //=> "55.6a not OK

You need to use a global (g) flag / modifier or a plus (+) quantifier when replacing the string;
var s = "|*55.6";
s = s.replace(/[^0-9.]/g, "");
var s = "|*55.6";
s = s.replace(/[^0-9.]+/, "");

You are missing + to look for one or more occurrences:
var s = "|*55.6";
s = s.replace(/[^0-9.]+/, "");
Also if you are interested to takeout the numbers, then you can use .match() method:
var s = "|*55.6";
s = s.match(/[(0-9.)]+/g)[0];

Some answer mentioned the Quantifiers +, but it will still only replace the first match:
console.log("|*45.6abc".replace(/[^0-9.]+/, ""))
If you need to remove all non-digital chars(except .), the modifier/flag g is still required
console.log("|*45.6,34d".replace(/[^0-9.]+/g, ""));


how to combine regEx expressions

How do I take each of these and combine them into a single regEx expression?
var t = "<test>";
t = t.replace(/^</, '');
t = t.replace(/>+$/, '');
which results in t equal to test without the <>
You can use pipe |. In regex it means OR:
t = "<test>>".replace(/^<|>+$/g, "");
// "test"
But of course, you can use another ways like:
t = "<test>>".replace(/[<>]/g, "");
// "test"
or even with match:
t = "<test>>".match(/\w+/)[0];
// "test"
Make sure you've added the g-global flag when needed. This flag stands for all occurrences.
If I understand correctly you only want to replace beginning '<' symbols and ending '>' symbols, try this one [>$^<]
var t = "<test>";
t = t.replace('/[>$^<]/', '');
Try this
t = t.replace(/^</, '').replace(/>+$/, '');
If you want it in single line, use | to combine the regex.. Like this
t = t.replace(/^<|>+$/g, "");
or capture groups like this
t = t.replace(/^<(.*)>+$/g, '$1');

Getting each 'word' after every underscore in a string in Javascript using regex

I'm wanting to extract each block of alphanumeric characters that come after underscores in a Javascript string. I currently have it working using a combination of string methods and regex like so:
var string = "ignore_firstMatch_match2_thirdMatch";
var firstValGone = string.substr(string.indexOf('_'));
// returns "_firstMatch_match2_thirdMatch"
var noUnderscore = firstValGone.match(/[^_]+/g);
// returns ["firstMatch", "match2" , "thirdMatch"]
I'm wondering if there's a way to do it purely using regex? Best I've managed is:
var string = "ignore_firstMatch_match2_thirdMatch";
var matchTry = string.match(/_[^_]+/g);
// returns ["_firstMatch", "_match2", "_thirdMatch"]
but that returns the preceding underscore too. Given you can't use lookbehinds in JS I don't know how to match the characters after, but exclude the underscore itself. Is this possible?
You can use a capture group (_([^_]+)) and use RegExp#exec in a loop while pushing the captured values into an array:
var re = /_([^_]+)/g;
var str = 'ignore_firstMatch_match2_thirdMatch';
var res = [];
while ((m = re.exec(str)) !== null) {
document.body.innerHTML = "<pre>" + JSON.stringify(res, 0, 4) + "</pre>";
Note that using a string#match() with a regex defined with a global modifier /g will lose all the captured texts, that's why you cannot just use str.match(/_([^_]+)/g).
Since lookbehind is not supported in JS the only way I can think of is using a group like this.
Regex: _([^_]+) and capture group using \1 or $1.
Regex101 Demo
var myString = "ignore_firstMatch_match2_thirdMatch";
var myRegexp = /_([^_]+)/g;
match = myRegexp.exec(myString);
while (match != null) {
document.getElementById("match").innerHTML += "<br>" + match[0];
match = myRegexp.exec(myString);
<div id="match">
An alternate way using lookahead would be something like this.
But it takes long in JS. Killed my page thrice. Would make a good ReDoS exploit
Regex: (?=_([A-Za-z0-9]+)) and capture groups using \1 or $1.
Regex101 Demo
Why do you assume you need regex? a simple split will do the job:
string str = "ignore_firstMatch_match2_thirdMatch";
IEnumerable<string> matches = str.Split('_').Skip(1);

String : Replace function with expression in Javascript

A string representing a currency is to be converted to a number.
For example:
Input : "125.632.454.454.403,51"
Output expected : 125632454454403.51
Currently I am trying:
Trial 1)
a = "125.632.454.454.403,51";
a.replace(/./, '');
Result = "25.632.454.454.403,51"
Trial 2)
a = "125.632.454.454.403,51";
a.replace(/./g, '');
Result = ""
But I expect the replace function to find all the occurrences of "." and replace by "".
Trial 3)
a = "125.632.454.454.403,51";
a.replace(/,/, '');
Result = "125.632.454.454.40351"
I would be glad if I find a fix for this.
You need to use \. instead of .. The dot (.) matches a single character, without caring what that character is. Also you can do it with single replace() with callback .
var str = "125.632.454.454.403,51";
str = str.replace(/\.|,/g, function(m) {
return m == '.' ? '' : '.'
var str = "125.632.454.454.403,51" ;
var result = str.replace(/\./g,'').replace(/\,/g,'.');
replace returns the changed string, it does not change it in-place!
You can find this out, by refering to the documentation.
var Result = a.split('.').join("");
. has specific meaning in a regex. It matches any character. You need to escape the dot if you are actually looking for the character itself
var a = "125.632.454.454.403,51";
var result = a.replace(/\./g,"");
You can also do (parseFloat(a.replace(/[^0-9]+/g,""))/100)
And if you have to do this for multiple currencies, I would recommend looking into autonumeric.js. It handles all this for you.

Use regex to remove "public://" from string

Im lost in part of this.
I want to remove the public:// in every link of an image like public://china-taxi_4.jpg
I have tried this but returns null:
var _img = 'public://china-taxi_4.jpg';
var regex = /(public:)(\/\w+)/;
var matches = _img.match(regex);
Hope you can help.
I want to remove the 'public://' in every link of an image.
> var img = 'public://china-taxi_4.jpg';
> img.replace(/public:\/\/(?=\S+?\.jpg(?:\s|$))/, "")
It removes the word public:// only in the strings which ends with .jpg
You are removing a literal string, not a regular expression. So try:
var _img = 'public://china-taxi_4.jpg';
var result = _img.replace("public://","");
Regexes are for matching complex expressions.
I think you're missing a slash, try:
var _img = 'public://china-taxi_4.jpg';
var regex = /(public:)(\/\/\w+)/;
var matches = _img.match(regex);
From Mozilla Developer Network String.prototype.replace():
Example: Defining the regular expression in replace()
In the following example, the regular expression is defined in
replace() and includes the ignore case flag.
var str = 'Twas the night before Xmas...';
var newstr = str.replace(/xmas/i, 'Christmas');
This prints:
'Twas the night before Christmas...'
To match the beginning of a string, use ^
To escape characters that have special meaning in regexp like : and / so that regexp will match these literally, prepend \
This suggests:
var _img = 'public://china-taxi_4.jpg';
var newimg = _img.replace(/^public\:\/\//i, '');
Tested and working in chrome browser console window.
Note: This answer also matches an earlier comment by #dystroy, so I have marked it CW.
var re = /(public:)(\/\/[\w-.]+)/g;
See demo.

Javascript Remove strings in beginning and end

base on the following string
How can i remove the . on the beginning and end of string like the trim that removes all spaces, using javascript
the output should be
These are the reasons why the RegEx for this task is /(^\.+|\.+$)/mg:
Inside /()/ is where you write the pattern of the substring you want to find in the string:
/(ol)/ This will find the substring ol in the string.
var x = "colt".replace(/(ol)/, 'a'); will give you x == "cat";
The ^\.+|\.+$ in /()/ is separated into 2 parts by the symbol | [means or]
^\.+ and \.+$
^\.+ means to find as many . as possible at the start.
^ means at the start; \ is to escape the character; adding + behind a character means to match any string containing one or more that character
\.+$ means to find as many . as possible at the end.
$ means at the end.
The m behind /()/ is used to specify that if the string has newline or carriage return characters, the ^ and $ operators will now match against a newline boundary, instead of a string boundary.
The g behind /()/ is used to perform a global match: so it find all matches rather than stopping after the first match.
To learn more about RegEx you can check out this guide.
Try to use the following regex
var text = '\n..there...\';
var replaced = text.replace(/(^\.+|\.+$)/mg, '');
Here is working Demo
Use Regex /(^\.+|\.+$)/mg
^ represent at start
\.+ one or many full stops
$ represents at end
var text = '\n..there...\';
alert(text.replace(/(^\.+|\.+$)/mg, ''));
Here is an non regular expression answer which utilizes String.prototype
String.prototype.strim = function(needle){
var first_pos = 0;
var last_pos = this.length-1;
//find first non needle char position
for(var i = 0; i<this.length;i++){
if(this.charAt(i) !== needle){
first_pos = (i == 0? 0:i);
//find last non needle char position
for(var i = this.length-1; i>0;i--){
if(this.charAt(i) !== needle){
last_pos = (i == this.length? this.length:i+1);
return this.substring(first_pos,last_pos);
and see it working here :
Slightly more code-golfy, if not readable, non-regexp prototype extension:
String.prototype.strim = function(needle) {
var out = this;
while (0 === out.indexOf(needle))
out = out.substr(needle.length);
while (out.length === out.lastIndexOf(needle) + needle.length)
out = out.slice(0,out.length-needle.length);
return out;
var spam = "this is a string that ends with thisthis";
alert("#" + spam.strim("this") + "#");
Use RegEx with javaScript Replace
var res = s.replace(/(^\.+|\.+$)/mg, '');
We can use replace() method to remove the unwanted string in a string
var str = '<pre>I'm big fan of Stackoverflow</pre>'
str.replace(/<pre>/g, '').replace(/<\/pre>/g, '')
Check rules on RULES blotter

