My variable does not change its value - javascript

I succeeded to design a drag-drop with mousedown and mousemove. Here is the code:
$('.item').live( {
mousedown : function() {
var $elem = $(this);
if (self.selectedItem != null) {
self.selectedItem = null;
firstSelectedItem = null;
switchingItem = false;
} else {
self.selectedItem = $elem.addClass('selected');
firstSelectedItem = $elem;
switchingItem = true;
mousemove : function() {
var $elem = $(this);
if (switchingItem === true && $elem.attr('id') != firstSelectedItem.attr('id')) {
self._swap(firstSelectedItem, $elem);
self.selectedItem = null;
firstSelectedItem = null;
switchingItem = false;
I try in vain to do it again with the touchevents. Except that $this value is the same to touchstart and touchmove, so the swapping does not work:
$('.item').live( {
touchstart : function(e) {
var $elem = $(this);
if (self.selectedItem != null) {
self.selectedItem = null;
firstSelectedItem = null;
switchingItem = false;
} else {
self.selectedItem = $elem.addClass('selected');
firstSelectedItem = $elem;
switchingItem = true;
console.log (firstSelectedItem.attr('id'));
touchmove : function (e) {
var elem = $(this);
if (switchingItem === true && $elem.attr('id') != firstSelectedItem.attr('id')) {
self._swap(firstSelectedItem, $elem);
self.selectedItem = null;
firstSelectedItem = null;
switchingItem = false;
What to do?
Thank you so much


Undo & Redo function not working as expect

I'm trying to create an undo/redo function for jQueryUI .draggable at the moment I have a function but doesn't work as expect, here is my funcion:
$(document).ready(function() {
stop: stopHandlerDrag,
start: startHandlerDrag
var historyApp = {
stackStyle: [],
stackId: [],
counter: -1,
add: function(style, id) {
this.stackStyle[this.counter] = style;
this.stackId[this.counter] = id;
this.doSomethingWith(style, id);
// delete anything forward of the counter
this.stackStyle.splice(this.counter + 1);
undo: function() {
this.doSomethingWith(this.stackStyle[this.counter], this.stackId[this.counter]);
redo: function() {
this.doSomethingWith(this.stackStyle[this.counter], this.stackId[this.counter]);
doSomethingWith: function(style, id) {
//Check if make buttons undo/redo disabled or enabled
if (this.counter <= -1) {
} else {
if (this.counter == this.stackStyle.length) {
} else {
console.log(style + ' - ' + id);
//Apply history style
$('#' + id).attr('style', style);
console.log(this.counter + ' - ' + this.stackStyle.length);
//Stop Handler Drag
function stopHandlerDrag(event, ui) {
console.log('stop drag');
var style = $(ui.helper).attr('style');
var id = $(ui.helper).attr('id');
historyApp.add(style, id);
//Star Handler Drag
function startHandlerDrag(event, ui) {
console.log('start drag');
var style = $(ui.helper).attr('style');
var id = $(ui.helper).attr('id');
historyApp.add(style, id);
//Dettach all events
$('#' + id).draggable("option", "revert", false);
//reassign stop events
$('#' + id).draggable({
stop: stopHandlerDrag,
start: ''
//Click Events For Redo and Undo
$(document).on('click', '#redo', function() {
$(document).on('click', '#undo', function() {
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<span id="undo" class="btn btn-sm btn-success disable">Undo</span>
<span id="redo" class="btn btn-sm btn-danger disable ">Redo</span>
<p id="P1" class="editable" style="left: auto; top:auto;">Drag #1</<p>
<p id="P2" class="editable" style="left: auto; top:auto;">Drag #2</<p>
<p id="P3" class="editable" style="left: auto; top:auto;">Drag #3</<p>
And here is a Working code demo
Now, the problem is that for example if you run my code and drag the elements in the following order (Drag #1, Drag #2, Drag #3), and then you click on undo sometimes you will have to click twice, and then if you drag in that order and the click on undo to restore all the elements as at te beginning and then drag elements #1 and #2 and then click on undo you will notice that only the #1 element is going to comeback to his possition, so my question is what I'm doing wrong and how can I solve this? I think that maybe my counter is wrong or something is wrong with my var historyApp
You probably need to append a logic to check if the style to undo or redo differs from the prev/next state:
add: function (style, id) {
var preIndex = this.counter;
if (this.counter == this.stackStyle.length - 1)
this.counter = this.stackStyle.length;
this.stackStyle[this.counter] = style;
this.stackId[this.counter] = id;
this.doSomethingWith(style, id);
undo: function () {
while ($('#' + this.stackId[this.counter]).attr('style') == this.stackStyle[this.counter])
this.doSomethingWith(this.stackStyle[this.counter], this.stackId[this.counter]);
redo: function () {
while ($('#' + this.stackId[this.counter]).attr('style') == this.stackStyle[this.counter]) {
this.doSomethingWith(this.stackStyle[this.counter], this.stackId[this.counter]);
There's something wrong with your logic. Here's a StateMaker I made myself. Don't copy it letter for letter, but it shows you the logic.
function StateMaker(initialState){
var o = initialState;
this.initialState = o; this.states = [o];
this.states = [];
this.savedStates = []; this.canUndo = this.canRedo = false; this.undoneStates = [];
this.addState = function(state){
this.states.push(state); this.undoneStates = []; this.canUndo = true; this.canRedo = false;
return this;
this.undo = function(){
var sl = this.states.length;
if(sl > 1){
this.undoneStates.push(this.states.pop()); this.canRedo = true;
if(this.states.length < 2){
this.canUndo = false;
this.canUndo = false;
else if(sl > 0){
this.undoneStates.push(this.states.pop()); this.canRedo = true;
this.canUndo = false;
return this;
this.redo = function(){
if(this.undoneStates.length > 0){
this.states.push(this.undoneStates.pop()); this.canUndo = true;
if(this.undoneStates.length < 1){
this.canRedo = false;
this.canRedo = false;
return this;
} = function(){
this.savedStates = this.states.slice();
return this;
this.isSavedState = function(){
var st = this.states, l = st.length; sv = this.savedStates;
if(l !== sv.length){
return false;
function rec(o, c){
var x, z;
if(typeof o !== typeof c){
return false;
else if(o instanceof Array){
for(var n=0,q=o.length; n<q; n++){
x = o[n]; z = c[n];
if(x && typeof x === 'object'){
return rec(x, z);
else if(o !== c){
return false;
else if(o && typeof o === 'object'){
for(var n in o){
x = o[n]; z = c[n];
if(x && typeof x === 'object'){
return rec(x, z);
else if(o !== c){
return false;
else if(o !== c){
return false;
return true;
for(var i=0; i<l; i++){
if(!rec(st[i], sv[i])){
return false;
return true;
Implementation with jQuery UI would look something like:
var dragging;
function DragMaster(yourDraggable){
var d = yourDraggable, p = d.offset(), sm = new StateMaker({left:p.left,})), states = sm.states, t = this;
function ls(){
return states.slice(-1)[0];
return false;
this.update = function(){
var cp = d.offset();
return this;
this.undo = function(){
sm.undo(); d.offset(ls());
return this;
this.redo = function(){
sm.redo(); d.offset(ls());
return this;
} = function(){;
return this;
this.getStates = function(){
return states;
this.getSavedStates = function(){
return sm.savedStates;
this.init = function(){
return {
start: function(){
dragging = d;
stop: function(){
var yd = $('#yourDraggable'), dm = new DragMaster(yd);
if(dragging === yd)dm.undo();
if(dragging === yd)dm.redo();
Now you can create new DragMaster()s and send .init() into draggable.
If you want to see if the current state is the saved state to change the color of your save button then StateMakerInstance.isSavedState() is what you can use.

javascript shortcut key / stop Interval function

i make a shortcut key for javascript function . i set the S key for start this and i so set the Z key for clear Interval function but im tired about this and when press Z key the Interval doesnt stop :(
var isCtrl = false;
if(e.which == 83) {
var elem = document.elementFromPoint( cursorX,cursorY );
elem.addEventListener('click', function() {
}, false);
var support = true;
try {
if (new MouseEvent('click', {bubbles: false}).bubbles !== false) {
support = false;
} else if (new MouseEvent('click', {bubbles: true}).bubbles !== true) {
support = false;
} catch (e) {
support = false;
var refreshIntervalId = setInterval(function() {
if (support) {
var event = new MouseEvent('click');
var event = document.createEvent('Event');
event.initEvent('click', true, true);
var cursorX;
var cursorY;
cursorX = 0; cursorY = 0;
document.onmousemove = function(e){
cursorX = e.clientX;
cursorY = e.clientY;
elem = document.elementFromPoint(e.clientX, e.clientY);
if(e.which == 90) {
help me i want to press Z key and Interval stop but i can`t ...
UPDATE : this code work correctly . use S key for start and Z key for stop the function .
var elem = document.elementFromPoint( cursorX,cursorY );
elem.addEventListener('click', function() {
}, false);
var support = true;
try {
if (new MouseEvent('click', {bubbles: false}).bubbles !== false) {
support = false;
} else if (new MouseEvent('click', {bubbles: true}).bubbles !== true) {
support = false;
} catch (e) {
support = false;
var cursorX;
var cursorY;
cursorX = 0; cursorY = 0;
document.onmousemove = function(e){
cursorX = e.clientX;
cursorY = e.clientY;
elem = document.elementFromPoint(e.clientX, e.clientY);
var refreshIntervalId;
window.addEventListener("onkeydown", keyDown,true);
window.addEventListener("keydown", keyDown);
function keyDown() {
var e = window.event;
switch (e.keyCode) {
case 83:
case 90:
function start() {
refreshIntervalId = setInterval(function() {
if (support) {
var event = new MouseEvent('click');
var event = document.createEvent('Event');
event.initEvent('click', true, true);
function stop() {
if (refreshIntervalId != null) {
refreshIntervalId = null;
You also have to code it in a way to avoid starting the timer more than once. You should construct it more like this (move the var for the timer outside the function):
var refreshIntervalId;
window.addEventListener("onkeydown", keyDown,true);
window.addEventListener("keydown", keyDown);
function keyDown() {
var e = window.event;
switch (e.keyCode) {
case 83:
case 90:
function start() {
refreshIntervalId = setInterval(function() {
// code...
function stop() {
if (refreshIntervalId != null) {
refreshIntervalId = null;
You doesn't seem to make an event to listen to keypress.
$(window).keypress(function(e) {
if (e.which == 90) {
Vanilla JS:
var keyEvent = function (e) {
if (e.which == 90) {
window.addEventListener('keypress', keyEvent);

The color will not change on a div, generated by a script

var BGLinks = (function() {
var that = {};
// can be set like BGLinks.parameter
that.version = 'NIV';
that.clickTooltip = false;
that.apocrypha = false;
that.showTooltips = true; = '';
var showTimer = 0;
var hideTimer = 0;
var container;
var addedCSS = false;
var setupRun = false;
var delay = 1000;
var bgHost;
var toolsHost;
var cdHost;
var browser = navigator.appVersion;
var book_string = 'Genesis|Gen?|Gn|Exodus|Exod?|Ex|Leviticus|Le?v|Numbers|Nu?m|Nu|Deuteronomy|Deut?|Dt|Josh?ua|Josh?|Jsh|Judges|Ju?dg|Jg|Ru(?:th)?|Ru?t|(?:1|i|2|ii) ?Samuel|(?:1|i|2|ii) ?S(?:a|m)|(?:1|i|2|ii) ?Sam|(?:1|i|2|ii) ?Kin(?:gs?)?|(?:1|i|2|ii) ?Kgs|(?:1|i|2|ii) ?Chronicles|(?:1|i|2|ii) ?Chr(?:o?n)?|(?:1|i|2|ii) ?Cr|Ezra?|Nehemiah|Neh?|Esther|Esth?|Jo?b|Psalms?|Psa?|Proverbs|Pro?v?|Ecclesiastes|Ec(?:cl?)?|Song (?:O|o)f Solomon|Song (?:O|o)f Songs?|Son(?:gs?)?|SS|Isaiah?|Isa?|Jeremiah|Je?r|Lamentations|La(?:me?)?|Ezekiel|Eze?k?|Daniel|Da?n|Da|Hosea|Hos?|Hs|Jo(?:el?)?|Am(?:os?)?|Obadiah|Ob(?:ad?)?|Jon(?:ah?)?|Jnh|Mic(?:ah?)?|Mi|Nah?um|Nah?|Habakkuk|Hab|Zephaniah|Ze?ph?|Haggai|Hagg?|Hg|Zechariah|Ze?ch?|Malachi|Ma?l|Matthew|Matt?|Mt|Mark|Ma(?:r|k)|M(?:r|k)|Luke?|Lk|Lu?c|John|Jn|Ac(?:ts?)?|Romans|Ro?m|(?:1|i|2|ii) ?Corinthians|(?:1|i|2|ii) ?C(?:or?)?|Galatians|Gal?|Gl|Ephesians|Eph?|Philippians|Phil|Colossians|Co?l|(?:1|i|2|ii) ?Thessalonians|(?:1|i|2|ii) ?Th(?:e(?:ss?)?)?|(?:1|i|2|ii) ?Timothy|(?:1|i|2|ii) ?Tim|(?:1|i|2|ii) ?T(?:i|m)|Ti(?:tus)?|Ti?t|Philemon|Phl?m|Hebrews|Heb?|Jam(?:es)?|Jms|Jas|(?:1|i|2|ii) ?Peter|(?:1|i|2|ii) ?Pe?t?|(?:1|i|2|ii|3|iii) ?J(?:oh)?n?|Jude?|Revelations?|Rev|R(?:e|v)';
var apoc_books = '|Tobit?|To?b|Judi(?:th?)?|Jdt|(?:1|2) ?Mac(?:cabees)?|(?:1|2) ?Ma?|Wi(?:sdom)?|Wi?s|Sir(?:ach)?|Ba(?:ruc?h)?|Ba?r';
that.linkVerses = function() {
if (that.showTooltips === true) {
var updateURLs = function() {
bgHost = window.location.protocol + '//' +;
toolsHost = bgHost + '/share/tooltips/data';
cdHost = bgHost + '/public/link-to-us/tooltips';
var insertBiblerefs = function(node) {
if (node.nodeType === 3) {
var new_nodes = searchNode(node,0);
return new_nodes;
else if (node.tagName != undefined && node.tagName.match(/^(?:a|h\d|img|pre|input|option)$/i)) {
return null;
else {
var children = node.childNodes;
var i = 0;
while(i<children.length) {
var new_nodes = insertBiblerefs(children[i]);
i += new_nodes +1;
return null;
var searchNode = function(node, inserted_nodes) {
var apoc_string = that.apocrypha === true ? apoc_books : '';
//finds book and chapter for each verse that been separated by &,and,etc...
var book_chap = '((?:('+book_string+apoc_string+')(?:\.)? ?)?(?:(\\d*):)?(\\d+(?:(?:ff|f|\\w)|(?:\\s?(?:-|–|—)\\s?\\d+)?)))([^a-z0-9]*)';
var regex_string = '(?:'+book_string+apoc_string+')(?:\.)? ?\\d+:\\d+(?:ff|f|\\w)?(?:\\s?(?:(?:(?:-|–|—)\\s?(?:(?:'+book_string+apoc_string+')(?:\.)?\\s)?)|(?:(?:,|;|&|&|and|cf\\.|cf)))\\s?(?:(?:(?:vv.|vs.|vss.|v.) ?)?\\d+\\w?)(?::\\d+\\w?)?)*';
var regex = new RegExp(regex_string,'i');
var verse_match = node.nodeValue.match(regex);
if (verse_match == null) {
return inserted_nodes;
} else {
var text = node.nodeValue;
var before_text = text.substr(0,text.indexOf(verse_match[0]));
var after_text = text.substr(text.indexOf(verse_match[0])+verse_match[0].length);
if (before_text.length > 0) {
var newTxtNode = document.createTextNode(before_text);
node.parentNode.insertBefore(newTxtNode, node);
var book_chap_regex = new RegExp(book_chap, 'gi');
var book;
var chapter;
var verse;
while (matched = book_chap_regex.exec(verse_match[0])) {
// break up what may be multiple references into links.
if (matched[2] != '' && matched[2] != null) {
book = matched[2];
if (matched[3] != '' && matched[3] != null) {
chapter = matched[3];
verse = matched[4];
var newLinkNode = document.createElement("a");
newLinkNode.className = 'bibleref'; = '_BLANK';
var passage = book+' '+chapter+':'+verse;
newLinkNode.href = bgHost+'/passage/?search='+passage+'&version='+that.version+'&src=tools';
newLinkNode.innerHTML = matched[1];
if (that.clickTooltip === true) {
newLinkNode.onclick=function() {return false};
node.parentNode.insertBefore(newLinkNode, node);
if (matched[6] != '') {
var newTxtNode = document.createTextNode(matched[5]);
node.parentNode.insertBefore(newTxtNode, node);
// do we need to update inserted_nodes with this?
if (after_text.length > 0) {
var newTxtNode = document.createTextNode(after_text);
node.parentNode.insertBefore(newTxtNode, node);
inserted_nodes = searchNode(newTxtNode,inserted_nodes+1);
else {
return inserted_nodes;
var addCSS = function() {
if (!addedCSS) {
var css = document.createElement('link');
css.type = "text/css";
css.rel = "stylesheet";
if ('MSIE 6.0') != -1) {
browser = 'ie6';
css.href = cdHost+'/theme/bglinks-ie.css';
} else {
css.href = cdHost+'/theme/popover.css';
} = "screen";
var n1 = document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0].childNodes[0]
addedCSS = true;
var addBiblerefListeners = function() {
var links = document.getElementsByTagName('a');
for ( var i = 0;i< links.length;i++) {
var link = links[i]
if (link.className && link.className == 'bibleref') {
if (that.clickTooltip !== true) {
addListener(link,'mouseover', linkMouseover);
addListener(link,'mouseout', linkMouseout);
} else {
addListener(link,'click', toggleTooltip);
var addListener = function (listen_object, action, callback) {
if (listen_object.addEventListener) {
if (action == 'mouseover') {
} else if (action == 'mouseout') {
} else if (action == 'click') {
} else if (listen_object.attachEvent) {
if (action == 'mouseover') {
} else if (action == 'mouseout') {
} else if (action == 'click') {
} else {
if (action == 'mouseover') {
listen_object.onmouseover = callback;
} else if (action == 'mouseout'){
listen_object.onmouseout = callback;
} else if (action == 'click') {
listen_object.onclick = callback;
var toggleTooltip = function(e) {
if (!e) {
e = window.event;
link = || e.srcElement;
var reference;
var bibleref;
if (bibleref = link.getAttribute('data-bibleref')) {
reference = bibleref;
} else {
reference = link.href.match(/search=(.*?)(?:&.*)?$/)[1];
var id = reference.replace(/%20| /g, '');
var id = reference.replace(/:/g, '_');
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var showTooltip = function(e) {
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e = window.event;
link = || e.srcElement;
var reference;
var bibleref;
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reference = bibleref;
} else {
reference = link.href.match(/search=(.*?)(?:&.*)?$/)[1];
var id = reference.replace(/%20| /g, '');
id = id.replace(/:/g, '_');
id = id.replace(/ /g, '');
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if (!e) {
e = window.event;
target = || e.srcElement;
var reference;
var bibleref;
if (bibleref = link.getAttribute('data-bibleref')) {
reference = bibleref;
} else {
reference = link.href.match(/search=(.*?)(?:&.*)?$/)[1];
reference = reference.replace(/%20| /g, '');
reference = reference.replace(/:/g, '_');
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var hideAllTooltips = function(e) {
var divs = container.children;
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divs[i].style.display = 'none';
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e = window.event;
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if (!e) {
e = window.event;
if ( == 'a' && showTimer) {
hideTimer = window.setTimeout(function() {hideTooltip(e)}, delay);
var tooltipMouseover = function(e) {
if (!e) {
e = window.event;
var relNode = e.relatedTarget || e.fromElement;
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relNode = relNode.parentNode;
if (relNode && relNode.className && relNode.className.indexOf('bg_popup-outer') != -1) return;
var tooltipMouseout = function(e) {
if (!e) {
e = window.event;
var relNode = e.relatedTarget || e.toElement;
while (relNode && relNode != null && (!relNode.className || relNode.className.indexOf('bg_popup-outer') == -1) && relNode.nodeName.toLowerCase() != 'body') {
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var createContainer = function() {
container = document.createElement('div'); = 'bg_popup-container';
var getTooltip = function(reference, link) {
var tooltip = document.createElement('div');'none';
tooltip.className = 'bg_popup bg_popup-outer';
var tooltip_loc = tooltipLocation(link); = tooltip_loc.offsetY+'px'; = tooltip_loc.offsetX+'px';
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id = id.replace(/:/g, '_');
id = id.replace(/ /g, '');;
tooltip.innerHTML = '<div class="bg_popup-header"><div class="bg_popup-header_title"><strong>'+reference.replace(/%20/g, ' ')+'</strong></div></div><div class="bg_popup-content"><div class="bg_popup-spinner"><img alt="loading" src="'+cdHost+'/theme/images/tools/spinner.gif"/></div></div><div class="bg_popup-footer"><a class="bg_popup-bglogo" href="'+bgHost+'/" target="_blank"></a></div>'; = 'block';
tooltip = container.appendChild(tooltip);
if (that.clickTooltip !== true) {
addListener(tooltip,'mouseover', tooltipMouseover);
addListener(tooltip,'mouseout', tooltipMouseout);
var remote_passage = document.createElement('script');
remote_passage.type = 'text/javascript';
remote_passage.src = toolsHost+'/?search='+reference+'&version='+that.version+'&callback=BGLinks.updateTooltip'; = 'bg_remote_passage_script-'+reference.replace(/%20/g, ''); =, '_'); = /g, '');
var hook = document.getElementsByTagName('script')[0];
hook.parentNode.insertBefore(remote_passage, hook);
return tooltip;
that.updateTooltip = function(tooltip_content) {
var id = 'bg_popup-'+tooltip_content.reference.replace(/%20/g, '');
id = 'bg_popup-'+tooltip_content.reference.replace(/:/g, '_');
id = id.replace(/ /g, '');
var tooltip = document.getElementById(id);
var reference_display = tooltip_content.reference_display.replace(/%20/g,' ');
if (tooltip_content.text == undefined) {
if (tooltip.text == undefined) {
tooltip_content.text = 'Retrieving Passage...'
else {
tooltip_content.text = tooltip.text;
reference_display = tooltip.reference_display;
tooltip.innerHTML = '<div class="bg_popup-header"><div class="bg_popup-header_title"><strong>'+reference_display+' '+tooltip_content.version+'</strong></div></div><div class="bg_popup-content"><div class="bg_popup-content-bible"><p>'+tooltip_content.text+' <a class="bg_popup-copyright" href="'+bgHost+tooltip_content.version_url+'" target="_blank">('+tooltip_content.version+')</a> <a class="bg_popup-more" href="'+bgHost+'/passage/?search='+tooltip_content.reference+'&version='+tooltip_content.version+'&src=tools" target="_blank">More</a></p></div></div><div class="bg_popup-footer"><a class="bg_popup-bglogo" href="'+bgHost+'/" target="_blank"></a></div>';
var addCloseButton = function(tooltip) {
var divs = tooltip.getElementsByTagName('div');
for (var i = 0; i < divs.length;i++) {
if (divs[i].className == 'bg_popup-header_right') {
addListener(divs[i], 'click', hideAllTooltips);
var tooltipLocation = function(link) {
var tooltip_height = 234;
var tooltip_width = 362;
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var display_loc = {};
var offsetPos = getOffsetPos(link);
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var setup = function() {
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$(document).ready(function() {
This is the script, located at, that I am encountering an error with css, this script was copied from and is not made by me. The issue I am encountering is via the css page (MediaWiki:Common.css) when changing the color of the script by
.bg_popup-content-bible {color:#000000}
The font color of the p tag within that div does not change. Originally I had it set to the p tag specifically of that div, but a css checker said that styling would be overqualified, and it was not functional nevertheless. What the script does is take all Bible verses listed on a page, and automatically links them to Biblegateway and creates a preview popup when hovering. However, the font is very unreadable and so I have tried to change it to black.
The popup currently has a near-white font (that blends with the popup)
and needs to have a black font, with the rest of the page content needs the near white font. When the script runs through it generates a div surrounding each bible verse, and the js applies to it (the div in which the Bible verse text appears is in the bg_popup-content-bible with a <p> tag), making it popup like so.
I have noted that in the script there is a section that calls for a "addedCSS"
var addCSS = function() {
if (!addedCSS) {
var css = document.createElement('link');
css.type = "text/css";
css.rel = "stylesheet";
if ('MSIE 6.0') != -1) {
browser = 'ie6';
css.href = cdHost + '/theme/bglinks-ie.css';
} else {
css.href = cdHost + '/theme/popover.css';
} = "screen";
var n1 = document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0].childNodes[0]
n1.parentNode.insertBefore(css, n1);
addedCSS = true;
I do not believe it is possible to change the url that the addedCss pull from, from the MediaWiki:Common.css, as this script was not made for the specific system being used (when removing or altering the variable the script does not work). I don't know if this is not happening because of a javascript issue (which is beyond me, and it's difficult to alter the script without breaking it) or if it's just a matter of incorrect css, but I have been working on this for several months here and there, and would like to get this final detail to work.
Try changing it to
.bg_popup-content-bible {color:#000000 !important;}
Ignore the CSS specificity checker. I have tested the below css on your site and it works. Make sure to put it in your site.css.
.bg_popup-content-bible p {
color: #000000;
It needs to be written as above because it has to override the <p> styling you've already set earlier in site.css:
p {
color: #f5f5f5
It is not a problem with the script. Based on what you have said in the comments it seems like you are unable to actually edit / output css. So the other option is just to modify the script you've posted above:
Change this:
tooltip.innerHTML = '<div class="bg_popup-header"><div class="bg_popup-header_title"><strong>'+reference_display+' '+tooltip_content.version+'</strong></div></div><div class="bg_popup-content"><div class="bg_popup-content-bible"><p>'+tooltip_content.text+' <a class="bg_popup-copyright" href="'+bgHost+tooltip_content.version_url+'" target="_blank">('+tooltip_content.version+')</a> <a class="bg_popup-more" href="'+bgHost+'/passage/?search='+tooltip_content.reference+'&version='+tooltip_content.version+'&src=tools" target="_blank">More</a></p></div></div><div class="bg_popup-footer"><a class="bg_popup-bglogo" href="'+bgHost+'/" target="_blank"></a></div>';
to this:
tooltip.innerHTML = '<div class="bg_popup-header"><div class="bg_popup-header_title"><strong>'+reference_display+' '+tooltip_content.version+'</strong></div></div><div class="bg_popup-content"><div class="bg_popup-content-bible"><p style="color:#000000">'+tooltip_content.text+' <a class="bg_popup-copyright" href="'+bgHost+tooltip_content.version_url+'" target="_blank">('+tooltip_content.version+')</a> <a class="bg_popup-more" href="'+bgHost+'/passage/?search='+tooltip_content.reference+'&version='+tooltip_content.version+'&src=tools" target="_blank">More</a></p></div></div><div class="bg_popup-footer"><a class="bg_popup-bglogo" href="'+bgHost+'/" target="_blank"></a></div>';
Given the way Stack formats the code above, to make it very clear you are editing the part of the line above that says:
and making it:
<p style="color:#000000">'+tooltip_content.text+'

on.change() event doesn't run when manually setting value of <select>

As the title describes, I'm having a problem with a function running using the
$("element_name").on("change", some_function)
event on a select when manually setting the element's value like
I read something about a "chosen" and I don't understand what that has anything to do with the issue.
Anybody know why the on.change() handler isn't catching the manual value change?
EDIT: I am including additional information as the solutions suggested do not work.
trigger("change"), bind("change", and on("change") do not work.
This is the code for the recreated select that controls the value setting:
(function($) {
fancySelect: function(options) {
var defaults = {
autoClose: true
var options = $.extend(defaults, options);
$("select").each(function() {
var $select = $(this);
var $fancyselect = $('<div class="fancyselect"/>');
var $ul = $('<ul/>').appendTo($fancyselect);
var $options = $select.find("option");
var $span = $("<div/>").addClass("fancyselect-label").prependTo($fancyselect);
var $arrow = $("<div>▼</div>").addClass("fancyselect-arrow").appendTo($fancyselect);
var selected = $select.find("option[selected=selected]");
var toUse = 0;
if (selected.length == 0) {
toUse = $options.first();
} else {
toUse = selected.first();
$options.each(function() {
var $option = $(this);
var label = $option.text();
var value = $option.val();
if ($":selected")) {
var $li = $('<li value="' + value + '">' + label + '</li>').appendTo($ul).bind("click", function() {
if ($option.index() == $(this).index()) {
$option.attr("selected", "selected");
if (options.autoClose) {
if ($":selected")) {
if (!$select.attr("disabled")) {
var $j = 0;
$span.bind("click", function() {
if ($":visible")) {
} else {
$(".fancyselect").each(function() {
if ($j == 0) $ul.tinyScrollbar();
} else {
$(document).bind("keyup keydown keypress", function(event) {
$(".fancyselect").each(function() {
var $ul = $(this).find("ul");
if ($":visible")) {
var keycode = parseInt((event.keyCode ? event.keyCode : event.which));
if(keycode >= 48 && keycode <= 90){
$ul.find("li").each(function() {
if ($(this).text().substr(0, 1) == String.fromCharCode(event.keyCode)) {
} else if (keycode == 13) {
And this is the code for the binding:
$(".downloads-series-sort select").trigger("change", load_downloads);

JavaScript Smooth Scroll not working on iPhone

For some reason, this doesn't work on the iPhone and some other mobile devices. This code makes it where when you click on a link such as..
About Section will smooth scroll to the id of "about". How can I fix this issue?
I am currently using this on
$(document).ready(function() {
function filterPath(string) {
return string
var locationPath = filterPath(location.pathname);
var scrollElem = scrollableElement('html', 'body');
$('a[href*=#]').each(function() {
var thisPath = filterPath(this.pathname) || locationPath;
if ( locationPath == thisPath
&& (location.hostname == this.hostname || !this.hostname)
&& this.hash.replace(/#/,'') ) {
var $target = $(this.hash), target = this.hash;
if (target) {
var targetOffset = $target.offset().top;
$(this).click(function(event) {
$(scrollElem).animate({scrollTop: targetOffset}, 400, function() {
location.hash = target;
function scrollableElement(els) {
for (var i = 0, argLength = arguments.length; i <argLength; i++) {
var el = arguments[i],
$scrollElement = $(el);
if ($scrollElement.scrollTop()> 0) {
return el;
} else {
var isScrollable = $scrollElement.scrollTop()> 0;
if (isScrollable) {
return el;
return [];

