Automate php script using javasctipt - javascript

What is the easiest way to automate php script to read 1000s of links in a file and produce output?
I have this php code to read links whether they're valid or not. Currently I copy/paste max 500 links in the urls.txt file each time and it produce results, my server do not handle more than that. I need to check 15-20K links.
$handle = fopen("urls.txt", "r");
if ($handle) {
while (($line = fgets($handle)) !== false) {
$link = trim($line);
$isValid = CheckLinks($link);
echo "$link". "<br>";
echo "";
} else {
echo "Could not read urls.txt";
function CheckLinks($link) {
$url = $link;
$extpage = file_get_contents($url);
$notValid = strpos($extpage,"This page doesn't exists.");
return !$notValid;
What should be added to it to check this amount of links?
Edit: I want it to read 400-500 lines and give output and then next 500 lines and so on.
I'm newbie so forgive me if I ask too much.

You can put the script to sleep after each check:
while (($line = fgets($handle)) !== false) {
$link = trim($line);
$isValid = CheckLinks($link);
echo "$link<br>";
} else {
echo "";
sleep(1); // add this line
If 1 second sleep for each iteration is too much, you could use a counter which you increment up to the number of checks you want to perform, then sleep some seconds and reset the counter.
Lastly, if time limit is a problem, you can use set_time_limit(0) to remove the limit altogether.


Javascript in functions.php

I cant seem to get the following code to work;
function add_js_functions(){
$gpls_woo_rfq_cart =
gpls_woo_rfq_get_item(gpls_woo_rfq_cart_tran_key() . '_' . 'gpls_woo_rfq_cart');
$count = count($gpls_woo_rfq_cart);
$count = 0;
<script type="text/javascript">
var getQuoteIcon = document.getElementsByClassName("icon-account");
if(1 != 0) {
getQuoteIcon[0].style.display = "none";
<?php }
The php above the script stores a variable from the quote form on the number of items in the form.
I tried the javascript by itself and its seemed to work but its not working in the functions file.
At the moment im using (1 != 0) to make sure its true and to hide the item so I know the JS works, what will happen afterwards is this will become;
if (<?php $count != 0 ?>) {
//rest of the JS here
So that when the page loads, if the form is empty of items then this icon will be hidden (it starts off as inline-block and i dont know how to change this).
I think you want your php to be <?php echo $count != 0 ?>.
Your PHP is executed server-side, and Javascript client side, the two don't communicate by passing variables between the two. In order to get your PHP variable into your Javascript, you need to echo it.
It looks like you are loading the JS too soon and the element you are targeting isn't available yet.
Use add_action('wp_footer') to load the JS in the footer.
function add_js_functions(){
$gpls_woo_rfq_cart =
gpls_woo_rfq_get_item(gpls_woo_rfq_cart_tran_key() . '_' . 'gpls_woo_rfq_cart');
$count = count($gpls_woo_rfq_cart);
$count = 0;
<script type="text/javascript">
var getQuoteIcon = document.getElementsByClassName("icon-account");
if(1 != 0) {
getQuoteIcon[0].style.display = "none";
<?php }

php... inserting (appending) a record into a semicolon table using a text file?

I am using a text file with a semicolon table inside... I have learned how to grab my data. Specifically grab whatever columns I need...
if ($statfile=='')
$temps = array();
$brdhover = array();
if (($handle = fopen($statfile, "r")) !== FALSE)
while (($data = fgetcsv($handle, 1000, ";")) !== FALSE)
if(substr(trim($data[0]), 0, 3) == 'BRD')
$board = trim($data[0]); // get the index (e.g "BRD 0") & strip leading or trailing blanks
$temp = trim($data[10]); // the tempreture data is the 10th field; trim that also, to be safe.
$temps[ $board ] = $temp;
$brdhover[ $board ] = $data[11]; // Field 11 is the "hover" text; don't trim that for now...
But inserting is more difficult and all I can come up with is inserting a record into one text file...
$companyfile = "data/company.txt";
if (isset($_POST['company']))
$newData = nl2br(htmlspecialchars($_POST['company']));
$handle = fopen($companyfile, "w");
fwrite($handle, $newData);
// ----------------------------
if (file_exists($companyfile)) {
$companyData = file_get_contents($companyfile);
How do I combine these two functions so I can insert and append messages using the html form? In this case I have a semicolon table with one column. Any help is appreciated.
Instead of fopen(), fwrite(), fclose() Use can use the wrapper function file_put_contents with FILE_APPEND flag as show here
file_put_contents($file, $content, FILE_APPEND);

PHP redirect after form processing

I've been staring at code too long however when I used a simple script to save a form with:
header('Location: http:/');
at the end the page redirected back to itself just fine, however now I have a longer script here I can't quite figure out where or how to code my redirect:
$directory = 'users/'.$_SESSION['username'].'/';
//here you can even check if user selected 'Delete' option:
if($_POST['Action'] == "DELETE"){
$file_to_delete = $_POST['CodeList'];
echo $file_to_delete." deleted.";
echo "Error deleting file ".$file_to_delete;
if($_POST['Action'] == "SAVE"){
// If a session already exists, this doesn't have any effect.
// Sets the current directory to the directory this script is running in
// Breakpoint
if( empty($_SESSION['username']) || $_SESSION['username'] == '' ) echo 'There is no session username';
if( empty($_POST['CodeDescription']) || $_POST['CodeDescription'] == '' ) echo 'There is no POST desired filename';
// This is assuming we are working from the current directory that is running this PHP file.
$USER_DIRECTORY = 'users/'.$_SESSION['username'];
// Makes the directory if it doesn't exist
// Put together the full path of the file we want to create
$FILENAME = $USER_DIRECTORY.'/'.$_POST['CodeDescription'].'.txt';
if( !is_file( $FILENAME ) ):
// Open the text file, write the contents, and close it.
file_put_contents($FILENAME, $_POST['Code']);
may be you should use querystring variable while redirecting.
if($_POST['Action'] == "DELETE") {
$file_to_delete = $_POST['CodeList'];
if(unlink($directory.'/'.$file_to_delete)) {
header('Location: http:/'.$file_to_delete);
} else {
header('Location: http:/ file='.$file_to_delete);
In codesaveindex.php:
if(isset($_GET['deleted'])&& $_GET['deleted']==1) {
echo $file_to_delete." deleted.";
} elseif(isset($_GET['deleted'])&& $_GET['deleted']==0) {
echo "Error deleting file ".$file_to_delete;
You can't redirect if the page after html has been outputted.
You need to either use output buffering or redirect using javascript,
or organise it so that the redirect happens before the html is shown.
i have a class written for such thing, should be very easy to use class.route.php
simply do this where you want to redirect: route::redirect('page', http_status);

CountDown Timer Before Redirect In Pure PHP

I am using a pure JavaScript count down timer that I shared below to redirect to a URL after some time and show the left time to visitor also.
DEMO: JSFiddle
<form name="redirect" id="redirect">
You Will Be Redirected To Next Page After <input size="1" name="redirect2" id="counter"></input>Seconds.
<script type="text/javascript">
var countdownfrom=5
var currentsecond=document.redirect.redirect2.value=countdownfrom+1
function countredirect(){
if (currentsecond!=0){
function showIt() {
window.location.href = "";
Now I want the same function and features and work in pure PHP as you know that many old mobile browsers still does't not support JavaScript and many are using JavaScript blocker. So Is this possible to do the same in Pure PHP, no <script> tags.
I know the below codes but I want a count down timer too to show to the visitor.
<?php header('Refresh: 5; URL='); ?>
<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="5;url=">
This can't be done only with php you will need to use jquery or javascript with it. PHP is a server side scripting language you have to use client side language for this task.
For redirecting purpose Just use header() function in php to redirect the php file in some time.Your code should look like this
header( "refresh:5;url=" );
Hope this helps you...
Well if you want some output, you can't use header(). Alternatively, you could do something like this:
echo "<pre>";
echo "Loading ...";
$x = 0;
while($x <= 4) {
echo '<br/>'. $x;
echo '<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="0;url=">';
PHP is a server-side language. You cannot control how the browser behaves from PHP without some quite complex setup. And even that, you cannot guarantee the behaviour of showing a countdown without JavaScript. For browsers who restrict JavaScript execution, the Refresh header will work just fine. However, for those having JavaScript enabled (which is the majority of browsers nowadays, desktop and mobile alike), a simple header will not give any UI feedback and is frustrating for users who expect responsive applications and web pages.
For this reason, JavaScript can be added, if available, to enhance the automatic, delayed, redirection and give the user some feedback of what's going on. Those with JavaScript disabled will just see a static page, telling them that the page will be redirected, and how long they have to wait for it.
$redirectTimeout = 5; // seconds
header('Refresh:' . $redirectTimeout . ';url=');
// ...
// inside your <head>, add this
echo '<meta http-equiv="refresh" ' .
'content="' . $redirectTimeout . ';url=">';
// ...
// inside your <body>, add this (or something similar)
echo '<div>' .
'You will be redirected to next page after ' .
'<span id="redirectCountdownLabel">' .
$redirectTimeout .
'</span> seconds' .
// ...
// add JS below
For this part, I recommend you use jQuery. It will not only write safer and cross-browser JS, it will also make your code smaller and prettier. This part can be put anywhere in your HTML, or inside a .js file that you add with a <script> tag. For convenience, you can even add jQuery using a CDN.
!function() {
$(function () {
var meta = $('head meta[http-equiv="refresh"]');
var label = $('#redirectCountdownLabel');
var loadTime;
var refreshTimeout;
if (meta.length && label.length) {
loadTime = window.performance.timing.domComplete;
refreshTimeout = parseInt(meta.attr('content'), 10); // seconds
new Timer(refreshTimeout * 1000, loadTime).start(200, function (elapsed) {
// "elapsed" ms / 1000 = sec
label.text(refreshTimeout - parseInt(elapsed / 1000));
function Timer(maxTime, startTime) {
var timeout;
var callback;
startTime = startTime ||;
function nextTimer(delay) {
timeout = setTimeout(function () {
var curTime =;
var elapsedTime = curTime - startTime;
if (elapsedTime < maxTime) {
}, delay);
this.start = function start(ms, cb) {
callback = cb;
this.stop = function stop() {
if (timeout) {
(Note: here's a jsfiddle of the Timer class.)
scusate per prima, ho postato male, sono ali inizi, sorry
echo "<pre>";
echo "Loading ...";
$x = 21;
while($x >= 1) {
echo '<br/>'. $x;
echo '<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="0;url=">';
To do the countdown, so it seems to work or am I wrong?
echo "Loading ...";
$x = 21;
while($x >= 1) {
echo '<br/>'. $x;
echo '<meta http-equiv="refresh"content="0;url=">';

javascript and use php conditioning

First problem
I want to use variable don_settings[don_btn_act] (=checkbox) to define a button action.
IF don_settings[don_btn_act] IS on
THEN -> load checkout
ELSE -> page reload
don_settings[don_btn_act] is definded and it is modified well, so i can turn it on or off. The problem is that I should use it in javascript.
What I have so far:
function reloadpage(){
<?php if(isset($don_config['don_btn_act']) && $don_config['don_btn_act'] =='on') { ?>
window.location.href = 'index.php?route=dcheckout/checkout';
<?php } else { ?>
<?php } ?>
It is always executing the window.location.reload() function.
Second problem
in the same way i have the variable don_settings[min_amount]. I use it to define the minimum amount of input.
it is defined in php like the previous varible.
But i should use it in javascript part of tpl file, too.
What I have so far:
function validation(){
if(jQuery('#opton').val() == ''){
alert("<?php echo $drop_empty_msg; ?>");
return false;
else if(jQuery('#don_amount').val() == '' || jQuery('#don_amount').val() == '0'){
alert("<?php echo $amount_empty; ?>");
return false;
return true;
i use
|| jQuery('#don_amount').val() <= "<?php $don_settings[min_amount]; ?>"
insteed of
|| jQuery('#don_amount').val() == '0'
but it returns false every time
Sorry, I couldn't understand your problem or your intensions. Try correcting your misspelling, your grammar and please take care of beautiful formatted code!
Nonetheless i have some recommendations for writing maintainable code.
Your problem (#1)
If your browser is always executing the window.location.reload(), the problem does not refer to your javascript. It is your server side code which fails. Your following condition seems to be false:
<?php if(isset($don_config['don_btn_act']) && $don_config['don_btn_act'] =='on') { ?>
Don't mix your javascript and php up
First of all, compute your necessary values/conditions:
(Preferably into a seperated file)
$condition = isset($don_config['don_btn_act']) && $don_config['don_btn_act'] =='on';
Now, you can use it very comfortable and clearly:
function reloadpage() {
var condition = '<?php echo $condition; ?>';
if (condition)
window.location.href = 'index.php?route=dcheckout/checkout';
There are lots of big advantages not to mess up your code.
Also be careful ...
... while injecting code through php to the markup/javascript. Don't offer potential attackers new security holes!

