element.val() returning previous value - javascript

Here is my problem
I am trying to create a button that calls a directive function which then activates the google place 'place_changed' event that is assigned to the directive. If the getPlace() function doesn't return a result e.g. var result = scope.gPlace.getPlace(); then I want force a place prediction by doing the following.
if( result === undefined ) {
result = { name: element.val() }
however the problem is that this code will work when the page is first loaded but subsequent attempts will assign the var result to the previous text that was entered. e.g. Type "Adelaide" and click on the button equals successful process however now type melbourne and click on the button will still equal "Adelaide"
'use strict';
angular.module( "ngAutocomplete", [])
.directive('ngAutocomplete', function() {
return {
require: 'ngModel',
scope: {
ngModel: '=',
options: '=?',
details: '=?',
setFn: '&'
link: function(scope, element, attrs, controller) {
//options for autocomplete
var opts
var watchEnter = false
//convert options provided to opts
var initOpts = function() {
opts = {}
if (scope.options) {
if (scope.options.watchEnter !== true) {
watchEnter = false
} else {
watchEnter = true
if (scope.options.types) {
opts.types = []
} else {
if (scope.options.bounds) {
opts.bounds = scope.options.bounds
} else {
if (scope.options.country) {
opts.componentRestrictions = {
country: scope.options.country
} else {
if (scope.gPlace == undefined) {
scope.gPlace = new google.maps.places.Autocomplete(element[0], {});
google.maps.event.addListener(scope.gPlace, 'place_changed', function() {
var result = scope.gPlace.getPlace();
//hack to make sure we have an object to pass to ensure we can get results from the called function activateGetPlace
if( result === undefined ) {
result = { name: element.val() }
console.log("the result", result);
if (result !== undefined) {
if (result.address_components !== undefined) {
scope.$apply(function() {
scope.details = result;
else {
if (watchEnter) {
//function to get retrieve the autocompletes first result using the AutocompleteService
var getPlace = function(result) {
var autocompleteService = new google.maps.places.AutocompleteService();
if (result.name.length > 0){
input: result.name,
offset: result.name.length,
types: opts.types,
componentRestrictions: opts.componentRestrictions
function listentoresult(list, status) {
if(list == null || list.length == 0) {
scope.$apply(function() {
scope.details = null;
} else {
var placesService = new google.maps.places.PlacesService(element[0]);
{'reference': list[0].reference},
function detailsresult(detailsResult, placesServiceStatus) {
if (placesServiceStatus == google.maps.GeocoderStatus.OK) {
scope.$apply(function() {
scope.details = detailsResult;
//on focusout the value reverts, need to set it again.
var watchFocusOut = element.on('focusout', function(event) {
controller.$render = function () {
var location = controller.$viewValue;
//watch options provided to directive
scope.watchOptions = function () {
return scope.options
scope.$watch(scope.watchOptions, function () {
}, true);
scope.activateGetPlace = function() {
google.maps.event.trigger(scope.gPlace, 'place_changed');
scope.setFn({theDirFn: scope.activateGetPlace});
var mechanicsearch = angular.module('mechanicsearch', ['ngRoute','ngResource','ngAutocomplete']),
radiusOptions = [];
mechanicsearch.run(function($rootScope) {
$rootScope.$on('handleActiveJobsPanel', function(event, args) {
$rootScope.$broadcast('activateJobsPanel', args);
$rootScope.$on('handleActiveFinalise', function(event, args) {
$rootScope.$broadcast('activateFinalisePanel', args);
$rootScope.$on('handleActiveSearch', function(event, args) {
$rootScope.$broadcast('activateSearchPanel', args);
mechanicsearch.filter('htmlToPlaintext', function() {
return function(text) {
return text ? String(text).replace(/<[^>]+>/gm, '') : '';
// mechFactory service
mechanicsearch.factory('mechFactory', function($resource,$window) {
var mechanics = [];
var jobs = [];
var addMechanic = function(mechanic){
var getAllMechanics = function(){
return mechanics;
var removeAllMechanics = function() {
mechanics = [];
var addJob = function(job) {
var getAllJobs = function() {
return jobs;
var removeAllJobs = function() {
jobs = [];
return {
getMechanics: function(location,radius) {
return $resource('/ajax/api.cfm?api=mechanic&function=getMechanicByLocation&lat=:lat&lng=:lng&radius=:radius' ).get({lat:location.lat,lng:location.lng,radius:radius});
getJobs: function() {
return $resource('/ajax/api.cfm?api=job&function=getJobsAssignedtoWorkshop' ).get();
sendMechanicsJobNotifications: function(mechanics, jobs) {
return $resource('/ajax/api.cfm?api=job&function=sendMechanicsJobNotifications&mechanics=:mechanics&jobs=:jobs' ).get({mechanics:mechanics.toString(),jobs:jobs.toString()});
addMechanic: addMechanic,
removeAllMechanics: removeAllMechanics,
getAllMechanics: getAllMechanics,
addJob: addJob,
removeAllJobs: removeAllJobs,
getAllJobs: getAllJobs
mechanicsearch.controller('SearchCtrl', ['$timeout', '$scope', '$window', '$location', '$routeParams', 'filterFilter', 'mechFactory', '$resource', '$element',
function ($timeout, $scope, $window, $location, $routeParams, filterFilter, mechFactory, $resource, $element) {
$scope.place = {};
$scope.place.address = null;
$scope.place.lat = null;
$scope.place.lng = null;
$scope.radius = 25;
$scope.mechanics = [];
$scope.selection = [];
$scope.alert = null;
$scope.showSearchPanel = true;
//Helper method to get selected mechanics
$scope.selectedMechanics = function selectedMechanics() {
filterFilter($scope.mechanics, { selected: true })
//allow mechanic checkbox to select/deselect on click
$scope.toggleMechanicSelect = function(mechanic) {
mechanic.selected = !mechanic.selected;
$scope.goToJobListing = function() {
$scope.showSearchPanel = false;
for( var i in $scope.selection ) {
// watch mechanics for changes
$scope.$watch('mechanics|filter:{selected:true}', function (nv) {
$scope.selection = nv.map(function (mechanic) {
return mechanic.objectid;
}, true);
//watch the returning google autocomplete details object
$scope.$watch('details', function() {
if( $scope.details !== undefined && $scope.details !== null ) {
$scope.place.address = $scope.details.formatted_address;
$scope.place.lat = $scope.details.geometry.location.lat();
$scope.place.lng = $scope.details.geometry.location.lng();
// watch the $scope.place data for changes
$scope.$watchCollection('place', function() {
if( $scope.place.lat !== null || $scope.place.lng !== null ) {
$scope.$watch('radius', function() {
if( Number.isInteger(parseInt($scope.radius)) ){
$scope.setDirectiveFn = function(directiveFn) {
$scope.directiveFn = directiveFn;
$scope.getMechanics = function() {
mechFactory.getMechanics($scope.place, $scope.radius).$promise.then(
function successfulResult (mechanicsData) {
if (!mechanicsData || !mechanicsData.data.length){
$scope.alert = 'Sorry, no mechanic found in "' + $scope.place.address + '" with radius of ' + $scope.radius + '.';
$scope.mechanics = [];
$scope.selection = [];
} else {
$scope.alert = mechanicsData.data.length + ' mechanic(s) found in "' + $scope.place.address + '" with radius of ' + $scope.radius + ' km.';
$scope.mechanics = mechanicsData.data;
$scope.selection = [];
}, function failedResult (err) {
$scope.alert = err.message;
//display panel once we have recieved the event
$scope.$on('activateSearchPanel', function(event, args) {
$scope.mechanics = [];
$scope.selection = [];
$scope.alert = null;
$scope.showSearchPanel = true;
$scope.place = {};
$scope.radius = 25;
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.10.1/jquery.min.js"></script>
<script src="//ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/angularjs/1.5.3/angular.min.js"></script>
<script src="//ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/angularjs/1.5.3/angular-route.min.js"></script>
<script src="//ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/angularjs/1.5.3/angular-resource.min.js"></script>
<script src="https://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/js?key=AIzaSyCmN0htBqG3DGo04KKKzC9srgIrhP0Dq5o&libraries=places"></script>
<div id="mechanicsearch" data-ng-app="mechanicsearch">
<div data-ng-controller="SearchCtrl" ng-show="showSearchPanel">
<aside class="workshopsearch" >
<form method="post" class="form-inline" role="form">
<div class="row">
<div class="col-sm-6 form-group input-group-lg">
<input type="text" id="geoSearch" ng-model="autocomplete" class="form-control" ng-autocomplete options="{ types: 'geocode', country: 'au', watchEnter: true }" details="details" set-fn="setDirectiveFn(theDirFn)" />
<div class="col-sm-6 input-group input-group-lg">
<input type="text" class="form-control" name="radius" id="radius" placeholder="Radius" data-ng-model="radius">
<span class="input-group-btn"><button class="btn btn-go" ng-click="directiveFn()">Go</button</span>

Why are you using element.val() when you have an ngModel bound to the input? Why not use scope.ngModel instead?


Angular JS dual input Directive UpDate View Value

Hi I have a situation here,
I have created a dual input directive. Can you please help to in the below scenario.
When I change the model value via controller to undefined, the view values are not cleared. Here is the Codes,
My Dual Input Directive is as follows,
.directive('dualInput', function($timeout, inputValidationService) {
return {
restrict: 'E',
templateUrl: 'app/partials/common/doubleInput.html',
scope: {
modelValue: '=',
size: '#',
fieldError: '#',
blurFn: '&loseFocus'
link: function postLink(scope, element, attrs, ctrl) {
scope.leftFocused = false;
scope.rightFocused = false;
scope.$watch('left', function(newVal, oldVal) {
if (newVal!==oldVal) {
var tmp = (newVal) ? inputValidationService.formatNumber(newVal+'') : '';
scope.modelValue = tmp + '|'+ scope.getOtherValue(scope.right);
scope.$watch('right', function(newVal, oldVal) {
if (newVal!==oldVal) {
var tmp = (newVal) ? inputValidationService.formatNumber(newVal+'') : '';
scope.modelValue = scope.getOtherValue(scope.left) + '|' + tmp;
scope.getOtherValue = function(value) {
return (value && value!=='') ? inputValidationService.formatNumber(value+'') : '';
//will set the value initially
$timeout(function() {
if (!scope.modelValue || scope.modelValue===null) {
scope.modelValue = '';
if (scope.modelValue!=='') {
var splitIndex = scope.modelValue.indexOf('|');
if (splitIndex>=0) {
var values = scope.modelValue.split('|');
scope.left = values[0];
scope.right = values[1];
} else {
scope.left = scope.modelValue;
Below functions will add on-blur (lose focus) support to both fields.
scope.focusLeft = function() {
scope.leftFocused = true;
scope.blurLeft = function() {
scope.leftFocused = false;
$timeout(function() {
if (!scope.rightFocused) {
}, 100);
scope.focusRight = function() {
scope.rightFocused = true;
scope.blurRight = function() {
scope.rightFocused = false;
$timeout(function() {
if (!scope.leftFocused) {
}, 100);
The HTML Piece of code is as follows,
<dual-input model-value="dualInput[$index]" ng-switch-when="DUAL_NUMBER" size="{{q.length}}"
field-error="{{q.invalid || (nextClicked && !validateGeneralQuestion(acc.memberId, q))}}" id="{{'gQDual'+$index}}"
lose-focus="saveGeneralAnswer(acc.memberId, q)"></dual-input>
In My Controller when I set the scope value to undefined or null, the entered values in the view is not cleared. Please help me here what I should do to clear this value
The directive itself has got the auto initialize feature. So I had to re render the directive whenever I wanted to reinitialize.
If you want to explicitly update user ctrl.$setViewvalue = ""

Cursor pointer moves to first position onclick textarea using CK-Editor

I am using CK-Editor 4. In which I have created Directive. When I click on Textarea my cursor pointer is Move to First position. I want my cursor position should be available when I click in any of the Place inside Textarea. It should not be able to move first or last position until I click on last position.
vpb.directive('ckeInline', function ($timeout, $parse, $rootScope,$) {
return {
require: "ngModel",
link: function (scope, element, attrs, ngModel) {
if (attrs.ckeInlineShowtitle) ngModel = "";
isMobile = $(".ipad, .ipod, .android").length > 0;
var destroy_this_editor = function(id)
setTimeout(function () {
} catch (ex) {
if (!isMobile) {
var create_and_focus = function () {
if (scope.setup.edit_mode || attrs.ckeNonEditMode) {
attrs.$set('contenteditable', true);
var a_id = attrs.ckeInlineId;
var menu_selector = attrs.ckeInlineMenu;
//get editor
//create editor if doesn't exist
var e = CKEDITOR.instances[a_id];
if (!e) {
element.menu = $(menu_selector);
//set up behavior for menu
uif.wire_up_menu(element, scope);
//hide all menu bars
//create editor
var config = {
toolbar: "More",
on: {
'blur': function () {
save_editor_content(function () {
'focusout': function () {
save_editor_content(function () {
'focus': function () {
//show the current menu
//fix menu width
'instanceReady': function (event,element) {
//----------------I think,Here i want logic to set caret sign or set mouse
//pointer to appropriate place
// event.editor.focus();
// element.focus();
if (attrs.ckeInlineToolbar) {
config.toolbar = attrs.ckeInlineToolbar;
var editor = CKEDITOR.inline(a_id, config);
if (attrs.ckeInlineOnInit) {
uif.apply_scope($rootScope, $parse(attrs.ckeInlineOnInit));
} else
attrs.$set('contenteditable', false);
element.click(function () {
if (attrs.ckeInlineFocusWatch) {
scope.$watch(function () {
return $parse(attrs.ckeInlineFocusWatch);
}, function () {
if (attrs.ckeInlineFocusCondition == undefined || $parse(attrs.ckeInlineFocusCondition)() == true) {
var saving = false;
var save_editor_content = function (cb) {
if (!saving)
saving = true;
var a_id = attrs.ckeInlineId;
if (a_id) {
var editor = CKEDITOR.instances[a_id];
if (editor) {
var menu_selector = attrs.ckeInlineMenu;
//attrs.$set('contenteditable', false);
var newValue = editor.getData().replace(/ /, ' ');
if (ngModel.$modelValue != newValue) {
if (attrs.ckeInlineBlurBool) {
$parse(attrs.ckeInlineBlurBool).assign($rootScope, false);
if (attrs.ckeInlineSave) {
uif.apply_scope(scope, $parse(attrs.ckeInlineSave));
$timeout(function () {
saving = false;
if (cb) cb();
}, 1100)
} else
saving = false;
$rootScope.setup.blcok_edits = false;
$rootScope.setup.block_all_editors = false;
if (cb) cb();
saving = false;
} else if (attrs.ckeNonEditMode) {
attrs.$set('contenteditable', true);
element.blur(function () {
ngModel.$setViewValue(element.html().replace(/ /, ' '));
if (attrs.ckeInlineSave) {
uif.apply_scope(scope, $parse(attrs.ckeInlineSave));

jasmine test cases for the anonymous function

I need a jasmine code changes, but I have to complete set of jasmine for the anonymous function. I am new to this. I tried but, I'm not able to achieve fully. Please help me.
Html file
<div ng-class="{ 'mainPassdownFont mainPassdownNoteLayout noteEditBackground': isBeingEdited(note), 'mainPassdownFont mainPassdownNoteLayout': isNotBeingEdited(note) }" >
<textarea ng-attr-id="{{ 'note-' + note.PassdownNoteID }}" ng-show="isBeingEdited(note)" class="mainPassdownFont passdownTextAreaLayout">{{ note.NoteText }}</textarea>
<div ng-hide="isBeingEdited(note)" class="mainPassdownFont passdownTextAreaLayout">
<pre class="notePre">{{ note.NoteText }}</pre>
<input class="passdownNoteInlineCheckbox" ng-attr-id="{{ 'checkbox-' + note.PassdownNoteID }}" ng-model="cbModel" ng-change="checkBoxChanged(note)" ng-checked="isClaimed(note)" type="checkbox" name="notesCheckbox" value="notesCheckbox">
<div ng-show="isClaimed(note)" class="downArrowIcon passdownNoteDownArrowLayout" ></div>
<div ng-show="isClaimed(note)" class="passdownAnnotationFont claimTextContainerLayout" >
<p class="claimNameLayout">{{ note.Created.By.Text }}</p>
<p class="claimDateLayout">{{ note.Created.Date.Local | date : 'MMM d, y h:mm a' }}</p>
<div ng-hide="isClaimed(note)" ng-click="claimNote(note)" class="passdownAnnotationFont claimClickTextContainerLayout" >
<p class="claimNameLayout">Click to Claim</p>
<div class="passdownAnnotationFont authorTextContainerLayout" >
<p class="claimNameLayout">{{ note.LastModified.By.Text }}</p>
<p class="claimDateLayout">{{ note.LastModified.Date.Local | date : 'MMM d, y h:mm a' }}</p>
<div class="actionIconContainerLayout" >
<div class="deleteIcon inlineActionIconLayout" ng-click="deleteNote(note)"></div>
<div class="editIcon inlineActionIconLayout" ng-click="editNote(note)"></div>
<div class="addIcon inlineActionIconLayout" ng-click="addSubNote(note)"></div>
<div class="btnforpassdownTextAreaLayout">
<button ng-attr-id="{{ 'btn-' + note.PassdownNoteID }}" type="button" class="btn btnpassdownTextAreaLayout" ng-show="isBeingEdited(note)" ng-click="completeEdit(note)">Save</button>
<button ng-attr-id="{{ 'btn-' + note.PassdownNoteID }}" type="button" class="btn btnpassdownTextAreaLayout" ng-show="isBeingEdited(note)" ng-click="cancelEdit(note)">Cancel</button>
</div> </div>
js changes
['$rootScope', '$scope', '$http', '$resource', '$location', 'PassdownNotesData','$window', 'userService',
function($rootScope, $scope, $http, $resource, $location, PassdownNotesData, $window, userService) { $scope.passdownNotesData={ "reviewedDateUtc" : "01-01-2000T15:00", "results": [] };
$scope.reviewDate = null;
$scope.indexBeingEdited = -1;
$scope.inputfocus = false;
$scope.filterText = "";
// Go get trips from the server via an http Get Call. If successful, assign the response to
// $scope.tripData. If errors occur, assign them to the tripData for the UI to look for
// and provide the user some possible action.
$scope.passdownNotesData = PassdownNotesData.getData();
if ($scope.passdownNotesData.results.length == 0) {
.then(function(result) {
$scope.passdownNotesData = result;
$scope.reviewDate = parseBoldIQDate(result.reviewedDateUtc); //error
}, function(error) {
alert('Error getting Passdown Notes data in controller');
} else {
//$scope.selectedRequestIndex = 0;
//$scope.selectedRequest = $scope.controllerRequestList.requestList[0];
parseBoldIQDate = function(dateStr) {
var newDate = new Date();
newDate.setUTCMonth(Number(dateStr.substr(0,2)) - 1);
return newDate;
$scope.noteState = function (cat, checkOpen) {
var containerName = cat + 'ContainerDiv';
var containerElement = document.getElementById(containerName);
if (containerElement != null) {
var isOpen = false;
if (containerElement.style.display == "block") {
isOpen = true;
return (isOpen == checkOpen);
return false;
getMaxNoteId = function() {
// create a new note structure, add it to the list, persist it, and put it in edit mode
var maxNoteId = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < $scope.passdownNotesData.results.length; i++ ) {
if ($scope.passdownNotesData.results[i].PassdownNoteID >= maxNoteId) {
maxNoteId = $scope.passdownNotesData.results[i].PassdownNoteID;
for (var j = 0; j < $scope.passdownNotesData.results[i].SubNotes.length; j++ ) {
if ($scope.passdownNotesData.results[i].SubNotes[j].PassdownNoteID >= maxNoteId) {
maxNoteId = $scope.passdownNotesData.results[i].SubNotes[j].PassdownNoteID;
return maxNoteId;
$scope.addNote = function(cat, event) {
// create a new note structure, add it to the list (local and global), persist it, and put it in edit mode
// create new note
var currentDate = new Date();
var newNote = new Object();
newNote.PassdownNoteID = getMaxNoteId() + 1;
newNote.Category = new Object();
newNote.Category.Text = cat;
newNote.NoteText = "Default Note Text";
newNote.Created = new Object();
// newNote.Created.ClaimStatus = "false";
newNote.Created.By = new Object();
newNote.Created.By.ID = 0;
newNote.Created.By.Text = "N/A";
newNote.Created.Date = new Object();
newNote.Created.Date.Utc = createBoldIQDate(currentDate);
newNote.Created.Date.Local = currentDate;
newNote.LastModified = new Object();
newNote.LastModified.By = new Object();
newNote.LastModified.By.ID = 17;
newNote.LastModified.By.Text = userService.getUser();
newNote.LastModified.Date = new Object();
newNote.LastModified.Date.Utc = createBoldIQDate(currentDate);
newNote.LastModified.Date.Local = currentDate;
newNote.SubNotes = new Array();
// Add it to local and global lists
//$scope.passdownNotesData.results[$scope.passdownNotesData.results.length] = newNote;
var dataCopy = PassdownNotesData.getData();
dataCopy.results[dataCopy.results.length] = newNote;
// Persist the updated data to the server
// Put the display in Edit mode
$scope.indexBeingEdited = newNote.Id;
$scope.getNumUnclaimedForCategory = function(cat) {
var numUnclaimed = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < $scope.passdownNotesData.results.length; i++ ) {
if ($scope.passdownNotesData.results[i].Category.Text == cat) {
// If the main part of the note was updated, add 1 and call it good.
if ($scope.passdownNotesData.results[i].IsActive == "false") {
return numUnclaimed;
$scope.checkBoxChanged = function(note) {
var elementStr = "checkbox-" + note.PassdownNoteID;
var checkboxElement = document.getElementById(elementStr);
var val = checkboxElement.checked;
if (val == false) {
// Here we will unclaim the note
var dataCopy = PassdownNotesData.getDatacompleteSubNoteEdit();
// Update the real data 'and' our local scope copy, and write the real stuff back to the server
for (var i = 0; i < dataCopy.results.length; i++) {
if (note.PassdownNoteID == dataCopy.results[i].PassdownNoteID) {
console.log("inside here ", note.PassdownNoteID);
dataCopy.results[i].IsActive = "false";
//Update our local copy
$scope.passdownNotesData.results[i].IsActive = "false";
PassdownNotesData.writeUpdatesToServer(dataCopy); // $scope.passdownNotesData);
} else {
$scope.editSubNote = function(subNote) {
$scope.indexBeingEdited = subNote.PassdownNoteID;
var elementStr = "subNote-" + subNote.PassdownNoteID;
var textAreaElement = document.getElementById(elementStr);
$scope.subNotesText = textAreaElement.value;
$scope.isClaimed = function(note) {
if (note.isActive == "true") {
return true;
} else {
return false;
$scope.claimNote = function(note) {
var dataCopy = PassdownNotesData.getData();
// Update the real data 'and' our local scope copy, and write the real stuff back to the server
for (var i = 0; i < dataCopy.results.length; i++) {
if (note.PassdownNoteID == dataCopy.results[i].PassdownNoteID) {
dataCopy.results[i].isActive = "true";
dataCopy.results[i].Created.By.ID = 17;
dataCopy.results[i].Created.By.Text = $scope.loggedInUser;
var currentDate = new Date();
dataCopy.results[i].Created.Date.Utc = createBoldIQDate(currentDate);
dataCopy.results[i].Created.Date.Local = currentDate;
$scope.passdownNotesData.results[i].Created.Date.Utc = dataCopy.results[i].Created.Date.Utc;
$scope.passdownNotesData.results[i].Created.Date.Local = currentDate;
PassdownNotesData.writeUpdatesToServer(dataCopy); // $scope.passdownNotesData);
createBoldIQDate = function(date) {
var monthStr = (date.getUTCMonth() + 1).toString();
if (monthStr.length == 1) {
monthStr = "0" + monthStr;
var dateStr = (date.getUTCDate()).toString();
if (dateStr.length == 1) {
dateStr = "0" + dateStr;
var yearStr = (date.getUTCFullYear()).toString();
var hoursStr = (date.getUTCHours()).toString();
if (hoursStr.length == 1) {
hoursStr = "0" + hoursStr;
var minutesStr = (date.getUTCMinutes()).toString();
if (minutesStr.length == 1) {
minutesStr = "0" + minutesStr;
var dateStr = monthStr + "-" + dateStr + "-" + yearStr + "T" + hoursStr + ":" + minutesStr;
return dateStr;
$scope.filterTrips = function(note) {
if (note.Category.Text == 'Trips') { return true; } else { return false; }
$scope.filterWeather = function(note) {
if (note.Category.Text == 'Weather') { return true; } else { return false; }
$scope.filterMaintenance = function(note) {
if (note.Category.Text == 'Maintenance') { return true; } else { return false; }
$scope.filterGeneral = function(note) {
if (note.Category.Text == 'General') { return true; } else { return false; }
$scope.toggleNotesContainer = function(cat, event) {
var containerName = cat + 'ContainerDiv';
var containerElement = document.getElementById(containerName);
if (containerElement != null) {
if (containerElement.style.display == 'none') {
containerElement.style.display = 'block';
if (cat == "Trips") {
var buttonElement = document.getElementById("passdownToggleHideShowButton");
buttonElement.innerHTML = "Hide All";
} else {
containerElement.style.display = 'none';
if (cat == "Trips") {
var buttonElement = document.getElementById("passdownToggleHideShowButton");
buttonElement.innerHTML = "Show All";
$scope.toggleHideShowPassdown = function() {
// We will use the Trips container as the indicator of whether to "open All" or "Close all"
// TODO - when we get time, we want to animate the open/close of these containers
var tripsContainerElement = document.getElementById('TripsContainerDiv');
if (tripsContainerElement != null) {
if (tripsContainerElement.style.display == 'none') {
// This means we need to open all the containers, and change the text on the button to
// "hide all"
var buttonElement = document.getElementById("passdownToggleHideShowButton");
buttonElement.innerHTML = "Hide All";
var weatherContainerElement = document.getElementById('WeatherContainerDiv');
var maintenanceContainerElement = document.getElementById('MaintenanceContainerDiv');
var GeneralContainerElement = document.getElementById('GeneralContainerDiv');
tripsContainerElement.style.display = 'block';
weatherContainerElement.style.display = 'block';
maintenanceContainerElement.style.display = 'block';
GeneralContainerElement.style.display = 'block';
} else {
// This means we need to close all the containers, and change the text on the button to
// "show all"
var buttonElement = document.getElementById("passdownToggleHideShowButton");
buttonElement.innerHTML = "Show All";
var weatherContainerElement = document.getElementById('WeatherContainerDiv');
var maintenanceContainerElement = document.getElementById('MaintenanceContainerDiv');
var GeneralContainerElement = document.getElementById('GeneralContainerDiv');
tripsContainerElement.style.display = 'none';
weatherContainerElement.style.display = 'none';
maintenanceContainerElement.style.display = 'none';
GeneralContainerElement.style.display = 'none';
var containerElement = document.getElementById("TripsContainerDiv");
containerElement.style.display = 'block';
containerElement = document.getElementById("WeatherContainerDiv");
containerElement.style.display = 'block';
containerElement = document.getElementById("MaintenanceContainerDiv");
containerElement.style.display = 'block';
containerElement = document.getElementById("GeneralContainerDiv");
containerElement.style.display = 'block';
$scope.gotoPassdownScreen = function () {
Jasmine js file..
describe('passdownnotes controller spec',function() {
var ctrlScope;
var rootScope;
var userServiceMock;
var PassdownNotesDataMock;
beforeEach(function() {
module('app'); // load jiops module
beforeEach(inject(function ($rootScope, $controller, $httpBackend, $q) {
ctrlScope = $rootScope.$new();
rootScope = $rootScope;
PassdownNotesDataMock = {
updatePassdownNotesData: function() {
var deferred = $q.defer();
return deferred.promise;
getData: function() {
return mockPassdownNotesData;
userServiceMock = {
getUser: function() {
var deferred = $q.defer();
return deferred.promise;
$controller('passdownCtrl', {
$scope: ctrlScope,
describe('passdownnotes controller',function() {
it('should have the correct initial configuration', function() {
var mockPassdownNotesData =
"Text":"Developer, Jeppesen"
"TzAbbrev":" MDT",
"Text":"Developer, Jeppesen"
"TzAbbrev":" MDT",
"NoteText":"test note3333",
"TzAbbrev":" MDT",
"Text":"Developer, Jeppesen"
"TzAbbrev":" MDT",
"Text":"Developer, Jeppesen"
"TzAbbrev":" MDT",
"NoteText":"sample sub note",
"Text":"Developer, Jeppesen"
"TzAbbrev":" MDT",
"Text":"Developer, Jeppesen"
"TzAbbrev":" MDT",
"NoteText":"Test Passdown Note",
"Text":"Button, Jenson"
"TzAbbrev":" MDT",
"Text":"Developer, Jeppesen"
"TzAbbrev":" MDT",
"Text":"Developer, Jeppesen"
"TzAbbrev":" MDT",
"NoteText":"Test of passdown subnote",
describe('Controller: passdownCtrl', function() {
var $rootScope,
// Mock required modules
PassdownNotesData = jasmine.createSpyObj('PassdownNotesData', ['getData']);
// Optionally if you want service return some data
// PassdownNotesData.getData.and.returnValue({
// anyProperty: anyValue
// });
$provide.value('PassdownNotesData', PassdownNotesData);
userService = jasmine.createSpyObj('userService', ['getUser']);
// Optionally if you want service return some data
// userService.getUser.and.returnValue({
// anyProperty: anyValue
// });
$provide.value('userService', userService);
beforeEach(angular.mock.inject(function(_$rootScope_, _$controller_, _$http_, _$resource_, _PassdownNotesData_, _$window_, _userService_){
$rootScope = _$rootScope_;
$scope = _$rootScope_.$new();
$controller = _$controller_;
$http = _$http_;
$resource = _$resource_;
PassdownNotesData = _PassdownNotesData_;
$window = _$window_;
userService = _userService_;
ctrl = $controller('passdownCtrl as ctrl', {
$rootScope: $rootScope,
$scope: $scope,
$http: $http,
$resource: $resource,
PassdownNotesData: PassdownNotesData,
$window: $window,
userService: userService
describe('on controller initialization', function(){
it('should set reviewDate', function(){
it('should set indexBeingEdited', function(){
it('should set inputfocus', function(){
it('should set filterText ', function(){
describe('Function: passdownNotesData', function(){
it('should get data', function(){
Put any function and properties to the viewmodel of controller, not in the scope:
function SomeController(){
var vm = this;
vm.someProperty = ...;
vm.someFunction = someFunction;
function someFunction(){
app.controller('passdownCtrl', function($scope, PassdownNotesData) {
var vm = this;
vm.passdownNotesData = PassdownNotesData.getData();
if (vm.passdownNotesData.results.length == 0) {
.then(function(result) {
vm.passdownNotesData = result;
vm.reviewDate = parseBoldIQDate(result.reviewedDateUtc);
}, function(error) {
alert('Error getting Passdown Notes data in controller');
var parseBoldIQDate = function(dateStr) {
var newDate = new Date();
newDate.setUTCMonth(Number(dateStr.substr(0, 2)) - 1);
newDate.setUTCDate(Number(dateStr.substr(3, 2)));
newDate.setUTCFullYear(Number(dateStr.substr(6, 4)));
newDate.setUTCHours(Number(dateStr.substr(11, 2)));
newDate.setUTCMinutes(Number(dateStr.substr(14, 2)));
return newDate;
describe('Controller: passdownCtrl', function(){
var $scope,
PassdownNotesData = jasmine.createSpyObj('PassdownNotesData', ['getData', 'updatePassdownNotesData']);
$provide.value('PassdownNotesData', PassdownNotesData);
window = jasmine.createSpyObj('window', ['alert']);
$provide.value('window', window);
beforeEach(inject(function(_$rootScope_, _$controller_, _$q_, _PassdownNotesData_){
$scope = _$rootScope_.$new();
$controller = _$controller_;
$q = _$q_;
PassdownNotesData = _PassdownNotesData_;
deferred = $q.defer();
ctrl = $controller('passdownCtrl as ctrl', {
$scope: $scope,
PassdownNotesData: PassdownNotesData
it('should resolve promise', function(){
var data = {
results: ['0']
var result = {
name: '0',
reviewedDateUtc: '12'
// function parseBoldIQDate must be executed with
// result.reviewedDateUtc value
expect(ctrl.reviewDate).toEqual('Thu Nov 30 0 02:00:50 GMT+0200 (FLE Standard Time)');
it('should reject promise', function(){
var data = {
results: ['0']
expect(window.alert).toHaveBeenCalledWith('Error getting Passdown Notes data in controller');

set dynamic options on angular chosen

I am using Angular-chosen and I am unable to set dynamic options.
<div ng-init="delegate.getCategories()">
<select chosen="" multiple="multiple"
ng-model="tags" ng-change="delegate.getCategories()"
ng-options="s.categoryName for s.categoryName in tagsList">
My controller class
getCategories: function(){
constantsService.getCategories($scope.category, this.onGetCategories, this.onFailure);
$scope.tagsList = response.categories;
on page load the init gets the categories form the backend and and sets in tagsList variable but its not there when the html loads.
my directive angular-chosen is working nice, see the codes:
<select id="selectWithChosen"
data-ng-options="tp as tp.alias for tp in myList"
<option value="">Select One Element</option>
JavaScript which load the content of myList
$http.get("/settings/myList").success(function(data) {
$scope.myList = data;
I can acess the value that user selected with the next code:
//the value of my select with chosen is here, in JS:
//**remember** the variable "theSelectedChosenValue" is only fill after you select the value on chosen component.
Finally, the implementation of my angular-chosen directive:
"use strict";
// baseado em https://github.com/localytics/angular-chosen
components.directive('sgcChosen', function($timeout) {
var __indexOf = [].indexOf || function(item) { for (var i = 0, l = this.length; i < l; i++) { if (i in this && this[i] === item) return i; } return -1; };
NG_OPTIONS_REGEXP = /^\s*(.*?)(?:\s+as\s+(.*?))?(?:\s+group\s+by\s+(.*))?\s+for\s+(?:([\$\w][\$\w]*)|(?:\(\s*([\$\w][\$\w]*)\s*,\s*([\$\w][\$\w]*)\s*\)))\s+in\s+(.*?)(?:\s+track\s+by\s+(.*?))?$/;
CHOSEN_OPTION_WHITELIST = ['noResultsText', 'allowSingleDeselect', 'disableSearchThreshold', 'disableSearch', 'enableSplitWordSearch', 'inheritSelectClasses', 'maxSelectedOptions',
'placeholderTextMultiple', 'placeholderTextSingle', 'searchContains', 'singleBackstrokeDelete', 'displayDisabledOptions', 'displaySelectedOptions', 'width'];
snakeCase = function(input) {
return input.replace(/[A-Z]/g, function($1) {
return "_" + ($1.toLowerCase());
isEmpty = function(value) {
var key;
if (angular.isArray(value)) {
return value.length === 0;
} else if (angular.isObject(value)) {
for (key in value) {
if (value.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
return false;
return true;
return {
restrict: 'A',
require: '?ngModel',
terminal: true,
link: function(scope, element, attr, ngModel) {
var chosen, defaultText, disableWithMessage, empty, initOrUpdate, match, options, origRender, removeEmptyMessage, startLoading, stopLoading, valuesExpr, viewWatch;
attr.noResultsText = attr.noResultsText ? attr.noResultsText : "'Sem resultados para: '";
element.children('chosen-search').children().attr('maxlength', 100);
options = scope.$eval(attr.chosen) || {};
angular.forEach(attr, function(value, key) {
if (__indexOf.call(CHOSEN_OPTION_WHITELIST, key) >= 0) {
return options[snakeCase(key)] = scope.$eval(value);
startLoading = function() {
return element.addClass('loading').trigger('chosen:updated');
stopLoading = function() {
scope.$evalAsync(function() {
return element.removeClass('loading').trigger('chosen:updated');
chosen = null;
defaultText = null;
empty = false;
initOrUpdate = function() {
if (chosen) {
scope.$evalAsync(function() {
return element.trigger('chosen:updated');
} else {
chosen = element.chosen(options).data('chosen');
chosen.search_field[0].setAttribute('maxlength', 100);
return defaultText = chosen.default_text;
removeEmptyMessage = function() {
empty = false;
return element.attr('data-placeholder', defaultText);
disableWithMessage = function() {
empty = true;
scope.$evalAsync(function() {
return element.attr('data-placeholder', '').attr('disabled', true).trigger('chosen:updated');
if (ngModel) {
origRender = ngModel.$render;
ngModel.$render = function() {
return initOrUpdate();
viewWatch = function() {
return ngModel.$viewValue;
scope.$watch(viewWatch, ngModel.$render, true);
} else {
attr.$observe('disabled', function(isDisabled) {
scope.$evalAsync(function() {
element.prop('disabled', isDisabled);
return true;
if (attr.ngOptions && ngModel) {
match = attr.ngOptions.match(NG_OPTIONS_REGEXP);
valuesExpr = match[7];
return scope.$watchCollection(valuesExpr, function(newVal, oldVal) {
if (angular.isUndefined(newVal)) {
return startLoading();
} else {
if (empty) {
if (isEmpty(newVal)) {
return disableWithMessage();
} else {
element.attr('data-placeholder', '').attr('disabled', false).trigger('chosen:updated');
This angular-chosen code is available HERE.

Pass more than one arguments to controller function from angular directive

I need to pass two arguments from directive to a function which is defined in controller.
<div paginate="allResults" change-page="changePage()"></div>
app.directive('paginate', function () {
return {
scope: {
allResults: '=paginate',
template: '<ul class="pagination" ng-show="totalPages > 1">' +
' <li><a ng-click="firstPage()">«</a></li>' +
' <li><a ng-click="prevPage()">‹</a></li>' +
' <li ng-repeat="n in pages">' +
' <a class="current-{{n==current_page}}" ng-bind="n" ng-click="setPage(n)">1</a>' +
' </li>' +
' <li><a ng-click="nextPage()">›</a></li>' +
' <li><a ng-click="last_page()">»</a></li>' +
link: function (scope) {
scope.nextPage = function () {
if (scope.current_page < scope.totalPages) {
scope.prevPage = function () {
if (scope.current_page > 1) {
scope.firstPage = function () {
scope.current_page = 1;
scope.last_page = function () {
scope.current_page = scope.totalPages;
scope.setPage = function (page) {
scope.current_page = page;
var paginate = function (results, oldResults) {
if (oldResults === results) return;
scope.current_page = results.current_page;
scope.total = results.total;
scope.totalPages = results.last_page;
scope.pages = [];
for (var i = 1; i <= scope.totalPages; i++) {
var pageChange = function (newPage, last_page) {
scope.changePage(newPage, last_page);
scope.$watch('allResults', paginate);
scope.$watch('current_page', pageChange);
function CareerCtrl($scope, $http, Career) {
$scope.init = function () {
Career.get({}, function (response) {
$scope.careers = response.careers.data;
$scope.allResults = response.careers;
}, function (error) {
$scope.careers = [];
}; // init
$scope.changePage = function(newPage, last_page) {
if (newPage == last_page) return;
page: newPage
}, function (response) {
scope.allResults.current_page = response.careers.current_page;
}, function (error) {
$scope.allResults.data = [];
} // Ctrl
Now I am getting undefined for newPage and last_page in controller.
See my fiddle here
Solution one (fiddle):
<div paginate="allResults" change-page="changePage(newPage, last_page)"></div>
var pageChange = function (newPage, last_page) {
newPage: newPage,
last_page: last_page
Solution two (fiddle):
<div paginate="allResults" change-page="changePage"></div>
var pageChange = function (newPage, last_page) {
var expressionHandler = scope.changePage();
expressionHandler(newPage, last_page);
Note that you need to change scope to $scope in two places in your controller function $scope.changePage in your original fiddle.

