PHP Cookies contains Less data - javascript

I used to set cookies. When I check in browser, cookies are set properly but When I extract cookies on server side(PHP) it behaves abnormally. Sometimes $_COOKIE contains/holds all the content/data which is normal & fine, but sometimes $_COOKIE misses some of the cookie data that is being set in from client side.
You can see in screenshot that sub-total & laravel_session keys are missing in response when I print it in PHP while both are present in request header
I am using Laravel 5.1

Cookies size is limited to about 4000 bytes ( including key, value, expiration date). you probably exceeded the limit, and your data was cut off.
You can increase the size by changing the value of LimitRequestFieldSize in your apache conf file.
keep in mind that generally, storing so much data in cookies is a sign of bad design, maybe try using session or local storage instead.


Post request array length 100 000 not happening [duplicate]

Sorry if this is duplicate,I would think it would be but couldn't find anything.
I have a flex application that I am posting data back to a php/mysql server via IE. I haven't run into any problems yet, but knowing this ahead of time might save me a bunch of frustration and work. Is there a size limit to posting data via http?
This article says no:
This discussion says yes:
And it all goes back and forth what I'm able to find online. So please limit answers to personally tested/verified numbers.
I am wanting to post back an XML string that can be quite large (say up to 5mb).
If it makes any difference: browser will always be IE (our product requires it), post is coming from and httpService in flex, web server is php, DB is mySql.
It depends on a server configuration. If you're working with PHP under Linux or similar, you can control it using .htaccess configuration file, like so:
#set max post size
php_value post_max_size 20M
And, yes, I can personally attest to the fact that this works :)
If you're using IIS, I don't have any idea how you'd set this particular value.
The url portion of a request (GET and POST) can be limited by both the browser and the server - generally the safe size is 2KB as there are almost no browsers or servers that use a smaller limit.
The body of a request (POST) is normally* limited by the server on a byte size basis in order to prevent a type of DoS attack (note that this means character escaping can increase the byte size of the body). The most common server setting is 10MB, though all popular servers allow this to be increased or decreased via a setting file or panel.
*Some exceptions exist with older cell phone or other small device browsers - in those cases it is more a function of heap space reserved for this purpose on the device then anything else.
Also, in PHP.INI file there is a setting:
which in my version of PHP: 5.4.16 defaults to 1000.
From the manual:
"How many input variables may be accepted (limit is applied to $_GET, $_POST and $_COOKIE superglobal separately)"
You can post large amount of data by setting php.ini variable: max_input_vars
Default size of this variable is 1000 but if you want to sent large amount of data you have to increase the size accordingly.
If you can't set the size from ini_set you have to do it through htaccess or by doing changes into php.ini file directly.
max_input_vars 2500
memory_limit 256M
As David pointed out, I would go with KB in most cases.
php_value post_max_size 2K
Note: my form is simple, just a few text boxes, not long text.
(PHP shorthand for KB is K, as outlined here.)
By default, the post request has maximum size of 8mb. But you can modify it according to your requirements.
The modification can be done by opening php.ini file (php configuration setting).
post_max_size=8M //for me, that was on line:771
replace 8 according to your requirements.
One of the best solutions for this, you do not use multiple or more than 1,000 input fields. You can concatenate multiple inputs with any special character, for ex. #.
See this:
<input type='text' name='hs1' id='hs1'>
<input type='text' name='hs2' id='hs2'>
<input type='text' name='hs3' id='hs3'>
<input type='text' name='hs4' id='hs4'>
<input type='text' name='hs5' id='hs5'>
<input type='hidden' name='hd' id='hd'>
Using any script (JavaScript or JScript),
document.getElementById("hd").value = document.getElementById("hs1").value+"#"+document.getElementById("hs2").value+"#"+document.getElementById("hs3").value+"#"+document.getElementById("hs4").value+"#"+document.getElementById("hs5").value
With this, you will bypass the max_input_vars issue. If you increase max_input_vars in the php.ini file, that is harmful to the server because it uses more server cache memory, and this can sometimes crash the server.
It is up to the http server to decide if there is a limit. The product I work on allows the admin to configure the limit.
For developers who cannot change php configuration because of the webhosting. (My settings 256MB max size, 1000 max variables)
I got the same issue that just 2 out of 5 big data objects (associative arrays) with substructures were received on the server side.
I find out that the whole substructure is being "flattened" in the post request. So, one object becomes a hundreds of literal variables. At the end, instead of 5 Object variables it is in reality sending dozens of hundreds elementar variables.
Solution in this case is to serialize each of the substructures into String. Then it is received on the server as 5 String variables.

How can I check using PHP if some cookie is created through javascript?

I want my PHP code to differentiate between cookies created by JavaScript (using document.cookie) and PHP (using setcookie()).
Let us suppose below pseudocode:-
$X = $_COOKIE['X'];
There is no difference. Cookies are cookies.
The only way (though highly unreliable), is to remember in the session whether you set the cookie from PHP. If not, then it might have been set from JavaScript. But like I said, this is unreliable. The cookie might have been set from PHP in an earlier session, or someone might have manually messed with the cookies.
I think the best way is to use session variables altogether. The session keeps the leading value on the server. If you need the value in JavaScript too, you can set a cookie, or add the value in a small script, but in PHP you never read back the cookie value at all, just use the session value on the server, and to reset the cookie on each request, so the client knows that value too.
Cookie isn't something stored in server side. It's a piece of data stored in the user's computer / browser. When you use setcookie() in PHP, The server sends the cookie with header which the browser stores in the user's computer (and the browser sends it back with next requests). The place that cookie is stored is the same place where document.cookie would store. Hence, after it's stored, we cannot differentiate it whether it was stored by PHP or Javascript, because no information regarding that is recorded.

How to force refresh client js from server side?

Here is the case:
I get a js to monitor web ads.Because of the browser cache,when i update js on server side,js on client side will not be refreshed immediately.How could i force refresh client js as soon as i update js on server side?
p.s. Add version number strategy is not useful in my case.
Simple strategy - add a version number as a query string to your js files, and change the number. This will cause the browsers to fetch your js files again -
<script src="mysource.js?version=123"></script>
Whenever you change your script on the server, change this version number in the html too. Or better yet, apply a random number as the version value every time you request this script.
You can use HTTP's cache-control mechanisms to control the browser's caching.
When serving a copy of your JS file, include an ETag and/or Last-Modified header in the response. Also include a "Cache-Control: must-revalidate" header. This tells the browser that it must check back with the server every time, and it can send an If-None-Match and/or If-Modified-Since header in future requests to ask the server to send the file only if it's changed.
If you'd like to avoid the load of browsers checking with the server every time, and it's OK for the changes to not take effect immediately, you can also include a Date header with the current time and an Expires header set to some point in the future — maybe 12 or 24 hours. That allows the browser to use its cached copy for the specified amount of time before it has to check back with your server again.
HTTP's cache-control features are pretty robust, but there are plenty of nuances, such as controls for intermediate caches (e.g. other systems between your server and the user's browser). You'll want to read about caching in HTTP overall, not just the specific header fields that I've mentioned.
You can do this by changing the name of the file. Add some version number (could be like parameter, i.e. filename.js?v=time(); for PHP for example) or just append some random numbers at the end of the filename.
Actually I'm not sure whether you can force the client to refresh this type of files. But when changing the file name you will force the browser to get the newest version.

How to store 1MB data in a cookie?

I am trying to store 1000KB (~1MB) of data in a cookie in JavasSript but it is not working.
How can I do this?
Don't do that. Sending a megabyte of data takes a lot of time (often more than a second). Keep some session status hidden inside your server. Then your cookie string is just a small opaque identifier which should be keyed by the server.
Instead of a cookie use localStorage.
Most browsers allow 5mb per domain, but IE will give you 10mb per domain.
For IE, and I'm sure most other browsers, the limit is around 4K
For one domain name, each cookie is limited to 4,096 bytes

JavaScript cookie setting used to work and stopped

In a nutshell, I have a web application which used to be able to set cookies just fine, but it no longer works. The really strange thing is I've used Chrome's debugger to follow what's going on, and it makes it all the way to the "document.cookie = " statement fine.
Further, I haven't changed anything except the content of the cookie (adding more information). I haven't modified the cookie setting logic at all, or even the parameters.
Here's the most recent version of my application:
The relevant bit is lines 147-149,
log("Cookie: "+cookie);
$.cookie(cookieName, cookie, { expires: 365 });
opt is an object I'm using to store form element values. I convert the object into a JSON string and then store it. Here's an example of what cookie contains in this version of the program:
Now, here's the oldest backed-up copy I have:
This copy still works.
Here's the cookie-setting logic from that copy, lines 130-132
log("Cookie: "+cookie);
$.cookie(cookieName, cookie, { expires: 365 });
And an example of what the cookie for that one contains:
I'm using libraries for the JSON and for setting/getting the cookie. Both that early version and the latest use the exact same versions of the exact same libraries.
The only thing I can think of is that the cookie has gotten a bit more than twice as long. Before URI encoding, we're talking 4000 characters vs. 1800 characters. Also, I URI encoded the more recent cookie and manually set it myself, and the browser accepted it just fine, and my program loaded it just fine.
I'm completely out of ideas here. Help!
You should really store all this data in a session on the server if possible, rather than having a massive cookie. Then you can simply request data via AJAX or embed it in each page request.
Browsers are only required to provide 4KB of space per cookie, so if you're over that there's a chance it might not be stored.
4096-byte limit; otherwise entire cookie is discarded by IE.

