Internet Explorer - Syntax Error - AngularJS - javascript

I am working on a web site using angularJS. The project is made on Visual Studio so the server is IIS.
When using Chrome, everything is working fine. But my boss wants also this site to work fine with Internet Explorer 11, in case of some clients are only using this browser.
The problem is that i have an error at an unexpected place when is use IE, for example :
Syntax Error : Caractère Incorrect ( that's french, it means Invalid character )
at getConnectedUser (http://localhost:54579/mypath/myfile.js:121:13)*
And if i open this file at line 121
vm.connectedUser = JSON.parse($cookies.get("userLogged"))
and the 13th character is the v from vm ( since i have some tabs )
the wole function is :
function getConnectedUser() {
vm.connectedUser = JSON.parse($cookies.get("userLogged"))
Which is quite normal according to me...
I don't know how to solve this, since the error does not seem to come from the code but from the interpretation of my browser.
I have read that some keywords were not supported to declare variables, like const. I use "let" to declare my variables and it is supported by IE 11 according to this site
EDIT : i also use "var" ( for example : var vm = this )
It would be very helpful if you have some ideas to find a solution.
Thanks for reading,

I tried to apply what you guys asked, here is what i've got :
The problem actually comes from my cookies, IE can't read it correctly, I get undefined when trying to log my cookie's type, instead of getting "string".
So i went to a different part of the projet, where this cookie is created.
I try to log the cookie just after it is created so it can't be alterated:
var myObject = { "value" : "sonny" }
var stringified = JSON.stringify(myObject) // myObject is validated by
try {
$cookies.put("userLogged", stringified, {})
catch (error) {
// i got "ok" in logs , the try part is successful
console.log("fresh cookie : ")
console.log(typeof $cookies.get("userLogged"))
// On Chrome Console : string
// On Ie Console : undefined
console.log(typeof JSON.parse($cookies.get("userLogged")))
// On Chrome Console : object
// On Ie Console: Not logged , i have the Syntax Error Message
So the problem seems to be that IE can't read the cookie i just set before.
Using IE developers tools , i can see the cookie line :
Value : %7B%22value%22%3A%22sonny%22%7D
each special character ( '{', '"' and '}' ) is replaced by "%7B" , "%22" and "%7D"... It is exactly the same with chrome developers tools so i don't think it should be a problem.
Can IE actually read cookies using angular and ngCookies ?

As everyone mentioned in comments.
It is difficult to solve the issue with information provided.
So the best option could be using IE developer tools and debug your application.
Here is how I can troubleshoot the issue.
function getConnectedUser() {
// forces browser to stop at below line
var loginInfo = $cookies.get("userLogged"); //put a debug point
// check for loginInfo existence and typeof loginInfo should be string
if (loginInfo && typeof loginInfo === 'string'){
vm.connectedUser = JSON.parse(loginInfo);
Put a break point in the getConnectedUser function
Check the value of $cookies.get("userLogged"), whether it is returning data or not
yes => check the type of data. It must be a valid JSON string format.
No => do the corresponding actions


Swift JavaScriptCore not working with large files?
I have a js file that is quite large 6000 lines and JavaScript core does not seem to be able to retrieve variable values whereas running the same file in any web browser works fine for me. When I try to retrieve the value of a variable it shows up as undefined, but when I use a js console in a browswer it shows up fine. I am speculating that this is due to the size of the file because when I put
var helloWorld = "Hello World";
in the front of the js file this swift code can retrieve it
func helloWorld() {
if let variableHelloWorld = self.jsContext.objectForKeyedSubscript("helloWorld") {
but when I put it at the end it cannot.
Normally this indicates a parsing error. Try adding an error handler to self.jsContext before calling objectForKeyedSubscript() and see if it outputs anything insightful.
self.jsContext.exceptionHandler = { context, exception in
print("JS Error: \(exception?.description ?? "unknown error")")
Although your JS code may be valid in a browser console, iOS Safari doesn't support as many Javascript features as newer browsers.
I did see a line in your JS source code beginning with just a semicolon (followed immediately by (function). I wonder if the parser might complain about an empty line without a statement..? Maybe nothing, though.

javascript. formatting console.log

I´m working on a big angular.js project.
Now, I´ve to profile some pages about the performance.
With the console.log of the project I´m looking for the performance problems.
I miss if console.log can output the current time (yes, I know in Chrome you can set up).
Is there a way (like in log4java) to format the output?
Thanks in advance,
Be careful, the console object should not be activated in production mainly because it can breaks the code for some users (for example IE8 or less users).
But if you want to test on a tool that you know, you can use the Web API interface which provides some useful method on this object:
(This doc is from the Mozilla Developer Network (MDN) and therefore mainly applies to Firefox, but at the end of that page you can find links to the corresponding docs for the IE, Chrome and Safari DevTools as well as Firebug).
For example, you can use the time() method for your use case:
console.time("answer time");
// ... some other code
console.timeEnd("answer time");
Outputs something like this:
You could try something like this:
console = window.console ? console : {};
native_log = console.log;
window.console.log = function myConsole() {
// Cannot log if console.log is not present natively,
// so fail silently (in IE without debugger opened)
if (!native_log)
var args =;
args.unshift(new Date());
native_log.apply(console, args);
console.log('hello'); // Date 2014-12-02T14:14:50.138Z "hello"
Of course, you would not let the new Date() as is, but it gives you the idea.

Javascript Console.log Not working in Chrome, or Firefox

I am doing a very simple:
along with :
The Alert works (so I know the javascript is working) but I'm unable to see the log. When I use Firefox I get the following error:
The Web Console logging API (console.log,,
console.warn, console.error) has been disabled by a script on this
What is going on? I have looked at the following topics, but none have helped:
Chrome: console.log, console.debug are not working
console.log quit working in Chrome
Console.log not working in Chrome [closed]
why does console.log not output in chrome?
Console.log not working at all
I have also made sure that the funnel is working and that logging is turned on.
What else could the problem be?
I just came across this problem after a Firefox update and managed to fix it. Here's the code that caused the problem:
/* IE fix that allows me to still log elsewhere */
if (typeof(console)=="undefined") {
var console = {
output: null,
log: function (str) {
// we can't emulate the console in IE, but we can cache what's output
// so that IE users can get it via console.output
if (!this.output) this.output = new Array();
this.output.push(new String(str));
window.console = console;
In the previous version of FireFox, "var console;" wouldn't get executed. Now it seems to have added some sort of branching/prediction mechanism. Seeing that I may define a variable called console with global scope, it disables window.console.
I fixed this issue by renaming var console; to var cons;
/* IE fix that allows me to still log elsewhere */
if (typeof(console)=="undefined") {
var cons = {
output: null,
log: function (str) {
// we can't emulate the console in IE, but we can cache what's output
// so that IE users can get it via console.output
if (!this.output) this.output = new Array();
this.output.push(new String(str));
window.console = cons;
I still need to test this to make sure it does what I expect in IE, though. I just need to find a copy of IE without a console (I think 9 or below).
I just wish that Firefox would tell you what line of what script disabled the console - that would be nice.
I had the same issue with a Magento e-commerce site (version
I fixed it commenting the following lines in /js/varien/js.js:637
if (!("console" in window) || !("firebug" in console))
var names = ["log", "debug", "info", "warn", "error", "assert", "dir", "dirxml",
"group", "groupEnd", "time", "timeEnd", "count", "trace", "profile", "profileEnd"];
window.console = {};
for (var i = 0; i < names.length; ++i)
window.console[names[i]] = function() {}
This fix is only (obviously) for Magento sites.
Turns out the theme developer had added firebug lite to the theme without me knowing. Turning it off fixed the problem.
I think the page you are viewing when trying to log via console.log() has a script in it which overwrites the property window.console.log. Usually this property is preset with a function by the browser but you a script may override it.
First suggestion: Do you use any other dev tools that use console? On Firefox I had the same problem with Firebug running on background without me noticing it, after closing firebug the error went away. Here's a possiple duplicate thread: Firefox Web Console Disabled?
Second, if it is overridden by some script, then one by one disable scripts and see which draws the error.

Same Domain not loading in IE iFrame if devtools aren't up [duplicate]

IE9 Bug - JavaScript only works after opening developer tools once.
Our site offers free pdf downloads to users, and it has a simple "enter password to download" function. However, it doesn't work at all in Internet Explorer.
You can see for yourself in this example.
The download pass is "makeuseof". In any other browser, it works fine. In IE, both buttons do nothing.
The most curious thing I've found is that if you open and close the developer toolbar with F12, it all suddenly starts to work.
We've tried compatibility mode and such, nothing makes a difference.
How do I make this work in Internet Explorer?
It sounds like you might have some debugging code in your javascript.
The experience you're describing is typical of code which contain console.log() or any of the other console functionality.
The console object is only activated when the Dev Toolbar is opened. Prior to that, calling the console object will result in it being reported as undefined. After the toolbar has been opened, the console will exist (even if the toolbar is subsequently closed), so your console calls will then work.
There are a few solutions to this:
The most obvious one is to go through your code removing references to console. You shouldn't be leaving stuff like that in production code anyway.
If you want to keep the console references, you could wrap them in an if() statement, or some other conditional which checks whether the console object exists before trying to call it.
HTML5 Boilerplate has a nice pre-made code for console problems fixing:
// Avoid `console` errors in browsers that lack a console.
(function() {
var method;
var noop = function () {};
var methods = [
'assert', 'clear', 'count', 'debug', 'dir', 'dirxml', 'error',
'exception', 'group', 'groupCollapsed', 'groupEnd', 'info', 'log',
'markTimeline', 'profile', 'profileEnd', 'table', 'time', 'timeEnd',
'timeStamp', 'trace', 'warn'
var length = methods.length;
var console = (window.console = window.console || {});
while (length--) {
method = methods[length];
// Only stub undefined methods.
if (!console[method]) {
console[method] = noop;
As #plus- pointed in comments, latest version is available on their GitHub page
Here's another possible reason besides the console.log issue (at least in IE11):
When the console is not open, IE does pretty aggressive caching, so make sure that any $.ajax calls or XMLHttpRequest calls have caching set to false.
For example:
$.ajax({cache: false, ...})
When the developer console is open, caching is less aggressive. Seems to be a bug (or maybe a feature?)
This solved my problem after I made a minor change to it. I added the following in my html page in order to fix the IE9 problem:
<script type="text/javascript">
// IE9 fix
if(!window.console) {
var console = {
log : function(){},
warn : function(){},
error : function(){},
time : function(){},
timeEnd : function(){}
Besides the 'console' usage issue mentioned in accepted answer and others,there is at least another reason why sometimes pages in Internet Explorer work only with the developer tools activated.
When Developer Tools is enabled, IE doesn't really uses its HTTP cache (at least by default in IE 11) like it does in normal mode.
It means if your site or page has a caching problem (if it caches more than it should for example - that was my case), you will not see that problem in F12 mode. So if the javascript does some cached AJAX requests, they may not work as expected in normal mode, and work fine in F12 mode.
I guess this could help, adding this before any tag of javascript:
console={}; console.log = function(){};
If you are using AngularJS version 1.X you could use the $log service instead of using console.log directly.
Simple service for logging. Default implementation safely writes the message into the browser's console (if present).$log
So if you have something similar to
angular.module('logExample', [])
.controller('LogController', ['$scope', function($scope) {
console.log('Hello World!');
you can replace it with
angular.module('logExample', [])
.controller('LogController', ['$scope', '$log', function($scope, $log) {
$log.log('Hello World!');
Angular 2+ does not have any built-in log service.
If you are using angular and ie 9, 10 or edge use :
myModule.config(['$httpProvider', function($httpProvider) {
//initialize get if not there
if (!$httpProvider.defaults.headers.get) {
$httpProvider.defaults.headers.get = {};
// Answer edited to include suggestions from comments
// because previous version of code introduced browser-related errors
//disable IE ajax request caching
$httpProvider.defaults.headers.get['If-Modified-Since'] = 'Mon, 26 Jul 1997 05:00:00 GMT';
// extra
$httpProvider.defaults.headers.get['Cache-Control'] = 'no-cache';
$httpProvider.defaults.headers.get['Pragma'] = 'no-cache';
To completely disable cache.
It happened in IE 11 for me. And I was calling the jquery .load function.
So I did it the old fashion way and put something in the url to disable cacheing.
$("#divToReplaceHtml").load('#Url.Action("Action", "Controller")/' + #Model.ID + "?nocache=" + new Date().getTime());
I got yet another alternative for the solutions offered by runeks and todotresde that also avoids the pitfalls discussed in the comments to Spudley's answer:
try {
} catch (e) {
It's a bit scruffy but on the other hand it's concise and covers all the logging methods covered in runeks' answer and it has the huge advantage that you can open the console window of IE at any time and the logs come flowing in.
We ran into this problem on IE 11 on Windows 7 and Windows 10. We discovered what exactly the problem was by turning on debugging capabilities for IE (IE > Internet Options > Advanced tab > Browsing > Uncheck Disable script debugging (Internet Explorer)). This feature is typically checked on within our environment by the domain admins.
The problem was because we were using the console.debug(...) method within our JavaScript code. The assumption made by the developer (me) was I did not want anything written if the client Developer Tools console was not explicitly open. While Chrome and Firefox seemed to agree with this strategy, IE 11 did not like it one bit. By changing all the console.debug(...) statements to console.log(...) statements, we were able to continue to log additional information in the client console and view it when it was open, but otherwise keep it hidden from the typical user.
I put the resolution and fix for my issue . Looks like AJAX request that I put inside my JavaScript was not processing because my page was having some cache problem. if your site or page has a caching problem you will not see that problem in developers/F12 mode. my cached JavaScript AJAX requests it may not work as expected and cause the execution to break which F12 has no problem at all.
So just added new parameter to make cache false.
cache: false,
Looks like IE specifically needs this to be false so that the AJAX and javascript activity run well.

Why does JavaScript only work after opening developer tools in IE once?

IE9 Bug - JavaScript only works after opening developer tools once.
Our site offers free pdf downloads to users, and it has a simple "enter password to download" function. However, it doesn't work at all in Internet Explorer.
You can see for yourself in this example.
The download pass is "makeuseof". In any other browser, it works fine. In IE, both buttons do nothing.
The most curious thing I've found is that if you open and close the developer toolbar with F12, it all suddenly starts to work.
We've tried compatibility mode and such, nothing makes a difference.
How do I make this work in Internet Explorer?
It sounds like you might have some debugging code in your javascript.
The experience you're describing is typical of code which contain console.log() or any of the other console functionality.
The console object is only activated when the Dev Toolbar is opened. Prior to that, calling the console object will result in it being reported as undefined. After the toolbar has been opened, the console will exist (even if the toolbar is subsequently closed), so your console calls will then work.
There are a few solutions to this:
The most obvious one is to go through your code removing references to console. You shouldn't be leaving stuff like that in production code anyway.
If you want to keep the console references, you could wrap them in an if() statement, or some other conditional which checks whether the console object exists before trying to call it.
HTML5 Boilerplate has a nice pre-made code for console problems fixing:
// Avoid `console` errors in browsers that lack a console.
(function() {
var method;
var noop = function () {};
var methods = [
'assert', 'clear', 'count', 'debug', 'dir', 'dirxml', 'error',
'exception', 'group', 'groupCollapsed', 'groupEnd', 'info', 'log',
'markTimeline', 'profile', 'profileEnd', 'table', 'time', 'timeEnd',
'timeStamp', 'trace', 'warn'
var length = methods.length;
var console = (window.console = window.console || {});
while (length--) {
method = methods[length];
// Only stub undefined methods.
if (!console[method]) {
console[method] = noop;
As #plus- pointed in comments, latest version is available on their GitHub page
Here's another possible reason besides the console.log issue (at least in IE11):
When the console is not open, IE does pretty aggressive caching, so make sure that any $.ajax calls or XMLHttpRequest calls have caching set to false.
For example:
$.ajax({cache: false, ...})
When the developer console is open, caching is less aggressive. Seems to be a bug (or maybe a feature?)
This solved my problem after I made a minor change to it. I added the following in my html page in order to fix the IE9 problem:
<script type="text/javascript">
// IE9 fix
if(!window.console) {
var console = {
log : function(){},
warn : function(){},
error : function(){},
time : function(){},
timeEnd : function(){}
Besides the 'console' usage issue mentioned in accepted answer and others,there is at least another reason why sometimes pages in Internet Explorer work only with the developer tools activated.
When Developer Tools is enabled, IE doesn't really uses its HTTP cache (at least by default in IE 11) like it does in normal mode.
It means if your site or page has a caching problem (if it caches more than it should for example - that was my case), you will not see that problem in F12 mode. So if the javascript does some cached AJAX requests, they may not work as expected in normal mode, and work fine in F12 mode.
I guess this could help, adding this before any tag of javascript:
console={}; console.log = function(){};
If you are using AngularJS version 1.X you could use the $log service instead of using console.log directly.
Simple service for logging. Default implementation safely writes the message into the browser's console (if present).$log
So if you have something similar to
angular.module('logExample', [])
.controller('LogController', ['$scope', function($scope) {
console.log('Hello World!');
you can replace it with
angular.module('logExample', [])
.controller('LogController', ['$scope', '$log', function($scope, $log) {
$log.log('Hello World!');
Angular 2+ does not have any built-in log service.
If you are using angular and ie 9, 10 or edge use :
myModule.config(['$httpProvider', function($httpProvider) {
//initialize get if not there
if (!$httpProvider.defaults.headers.get) {
$httpProvider.defaults.headers.get = {};
// Answer edited to include suggestions from comments
// because previous version of code introduced browser-related errors
//disable IE ajax request caching
$httpProvider.defaults.headers.get['If-Modified-Since'] = 'Mon, 26 Jul 1997 05:00:00 GMT';
// extra
$httpProvider.defaults.headers.get['Cache-Control'] = 'no-cache';
$httpProvider.defaults.headers.get['Pragma'] = 'no-cache';
To completely disable cache.
It happened in IE 11 for me. And I was calling the jquery .load function.
So I did it the old fashion way and put something in the url to disable cacheing.
$("#divToReplaceHtml").load('#Url.Action("Action", "Controller")/' + #Model.ID + "?nocache=" + new Date().getTime());
I got yet another alternative for the solutions offered by runeks and todotresde that also avoids the pitfalls discussed in the comments to Spudley's answer:
try {
} catch (e) {
It's a bit scruffy but on the other hand it's concise and covers all the logging methods covered in runeks' answer and it has the huge advantage that you can open the console window of IE at any time and the logs come flowing in.
We ran into this problem on IE 11 on Windows 7 and Windows 10. We discovered what exactly the problem was by turning on debugging capabilities for IE (IE > Internet Options > Advanced tab > Browsing > Uncheck Disable script debugging (Internet Explorer)). This feature is typically checked on within our environment by the domain admins.
The problem was because we were using the console.debug(...) method within our JavaScript code. The assumption made by the developer (me) was I did not want anything written if the client Developer Tools console was not explicitly open. While Chrome and Firefox seemed to agree with this strategy, IE 11 did not like it one bit. By changing all the console.debug(...) statements to console.log(...) statements, we were able to continue to log additional information in the client console and view it when it was open, but otherwise keep it hidden from the typical user.
I put the resolution and fix for my issue . Looks like AJAX request that I put inside my JavaScript was not processing because my page was having some cache problem. if your site or page has a caching problem you will not see that problem in developers/F12 mode. my cached JavaScript AJAX requests it may not work as expected and cause the execution to break which F12 has no problem at all.
So just added new parameter to make cache false.
cache: false,
Looks like IE specifically needs this to be false so that the AJAX and javascript activity run well.

