Pass Array as a parameter in Javascript - javascript

This function is used to check if the checkbox is selected or not.Can somebody help how to pass the array as a parameter to URL which will call a stored procedure.
function js_remove_masters(theForm) {
var vCheckedCount = 0;
var vContinue = true;
var mycheckedarr = [];
var myuncheckedarr = [];
//check to see if anything is selected
if ((theForm.selected.length == null) && (!(theForm.selected.checked))) {
vContinue = false;
alert("Please select an item to be deleted.");
} else if (theForm.selected.length != null) {
for (var i = 0; i < theForm.selected.length; i++) {
if (theForm.selected[i].checked) {
vCheckedCount = 1;
mycheckedarr.push = theForm.selected[i].value;
} else {
myuncheckedarr.push = theForm.selected[i].value;
if (vCheckedCount == 0) {
vContinue = false;
alert("Please select an item to be deleted.");
if (vContinue) {
theForm.action = ("library_search_pkg_nv1.remove_checkin_masters");
-- - here how to pass array parameters
procedure remove_masters(
masterID in smallarray
default smallempty,
masterIDunselected in smallarray
default smallempty

Just get rid of the JavaScript entirely. You are submitting the form.
If a checkbox is checked then its name/value pair will be included in the form data.
If it isn't checked, then it won't be.
If you have a bunch of checkboxes (or other elements) with the same name, then most server side form data parsing libraries will express that as an array automatically. The main exception is PHP which requires that you put [] on the end of the name first.


Storin a variable with many id's in array

var arrayOfId[] = $;
I have this code. My question is if I had a some id's in $ and then I make this (code) all these id's will be in every other array or in one array?
$scope.delIt = function () {
if ($scope.rep.Selected > 0) {
$scope.rep.Selected = true;
} else {
$scope.rep.Selected = false
var arrayOfId [] = $;
for(i=0; i<=arrayOfId[i]; i++){
$http.delete("http://localhost:3000/users/" +arrayOfId[]);
This is full code. I wanted to send request every single id wich is stored in $

jQuery check multiple CSV lists

To simplify my problem i rewrote the code without the parsing of CSV, but instead with a variable that holds the data.
$(document).ready(function() {
var qID = 'xxx';
var source = ['text1', 'text2', 'etc3'];
var source2 = ['text4', 'text5', 'etc6'];
$('#question' + qID + ' input[type="text"]').change(function() {
var validVal = 0;
var inputVal = $(this).val();
// Loop through the text and test the input value
$(source).each(function(i) {
if (inputVal == this) { // If a match is found...
validVal = 1;
// If a valid text was entered
if (validVal == 1) { // A valid input
} else { // An invalid input
alert("NOT GOOD");
var validVal2 = 0;
var inputVal2 = $(this).val();
$(source2).each(function(j) {
if (inputVal2 == this) { // If a match is found...
validVal2 = 1;
// If a valid text was entered
if (validVal2 == 1) { // A valid input
} else { // An invalid input
alert("NOT GOOD2");
The script works fine for one source (var source) but i want to check in the same text field 2 variables (source, source2) that will produce different alerts.
The script is run through a limesurvey form and the input is a simple [type="text"] field.
How do I check for 2 different arrays of text in the same text field?
Whenever you find yourself putting counters on variable names to create a series, you need to stop and think about what you are actually doing there. Making counted variable names is always wrong.
Use arrays.
var qID = 'xxx';
var source = [];
source.push(['text1', 'text2', 'etc']);
source.push(['text1', 'text2', 'etc44']);
source.push(['text15', 'text25', 'etc454']);
$('#question' + qID + ' input[type="text"]').change(function() {
var valid = false;
var inputVal = $(this).val();
$.each(source, function(i, terms) {
$.each(terms, function(i, term) {
valid = inputVal === term;
return !valid; // returning false stops the .each() loop
return !valid;
if (valid) {
} else {
alert("NOT GOOD");
A more appealing way to express the nested loop above uses built-in methods of Array.
var valid = source.some(function (terms) {
return terms.includes(inputVal);
in ES6 syntax this can be made a one-liner:
var valid = source.some(terms => terms.includes(inputVal));

javascript input value changes not taking effect? Calculation field value does not change?

I am using javascript to populate a page which has a calculation field. The calculation field only gets set when i click on the page or tab manually. I don't think javascript is populating the fields until i click tab.
Iv tried runing a methoud to foucus on all the inputs.
function PushTab()
//could not get this working as i could not select a input with js and run the trigger function of jq .. mixing js with jquery is bad.
// type: 'keypress',
// which: 9
var doc = window.frames['main'].window.frames['content'].document;
var tabbables = doc.querySelectorAll("input");
for (var i = 0; i < tabbables.length; i++) {
Could someone tell me how i could trigger all my javascript changes to take affect, something that simulates a users tab or click on page?
How i change the values.
function SetElementValue(name, value) {
var elementType = "input";
element = GetElement(elementType, name);
if (element != null) {
element.value = value;
function GetElement(type, name) {
var doc = window.frames['main'].window.frames['content'].document;
if (doc != null) {
var aTags = doc.getElementsByTagName(type);
var searchText = name;
var found;
for (var i = 0; i < aTags.length; i++) {
if (aTags[i].name.trim() == searchText) {
found = aTags[i];
return found;
return found;

Access js array in another js file

I fill my array in the checklistRequest.js and I want to access it in my Termine_1s.html file which contains js code. I can access it but when I want to iterate through it, it gives me only single digits instead of the strings.
How can I solve this?
//Calls the checkbox values
function alertFunction()
//Retrieve the object from storage
var retrievedObject = localStorage.getItem('checkboxArray');
console.log('retrievedObject: ', JSON.parse(retrievedObject));
return retrievedObject;
//Checks if title was checked already
var checklistRequest = alertFunction();
var titleAccepted = true;
for (var a = 0; a < checklistRequest.length; a++)//Iterates through whole array
if(title != checklistRequest[i] && titleAccepted == true)//Stops if false
titleAccepted = true;
titleAccepted = false;
you need to parse the object at some point.
return JSON.parse(retrievedObject);

How to get a SharePoint-UserField with JavaScript?

i need to write some javascript that gets the contents of a userfield in a sharepoint-website. I can get most fields with the javascript-function 'getTagFromIdentifierAndTitle' of Using Javascript to Manipulate a List Form Field, but not UserFields.
So how can i get UserFields?
I traced how address book interacts with user field. To get values it uses function getUplevel(ctx) and to set values can be used function EntityEditorCallback(xml, ctx). First function will return html/xml mixed string with user information. Second function input must be special formatted xml string.
// Get values
var ctx='ctl00_m_g_e5a1501a_..._ctl04_ctl00_ctl00_UserField';
var values=getUplevel(ctx);
// Set values
var xml='<Entities Append="False" Error="" Separator=";" MaxHeight="3">'+
'<Entity Key="DOMAIN\\loginname" DisplayText="Display Name" IsResolved="True" Description="DOMAIN\\loginname">'+
'<ArrayOfDictionaryEntry xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="">'+
'<DictionaryEntry><Key xsi:type="xsd:string">DisplayName</Key><Value xsi:type="xsd:string">Display Name</Value></DictionaryEntry>'+
'<DictionaryEntry><Key xsi:type="xsd:string">Email</Key><Value xsi:type="xsd:string"></Value></DictionaryEntry>'+
'<DictionaryEntry><Key xsi:type="xsd:string">SPUserID</Key><Value xsi:type="xsd:string">1</Value></DictionaryEntry>'+
'<DictionaryEntry><Key xsi:type="xsd:string">PrincipalType</Key><Value xsi:type="xsd:string">User</Value></DictionaryEntry>'+
'<MultipleMatches />'+
Tricky part is ctx attribute that must be target field id. In user field html there is no title attribute, so to find right element by display name with js is very complex. I suggest to pass field id to the javascript from server side. For example you can create custom WebPart where you write to the page field id-s from collection SPContext.Current.FormContext.FieldControlCollection.
Here is the custom code that I put together. It relies on the exact HTML that SharePoint uses for the PeoplePicker. It does work on both IE and Firefox. For the columnName parameter, pass the "public" name of the column, not the internal name.
function getParentElementByTagName(baseNode, tagName)
var currNode;
if(baseNode !== null)
currNode = baseNode.parentNode;
while((currNode !== null) && (currNode.nodeName != tagName))
currNode = currNode.parentNode;
return currNode;
return null;
function getPeoplePickerCell(columnName)
var search = 'FieldName="' + columnName + '"';
var nodes = document.getElementsByTagName("TEXTAREA");
for(var i=0; i < nodes.length; i++)
if(nodes[i].title == "People Picker")
var outerCell = getParentElementByTagName(nodes[i], "SPAN").parentNode.parentNode;
if(outerCell.innerHTML.indexOf(search) > 0)
return nodes[i].parentNode;
return null;
function getSPPeoplePicker(columnName, value)
var cell = getPeoplePickerCell(columnName);
if(cell !== null)
return cell.childNodes[0].innerHTML;
return null;
function setSPPeoplePicker(columnName, value)
var cell = getPeoplePickerCell(columnName);
if(cell !== null)
cell.childNodes[0].innerHTML = value;
cell.childNodes[1].value = value;
function disableSPPeoplePicker(columnName)
var cell = getPeoplePickerCell(columnName);
if(cell !== null)
function enableSPPeoplePicker(columnName)
var cell = getPeoplePickerCell(columnName);
if(cell !== null)

