Faster way to multiply in javascript? - javascript

I'm looking at ways to multiply faster in JavaScript, and I found this
which has this text
Instead of multiplying, use the bit shift operation. it looks a little more complex, but once you get the hang of it, it’s pretty simple. The formula to multiply x * y is simply x << (y-1)
As a bonus, everyone else will think you’re really smart!
// multiply by 1
[1,2,3,4].forEach(function(n){ return n<<0; }) // 1,2,3,4
// multiply by 2
[1,2,3,4].forEach(function(n){ return n<<1; }) // 2,4,6,8
// multiply by 3
[1,2,3,4].forEach(function(n){ return n<<2; }) // 3,6,9,12
// etc
However this doesn't seem to work for me. Does anyone know what's wrong?

Ignore that article. It's intended as humor -- the advice it's giving is intentionally terrible and wrong.
Multiplication does not involve "expensive logarithmic look up tables and extremely lucky guesses" with "dozens of guesses per second". It is a highly optimized hardware operation, and any modern CPU can perform hundreds of millions (or more!) of these operations per second.
Bitwise operations are not faster than multiplication in Javascript. In fact, they're much slower -- numbers are generally stored as double-precision floating point by default, so performing a bitwise operation requires them to be converted to integers, then back.
Bit-shifting is not equivalent to multiplication in the way that the article implies. While left-shifting by 0 and 1 are equivalent to multiplication by 1 and 2, the pattern continues with <<2 and <<3 being equivalent to a multiplication by 4 and 8, not 3 and 4.
Array.forEach does not return a value. The appropriate function to use here would be
The other "Javascript hacks" described in the article are even worse. I won't bother going into details.

Bit shift is not the same as multiplying by any number. This is how bit shift works in decimal for example:
1234 >> 0 = 1234
1234 >> 1 = 0123 #discards the last digit.
0123 >> 2 = 0001 #discards the last two digit
So in decimal, shifting digits to the right is like integer division by 10. When shifted by two digits it's the same as dividing by 10^2.
Now computers work with binary words. So instead of a digit shift, we have bit shifts.
10101011 >> 1 = 01010101
This is basically dividing by 2^1.
10101011 >> n is simply dividing by 2^n.
Now in the same manner,
10101011 << n is multiplying by by 2^n. This adds n zeroes behind the binary word.
Hope it's clearer now :)

Incidentally, if you want to know why it isn't working for you, you will want to use map instead of forEach since forEach ignores the return.
So do this instead:
// multiply by 1
[1,2,3,4].map(function(n){ return n<<0; }) // 1,2,3,4
// multiply by 2
[1,2,3,4].map(function(n){ return n<<1; }) // 2,4,6,8
// multiply by 4
[1,2,3,4].map(function(n){ return n<<2; }) // 4,8,12,16
// multiply by 8
[1,2,3,4].map(function(n){ return n<<3; }) // 8, 16, 24, 32
And as others have mentioned - don't use this for multiplication. Just take this as a clarity of forEach vs map...


is there a difference between these two snippets of code and if yes what is it?

function addBinary(a,b) {
let sum= a+b
if (sum<0){
return parseInt(sum).toString(2)
and especially the logic of how 0xffffffff has been used to achieve same result
function decimalToBinary(decimal){
return (decimal >>> 0).toString(2);
function addBinary(a,b) {
return decimalToBinary(a+b);
The >>> operator always interprets the given number as an unsigned 32 bit number. When the second operand is 0, nothing changes to that and the result is unsigned.
So for instance, -1 in binary is 0xffffffff in signed 32-bit, where the most significant bit (at the left) is the sign bit. But because exceptionally the >>> does not interpret that as a sign bit, it actually is seen as a positive number, i.e. 0xffffffff. Compared to the original -1 that is 0x100000000 more! This is always the difference for negative inputs. For -2 you'll get 0xfffffffe, for -3 you'll get 0xfffffffd, ...etc.
The first function emulates this. If sum is negative, we must do something, as the other function (using >>>) will never return a negative number.
The idea is to add that 0x100000000 difference. In fact, the author of this function was prudent, and evidently didn't want to work with numbers that exceed the 32 bit range, so 0x100000000 was off the board (it uses 33 bits). But one can split the job into parts. We can add one less (0xffffffff) to the sum, and then add the remaining 1. This is just a theoretical game though. In JavaScript there is no problem in adding 0x100000000, so they could just as well have done that. In other languages however, those that use 32 bit numbers, it would be necessary to first add 0xffffffff and only then 1.

In JavaScript, can bit shifting be used to isolate 1 or more bits in a byte?

In JavaScript code where the 8 bits of a byte represent 8 Boolean "decisions" (aka: flags), there is a need to isolate each given bit for conversion to a Boolean variable. Consider my solution using String parsing:
var bitParser = function (_nTestByte, _nBitOrdinal) {
var bits = ("00000000" + _nTestByte.toString(2)).slice(-8); // convert to binary and zero-pad
return bits[_nBitOrdinal] === "1";
console.log(bitParser(0b10100101, 2)); // ECMAScript 6+ prefix, returns true
It works, and shows the desired result. However I have a hypothesis stating that a bit shifting technique would be a faster option than String manipulation. I tend to believe that but desire to prove it.
The problem is, I have yet to produce such a function that works correctly, let alone something I can test. I have created the following logic plan that I believe is accurate:
0) Remember: all bitwise operators return 32 bits even though we are using 8
1) Left shift until the desired bit is the left-most (highest) position;
2) Right shift (zero filling) 31 bits to eliminate all right bits
The implementation of the login plan follows. Because of the 32 bit nature of bitwise operators, its my belief that the entire left 3 bytes (24 bits) must be shifted off first before we even reach the byte being worked on. Then, assuming a scenario where the 3rd bit from the left (String ordinal 2) is the desired bit, I am shifting off 2 more bits (ordinals 0 & 1), for a total of 26 bits of left shifting.
This should produce a binary number with the desired bit all the way left followed by 31 undesired zero bytes. Right shifting those 31 bits away produces a binary with 31 (now) leading zero bits which evaluates to whatever the value of the desired bit is. But of course, I would not be writing this question if THAT were true, now would I? :-)
// hardcoded, assuming the second "1" (ordinal 2) is the bit to be examined
console.log((0b10100101 << 26) >> 31); // instead of 1, returns -1
I feel like I am really close, but missing something or pushing JavaScript too hard (lol).
In JavaScript code where the 8 bits of a byte represent 8 Boolean "decisions" (aka: flags), there is a need to isolate each given bit for conversion to a Boolean variable...
If that's the actual goal, bitshifting is neither necessary nor useful: Just use a bitwise & with the desired bit, which will give you either 0 or a number with that bit set. 0 is falsy, the number with a bit set is truthy. You can either use that as-is, or force it to boolean via !!flag or Boolean(flag):
Here's your bitParser function using bitmasking:
var bitParser = function (_nTestByte, _nBitOrdinal) {
return !!(_nTestByte & Math.pow(2, _nBitOrdinal));
console.log(bitParser(0b10100101, 2)); // true
console.log(bitParser(0b10100101, 1)); // false
Rather than doing the Math.pow every time, of course, we'd probably be better off with a lookup table:
var bits = [
var bitParser = function (_nTestByte, _nBitOrdinal) {
return !!(_nTestByte & bits[_nBitOrdinal]);
console.log(bitParser(0b10100101, 2)); // true
console.log(bitParser(0b10100101, 1)); // false
From your question I took
console.log((0b10100101 << 26) >> 31); //instead of 1, returns -1.
And to answer your question why it returned -1 instead of 1
You need to do unsigned right shift >>> instead of signed one >>
console.log((0b10100101 << 26 ) >>>31);
Yes it can, and what you're doing is almost correct.
Integers are represented as a 32bit binary number, with the leftmost bit representing the sign (it's 1 if the number is negative and 0 if the number is positive). Lets look at some of the numbers' representations:
//last 31 digits keeps increasing as the number decreases
// ...
-2 => 0b11111111111111111111111111111110
-1 => 0b11111111111111111111111111111111
0 => 0b00000000000000000000000000000000
1 => 0b00000000000000000000000000000001
2 => 0b00000000000000000000000000000010
// ...
// last 31 digits keep increasing as the number increases
Now, what you're having (0b10100101 << 26) should give you 10010100000000000000000000000000, which you'd expect to be a big negative number (because the left-most bit is 1). Then right afterwards, you have >> 31 which you're expecting to strip off all 31 bits and leave you with the left-most bit.
That should work, but it's not what's happening. And why is that? It's because the people who came up with ECMAScript thought it would make more sense if 4 >> 1 returns 2 and -4 >> 1 returns -2.
4 >> 1 // returns 2 which is 0b00000000000000000000000000000010
0b0000000000000000000000000000000100 >> 1 // returns 2, same
-4 >> 1 // returns -2, which is 0b11111111111111111111111111111110
But -4 is 0b11111111111111111111111111111100, and for your purposes right shifting it by 1 should yield 0b01111111111111111111111111111110 (big positive number, since left-post bit is 0), and that's not -2!
To overcome that, you can use the other right shift operator which doesn't care about about the sign: >>>. -4 >>> 1 is 2147483646 which is what we want.
So console.log((0b10100101 << 26) >>> 31); gives you 1, which is what you want. You can also keep using >> and regarding any negative outcome to be a result of 1 being the chosen bit.
The most simple way to achieve your actual need is to use simple conditions rather than trying to isolate bits.
var bitParser = function (_nTestByte, _nBitOrdinal) {
return (_nTestByte & _nBitOrdinal);
console.log(bitParser(6, 2) ? true : false); // true
console.log(bitParser(6, 1) ? true : false); // false
I adapted the console.log() expression in a way that may seem complicated.
It's only to really show the logical result at this step, while I didn't choose to use !! inside of the function, so returning a truly/falsy value rather than true|false.
Actually this way keeps all the most simple possible, because the expected use else where in the code is if (bitParser(...)), which automatically casts the result to boolean.
BTW, this works whatever is the _nTestByte size (may be more than 1 byte).

How bitwise operations boost performance in Asm.js?

At the first lines of Asm.js definition there's a Asm.js-based code example that explains the bitwise operation helps to have a faster JS code:
HEAP32[p >> 2]|0
My question is, how this operation boost the performance and what's the reason behind using this bitwise operator many times in Asm.js or Emscripten-generated JS codes?
The bitwise operators force their operands to be integer values. It's a considerably faster way of doing the conversion than calling Math.floor, etc. Note that
p >> 2
is (for non-negative values of p) the same as Math.floor(p / 4).
Using a right bit shift (>>) by 1, is the same as dividing by 2, but it is faster than actually calculating it base 10 because the computer can just shift the binary digits in memory without having to do a calculation. It's just like in base 10 when you want to multiply a number by 10, you know you can just add a zero to the right side of the number (The reverse, division, would be taking the zero off of the right side). So, by shifting right two digits you are dividing by 2 twice (e.g. 24/2 = 12 and 12/2 = 6 or 24/4 = 6)
Apparently, (x+y)|0 is just a faster way to do a floor.

">>1" equals "/2"? [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Closed 11 years ago.
Possible Duplicate:
>> in javascript
var num=10;
It gives me 5 and 2.
And this one:
var num=10;
It also gives me 5 and 2.
So x/2 is the same as x>>1? But why?
For the same reason that dropping the last digit off a normal (decimal) number is the same as dividing it by 10 (ignoring, of course, any non-integer remainder).
In computers, integers are internally represented in binary (base 2). So each digit represents a power of 2 instead of a power of 10 that we're used to with the decimal system.
>> 1 just means to shift all the bits right by one, which is another way of saying "drop the last digit". Since the digits are in binary, that's equivalent to dividing by the base, which is 2.
Similarly, if you need to divide by any power of 2, you can do so using the right shift operator: To divide by 4, shift by 2; to divide by 8, shift by 3; and so on.
Note that internally, it's often more efficient to do a shift operation instead of a division operation, but any compiler worth its salt will do this optimization for you (so that you don't have to write obfuscated code to get the performance benefit -- generally, you would only use the shift operator when your intention is to manipulate bits directly, and use the division operator when your intention is to do math).
x>>1 is a bit shift, which operates on the number's binary representation. The effect is that x>>n is the same as x/(2^n) (except that bit shift is usually faster than division, as it is lower level).
When you >> something, you basically shift all its bits to the right.
When that happens, you shift the 2-place value into the 1-place value, and the 4-place value into the 2-place value, and so on.
This effectively divides a number in half.
Take the number 14, for example:
When you shift the bits, you get 111, or 7.
Take a look at this:
Everything you need to know about >> can be found here and here.

2.9999999999999999 >> .5?

I heard that you could right-shift a number by .5 instead of using Math.floor(). I decided to check its limits to make sure that it was a suitable replacement, so I checked the following values and got the following results in Google Chrome:
2.5 >> .5 == 2;
2.9999 >> .5 == 2;
2.999999999999999 >> .5 == 2; // 15 9s
2.9999999999999999 >> .5 == 3; // 16 9s
After some fiddling, I found out that the highest possible value of two which, when right-shifted by .5, would yield 2 is 2.9999999999999997779553950749686919152736663818359374999999¯ (with the 9 repeating) in Chrome and Firefox. The number is 2.9999999999999997779¯ in IE.
My question is: what is the significance of the number .0000000000000007779553950749686919152736663818359374? It's a very strange number and it really piqued my curiosity.
I've been trying to find an answer or at least some kind of pattern, but I think my problem lies in the fact that I really don't understand the bitwise operation. I understand the idea in principle, but shifting a bit sequence by .5 doesn't make any sense at all to me. Any help is appreciated.
For the record, the weird digit sequence changes with 2^x. The highest possible values of the following numbers that still truncate properly:
for 0: 0.9999999999999999444888487687421729788184165954589843749¯
for 1: 1.9999999999999999888977697537484345957636833190917968749¯
for 2-3: x+.99999999999999977795539507496869191527366638183593749¯
for 4-7: x+.9999999999999995559107901499373838305473327636718749¯
for 8-15: x+.999999999999999111821580299874767661094665527343749¯
...and so forth
Actually, you're simply ending up doing a floor() on the first operand, without any floating point operations going on. Since the left shift and right shift bitwise operations only make sense with integer operands, the JavaScript engine is converting the two operands to integers first:
2.999999 >> 0.5
Math.floor(2.999999) >> Math.floor(0.5)
Which in turn is:
2 >> 0
Shifting by 0 bits means "don't do a shift" and therefore you end up with the first operand, simply truncated to an integer.
The SpiderMonkey source code has:
switch (op) {
case JSOP_LSH:
case JSOP_RSH:
if (!js_DoubleToECMAInt32(cx, d, &i)) // Same as Math.floor()
return JS_FALSE;
if (!js_DoubleToECMAInt32(cx, d2, &j)) // Same as Math.floor()
return JS_FALSE;
j &= 31;
d = (op == JSOP_LSH) ? i << j : i >> j;
Your seeing a "rounding up" with certain numbers is due to the fact the JavaScript engine can't handle decimal digits beyond a certain precision and therefore your number ends up getting rounded up to the next integer. Try this in your browser:
You'll get 2.999999999999999. Now try adding one more 9:
You'll get a 3.
This is possibly the single worst idea I have ever seen. Its only possible purpose for existing is for winning an obfusticated code contest. There's no significance to the long numbers you posted -- they're an artifact of the underlying floating-point implementation, filtered through god-knows how many intermediate layers. Bit-shifting by a fractional number of bytes is insane and I'm surprised it doesn't raise an exception -- but that's Javascript, always willing to redefine "insane".
If I were you, I'd avoid ever using this "feature". Its only value is as a possible root cause for an unusual error condition. Use Math.floor() and take pity on the next programmer who will maintain the code.
Confirming a couple suspicions I had when reading the question:
Right-shifting any fractional number x by any fractional number y will simply truncate x, giving the same result as Math.floor() while thoroughly confusing the reader.
2.999999999999999777955395074968691915... is simply the largest number that can be differentiated from "3". Try evaluating it by itself -- if you add anything to it, it will evaluate to 3. This is an artifact of the browser and local system's floating-point implementation.
If you wanna go deeper, read "What Every Computer Scientist Should Know About Floating-Point Arithmetic":
Try this javascript out:
Then try this:
What you are seeing is simple floating point inaccuracy. For more information about that, see this for example:
The basic issue is that the closest that a floating point value can get to representing the second number is greater than or equal to 3, whereas the closes that the a float can get to the first number is strictly less than three.
As for why right shifting by 0.5 does anything sane at all, it seems that 0.5 is just itself getting converted to an int (0) beforehand. Then the original float (2.999...) is getting converted to an int by truncation, as usual.
I don't think your right shift is relevant. You are simply beyond the resolution of a double precision floating point constant.
In Chrome:
var x = 2.999999999999999777955395074968691915273666381835937499999;
var y = 2.9999999999999997779553950749686919152736663818359375;
document.write("x=" + x);
document.write(" y=" + y);
Prints out: x = 2.9999999999999996 y=3
The shift right operator only operates on integers (both sides). So, shifting right by .5 bits should be exactly equivalent to shifting right by 0 bits. And, the left hand side is converted to an integer before the shift operation, which does the same thing as Math.floor().
I suspect that converting 2.9999999999999997779553950749686919152736663818359374999999
to it's binary representation would be enlightening. It's probably only 1 bit different
from true 3.
Good guess, but no cigar.
As the double precision FP number has 53 bits, the last FP number before 3 is actually
(exact): 2.999999999999999555910790149937383830547332763671875
But why it is
(and this is exact, not 49999... !)
which is higher than the last displayable unit ? Rounding. The conversion routine (String to number) simply is correctly programmed to round the input the the next floating point number.
.......(values between, increasing) -> round down
....... (values between, increasing) -> round up to 3
The conversion input must use full precision. If the number is exactly the half between
those two fp numbers (which is 2.9999999999999997779553950749686919152736663818359375)
the rounding depends on the setted flags. The default rounding is round to even, meaning that the number will be rounded to the next even number.
3 = 11. (binary)
2.999... = 10.11111111111...... (binary)
All bits are set, the number is always odd. That means that the exact half number will be rounded up, so you are getting the strange .....49999 period because it must be smaller than the exact half to be distinguishable from 3.
I suspect that converting 2.9999999999999997779553950749686919152736663818359374999999 to its binary representation would be enlightening. It's probably only 1 bit different from true 3.
And to add to John's answer, the odds of this being more performant than Math.floor are vanishingly small.
I don't know if JavaScript uses floating-point numbers or some kind of infinite-precision library, but either way, you're going to get rounding errors on an operation like this -- even if it's pretty well defined.
It should be noted that the number ".0000000000000007779553950749686919152736663818359374" is quite possibly the Epsilon, defined as "the smallest number E such that (1+E) > 1."

