Jquery validate free emails using validator - javascript

I used jquery validator for validation.I have 50 free emails like(gmail.com, yahoo.com) so I need validate it.I chose an array then stored all the emails within an array.Below see my code there you could see I used the regular expression.I passed a variable in regular expression but it doesn't work for me.It threw the error like this SyntaxError: invalid range in character class
My code
$.validator.addMethod('nofreeemail', function (value) {
var emails = ["gmail.com","yahoo.com","hotmail.com"]
$.each(emails,function(i, val){
console.log("email", val)
var regex = new RegExp("/^([\w-.]+#(?!"+val+")([\w-]+.)+[\w-]{2,4})?$/");
console.log("regex", regex)
return regex.test(value);
}, 'Free email addresses are not allowed.');

I will post an answer since it is not evident here what is going on, but the underlying reasons are quite common.
You are using a constructor notation to define the regex. It is a correct approach when you need to build a pattern dynamically using a variable. However, a literal backslash must be written as "\\". All single backslashes are removed. Thus, you get an error since [\w-.] turns into [w-.] and it is an invalid character class. Also, the regex delimiters (those /..../ around the pattern) should never be used in the constructor notation unless you really need to match a string enclosed with /.
Besides, your emails contain non-word chars, and you need to escape them.
var regex = new RegExp("^([\\w-.]+#(?!"+val.replace(/[-\/\\^$*+?.()|[\]{}]/g,'\\$&')+")([\\w-]+\\.)+[\\w-]{2,4})?$");
I also believe the dot in ([\w-]+.)+ must be escaped, it is supposed to match a literal dot,


Storing Regex as strings in database and then retrieving for use in Javascript and PHP

Main Question: Should escaped backslashes also be stored in the database for Javascript and how well that would play with PHP's regex engine?
I have a number of regex patterns which can be used to classify strings into various categories. An example is as below:
This can recognize for example an "A" in the start of the string or if it is immediately after an opening bracket ( but not if it is anywhere else in the string.
My project uses these regex patterns in two languages PHP and Javascript.
I want to store these patterns in a MySQL database and since there is no datatype for regex, I thought I could store it as VARCHAR or TEXT.
The issue arises if I directly use strings in Javascript, the \( is counted only as ( as the \ backslash is used as an escape character. if this is used to create new RegExp it gives an error:
Uncaught SyntaxError: unterminated parenthetical
For example:
let regexstring = "(^A)|(\(A)";
console.log(regexstring); // outputs => "(^A)|((A)"
let regex = new RegExp(regexstring); // Gives Uncaught SyntaxError: unterminated parenthetical
Based on this answer in StackOverflow, the solution is to escape the backslashes like:
let regexstring = "(^A)|(\\(A)";
console.log(regexstring); // Outputs => "(^A)|(\\(A)"
regex = new RegExp(regexstring);
The question is therefore, should escaped backslashes also be stored in the database and how well that would play with PHP's regex engine?
I would store the raw regular expression.
The additional escape character is not actually part of the regex. It's there for JS to process the string correctly, because \ has a special meaning. You need to specify it when writing the string as "hardcoded" text. In fact, it would also be needed in the PHP side, if you were to use the same assignment technique in PHP, you would write it with the escape backslash:
$regexstring = "(^A)|(\\(A)";
You could also get rid of it if you changed the way you initialize regexstring in your JS:
$regexstring = $results[0]["regexstring"];
let regexstring = decodeURIComponent("<?=rawurlencode($regexstring);?>");
Another option is to just add the escaping backslashes in the PHP side:
$regexstring = $results[0]["regexstring"];
$escapedRegexstring = str_replace('\', '\\', $regexstring);
let regexstring = "<?=$escapedRegexstring;?>";
However, regardless of escaping, you should note that there are other differences in syntax between PHP's regex engine and the one used by JS, so you may end up having to maintain two copies anyway.
Lastly, if these regex expressions are meant to be provided by users, then keep in mind that outputting them as-is into JS code is very dangerous as it can easily cause an XSS vulnerability. The first method, of passing it through rawurlencode (in the PHP side) and decodeURIComponent (in the JS side) - should eliminate this risk.

Regex in Google Apps Script practical issue. Forms doesn't read regex as it should

I hope its just something i'm not doing right.
I've been using a simple script to create a form out of a spreadsheet. The script seems to be working fine. The output form is going to get some inputs from third parties so i can analyze them in my consulting activity.
Creating the form was not a big deal, the structure is good to go. However, after having the form creator script working, i've started working on its validations, and that's where i'm stuck at.
For text validations, i will need to use specific Regexes. Many of the inputs my clients need to give me are going to be places' and/or people's names, therefore, i should only allow them usign A-Z, single spaces, apostrophes and dashes.
My resulting regexes are:
//Regex allowing a **single name** with the first letter capitalized and the occasional use of "apostrophes" or "dashes".
const reg1stName = /^[A-Z]([a-z\'\-])+/
//Should allow (a single name/surname) like Paul, D'urso, Mac'arthur, Saint-Germaine ecc.
//Regex allowing **composite names and places names** with the first letter capitalized and the occasional use of "apostrophes" or "dashes". It must avoid double spaces, however.
const regNamesPlaces = /^[^\s]([A-Z]|[a-z]|\b[\'\- ])+[^\s]$/
//This should allow (names/surnames/places' names) like Giulius Ceasar, Joanne D'arc, Cosimo de'Medici, Cosimo de Medici, Jean-jacques Rousseau, Firenze, Friuli Venezia-giulia, L'aquila ecc.
Further in the script, these Regexes are called as validation pattern for the forms text items, in accordance with each each case.
//Validation for single names
var val1stName = FormApp.createTextValidation()
.setHelpText("Only the person First Name Here! Use only (A-Z), a single apostrophe (') or a single dash (-).")
//Validation for composite names and places names
var valNamesPlaces = FormApp.createTextValidation()
.setHelpText(("Careful with double spaces, ok? Use only (A-Z), a single apostrophe (') or a single dash (-)."))
Further yet, i have a "for" loop that creates the form based on the spreadsheets fields. Up to this point, things are working just fine.
for(var i=0;i<numberRows;i++){
var questionType = data[i][0];
if (questionType==''){
else if(questionType=='TEXTNamesPlaces'){
else if(questionType=='TEXT1stName'){
The problem is when i run the script and test the resulting form.
Both validations types get imported just fine (as can be seen in the form's edit mode), but when testing it in preview mode i get an error, as if the Regex wasn't matching (sry the error message is in portuguese, i forgot to translate them as i did with the code up there):
A screenshot of the form in edit mode
A screeshot of the form in preview mode
However, if i manually remove the bars out of this regex "//" it starts working!
A screenshot of the form in edit mode, Regex without bars
A screenshot of the form in preview mode, Regex without bars
What am i doing wrong? I'm no professional dev but in my understanding, it makes no sense to write a Regex without bars.
If this is some Gforms pattern of reading regexes, i still need all of this to be read by the Apps script that creates this form after all. If i even try to pass the regex without the bars there, the script will not be able to read it.
const reg1stName = ^[A-Z]([a-z\'])+
const regNamesPlaces = ^[^\s]([A-Z]|[a-z]|\b[\'\- ])+[^\s]$
//Can't even be saved. Returns: SyntaxError: Unexpected token '^' (line 29, file "Code.gs")
Passing manually all the validations is not an option. Can anybody help me?
Thanks so much
will not work because the parser is trying to match your / as a string literal.
also will not work, because if the name is hyphenated, you will only match up to the hyphen. This will match the 'Some-' in 'Some-Name', for example. Also, perhaps you want a name like 'Saint John' to pass also?
I recommend the following :)
^[A-Z][a-z]*[-\.' ]?[A-Z]?[a-z]*
^ anchors to the start of the string
[A-Z] matches exactly 1 capital letter
[a-z]* matches zero or more lowercase letters (this enables you to match a name like D'Urso)
[-\.' ]? matches zero or 1 instances of - (hyphen), . (period), ' (apostrophe) or a single space (the . (period) needs to be escaped with a backslash because . is special to regex)
[A-Z]? matches zero or 1 capital letter (in case there's a second capital in the name, like D'Urso, St John, Saint-Germaine)

regex replace on JSON is removing an Object from Array

I'm trying to improve my understanding of Regex, but this one has me quite mystified.
I started with some text defined as:
var txt = "{\"columns\":[{\"text\":\"A\",\"value\":80},{\"text\":\"B\",\"renderer\":\"gbpFormat\",\"value\":80},{\"text\":\"C\",\"value\":80}]}";
and do a replace as follows:
which results in:
What I expected was for the renderer attribute value to have it's quotes removed; which has happened, but also the C column is completely missing! I'd really love for someone to explain how my Regex has removed column C?
As an extra bonus, if you could explain how to remove the quotes around any value for renderer (i.e. so I don't have to hard-code the value gbpFormat in the regex) that'd be fantastic.
You are using a greedy operator while you need a lazy one. Change this:
^---- add here the '?' to make it lazy
Working demo
Your code should be:
If you are learning regex, take a look at this documentation to know more about greedyness. A nice extract to understand this is:
Watch Out for The Greediness!
Suppose you want to use a regex to match an HTML tag. You know that
the input will be a valid HTML file, so the regular expression does
not need to exclude any invalid use of sharp brackets. If it sits
between sharp brackets, it is an HTML tag.
Most people new to regular expressions will attempt to use <.+>. They
will be surprised when they test it on a string like This is a
first test. You might expect the regex to match and when
continuing after that match, .
But it does not. The regex will match first. Obviously not
what we wanted. The reason is that the plus is greedy. That is, the
plus causes the regex engine to repeat the preceding token as often as
possible. Only if that causes the entire regex to fail, will the regex
engine backtrack. That is, it will go back to the plus, make it give
up the last iteration, and proceed with the remainder of the regex.
Like the plus, the star and the repetition using curly braces are
Try like this:
txt = txt.replace(/"renderer":"(.*?)"/g,'"renderer":$1');
The issue in the expression you were using was this part:
By default, the * quantifier is greedy by default, which means that it gobbles up as much as it can, so it will run up to the last comma in your string. The easiest solution would be to turn that in to a non-greedy quantifier, by adding a question mark after the asterisk and change that part of your expression to look like this
For the solution I proposed at the top of this answer, I also removed the part matching the comma, because I think it's easier just to match everything between quotes. As for your bonus question, to replace the matched value instead of having to hardcode gbpFormat, I used a backreference ($1), which will insert the first matched group into the replacement string.
Don't manipulate JSON with regexp. It's too likely that you will break it, as you have found, and more importantly there's no need to.
In addition, once you have changed
'{"columns": [..."renderer": "gbpFormat", ...]}'
'{"columns": [..."renderer": gbpFormat, ...]}' // remove quotes from gbpFormat
then this is no longer valid JSON. (JSON requires that property values be numbers, quoted strings, objects, or arrays.) So you will not be able to parse it, or send it anywhere and have it interpreted correctly.
Therefore you should parse it to start with, then manipulate the resulting actual JS object:
var object = JSON.parse(txt);
object.columns.forEach(function(column) {
column.renderer = ghpFormat;
If you want to replace any quoted value of the renderer property with the value itself, then you could try
column.renderer = window[column.renderer];
Assuming that the value is available in the global namespace.
This question falls into the category of "I need a regexp, or I wrote one and it's not working, and I'm not really sure why it has to be a regexp, but I heard they can do all kinds of things, so that's just what I imagined I must need." People use regexps to try to do far too many complex matching, splitting, scanning, replacement, and validation tasks, including on complex languages such as HTML, or in this case JSON. There is almost always a better way.
The only time I can imagine wanting to manipulate JSON with regexps is if the JSON is broken somehow, perhaps due to a bug in server code, and it needs to be fixed up in order to be parseable.

Remove slashes from string using RegEx in JavaScript

I am trying to remove all special characters except punctuation from a customer complaint textarea using this code:
var tmp = complaint;
complaint = new RegExp(tmp.replace(/[^a-zA-Z,.!?\d\s:]/gi, ''));
but it keeps placing "/" in front, and in back of the string after sanitizing.
Hi, I h#ve a% probl&em wit#h (one) of your products.
Comes out like this
/Hi, I have a problem with one of your products./
I want
Hi, I have a problem with one of your products.
Thanks in advance for any help given.
The variable complaint is converted to a regular expression because you use the RegExp() constructor.
This probably isn't what you want. (I assume you want complaint to be a string).
Strings and regular expressions are two completely different data types.
Your output demonstrates how JavaScript displays regular expressions (surrounded by / characters).
If you want a string, don't create a regular expression (i.e. remove the RegExp constructor).
In other words:
complaint = complaint.replace(/[^a-zA-Z,.!?\d\s:]/gi, '');
You don't need the RegExp constructor:
complaint = tmp.replace(/[^a-zA-Z,.!?\d\s:]/gi, '');

Regex validation rules

I'm writing a database backup function as part of my school project.
I need to write a regex rule so the database backup name can only contain legal characters.
By 'legal' I mean a string that doesn't contain ANY symbols or spaces. Only letters from the alphabet and numbers.
An example of a valid string would be '31Jan2012' or '63927jkdfjsdbjk623' or 'hello123backup'.
Here's my JS code so far:
// Check if the input box contains the charactes a-z, A-Z ,or 0-9 with a regular expression.
function checkIfContainsNumbersOrCharacters(elem, errorMessage){
var regexRule = new RegExp("^[\w]+$");
if(regexRule.test( $(elem).val() ) ){
return true;
return false;
//call the function
checkIfContainsNumbersOrCharacters("#backup-name", "Input can only contain the characters a-z or 0-9.");
I've never really used regular expressions before though, however after a quick bit of googling i found this tool, from which I wrote the following regex rule:
^ = start of string
[/w] = a-z/A-Z/0-9
'+' = characters after the string.
When running my function, the whatever string I input seems to return false :( is my code wrong? or am I not using regex rules correctly?
The problem here is, that when writing \w inside a string, you escape the w, and the resulting regular expression looks like this: ^[w]+$, containing the w as a literal character. When creating a regular expression with a string argument passed to the RegExp constructor, you need to escape the backslash, like so: new RegExp("^[\\w]+$"), which will create the regex you want.
There is a way to avoid that, using the shorthand notation provided by JavaScript: var regex = /^[\w]+$/; which does not need any extra escaping.
It can be simpler. This works:
function checkValid(name) {
return /^\w+$/.test(name);
/^\w+$/ is the literal notation for new RegExp(). Since the .test function returns a boolean, you only need to return its result. This also reads better than new RegExp("^\\w+$"), and you're less likely to goof up (thanks #x3ro for pointing out the need for two backslashes in strings).
The \w is a synonym for [[:alnum:]], which matches a single character of the alnum class. Note that using character classes means that you may match characters that are not part of the ASCII character encoding, which may or may not be what you want. If what you really intend to match is [0-9A-Za-z], then that's what you should use.
When you declare the regex as a string parameter to the RegExp constructor, you need to escape it. Both
var regexRule = new RegExp("^[\\w]+$");
var regexRule = new RegExp(/^[\w]+$/);
will work.
Keep in mind though, that client side validation for database data will never be enough, as the validation is easily bypassed by disabling javascript in the browser, and invalid/malicious data can reach your DB. You need to validate the data on the server side, but preventing the request with invalid data, but validating client side is good practice.
This is the official spec: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.0/en/identifiers.html but it's not very easily converted to a regular expression. Just a regular expression won't do it as there are also reserved words.
Why not just put it in the query (don't forget to escape it properly) and let MySQL give you an error? There might for instance be a bug in the MySQL version you're using, and even though your check is correct, MySQL might still refuse.

