Hashing passwords - For directory access - javascript

So a little background of the situation first:
I have a 3rd party application that has been written only to work within it's directory itself and also only with JSON files.
Now the problem I have is that it is all pretty much written in js, jquery and angular. Which means no file can be behind the root directory because javascript is not allowed to call files behind the root directory. Also I would prefer not to expose the file location unless I protect it somehow with some kind of password or session based system.
So my question is the following:
Is there a way that I can leverage .httpasswd or some other technology that will prevent bots or someone accessing data directly or through a url without passing maybe a get param so that it can confirm that they have rights and also have the get param expire so someone can't just simply give this url to someone else and say hey go for it.
So basically a session hash or something of this nature.
So pretty much I want to be able to protect the whole projectData folder anytime someone tries to access a file even a JSON file they have to pass some kind of hash and it will let them access it.


Concept of a SaaS system

Good evening, I developed a system that behaves in the SaaS format, where the client only registers and already has access to use, in it I used a unique identifier for each client and they all use the same structure, PHP files and the same database . So far so good, because the domain does not change, that is, everyone uses www.lalalaetc.com.br/app and the system separates everything by the unique identifier, however, I would like to develop a virtual store from it, only there would be a difference, the domain, that is, I believe the principle is the same, use a unique identifier for each store, but my doubt is how I will make it so that when someone accesses the store the domain is addressed correctly and load the id of my client? What is the way forward and what do I need to research to do such a feat?
It sounds like you want to develop a multi-tenant application.
In this case, you could uses sub-domains, for example tenant.lalalaetc.com.br.app, where the word tenant is replaced with a string unique to each tenant.
When the request comes into the server, you can parse out the sub-domain, passing it to a function that searches your API/Database by this tenant subdomain.
i managed to handle the tenant with the folomming steps:
i cloned de the parse server source and i added a new middleware named "tenantConfig"
in that middleware i intercepts the requests and i get one specific header that i named "x-parse-tenant" and i use the value of that header like a database name
so i modify the datapase adapter and then resent it to the requetes and do next() to continue the process
so in the client lib or the requests i provide a "x-parse-tenant" header
you can see details in the screenshots
its not perfect i know :D

How to make angular application safe if you need important vars and parameter?

I am still new to Angular apps and wonder about some security concerns and would appreciate some tips on how to handle this.
Lets say I access my Amazon S3 Server from my Angular Application. That for I need to write somewhere my bucketname, accesskey and secret key... but since it is all visible to the user everybody can see the secret key which does not make him anymore secret of course.
I can also not use something like a SALT etc. to create user passwords for the same reason. All is visible in the end and even with minify and uglify anybody can reverse it as well.
What is the best approach to do things like this? So far I can only think of one thing and this is to not use javascript or angular at all in this cases and for example only access my S3 bucket via PHP. But this cant be the only way I hope?
For Firebase it looks the same problematic since everybody can see all infos right away and can connect basically to my DB and than add for example information he want to. Of course I can setup rules and make certain things obligated but this can be also sniffed out easy inside my code at the end which seems all pretty unsafe if I compare this to a php/mysql backend.
You can use the Cordova SecureStorage plugin to store access and/or session tokens:
Since the Android implementation of this secure storage uses the KeyStore, the users must have a secure screen-lock set (like fingerprint, pattern or PIN). The plugin provides functions to check this, so you will be able to give a warning (or block login) if this is not the case. Without a locked screen there is no way to save your keys in a secure way on Android.

How to set a licence-type authorization to a JS file?

I know this is not the right "use" of Javascript. But my company wants to give access to a Javascript file to only particular client (for example clients who subscribe to a special plan). For exemple, if we provide a script to a client and 5 users can access to it, how can i authorize the access to only 5 users and not more?
Because if we don't restrain the access, the client can take the script and give it to anyone (and we will loose a lot of money, because we are selling our knowledge, and our knowledge is this script)
For now the only way to secure our code is by using NodeJS, so the client can't see the script because he only see the generated html page. But we can have the case which the whole server is hosted by the client. So anyone can access to the script, and we want to prevent this case.
So, is there any way to setup a server licence-like for a web application?
(I already know about JS minimizer, and obfuscator, but this is not the kind of things I m looking for)
Thanks in advance
JavaScript is a client side script language, that means it's hard to protect your knowledge.
Even if you minimize or obfuscate your script, people can send it to others and it'll still work.
Inspired by video protecting, I have an idea to protect your knowledge.
You can insert a log script that send logs with your custom's id. If your custom share the script to others, you can know it.
Another way is to insert a fragment of useless code, which can track the custom id, like:
var userId = zo1vjiw73;
Then if you see some other website are using your code, you can easily know who shared the script.

programmatically determining if someone owns a website?

I need to figure out the best way to determine if someone is the actual owner of a website. I don't just mean the domain although in a lot of cases that might be the case.
My first inclination was to have them put a special comment in their HTML that my program can scrape. e.g.:
<!-- #webcode:1234 -->
One possible problem with that approach is someone in theory could add it in the comments on their page or some other way to add content. Although I'm not sure anything I have them do couldn't be gotten that way.
My other idea was since I was planning on also offering a JavaScript widget was to just scrape that although I didn't want to necessarily force them to add the widget.
<script type="text/javascript" src="http://yoursite.com/widget/widget/A4923D2342JF"></script>
What other mechanisms could be employed to determine ownership/control of a website?
Here are the options that Google uses for Domain verification:
Create a CNAME or TXT record in your
domain's DNS settings. These methods
require accessing DNS settings for
your domain at your domain host's
website. Which method you can choose
(CNAME or TXT record) depends on
what's offered in your Google Apps
control panel. We're currently
rolling out the TXT record method but
still ask many customers to create a
CNAME record, instead.
Upload an HTML file to your domain's
web server This method requires being
able to upload files to your domain's
web server. Try doing this if you
don't have access to your domain's
DNS settings.
Add a tag to your home page
This method is available only for
some customers (it's another new
method we're rolling out). It
requires accessing your domain's web
server but not uploading to it. Try
doing this if you have write access
to files on the server but can't
upload new files.
CNAME/TXT or uploading an HTML file to the root of the domain is the most secure, since it requires full control of the domain. If you want to be a bit more lax you could use a Meta tag in the head node, which would prevent someone from adding a comment to a page. All depends on how secure you want to be.
Do what Google does for their Webmaster Tools. Generate a unique key, and have them put it in a meta tag in the head of their front page. It's pretty unlikely that a user who does not own the site will be able to change the contents within the <head></head> tags. If they can, the site is vulnerable to almost any kind of vandalism, and is hopeless.
You could have them add your original idea but only accept the comment in, say, the <header> tag of the website. This way you could avoid having them past the comment into a 'comments' section like you originally suggested.
In fact, I subscribed to a service that did just that: include the special comment in the header section of your page.
Make part of the requirement be that comment be inside of the <head> tag. Typically, even user generated content wouldn't make it's way into the head.
Also, your concern about the comment hack are probably unnecessary. Any comment system worth it's weight knows to escape comments so that the comment is not displayed as actual HTML markup.
Have them put a file with a hard to guess name on the server?
such as http://www.example.com/5gdbadcab234g3.txt
The only true way is to be able to access their fileserver. Anything transferred through HTTP can be reproduced.
If you don't have access to their server, then the best way would be to have an encrypted string embedded on the page (or in an image or some binary file on that page).
The string should be comprised of the URI, author, and timestamp. That way, even if someone does copy this string to their website, you would still be able to determine the author and the page. An added bonus is you'll be able to determine if there was a theft.
Granted, this is only as good as the algorithm that encrypts the page/author combination; hackers that are good at decrypting could get around this. Additionally, a dishonest author could create his own key for his page, thus you'd need to host the encryption so that no one could tinker with the timestamp. Also, this requires that all authors places the code on their page.
I know you mentioned that it isn't necessarily domain dependent but that would help. You could hash the domain (as they are unique) and send the person that string to put somewhere on their site either .txt or in the header as others have mentioned.
Then you store all their domains and their hashes in a database and your scraper would check that the domain it is scraping matches the hashed comment string, if it checks out then its fine.

Password Protect HTML5 Offline Application Directory

I have an HTML5 app which is capable of running offline. However, I need to password protect the directory this app resides in to only allow access to authorized users. Initially I was using a PHP login page which set a cookie (outside of the app directory) then redirected to the app directory. The app (JavaScript) checks for the cookie and if it's there it lets the user run the app. If not, it redirects them back out of the app directory.
The problem with this method is that all of the files in the directory are still accessible if referenced directly (which I don't want). I do not want users to have to authenticate every time they hit the directory (it's a one-time authentication process; the cookie is there so that they never have to type their username/password again), and I also want to have a stylized login form (i.e. not using the default browser login box for http authentication).
Finally, because this is an offline HTML5 app, I can't include any PHP code in the app itself.
Any suggestions?
That doesn't sound like something you could do from Javascript. The script would need access to the file system to be able to restrict access to the folder, wouldn't it?
Unless this feature is exposed by the browser via a javascript API, I don't think it will be possible. It sounds like it would be a useful feature though.
Perhaps you could encrypt vital data, but apart from slowing down the application, I'm not sure what good it would do, since all the necessary keys would have to be stored locally as well...
Since the general rule of security on the web is that you can never ever rely on anything that happens client-side (e.g. in Javascript) without a double check on the server-side, this will of course pose a problem when the app is running offline and the server-side is not available :(
Looking at the "make Javascript redirect if the cookie exists" problem, unless I'm mistaken, it would be trivial for a malicious user to edit the Javascript, using for example Firebug, to redirect in any case.
EDIT: By the way, what level of security are you looking for? The "mom won't be able to accidentally access my account"-level (which it sounds like you already achieved), or the "no one, except maybe the NSA, should be able to hack it"-level?

