Ag-grid with AngularJS - header width is not aligning with data columns - javascript

[Update] I will add an additional 200 points (total 300) if anyone gets my snippet working, with headers and data columns aligned.
This is my first attempt with ag-grid. I assign the grid header like this:
var stationAnalyticsColumnDefs = [
{headerName: "Station #", field: "station_id", width: 150, sort: 'asc'},
{headerName: "Station name", field: "station_name", width: 150, sort: 'desc'},
{headerName: "Total visitors", field: "total_visit_count", width: 150, sort: 'desc'},
{headerName: "Busiest day (visitors)", valueGetter: BusiestDayValueGetter, width: 150, comparator: BusiestDayComparator},
I am fetching the data by AJAX, so when my $http.get returns success, accoding to the docs, I should be able to
but neither of those seems to work (no data is shown), so I use
and the data shows just fine.
My problem is that the headers don't align with the data. How do I do that? I also want the grid columns to resize as I drag the headers to resize them.
[Update] Still working on the Plunk. Can anyone see what's wrong with this?
<div ag-grid="stationAnalyticsGridOptions"
class="ag-fresh ag-basic"
style="height:400px; width:80%">
var stationAnalyticsColumnDefs = [
{headerName: "Station #", field: "station_id", width: 150, sort: 'asc'},
{headerName: "Station name", field: "station_name", width: 150, sort: 'desc'},
{headerName: "Total visitors", field: "total_visit_count", width: 150, sort: 'desc'},
{headerName: "Busiest day (visitors)", valueGetter: BusiestDayValueGetter, width: 150, comparator: BusiestDayComparator},
$scope.stationAnalyticsGridOptions = {
columnDefs: stationAnalyticsColumnDefs,
rowData: $scope.eventStationsAnalyticData,
enableColResize: true,
enableSorting: true,
enableFilter: true,
[Update] I tried to create a working Fiddle, to reproduce the question, but failed; the table does not even display. You can find the Fiddle at
Can anyone get it working - with the header width and data column width aligning?
Please fork my Fiddle, rather than starting from scratch, and retain the variable names, etc

Try setup your gridOptions including angularComileHeader: true to ensure your headers does work with AngularJS in the right way. Please check this runnable plnkr and compare it with your solution. Also ensure you using the latest version of ag-grid.
$scope.gridOptions = {
columnDefs: columnDefs,
rowData: $scope.rowData,
angularCompileHeaders: true,
enableColResize: true,
enableSorting: true,
enableFilter: true


Ag-Grid : Modify data in one grid while applying filter in another Grid

I have 2 grids side by side as per design and both will have same no.of rows. i need to apply filter in one column of grid1 and same amount rows should be in both the grids after applying filter also.
GridOptions = <GridOptions>{
enableFilter: true,
rowSelection: 'multiple',
enableSorting: false,
enableColResize: true,
singleClickEdit: true,
animateRows: true,
headerHeight: 50,
rowClass: 'rowClass',
headerClass: 'GridHeader',
overlayNoRowsTemplate: " ",
context: {
componentParent: this
onFilterModified: this.GridFilter
GridColumnDefs = [{
headerName: "Student Name", field: "name", width: 90, editable: true,
filter: 'agTextColumnFilter'
releaseFilter(params: any) {
var data = params.api.getRenderedNodes()
I got the filtered rows of grid1 but dont know how to set the filtered index for the second grid. Thanks in advance

Agroup data using ag-grid

I am currently using ag-grid in my project. Am trying to agroup the data using the agrouping feature.
In my col def I have this:
{headerName: "Parent", field: "ParentID",width: 120,rowGroup:true},
{headerName: "Name", field: "Name"},
{headerName: "Level", field: "Level"},
{headerName: "Active", field: "Active"},
{headerName: "Actions",
field: "Actions",
cellRenderer: function (params) {
/*Generate a link and return it*/
return EditLink;
Then, the ag-grid options:
var gridOptions = {
columnDefs: columnDefs,
rowData: rowData,
onGridReady: function () {
animateRows: true,
enableRangeSelection: true,
enableSorting: true,
enableFilter: true,
enableColResize: true,
rowHeight: 48,
enableStatusBar: true,
rowSelection: 'single',
icons: {
checkboxChecked: '<img src=""/>'
However, I am not getting the expected behaviour, I have the table rendered with the data and the column to agroup the data, but it's not agrouped, it's like ordered but I don't see the button to dropdown the children
Are you sure the ParentID is shared amongst several rows? The groupRemoveSingleChildren option will show no groups if no ids are shared.
You can also try using rowGroupIndex as opposed to rowGroup
this.columnDefs = [
{headerName: "Clan", field: "clan", editable: true, rowGroupIndex: 0 },
The rowGroupIndex allows sub groups to be defined so you can nest groups (if you need to).
I would also recommend removing the groupRemoveSingleChildren just to see if you get the checkbox or whether the data is at fault..

How to expand a kendo grid on clicking a column value using angular js

I am trying to use Kendo UI Grid with angular js. I need to expand the grid to further level when user clicks a link given in one of the columns of the grid.
I used following code to expand the grid on click of an tag inside a kendo grid column.
$scope.mainGridOptions = {
dataSource: {
data: $,
schema: {
model: {
fields: {
fieldA: { type: "string" },
fieldB: { type: "string" },
fieldC: { type: "string" },
fieldT: { type: "numeric" }
pageSize: 10
filterable: true,
sortable: true,
resizable: true,
pageable: true,
scrollable: true,
columns: [
{ field: "fieldA", title: "FieldA", width: 90},
{ field: "fieldB", title: "FieldB", width: 90},
{ field: "fieldC", title: "FieldC", width: 90},
{ field: "fieldT", title: "FieldT", width: 90, template: "<a onclick='expand(this)'href='\\#'>#=mydata#</a>"}
But on running the code it just gives me an error in the browser console window.
Uncaught ReferenceError: expand is not defined at
I researched and found that Kendo doesn't supports onclick event inside an tag. Therfore tried to use tag instead of tag. But it still does not work.
{ field: "fieldT", title: "FieldT", width: 90, template: "<span ng-click='showFileLevel(this)>{{mydata}}</span>"}
Can anyone please guide me in the right direction or let me know how can I expand a Kendo grid to further levels on clicking text inside a certain column of the grid using Angular JS.
you write expand(this) method out of the controller in your js.

Populate a column in Kendo Grid based on separate Datasource

I have a kendo grid like what I've posted below. I'm populating the grid based on the data in the url I provided for it. However, there is one column on the grid, the flag column, which I would like to be a separate datasource to populate that column, based on the id. The datasource for that column would look something like:
[{id:1234, flag: 'N'}, {id:5678, flag:'Y'}]
Is there a way where I can populate just 1 column in the grid based on a completely different datasource from the rest of the grid? The flag would need to be placed on the row of its corresponding id. If so, how can I implement this? Any help would be appreciated.
dataSource: {
type: "odata",
transport: {
read: url
pageSize: 30
height: 400,
groupable: true,
sortable: true,
pageable: {
refresh: true,
pageSizes: true,
buttonCount: 5
columns: [{
field: "id",
title: "ID",
width: 240
}, {
field: "FirstName",
title: "First Name"
}, {
field: "LastName",
title: "LastName"
}, {
field: "flag",
title: "Flag",
width: 150
Consider using a foreign key column.

Reordering rows within a grid Ext JS 4

I want to be able to reorder the rows within a single grid. Im relatively new to extjs and have tried searching for this but all the resources i find are for older ext js versions and some of properties defined in those aren't valid anymore. eg-
xtype: 'grid',
id: 'row-grid',
hideHeaders: true,
store: 'SelectedRowStore',
//enableDragDrop: true,
//ddGroup: 'rowgrid-dd',
columns: [
header: 'Rows',
flex: 1,
sortable: false,
dataIndex: 'DisplayName'
id: 'button-column',
dataIndex: 'ID',
sortable: true,
hideable: false,
width: 35,
renderer: PA.common.RendererHelper.renderButtonForAddRowMainGrid
I'd really appreciate any help/advice on this issue.
Take a look at the grid to grid drag-n-drop example. It works with two grids, but I'm sure it can be easily modified to allow rearranging rows within one grid.
You can follow the sencha sample as Rene said or follow this:
Add this to your grid:
viewConfig: {
plugins: {
ptype: 'gridviewdragdrop',
containerScroll: true,
dragGroup: 'someuniquenameforyourgrid',
dropGroup: 'someuniquenameforyourgrid'
And, only if you need some listener to do some anction, add (inside viewConfig):
listeners: {
drop: 'onDropGrid'
and event handler code in your controller:
onDropGrid: function (node, data, dropRec, dropPosition) {

