I'm using suite CRM. I need information from an expert.
Where can I find the function that verifies the existence of a field in the database before saving a form?
The scenario I have is to save a new opportunity. After choosing an account from the pop up list, I try to save the new opportunity, but I get an error:
"No match, field doesn't exist".
I found a peice of code in cache\include\javascript\sugar_grp1 :
function validate_form(formname, startsWith) {
requiredTxt = SUGAR.language.get('app_strings', 'ERR_MISSING_REQUIRED_FIELDS');
invalidTxt = SUGAR.language.get('app_strings', 'ERR_INVALID_VALUE');
if (typeof(formname) == 'undefined') {
return false;
I want to find where the verification with the database is done, any one could give me any information?
I have a scenario that requires checking an entered password against the user's firebase password before the user does an irreversible task. This is different from creating an account or signing in. How can you check against a firebase password? It doesn't look like there's a password property in firebase.auth().currentUser.
The user must verify their password and the Delete button will run a function to check it. If it matches the firebase password, the Delete button will succeed in triggering a pretty modal to pop up.
I would suggest you to store the user password somewhere if you need to check against it at some point.
Instead of storing it inside your database (which wouldn't be safe) I would personally store it on user's device using UserDefaults so that you can access it easily whenever you need to perform your sensible tasks.
Another possibility would be using the reauthenticateWithCredential method. If the method return success then, perform your sensitive task. If it fails, ask your user to type the correct password.
As per your request, this is how you would reauthenticate the user using his email & password :
// First you get your current user using Auth :
let currentUser = Auth.auth()?.currentUser
// Then you build up your credential using the current user's current email and password :
let credential = EmailAuthProvider.credential(withEmail: email, password: password)
// use the reauthenticate method using the credential :
currentUser?.reauthenticate(with: credential, completion: { (error) in
guard error == nil else {
// If there is no error, you're good to go
// ...Do something interesting here
You can find some more explanation inside the Firebase documentation here : https://firebase.google.com/docs/auth/ios/manage-users
I am building an application that has two types of users. Professional users and their clients. The account types are completely distinct with no overlap. So, emails registered as Pro could still be used to register as a Client, and if a Pro user tried to log in using the client form, their account would not exist.
Is there any way I can create two distinct user sets using the meteor accounts package? I have tried to add an attribute like 'user.isPro' and then check if the Pro user exists when a user is created, like this:
Accounts.onCreateUser(function(options, user) {
var email = user.email;
if (Meteor.users.find({emails: email, isPro : true}).count() > 0) {
throw new Meteor.Error(403, "This email address is already registered");
user.isPro = true;
return user;
This is not working. It assigns user.isPro correctly, but meteor prevents duplicate emails from being registered instead of using the validation I created above. Any ideas on how I can achieve two distinct user sets? Thanks for your help!
I would just to get things clear here or get other suggestions if possible if it is better.
This is how my application works now:
1) Anonymous user is created if its the first time the user open the application
2) Phone verification is needed to be done. If verified, i save the phone number in a custom field in user object ( do i need to make this user a real user after this or can i still go with anonymous user?)( verification is one time only of course)
3) The user will be able to pick a friend from his contact list(ABPeoplePicker) and then send a push notification to that friend's device.
Now i have set up a relationship with the User and the installation object with this code:
PFInstallation *installation = [PFInstallation currentInstallation];
installation[#"user"] = [PFUser currentUser];
[installation saveInBackground];
And this created a pointer to the users ObjectId
So my question is how would i create a query and send a push notification to a number retrieved from that Users friend list?. I am having a hard time to connect how i can get from a phone number to the installation device that i need to send the notification to. If you could provide help in javascript since i read it is safer to send it through cloud code!
Also a subquestion mentioned above if i need to make the anonymous user to a real user.
many thanks!!
I'd recommend subscribing each user to their own channel where the channel name is equal to their phone number (Subscription can't be done in Javascript):
NSString *userPhoneNumber = ...
PFInstallation *currentInstallation = [PFInstallation currentInstallation];
// "x" added to the beginning of the userPhoneNumber since
// Parse doesn't allow channels to begin with a number
[currentInstallation addUniqueObject:[NSString stringWithFormat:#"x%#", userPhoneNumber] forKey:#"channels"];
[currentInstallation saveInBackground];
That way no query is required before pushing the notification:
var friendPhoneNumber = ...
var friendChannel = "x" + friendPhoneNumber;
channels: [ friendChannel ],
data: {
alert: message
}, {
success: function() {
// Push was successful
error: function(error) {
// Handle error
I'm not able to use the node server debugger so I'm posting here to see if I can get a nudge in the right direction.
I am trying to allow multiple users to edit documents created by any of the users within their specific company. My code is below. Any help would be appreciated.
// Passing in the user object (has profile object {company: "1234"}
// Passing in document (has companyId field that is equal to "1234"
update: function(userObject, components) {
return ownsDocument(userObject, components);
// check to ensure user editing document created/owned by the company
ownsDocument = function(userObject, doc) {
return userObject.profile.company === doc.companyId;
The error I'm getting is: Exception while invoking method '/components/update' TypeError: Cannot read property 'company' of undefined
I'm trying to be as secure as possible, though am doing some checks before presenting any data to the user, so I'm not sure if this additional check is necessary. Any advice on security for allowing multiple users to edit documents created by the company would be awesome. Thanks in advance. -Chris
Update (solution):
// check that the userId specified owns the documents
ownsDocument = function(userId, doc) {
// Gets the user form the userId being passed in
var userObject = Meteor.users.findOne(userId);
// Checking if the user is associated with the company that created the document being modified
// Returns true/false respectively
return doc.companyId === userObject.profile.companyId;
Looking at the docs, it looks like the first argument to the allow/deny functions is a user ID, not a user document. So you'll have to do Meteor.users.findOne(userId) to get to the document first.
Do keep in mind that users can write to their own profile subdocument, so if you don't disable that, users will be able to change their own company, allowing them to edit any post. You should move company outside of profile.
(If you can't use a proper debugger, old-fashioned console.log still works. Adding console.log(userObject) to ownsDocument probably would have revealed the solution.)
I'am really frustrated with the result I'm getting in my code:
userOldPass //from user input, user's old password
oldPass //from database, user's old password
newPass //from user input, user's new password
confirmNewPass //from user input, user's new password confirmation
function checkpass(){
if(userOldPass==oldPass) && (newPass==comfirmNewPass){
The problem is it always says 'error' even if the inputs are already all correct. I checked each variables' values via the alert function to see if there is some inequalities but everything is okay and still it alerts 'error'.
What could be the problem?
P.S. all the variables are in SHA1 hash. I used the CryptoJS.SHA1 function I found in the net.
I use the alert function to check each value from the variables and the results are right.
if(userOldPass==oldPass) && (newPass==comfirmNewPass) // all should stay in ()
In this way:
if ((userOldPass==oldPass) && (newPass==comfirmNewPass))