PouchDB data view by-sequence - javascript

Is it possible to show PouchDB data order by "by-sequence" (sequence when they insert into PouchDB). I don't want it to order by _id. Please help!

That's easy: use the _changes feed. Just make sure to use the include_docs option to get the complete docs. You can even get new changes continuously to react on live changes.
If you need to sort your views by seq, I think there is an obscure option in CouchDB that enables access to the seq for each document, but it's probably unsupported by PouchDB. Please follow up if you need more information.


NestJs: Is there a way to generate a resource, already wired to a TypeOrm entity?

I'm playing around with NestJs, for the purpose of automating REST API creation as much as possible. So far, I do not see any quick way to create a fully functional resource.
For example, if I use the Nest CLI like this:
nest g resource
And call my resource "posts", I get a module, a controller, a service, dto's and an empty entity
In order to make it functional, I would need to manually go through every method of the PostsService, remove the placeholder, and wire it to the corresponding entity method. For example, this needs to be altered:
findAll() {
return `This action returns all posts`;
return this.postsRepository.find()
Not to mention, that I need to add various decorators and imports. In my opinion, this undermines the whole idea of CRUD generator. A lot of files are created for me, but they need to be altered.
Is there any way in Nest to create a fully functioning resource(of course i would still need to manually set the fields of the entity), with all parts wired to each other correctly?
I also tried to find something similar. And this is the best what I found https://github.com/ashinzekene/generator-nestjs-app
I think if such a thing existed, then it should have been mentioned in this repository. https://github.com/nestjs/awesome-nestjs
But it's not. Maybe I'm wrong 😑
The purpose of nest isnt to get up and running asap -> You would probably want to use something a little bit more user friendly / or one with a more guided workflow.
in terms of what the generator is giving you...
Controller Only deals with the request / response being recieved and sent... it doesnt have any other type of functionality...
DTO think of it like an interface but with more functionality , as you can add data-validation / etc to make sure the request object is formated properly...
Service Exposes the methods that contain all of our business logic. for a crud app, this would be where your actual get post put patch delete would be ... and how the data us modified in your db. Then once this finishes it would return the response if any to the controller which sends the info out.
this is helpful for many reasons... one if our project has 200 endpoints and 40 people working in different teams you dont want each team to have a different way of doing things, also you want it to be clear where each thing is... if you endpoints need to be changed , you simply go to your controller... if the logic needs to change, you go to that service etc...
The Purpose of nest is to give you a framework for extremely modular apps / essentially everything decoupled..
think of it in terms of an express... you could have a single page express app that just has everything in one place... or you could have every single thing on it's own area...
esentially nest doesnt do anything crazy that express cant, it's just the underlying inversion of control (the .main file which calls the app.module which builds all the different pieces that are needed for that endpoint / app / service / or etc.)
If you just want to use nest because it seems shiny , id consider looking up something like fastify or / even appsmith / or something else like that...

How do I add a chart to firebase?

im currently creating an app where the user is suppose to click a couple of buttons and get a chart back. So far so good. But I want them to be able to save the chart in their profile so they can look at it whenever they want. I have no idea how to do it. I have played around with Auth but I just dont get it. I have googled to no avail. I have checked firebase website but im not sure what im looking for.
I tried repeating some of the steps for when it saves the account user and password.. but I dont know if im missing a specific set of syntax for this or I just dont know the proper command.
Does anyone know how to solve this or point in the right direction? Can it even be done?
I have been at it the whole day....
A chart is simply a presentation of data. You add the data to firebase and then you can later retrieve that data to present in anyway you wish (as a chart in your case).
Take a look at this example that uses canvasjs to present data as a chart: https://canvasjs.com/react-charts/chart-index-data-label/
If you're following some steps but are running into an issue you have to be specific because without more detailed information it's anyone's guess what the issue is as to why it isn't working.
but I dont know if im missing a specific set of syntax for this or I
just dont know the proper command.
How do you know something is not working? What's the result and what's the expected result?
Your first step would be to get authentication working. You can follow this documentation to help you get setup using the web: https://firebase.google.com/docs/auth/web/password-auth
After that you want to use create a database that has a collection, say 'charts' where each document could have the 'uid' of the users.
Take a look at this step-by-step tutorial.: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4d-gIPGzmK4&list=PL4cUxeGkcC9itfjle0ji1xOZ2cjRGY_WB
It guides you through authentication as well as storing data. Once you get that setup, viewing your data as a chart would be a front-end presentational thing and depend on what you're using to display the data. If you're using reactjs, https://react-charts.js.org looks like a good option.

Elasticsearch, Vue and Innersearch.vue -- Search won't recognize inputs with spaces in them

I've been tinkering with Innersearch for a project. I really like Vue and this app, but this might be a deal breaker.
I have it connected to my Elasticsearch instance. It pulls and display the data, but when I use the search box, it will not search on any phrase that has a space in it. It looks like the ":function" prop controls the query types. When I change it from "match" to "match_all", I notice the behavior of the search changes.
With that, it appears the prop starts after whether you can declare "bool => should", for example. I've been reading up and down in Elasticsearch's JS documentation and nothing is really helpful to this issue. I'm more familiar with the php-elasticsearch client.
I've read in other places that I would have to reindex my data, but the mapping is already set at "keyword" for the data I have. And, besides that, when I was using the php-elasticsearch client, I didn't need to change the mapping.
So, I'm kind of at a loss. I can't tell if I'm missing something in the Elasticsearch JS syntax, or if Innersearch has left off the ability to do this. If anyone has any experience with this, I'd appreciate it.

Find and Pull data from API (elgg)

Okay so I'm trying to make a custom elgg website.
One of the main features I need is for users to be able to create events, and for those events to be displayed in a sortable table.
For events, I use a plugin for elgg called Event Manager. I originally thought that the data for the events was stored in mysql, but apparently it's stored in the elgg API instead.
Can anyone give me any tips on where to find the event data, and how to pull it from the api and put it into a javascript/html table?
Pablo Escobar
Regarding details of writing plugins, refer to documentation: http://docs.elgg.org/wiki/Main_Page and make sure to read through: http://docs.elgg.org/wiki/Engine/DataModel
To get event_calendar events, you'll need to use one of the functions from elgg_get_entities family. You'll most likely need to filter by type (object) and subtype (event_calendar), apply some filtering (metadata_name_value_pairs parameter to elgg_get_entities_from_metadata) and sorting (order_by_metadata)
For additional support you'll be more successful at community.elgg.org page.

Netsuite: How to edit or update a record?

I am a newbie at NetSuite scripting. It looks like a normal EDIT or UPDATE function is not at all normal in the Netsuite. There are APIs for creating and deleting record like nlapiCreateRecord and nlapiDeleteRecord, but nowhere in the documentation I could find the way to edit and update the existing record. I have restrictions on using PHP.
I have created a custom TFC customer form (server side js), which should be able to fetch the data and update if required. I have been able to fetch the records as of now, but please tell me how to update an existing record?
To be a little more precise, use nlapiLoadRecord to fetch the record from the database. Set the fields as needed. Use nlapiSubmitRecord to save it.
Untested code off the top of my head:
var record = nlapiLoadRecord('record_type_goes_here', internal_id_of_record_goes_here);
record.setFieldValue('field_internal_id_goes_here', 'value to set goes here);
Fill in the appropriate values where needed.
For the benefit of anyone looking at this question who is concerned with performance, it is much more efficient to use
nlapiSubmitField(type, id, fields, values, doSourcing)
If you know exactly what you are updating. This is both faster than submitRecord, and avoids the often significant overhead of loading the record first.
The function used to edit an existing record is nlapiSubmitRecord. See definition here http://suitecoder.appspot.com/static/api.html

