Turn JSON string with duplicate keys into JSON string arrays - javascript

I'm trying to generate a JSON string which will contain all of my filters, but I constantly stuck with duplicate keys. So, I want to find a solution that turns the duplicate keys into a JSON array.
For example, I have this JSON object:
"filter-1": "value-1",
"filter-1": "value-2",
"filter-2": "value-3",
"filter-3": "value-4"
And I want to turn it into this:
"filter-1": ["value-1", "value-2"],
"filter-2": "value-3",
"filter-3": "value-4"
Can someone point me in the right direction? I would appreciate solutions in JavaScript but any method would be more than welcome! Thanks in advance!

The duplicate key-pairs are causing overwrite issues.
Javascript objects doesn't allow duplicate keys.
var testObj = JSON.parse('{"filter-1":"value-1","filter-1":"value-2","filter-2":"value-3","filter-3":"value-4"}'); will overwrite the first key-pair (filter-1: value-1) when it parses the second key-pair (filter1: value-2) since both key-pairs have the same key.
However, JSON specification (not Javscript objects) does not specifically mention whether duplicate keys are allowed or not. You may wish to write your own parsing function to handle the duplicate keys.

You will have to change the format of your JSON since keys in JS objects must be unique.
Then you can hard coded or use libraries like jquery or underscorejs to group them out.
var objects =
0: {"filter": "filter-1", "value":"value-1"},
1: {"filter": "filter-1", "value":"value-2"},
2: {"filter": "filter-2", "value":"value-3"},
3: {"filter": "filter-3", "value":"value-4"}
var result = _.groupBy(objects,"filter")


Javascript object with arrays to search param style query string

Looking for clean way to convert a javascript object containing arrays as values to a search param compatible query string. Serializing an element from each array before moving to the next index.
Using libraries such as querystring or qs, converts the object just fine, but handles each array independently. Passing the resulting string to the server (which I cannot change) causes an error in handling of the items as each previous value is overwritten by the next. Using any kind of array notation in the query string is not supported. The only option I have not tried is a custom sort function, but seems like it would be worse than writing a custom function to parse the object. Any revision to the object that would generate the expected result is welcome as well.
var qs = require("qs")
var jsobj = {
Result returned is
Result desired would be
I tried reorder your json:
> var jsobj = [{origString: 'abc', newString: 'abcd' }, {origString: '123',
newString: '1234' }, {action:'compare'}]
> qs.stringify(jsobj,{encode:false})
But I don't know if this is a good alternative for your problem.
Chalk this up to misunderstanding of the application. After spending some more time with the API I realized my mistake, and as posted above by others, order does no matter. Not sure why my first several attempts failed but the question is 'answered'

how to access key/value pairs from json() object?

I'm calling an external service and I get the returned domain object like this:
var domainObject = responseObject.json();
This converts the response object into a js object. I can then easily access a property on this object like this
var users = domainObject.Users
Users is a collection of key/value pairs like this:
1: "Bob Smith"
2: "Jane Doe"
3: "Bill Jones"
But CDT shows users as Object type and users[0] returns undefined. So how can I get a handle to the first item in the collection? I'm assuming that some type of type cast is needed but not sure how I should go about doing this
Here is one way I could access the values:
//get first user key
//get first user value
But I need to databind through ng2 so I was hoping for a simpler way like this:
<div *ngFor="let user of users">
User Name: {{user.value}}
Maybe I should just create a conversion function in my ng2 component which converts the object into what I need before setting the databinding variable?
So after scouring through a few docs I found the "newish" Object.entries() javascript function. You can read about it here. Pretty cool.
Anyways, give this a try. I am ashamed to say that I don't have time to test it, but it should get you going in the right direction.
usersArray = []
// Turn Users object into array of [key, value] sub arrays.
userPairs = Object.entries(users);
// Add the users back into an array in the original order.
for (i=0; i < userPairs; i++) {
usersArray.push(_.find(userPairs, function(userPair) { return userPair[0] == i }))
I would use either underscore.js or lodash to do this. Both are super helpful libraries in terms of dealing with data structures and keeping code to a minimum. I would personally use the _.values function in lodash. Read more about it here.. Then you could use users[0] to retrieve the first item.
The only caveat to this is that lodash doesn't guarantee the iteration sequence will be the same as it is when the object is passed in.
users = _.values(users);
How about this:
let user= this.users.find(() => true)
This should return the "first" one.
If your initial object is just a plain object, how do you know it is sorted. Property members are not sorted, ie: looping order is nor guaranteed. I´d extract the user names into an array and the sort that array by the second word. This should work (as long as surnames are the second word, and only single spaces are used as separators).
var l=[];
for(var x in users) {
var l1=l.sort ( (a,b) => return a.split(" ")[1]<b.split(" ")[1]);

Get value from Json object with unique key

How do I check if a JSON object have key are duplicate, just get distint the key and not use foreach function? Such as:
var objectData = {[value1: abc], [value1: abc], [value2: bcd]}
If a key doesn't exist, and I try to access it, will it return undefined? Or get the error?
If this is meant to be an array of JSON objects:
var objectData = [ {"value1": "abc"}, {"value1": "abc"}, {"value2": "bcd"} ];
Then your answer lies within the responses to this question: Remove duplicates from an array of objects in javascript or this one Remove duplicate objects from an array using javascript.
If your notation accurately reflects what is produced by your system (or your own coding), you may want to rework it a bit so it makes sense.
Hope that helps.

Add JSON object to Another JSON Object at particular place

I have two JSON Objects:
var JSonData = {"li_ZPI":{},"li_ZIN":{"li_ISD":{},"li_AAH":{"li_AAD":{}},"li_EAH":{"li_EAD":{}},"li_REG":{},"li_PSC":{},"li_IMC":{},"li_GSP":{},"li_IES":{}}};
var additionalJSonData = {"li_AAH_1":{"li_AAD_1":{}}};
I want to add additionalJSonData object after JSONData "li_AAH" Object.
If you are using jQuery, you can easily do it using $.extend() function:
$.extend(true, JSonData,additionalJSonData);
In any other frameworks, there are similar functions.
The problem is that there's no after. These "JSON" objects (Javascript objects, really, JSON would be text strings that could convert to JS objects) are hashes, not arrays. Hashes have no order - that is,
for ( var f in JSonData ) {
there's no rule that the various keys ("li_ZPI", etc.) would show up in any particular order, or even the same order each time.
So you can certainly add the new item:
JSonData["li_AAH_1"] = {"li_AAD_1":{}};
but don't expect the eventual JSON string to be ordered the way you're hoping.

Joining values in an Javascript array

Say I have:
var Certificated = {}
Sub items are added dynamically and variate. Possible outcome:
var Certificated = {
Elementary: ["foo","bar", "ball"]
MiddleSchool: ["bar", "crampapydime"]
I want to do the following:
Certificated.Elementary = Certificated.Elementary.join("");
Except I need it to do that on all of the objects inside.
Keep in mind I can't know for sure the titles of nor how many objects will be inside Certificated.
My question is how can I use .join("") on all elements inside Certificated, without calling each one specifically?
EDIT: I am aware .join() is for arrays and the objects inside Certificated are going to be arrays. Therefore the join method.
Does this work?
for (var key in Certificated) {
if (Certificated.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
Certificated[key] = Certificated[key].join("");
It loops through all properties of Certificated, and makes a quick safe check for the key being a real property, then uses bracket notation - [""] - to do your join.
Quick question - are you sure you want to use join? I know you just provided an example, but you can't call join on a string...it's for arrays. Just wanted to make sure you knew.
Here's a jsFiddle of my code working with arrays being used for the properties:
Notice in the browser console, the properties' values are strings because the join combined them with "".

