.save() not working inside callback function - javascript

I'm currently using the "request" module to get data from an external page:
if i use the following code, it doesn't work:
request(SITE_URL, function (error, response, body) {
var user = new gasStation({ id: 12345, name: 'Gustavo' });
But if i make the call outside the request function it works as expected:
var user = new gasStation({ id: 12345, name: 'Gustavo' });
request(SITE_URL, function (error, response, body) {
// some stuff
Why is this happening?

First never ignore your error handler's. Check if error is true. Also your URL might be malformed check that. Lastly make sure the mongoose model for user is initialized. I only saw initialization outside the request.


framework7 component page not working with real database query

In framework7 (latest version) there are some sample pages for e.g. page-loader-component.html. This page having -
<p>Hello {{name}}</p>
and at bottom, there is script
return {
data: function(){
name: "Peter"
Now when the page is accessed, it displays - Hello Peter
Question is I want to fetch name from real database from my server. So I made this changes -
{userid: 2},
var response = JSON.parse(response);
console.log(response); //console log shows {name: "Peter"}
return response
return {
data: function(){
return response //console log shows response is not defined
Now when try to access the page, it throws errors (in console) - ReferenceError: response is not defined. In console my request query is OK, it show - {name: "Peter"}
I did return response as well as tried replacing the position of function as well as tried many other possible fix suggested on stackoverflow.
I think one function is running before other one make finish database queries. I am not expert (just average). So please someone suggest.
I have also tried to access the page through routes.js as example given in request-and-load.html but still reference error.
return response is inside the data: section. The request is not, and they cannot reach each other.
Put the gathering of data inside the data function. You also want to save the response outside of the request function. To make sure the response variable is reachable. I'd also personally move the request itself to be defined in a separate location for usage outside of this one instances.
File: custom.js
requests = {
GetName: function () {
{ userid: 2 },
function (response) {
var response = JSON.parse(response);
console.log(response); //console log shows {name: "Peter"}
return response
GetNameDynamic: function (id) {
{ userid: id},
function (response) {
var response = JSON.parse(response);
return response
Then inside the data: section call that function and save as a variable. Pass that in the data return.
data: function () {
// Must return an object
var result = requests.GetName();
return {
name: result.name,
There are other ways/locations to accomplish this. One being the async in the route as the other user mentioned.
In the routes array, just change the path and componentUrl to the correct ones.
path: '/post-entity-group/:type/:group/:public/',
async: function (routeTo, routeFrom, resolve, reject) {
var result = requests.GetName();
componentUrl: './pages/post-entity.html',
context: {
name: result.name,
I think you have to pass by async routeto load page context (c.f. F7 doc)
You will be able to load datas via resolve callback
Maybe an example can help : async data for page

How would I get JSON information into, say, a variable, from a function using a callback in Javascript (nodejs)?

Alright, this could be really obvious, and I may not have worded the title correctly, I don't know.
I have this command that gets information on a starcraft profile, using this battlenet api. The function used to get a profiles information is
sc2.profile.profile({ id: profileId, region: profileRegion, name: profileName }, callback)
I want to be able to use the information from there for something else, and I want to pick and choose what I send and what I don't. Example:
console.log("Profile Name: " + response.displayName) /*response being the JSON, displayName being the only thing out of the JSON to be sent */
How would I go about doing that? Unfortunately I have to have a callback, and so far I haven't been able to use
var profileInfo = sc2.profile.profile({ id: profileId, region: profileRegion, name: profileName }, callback)
callback Required. The callback function accepts two arguments error
and response.
error is only applicable when there's a connection issue to the API.
Otherwise null. body is the request response body parsed as JSON. If a
request is successful this value can still return API errors such as
'Character not found' or 'Account forbidden'. res is the response
information such as headers and statusCode
so your code would look like this
let someData;
sc2.profile.profile({ id: profileId, region: profileRegion, name: profileName },
(err, body, res) => {
// this function will be called when you receive response / error
someData = body.someData
Yo can use callback function and assign the result to a variable as following :
var profileInfo;
sc2.profile.profile({ id: profileId, region: profileRegion, name: profileName }, function(err,body,res){
profileInfo = res;

Meteor Router data function being called twice

I have a router data function that calls a Meteor method to insert a new document into a collection. I noticed that the document was being inserted twice and then I noticed that the data function itself is called twice every time the route is visited. I can't figure out why this is happening.
name: 'myurl',
path: '/myurl',
data: function () {
// the data function is an example where this.params is available
// we can access params using this.params
// see the below paths that would match this route
var params = this.params;
// we can access query string params using this.params.query
var post = this.params.query;
// query params are added to the 'query' object on this.params.
// given a browser path of: '/?task_name=abcd1234
// this.params.query.task_name => 'abcd1234'
Meteor.call('points.add', post, function(error, result){
Session.set("postResponse", "failed");
Session.set("postResponse", "success");
return {_message: Session.get("postResponse")};
I was able to fix this by moving everything under data to a Router.onRun hook.

Sequelize get request data in hooks?

I'm trying to store some log data for my models on create, update, delete calls. I want to store some data from the request along with some user data also in the request (using express.js).
In the hooks I have some modules for logging.
hooks: {
afterCreate: function (order, options, done) {
// How to get user data stored in express request.
return app.log.set('event', [{message: 'created', data: order, userId: 1}, done]);
The module just makes a record in a table. However it's the userId part I'm having trouble with. I'm using the passport module and it's stored in the request, so how can I get a user object (or any external object for that matter) into the model hooks?
I would like to avoid doing it in a controller or anywhere else as there could be some scripts or other commands that may also enter data.
I also encountered similar problems, which I myself resolved as follows:
First: I declared a Global (universal) hook:
module.exports = sequelize.addHook('beforeCreate',
function(model, options, done) {//hook 2
//handle what you want
//return app.log.set('event', [{message: 'created', data: order, userId: 1}, done]);
Then, Before calling model, use call hooks (beforeCreate, beforeBulkUpdate,...) and assigned param request
module.exports = {
CreateUser: function(req, res) {
User.beforeCreate(function(model, options, done) {//hook1
model.request = req;
id: 1,
username: 'thanh9999',
password: '31231233123'
.then(function(success) {
//response success
}, function(err) {
//response error
order hooks called: hook declaration in model → hook 1 → hook 2`.
In addition, you also have to declare hooks for each model.
See more information here.

ExpressJS why is my GET method called after my DELETE method?

In my express app, when the DELETE method below is called, the GET method is immediately called after and it's giving me an error in my angular code that says it is expected an object but got an array.
Why is my GET method being called when i'm explicitly doing res.send(204); in my DELETE method and how can I fix this?
Server console:
DELETE /notes/5357ff1d91340db03d000001 204 4ms
GET /notes 200 2ms - 2b
Express Note route
exports.get = function (db) {
return function (req, res) {
var collection = db.get('notes');
collection.find({}, {}, function (e, docs) {
exports.delete = function(db) {
return function(req, res) {
var note_id = req.params.id;
var collection = db.get('notes');
{ _id: note_id },
function(err, doc) {
// If it failed, return error
if (err) {
res.send("There was a problem deleting that note from the database.");
} else {
console.log('were in delete success');
var note = require('./routes/note.js');
app.get('/notes', note.get(db));
app.post('/notes', note.create(db));
app.put('/notes/:id', note.update(db));
app.delete('/notes/:id', note.delete(db));
angularjs controller
$scope.delete = function(note_id) {
var note = noteService.get();
note.$delete({id: note_id});
angularjs noteService
angular.module('express_example').factory('noteService',function($resource, SETTINGS) {
return $resource(SETTINGS.base + '/notes/:id', { id: '#id' },
//query: { method: 'GET', isArray: true },
//create: { method: 'POST', isArray: true },
update: { method: 'PUT' }
//delete: { method: 'DELETE', isArray: true }
** UPDATE **
To help paint the picture, here's the angular error i'm getting:
Error: [$resource:badcfg] Error in resource configuration. Expected response to contain an object but got an array http://errors.angularjs.org/1.2.16/$resource/badcfg?p0=object&p1=array
I'm assuming that i'm getting this error because my delete method is calling my get method (somehow) and the get method returns the entire collection.
Server side
You're removing an element from a collection in your delete function. This is done asynchronously and calling your callback when it's finished.
During this time, other requests are executed, this is why your GET request is executed before your DELETE request is finished.
The same happens in your get function, you're trying to find an element from a collection and this function is too asynchronous.
But this is server side only and it is fine, it should work this way, your problem is located client side.
Client side
If you want to delete your note after you got it, you will have to use a callback function in your angular controller which will be called only when you got your note (if you need help on that, show us your noteService angular code).
This is some basic javascript understanding problem, actions are often made asynchronously and you need callbacks to have an execution chain.
Maybe try doing something like this:
$scope.delete = function(note_id) {
var note = noteService.get({ id: note_id }, function()
Your code doesn't make sense though, why is there a get in the $scope.delete? Why not do as simply as following:
$scope.delete = function(note_id) {
noteService.delete({ id: note_id });
I think you get this error because of what your server sends in your exports.delete function. You're sending a string or no content at all when angular expects an object (a REST API never sends strings). You should send something like that:
results: [],
errors: [
"Your error"

