Is Cookie-session the best solution for React? - javascript

My NodeJS application is authenticating users via third-party app. Once the app gets the user data, a cookie is being created and sent to the client and then react is reading user data from that Cookie.
Is cookie better/worse than Web tokens? AFAIK No diff but i want to be sure.
Is there a better implementation?
Can a user modifies req.session info, or that stay in the backend(Node)?

Choosing between cookie and token-based approaches really depends on your use case. When using cookies, session id's are stored in the database. Therefore, with each request back-end will need to perform a database search to check if provided id is present. Using tokens, server only needs to process successful login requests and verify token's validity, which does not require a lot of resources and scales really well. Additionally, with tokens you may use your API outside the browser environment (cookies support is often very limited on other platforms).
If these points are not critical for your application, there is nothing wrong with using cookie-based authentication.
Good luck!


What is the relationship between authentication/authorization in my frontend and my api backend?

Frontend is Vue and my backend is an express rest api that pulls data from mysql. I want to secure both the frontend (login form) and backend api, but without limiting use of the api to just my frontend. I may want to use this api for other projects in the future.
What I'm strugging with is understanding how to have a user log in on the frontend but also give them access to the api without preventing future access to the api from other projects. I know I could set a JWT, but recently there seems to be a lot of "DON'T USE JWT!" articles out there, and I can understand why they might think this. Using cookies and sessions doesn't seem practical either without needing to create a session/cookie for each frontend and backend. Then I thought maybe using cookie/sessions for frontend, and having the frontend be authenticated with an API key to the backend API. This might allow other web applications to access the api while protecting it from unauthorized access.
Apologies for the lack of knowledge and seemingly rambling. I've been stuck on this aspect of my project for a while now. I know it's due to my poverty of knowledge on the subject. Any resources and points in the right direction will be greatly appreciated.
There is nothing wrong with JWTs, though it can depend on the implementation. The simplest way of doing it is just signing the JSON string with a private key. A little more complicated is base64 encoding it, encrypting it and signing only after that with a different key. And ofc. you need to send it through SSL. You need to add expiration time to it. Probably bind it to IP, browser, language, location, etc. too. If you want to revoke it, then you need to maintain a very small global revoked JWT database and remove it after it expired. You can add a JWT verification cache too, which spares you checking the signature for every request and which can be local too. If you want to avoid accessing it from Javascript code and probably leak it with XHR, then add it to a httpOnly cookie, though if you do so, then you need a CSRF token too. So I think all of the security issues are solveable with JWT too.
We need stateless communication between the REST client and the REST service, so if your frontend has a server side REST client, which uses for example JWT or any other method with Auhorization header, then it is perfectly fine from statelessness constraint perspective to do server side sessions with your frontend. As of the constraint itself, statelessness is needed for massive services with countless users global scale where handling server side sessions is an issue on its own, so better to move the stuff to the clients. These are typically social media services, search engines, global webshops, etc. If you have a limited user number, then you probably don't need this feature. Though using server side sessions between REST client and service would violate the statelessness constraint, which means you would not have a REST service. I don't think this is an issue. I mean it would be still a service, just not a REST service, it would work, would not scale as well as a REST service, but if this is what you need and it is simpler for you to implement it securely, then go on.
You can use API keys if you have some sort of revoke mechanism for those too. And keep in mind that API keys are server side stuff, so for mobile clients and in-browser application they are not good for identification, because they can be easily stolen by the users, so don't access your service directly from those with API keys just through a server. Another way is checking IP and using SSL to identify the clients, which is similar to using API keys, just more standard and the secret does not go through the communication channel. It really depends on your needs. If you have 3rd party clients, then you'll need OAuth too and let the users decide if they trust them.
Not sure if this helps.
By far the best thing you can do is adopt OAuth2. It has all the necessary components solve your problem and has ton of implementations.
The issue with JWT is that lots of people get it wrong. inf3rno does a good job accidentally pointing out many of the issues.

Storing use information on a web server

I am storing some basic information to use in order to display information per user. I am currently using cookies to store and retrieve them, however I would like to employ a more secure tactic. I read that using local storage would be more secure and better to use, however, they don't seem to have any expiration date (like cookies) and unless you use a session storage, they will be stored indefinitely, which I don't want. However I don't mind using local storage if the information is encrypted, however with current encryption libraries, I have no idea how to use them.
login attempts
whether the user is locked out or not
Some things to note: what I am storing is not being used for authentication, only to display error messages. I am using tomcat 8 to handle authentication and running the server (along with lockouts). Even though its not being used for authentication, I don't want to store the username unsecured or without expiration (1-2 days max).
Also, I'm not using an sql database (or other type) but plan to implement later, so don't suggest or ask about it.
I'm looking for the most secure method possible with relative ease, we have other security measures implemented, but don't want to leave any security holes open.
There is no such thing as secure that is purely client-side with two-way encryption. If you are able to decrypt something on the client-side, so can others.
Also, there are no particular security differences between session storage, local storage, and cookies. They're all client-side and able to be read by JavaScript on the same domain.
If you really want things to be secure, you have to store in on the server side, and transfer it only over HTTPS. Anything else is merely security through obfuscation, at best, which isn't real security.
As far as expiration, there is no automatic expiration with either local storage or session storage (other than the session storage will be cleared when the session ends). You could implement some with JavaScript, but that would only involve throwing away values when they are too old, and wouldn't happen until they visited your page.
The best you could do that is almost pure client-side would be to store some kind of key on the server, and when you go to decrypt, it needs to request the key (over HTTPS) from your server and use that to decrypt. That way, they can't decrypt it without having some kind of proper authentication onto your server.
However, if you're doing that, you might as well just store the info on the server in the first place.

Proper way to implement persistent login for javascript based mobile app?

I'm currently working on a mobile app that is built primarily with HTML and css, then run with phonegap. Part of the app requires that the user logs in and sync data with a backend. I want it done in such a way that once the user is logged in on their device they will remain logged in until they manually log out; they should only have to enter their information once. I've found some decent information when working with native code, but not so much that applies to my situation.
Right now, I'm not sure how to properly do this in a way that is secure. My first idea was to handle the login normally, then pass back a secret code that is stored both in local storage on the device, as well as in the database under the user that was authenticated with it. On subsequent requests it would pass this and allow access to the user that had a matching secret code. My question is whether this is secure enough to be practical?
I've also done a bit of research and it appears JWT is similar to what I'm looking for? My two concerns for this approach are:
How do I maintain the persistent login with this method.
What prevents someone from spoofing a connection? From what I know there's a secret string that is passed with each request to verify it. But, since the code in my app would be visible to someone who knew how to access it what is to prevent them from learning what the secret is and spoofing a connection?
I assume my questions with JWT are due to me misunderstanding some fundamentals of how it works. If it satisfies what I'm looking to do I'd much rather use a more standardized process like JWT as opposed to writing my own solution.
Am I on the right track with what I'm thinking above or am I way off base?
Your idea is correct and this is how it's usually done. It is a combination of cookie and session concepts. A 'session' is started on the server once the user logs in. The session is identified by a string (e.g. md5 format) and passed back to the client. The string is saved in a cookie on the client, and since cookie info is sent in each HTTP request, the server can assign that request to the session, thus considering your user as logged in. The signout process later basically consists of removing your cookie, and / or sending a request to the server to remove the session object.
In most HTTP server side frameworks there is an API used for sessions, so you don't have to reinvent the wheel. And yes, it is secure enough, as you don't usually base your security on this layer of transport, but rather on a lower layer by introducing https.

Storing credential-like information in javascript

I have an application to which I log in using using javascript. After being authenticated, the server sends me a token, which I have to append to each ajax requests I make to the server so that the server knows that I am eligible to ask for information. However, my application is not single-page application which means that after clicking on links, the page gets reloaded and I need to re-authenticate.
Is it possible to safely save the token and access it again after page reload?
The options I have thought of are saving it in cookie or in local/session storage, however, I'm not sure whether these are safe enough.
Do you know of any other, safer way to save the token on client side? Or perhaps do you know whether the options I mentioned are safe enough to store such a sensitive information?
Thanks for any suggestion.
Edit: I can't change the server-side application, the token must be stored on the client.
Local Storage: is not the safer way to keep confidential/sensitive information.
Cookies: Well there is a lot written about stealing cookies and preventing Cross Site Scripting.
Session Storage: is safe but the question is which technology you are using on the server side.
Is it NodeJS or PHP or anything else??
I have used NodeJS and PHP both for authentication.
With Express.js you can maintain a session for each user and check/authenticate on every request/page load and validate whether it is a valid user/request or not.
And it also provides an active session check i.e, If a user is inactive for sometimes the session will be automatically destroyed/cleared/cleaned.
In addition with passport.js you can also implement this but it depends on your requirements.
Check this LINK
When you think the token is confidential then you should not think about saving it in client side.
Even if you are in a situation where you want to save such a confidential info in client side then the same what you mentioned is correct(Cookie,Local/session storage). Encrypt your token before save.
Local storage:
It is saving data under your domain. No other domain don't have access local storage information of your information.
Please correct me if I am wrong, accept it if I am correct.

Securing my Node.js app's REST API?

I could do with some help on my REST API. I'm writing a Node.js app which is using Express, MongoDB and has Backbone.js on the client side. I've spent the last two days trying to work out all of this and not having much luck. I've already checked out:
Securing a REST API
Securing my REST API with OAuth while still allowing authentication via third party OAuth providers (using DotNetOpenAuth)
I want to keep my backend and frontend as separate as possible so I thought about using a carefully designed REST API would be good. My thinking is that if I ever get round to developing an iPhone app (or something else like that), it could use the API to access data.
BUT, I want this to be secure. A user has logged into my web app and I want to ensure my API is secure. I read about OAuth, OAuth 2.0, OpenID, Hmac, hashes etc... I want to avoid using external logging in (Facebook/Twitter/etc) I want the registering and logging in to be on my app/server.
...but I'm still confused here. Maybe it's late at night or my brain is just fried, but I could really do with some steps on what to do here. What are the steps for me to create a secure API?
Any help, any information, any examples, steps or anything would be great. Please help!
In order of increasing security / complexity:
Basic HTTP Auth
Many API libraries will let you build this in (Piston in Django for example) or you can let your webserver handle it. Both Nginx and Apache can use server directives to secure a site with a simple b64encoded password. It's not the most secure thing in the world but it is at least a username and password!
If you're using Nginx you can add a section to your host config like so:
auth_basic "Restricted";
auth_basic_user_file /path/to/htpasswd;
(Put it in your location / block)
You'll need to get the python script to generate that password and put the output into a file:
The location of the file doesn't matter too much as long as Nginx has access to it.
Secure the connection from your server to the app, this is the most basic and will prevent man in the middle attacks.
You can do this with Nginx, the docs for it are very comprehensive:
A self-signed certificate for this would be fine (and free!).
API Keys
These could be in any format you like but they give you the benefit of revoking access should you need to. Possibly not the perfect solution for you if you're developing both ends of the connection. They tend to be used when you have third parties using the API, eg Github.
OAuth 2.0 is the one to go with here. While I don't know the underlying workings of the spec it's the defacto standard for most authentication now (Twitter, Facebook, Google, etc.) and there are a ton of libraries and docs to help you get those implemented. That being said, it's usually used to authenticate a user by asking a third party service for the authentication.
Given that you doing the development both ends it would probably be enough to put your API behind Basic HTTP Auth and serve it over HTTPS, especially if you don't want to waste time messing around with OAuth.
Here's a different way of thinking about it:
Let's suppose for a moment that you're not using an API. Your user logs into the app, providing some credentials, and you give a cookie or similar token of some sort to the user, which you use to identify that user has logged in. The user then requests a page containing restricted information (or creating/modifying/deleting it), so you check that this token to ensure that the user is allowed to view that information.
Now, it sounds to me that the only thing you're changing here is the way that information is delivered. Instead of delivering the information as rendered HTML, you're returning the information as JSON and rendering it on the client side. Your AJAX requests to the server will carry that same logged-in token as before, so I suggest just checking that token, and restricting the information down to 'just what the user is allowed to know' in the same way.
Your API is now as secure as your login is - if anyone was to know the token necessary for accessing the api, they would also be logged into the site and have access to all the information anyway. Best bit is, if you've already implemented login, you've not really had to do any more work.
The point of systems such as OAuth is to provide this 'logging in' method, usually from a third party application and as a developer. This would potentially be a good solution for an iPhone app or similar, but that's in the future. Nothing wrong with the API accepting more than one authentication method!
The answers so far do a great job of explaining, but don't give any actual steps. I came across this blog post that goes into great detail about how to create and manage tokens securely with Node + Passport.
Tips valid for securing any web application
If you want to secure your application, then you should definitely start by using HTTPS instead of HTTP, this ensures a creating secure channel between you & the users that will prevent sniffing the data sent back & forth to the users & will help keep the data exchanged confidential.
You can use JWTs (JSON Web Tokens) to secure RESTful APIs, this has many benefits when compared to the server-side sessions, the benefits are mainly:
1- More scalable, as your API servers will not have to maintain sessions for each user (which can be a big burden when you have many sessions)
2- JWTs are self contained & have the claims which define the user role for example & what he can access & issued at date & expiry date (after which JWT won't be valid)
3- Easier to handle across load-balancers & if you have multiple API servers as you won't have to share session data nor configure server to route the session to same server, whenever a request with a JWT hit any server it can be authenticated & authorized
4- Less pressure on your DB as well as you won't have to constantly store & retrieve session id & data for each request
5- The JWTs can't be tampered with if you use a strong key to sign the JWT, so you can trust the claims in the JWT that is sent with the request without having to check the user session & whether he is authorized or not, you can just check the JWT & then you are all set to know who & what this user can do.
Node.js specific libraries to implement JWTs:
Many libraries provide easy ways to create & validate JWTs, for example: in node.js one of the most popular is jsonwebtoken, also for validating the JWTs you can use the same library or use express-jwt or koa-jwt (if you are using express/koa)
Since REST APIs generally aims to keep the server stateless, so JWTs are more compatible with that concept as each request is sent with Authorization token that is self contained (JWT) without the server having to keep track of user session compared to sessions which make the server stateful so that it remembers the user & his role, however, sessions are also widely used & have their pros, which you can search for if you want.
One important thing to note is that you have to securely deliver the JWT to the client using HTTPS & save it in a secure place (for example in local storage).
You can learn more about JWTs from this link

