Javascript location.pathname returns querysting [duplicate] - javascript

I have a URL like http://localhost/dms/mduserSecurity/UIL/index.php?menu=true&submenu=true&pcode=1235.
I want to get the URL without the query string: http://localhost/dms/mduserSecurity/UIL/index.php.
Is there any method for this in JavaScript? Currently I am using document.location.href, but it returns the complete URL.

Try this:
let path = window.location.href.split('?')[0]

Read about Window.location and the Location interface:
const urlPieces = [location.protocol, '//',, location.pathname]
let url = urlPieces.join('')
console.log({urlPieces, url})

location.toString().replace(, "")

var url = window.location.origin + window.location.pathname;

If you also want to remove hash, try this one: window.location.href.split(/[?#]/)[0]

Here's an approach using the URL() interface:
new URL(location.pathname, location.href).href

document.location.protocol + '//' + +
(NB: .host rather than .hostname so that the port gets included too, if necessary)

To get every part of the URL except for the query:
var url = (location.origin).concat(location.pathname).concat(location.hash);
Note that this includes the hash as well, if there is one (I'm aware there's no hash in your example URL, but I included that aspect for completeness). To eliminate the hash, simply exclude .concat(location.hash).
It's better practice to use concat to join Javascript strings together (rather than +): in some situations it avoids problems such as type confusion.

just cut the string using split (the easy way):
var myString = "http://localhost/dms/mduserSecurity/UIL/index.php?menu=true&submenu=true&pcode=1235"
var mySplitResult = myString.split("?");

Use properties of window.location
var loc = window.location;
var withoutQuery = loc.hostname + loc.pathname;
var includingProtocol = loc.protocol + "//" + loc.hostname + loc.pathname;
You can see more properties at

How about this: location.href.slice(0, - (( + location.hash).length))

Here are two methods:
<script type="text/javascript">
var s="http://localhost/dms/mduserSecurity/UIL/index.php?menu=true&submenu
var st=s.substring(0, s.indexOf("?"));

You could make use of the URL constructor like this:
const href = 'http://localhost/dms/mduserSecurity/UIL/index.php?menu=true&submenu=true&pcode=1235'; // document.location.href
const url = new URL(href);
const noSearchUrl = href.replace(, '');

Just add these two lines to $(document).ready in JS as follow:
$(document).ready(function () {
$("div.sidebar nav a").removeClass("active");
$('nav a[href$="'+ window.location.pathname.split("?")[0] +'"]').addClass('active');
it is better to use the dollar sign ($) (End with)
$('nav a[href$
instead of (^) (Start with)
$('nav a[href^
because, if you use the (^) sign and you have nested URLs in the navigation menu, (e.g "/account" and "/account/roles")
It will active both of them.


You can create instance of URL and then clear the query string:
const url = new URL(document.location.href); = '';

If you are using navigation bar and want to get the pure url after clicking on the side bar navigation, then the following code might be helpful:
$(document).ready(function () {
$("div.sidebar nav a").removeClass("active");
var urlPath = window.location.pathname.split("?")[0];
var nav = $('div.sidebar nav a').filter(function () {
return $(this).attr('href').toLowerCase().indexOf(urlPath.toLocaleLowerCase()) > -1;
$(nav).each(function () {
if ($(this).attr("href").toLowerCase() == urlPath.toLocaleLowerCase())


Replace the url parameter value using js

I have a URL like below.
I want to replace the value of parameter showHiddenElements to some new value.
for e.g. exising value in URL -> showHiddenElements=false
I want to change it through JavaScript to -> showHiddenElements=true
Please advise.
showHiddenElements may not always be false. And In some cases it may not be available.
Use the URL Object:
const url = new URL('');
url.searchParams.append('showHiddenElements', true);
So you just delete the parameter and update it with the new one (not the most elegant)
Docs here:
You could use String.replace for that:
var url = '';
newUrl = url.replace('showHiddenElements=false', 'showHiddenElements=true');
You could also do it fancy and use regex:
var url = '';
newUrl = url.replace(/showHiddenElements=false$/, 'showHiddenElements=true');
The regex would only match showHiddenElements=false if it's on the end of the URL
To see if it's available you could use regex too:
var url = '';
// If the url doesn't have a showHiddenElements=__any_word__
if (!url.match(/showHiddenElements=\w+/)) {
url = url + 'showHiddenElements=false';
var url = "";
alert("Before: "+url);
url = url.replace("&showHiddenElements=false","&showHiddenElements=true");
alert("After: "+url);
//Console.log clips the end so we can't see the result :(
Maybe something liket this:
var loc = window.location.href;
var newLoc = loc.Replace('showHiddenElements=true', 'showHiddenElements=false')
A JavaScript Regular Expression should help if you are just treating the URL as a string.
var str = '';
var res = str.replace(/showHiddenElements/i, 'true');

Remove hash from current page’s URL

I want to remove the hash, as well as anything after it, from a URL. For example, I might have:
… which slides to question no. 1 to show an error message. When the user’s input then passes validation, I need to remove #question_1 from the current location.
I’ve tried all of these, but none of them has worked for me:
document.location.href.replace(location.hash, "");
window.location.hash.substr(0, window.location.hash.indexOf('#'));
Note: I don’t just want to get the URL – I want to remove it from my address bar.
history.pushState("", document.title, window.location.href.replace(/\#(.+)/, '').replace(/http(s?)\:\/\/([^\/]+)/, '') )
Try this :use .split() to split string by # and then read first element in array using index 0
var url = '';
var urlWithoutHash = url.split('#')[0];
alert(urlWithoutHash );
Use split in javascript
var str = "";
Try this way:
var currentPath = window.location.pathname;
var myUrl = currentPath.split("#")[0];
var currentPath = window.location.href;
var myUrl = currentPath.split("#")[0];
Hope it helps.
This will clear the id selector from the uri
location.hash = '';
Use .split as shown :
var str = "";
or use .substring() as shown :
var str = "";

How to get url path without $_GET parameters using javascript?

If my current page is in this format...
Is there an easy way to get this
using javascript?
Don't do this regex and splitting stuff. Use the browser's built-in URL parser.
window.location.origin + window.location.pathname
And if you need to parse a URL that isn't the current page:
var url = document.createElement('a');
url.href = "";
console.log(url.origin + url.pathname);
And to support IE (because IE doesn't have location.origin):
location.protocol + '//' + + location.pathname;
(Inspiration from
Try to use split like
var url = "";
var url_array = url.split("?");
alert(url_array[0]); //Alerts
Even we have many parameters in the GET , the first segment will be the URL without GET parameters.
This is DEMO
try this:
var url=document.location.href;
var mainurl=url.split("?");
var result = yourUrl.substring(0, yourUrl.indexOf('?'));
Working demo
var options = decodeURIComponent(
.reduce(function _reduce (/*Object*/ a, /*String*/ b) {
b = b.split('=');
a[b[0]] = b[1];
return a;
}, {});

FileName from url excluding querystring

I have a url :
How do I get test.jsp of it ?
This should do it:
var path = document.location.pathname,
file = path.substr(path.lastIndexOf('/'));
Reference: document.location, substr, lastIndexOf
I wont just show you the answer, but I'll give you direction to it. First... strip out everything after the "?" by using a string utility and location.href.status (that will give you the querystring). Then what you will be left with will be the URL; get everything after the last "/" (hint: lastindexof).
Use a regular expression.
var urlVal = '';
var result = /a\/(.*)\?/.exec(urlVal)[1]
the regex returns an array, use [1] to get the test.jsp
This method does not depend on pathname:
var url = '';
var file_with_parameters = url.substr(url.lastIndexOf('/') + 1);
var file = file_with_parameters.substr(0, file_with_parameters.lastIndexOf('?'));
// file now contains "test.jsp"
var your_link = "";
// strip the query from the link
your_link = your_link.split("?");
your_link = your_link[0];
// get the the test.jsp or whatever is there
var the_part_you_want = your_link.substring(your_link.lastIndexOf("/")+1);
Try this:

Is there any method to get the URL without query string?

I have a URL like http://localhost/dms/mduserSecurity/UIL/index.php?menu=true&submenu=true&pcode=1235.
I want to get the URL without the query string: http://localhost/dms/mduserSecurity/UIL/index.php.
Is there any method for this in JavaScript? Currently I am using document.location.href, but it returns the complete URL.
Try this:
let path = window.location.href.split('?')[0]
Read about Window.location and the Location interface:
const urlPieces = [location.protocol, '//',, location.pathname]
let url = urlPieces.join('')
console.log({urlPieces, url})
location.toString().replace(, "")
var url = window.location.origin + window.location.pathname;
If you also want to remove hash, try this one: window.location.href.split(/[?#]/)[0]
Here's an approach using the URL() interface:
new URL(location.pathname, location.href).href
document.location.protocol + '//' + +
(NB: .host rather than .hostname so that the port gets included too, if necessary)
To get every part of the URL except for the query:
var url = (location.origin).concat(location.pathname).concat(location.hash);
Note that this includes the hash as well, if there is one (I'm aware there's no hash in your example URL, but I included that aspect for completeness). To eliminate the hash, simply exclude .concat(location.hash).
It's better practice to use concat to join Javascript strings together (rather than +): in some situations it avoids problems such as type confusion.
just cut the string using split (the easy way):
var myString = "http://localhost/dms/mduserSecurity/UIL/index.php?menu=true&submenu=true&pcode=1235"
var mySplitResult = myString.split("?");
Use properties of window.location
var loc = window.location;
var withoutQuery = loc.hostname + loc.pathname;
var includingProtocol = loc.protocol + "//" + loc.hostname + loc.pathname;
You can see more properties at
How about this: location.href.slice(0, - (( + location.hash).length))
Here are two methods:
<script type="text/javascript">
var s="http://localhost/dms/mduserSecurity/UIL/index.php?menu=true&submenu
var st=s.substring(0, s.indexOf("?"));
You could make use of the URL constructor like this:
const href = 'http://localhost/dms/mduserSecurity/UIL/index.php?menu=true&submenu=true&pcode=1235'; // document.location.href
const url = new URL(href);
const noSearchUrl = href.replace(, '');
Just add these two lines to $(document).ready in JS as follow:
$(document).ready(function () {
$("div.sidebar nav a").removeClass("active");
$('nav a[href$="'+ window.location.pathname.split("?")[0] +'"]').addClass('active');
it is better to use the dollar sign ($) (End with)
$('nav a[href$
instead of (^) (Start with)
$('nav a[href^
because, if you use the (^) sign and you have nested URLs in the navigation menu, (e.g "/account" and "/account/roles")
It will active both of them.
You can create instance of URL and then clear the query string:
const url = new URL(document.location.href); = '';
If you are using navigation bar and want to get the pure url after clicking on the side bar navigation, then the following code might be helpful:
$(document).ready(function () {
$("div.sidebar nav a").removeClass("active");
var urlPath = window.location.pathname.split("?")[0];
var nav = $('div.sidebar nav a').filter(function () {
return $(this).attr('href').toLowerCase().indexOf(urlPath.toLocaleLowerCase()) > -1;
$(nav).each(function () {
if ($(this).attr("href").toLowerCase() == urlPath.toLocaleLowerCase())

