Unknown iOS Chrome Javascript error - fillForm - javascript

Through a bug reporting framework, I've received a number of javascript errors coming from Chrome on iOS (multiple users). I suspect they have to do with Chrome's autofill.
The error is:
TypeError: null is not an object (evaluating 'c.addEventListener')
Where c varies (probably due to our script minification).
The stack trace indicates it's not coming from our script, but from somewhere on the page
index.html:11 fillForm
index.html:1 global code
Additionally, it appears that the last thing the user does is click on an input element.
Has anyone experienced this before? Does anyone know what's causing this error or how to prevent it?

This type of errors occurs when you try to execute method on null object. In your situation 'c' is null. That's why you have this error. If this string of code is yours (c.addEventListner), then simply add check for null and execute code if it's not null. If this part is from the framework, then you should check why your modifications makes it null. If not, fill bug report to framework development team.


Uncaught TypeError: Cannot set property ‘placeholder’ of null at window.onload

I've looked at earlier similar questions but this is slightly different. I've run into users at one organization who are getting this error when they try to register for an event. I haven't been able to replicate it, our platform Support (Blackbaud) has not been able to replicate it, I haven't heard of anyone else running into the problem. But when folks from this one organization try to register the form shows "Error: Please fix the errors below and try again." Generally, errors are always highlighted in red, but for them nothing is being highlighted and all fields are completed correctly. They've tried different browsers. They sent me a screen shot of the browser dev console for two events and both had this particular "Uncaught TypeError" message.
Does anyone have any ideas as to what could be going on with that organization's computers that would be causing this problem for them and no one else? I'm not a coder and this is a managed product that I can't change the code in.

Getting 'Uncaught TypeError: Cannot set property 'timestamp' of undefined' when using jQuery

I have an error which appear when I import jQuery lib only. I don't know what I can do. I know that it's coming from the file jquery.min.js.
Here is my simple page causing this error :
<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/jquery/3.3.1/jquery.min.js"></script>
What I get from my console :
This error has nothing to do with jQuery or its CDN.
From the error log, you can see that the error originates from webspeed.js. Since you precise that you only import the jQuery script, this shows that this error originates from an extension.
The script tries to contact speedtest.net and the request gets blocked by CORB, thus throwing an uncaught error. This also gives a hint that the extension is made likely to be offered by speedtest.net or a related corporation. As #alon-eitan found, this is indeed the case: the speedtest extension includes such a script that has been known for triggering similar errors.
Pausing the extension or configuring it not to run on your website is likely to fix the error. I'd recommend removing it completely, as network speed analysis and much more can already be natively performed by Chrome thanks to Lighthouse.

How to differentiate between console.error output and thrown exception in Javascript Console

I am creating a Chrome Extension with the help of an API. It happened that the API was not responding for a particular query, so, I checked out the console (extension's popup console) and found some error messages. All I could not figure out was whether it was a console.error or a thrown Exception. Is there a general way to figure this out just by looking at the console messages or if not then without it.
Yes, the text is different. Try it yourself.

Runtime Change of an Object in Web Browser during Automation using sahi

I am using Sahi as the Automation tool but I have a problem identifying one of the fields.The field gets changed during runtime and I am unable to catch it.
I am attaching the image here.
The fields Read and Skipped are both identified by the below properties:
_div("cell-right fg-000000[1]")
_div("cell-right fg-000000")
However the array [1] gets on interchanging and i am getting the below error everytime i execute the script.
_sahi.setServerVarForFetch('___lastValue___1429772452227', _getText(_div("cell-right fg-000000[1]"))); [9205 ms] [12:31:00.321]
Error: The parameter passed to _getText was not found on the browser
at: (C:\sahi_pro\userdata\scripts\TLMRP.sah&n=40) checkFileExist
Please help as to how to identify the same.
If I understand correctly and you just have this field which id is changing, use a regular expression to get it

'undefined' is undefined in ios5

I upgraded to ios5 and my little app o longer works. I am getting a really nebulous error
JavaScript error undefined type error 'undefined' is not an object
The problem is, I don't have a variable called undefined.
I am also getting a cache manifest error
Application cach manifest has an incorrect Mime type image/png
Which I believe is a result of my script converting an svg canvas to a png (it worked in its 4). Any help with this weird, nebulous undefined error would help. I tried using alerts to try and see what variable is being declared undefined, but the error simply states undefined is not an object and gives no variable name or even what line of code the error appears on.
Code below
Can not properly format code from iPad despite using menu buttons, please try the link below and view source.
You can view it here lesserslavery.org/ice.html
The undefined-error means you are trying to access a variable in an object way, even though the object is not defined. Probably you are assuming somewhere that certain element was assigned for the variable, which it wasn't.
For the mime type question, your server probably is sending wrong mime type with the file defined in cache.manifest. Check possible explanation here: Debugging html5 offline web apps

