Get the intersection of n arrays - javascript

Using ES6's Set, given two arrays we can get the intersection like so:
let a = new Set([1,2,3])
let b = new Set([1,2,4])
let intersect = new Set([...a].filter(i => b.has(i)));
How can we get the intersection of n arrays?
I'm trying to wrap my head around this for the following use case. I have a two dimensional array with at least one element.
parts.forEach(part => {
intersection = new Set()
How would you get the intersection of each element (array) in parts?

Assuming you have some function function intersect(set1, set2) {...} that can intersect two sets, you can get the intersection of an array of sets using reduce:
function intersect(a, b) {
return new Set(a.filter(i => b.has(i)));
var sets = [new Set([1,2,3]), ...];
var intersection = sets.reduce(intersect);

You can create an intersect helper function using a combination of Array methods like .filter(), .map(), and .every().
This answer is inspired by the comment above from Xufox, who mentioned using Array#every in a filter predicate.
function intersect (first = [], {
rest = => new Set(array))
return first.filter(e => rest.every(set => set.has(e)))
let parts = [
[1, 2, 3],
[1, 2, 4],
[1, 5, 2]

ES6 still has a while
This is the type of function that can easily cause long lags due to excessive amounts of processing. This is more true with the unquestioning and even preferential use of ES6 and array methods like reduce, filter etc, over simple old fashioned loops like while and for.
When calculating the intersection of many sets the amount of work done per iteration should go down if an item has been found not to be part of the intersection. Because forEach can not break you are forced to still iterate all elements. Adding some code to avoid doing the search if the current item has been found to not belong can improve the performance, but it is a real kludge.
The is also the tendency to just create whole new datasets just to remove a single item from an array, set, or map. This is a very bad habit that i see more and more of as people adopt the ES5 way.
Get the intersection of n sets.
So to the problem at hand. Find the intersection of many sets.
Solution B
A typical ES6 solution
function intersectB(firstSet, ...sets) {
// function to intercept two sets
var intersect = (a,b) => {
return new Set([...a].filter(item => b.has(item)))
// iterate all sets comparing the first set to each.
sets.forEach(sItem => firstSet = intersect(firstSet, sItem));
// return the result.
return firstSet;
var sets = [new Set([1,2,3,4]), new Set([1,2,4,6,8]), new Set([1,3,4,6,8])];
var inter = intersectB(...sets);
Works well and for the simple test case execution time is under a millisecond. But in my book it is a memory hogging knot of inefficiency, creating arrays, and sets at every line almost and iterating whole sets when the outcome is already known.
Let's give it some more work. 100 sets, with up to 10000 items over 10 tests each with differing amount of matching items. Most of the intercepts will return empty sets.
Warning will cause page to hang up to one whole second... :(
// Create a set of numbers from 0 and < count
// With a odds for any number occurring to be odds
// return as a new set;
function createLargeSet(count,odds){
var numbers = new Set();
while(count-- > 0){
if(Math.random() < odds){
return numbers;
// create a array of large sets
function bigArrayOfSets(setCount,setMaxSize,odds){
var bigSets = [];
for(var i = 0; i < setCount; i ++){
return bigSets;
function intersectB(firstSet, ...sets) {
var intersect = (a,b) => {
return new Set([...a].filter(item => b.has(item)))
sets.forEach(sItem => firstSet = intersect(firstSet, sItem));
return firstSet;
var testSets = [];
for(var i = 0.1; i <= 1; i += 0.1){
var now =;
testSets.forEach(testDat => intersectB(...testDat));
var time = - now;
console.log("Execution time : " + time);
Solution A
A better way, not as fancy but much more efficient.
function intersectA(firstSet,...sets) {
var count = sets.length;
var result = new Set(firstSet); // Only create one copy of the set
firstSet.forEach(item => {
var i = count;
var allHave = true;
allHave = sets[i].has(item)
if(!allHave) { break } // loop only until item fails test
result.delete(item); // remove item from set rather than
// create a whole new set
return result;
So now let's compare both, if you are feeling lucky try and guess the performance difference, it's a good way to gage your understanding of Javascript execution.
// Create a set of numbers from 0 and < count
// With a odds for any number occurring to be odds
// return as a new set;
function createLargeSet(count,odds){
var numbers = new Set();
while(count-- > 0){
if(Math.random() < odds){
return numbers;
// create a array of large sets
function bigArrayOfSets(setCount,setMaxSize,odds){
var bigSets = [];
for(var i = 0; i < setCount; i ++){
return bigSets;
function intersectA(firstSet,...sets) {
var count = sets.length;
var result = new Set(firstSet); // Only create one copy of the set
firstSet.forEach(item => {
var i = count;
var allHave = true;
allHave = sets[i].has(item)
if(!allHave) { break } // loop only until item fails test
result.delete(item); // remove item from set rather than
// create a whole new set
return result;
function intersectB(firstSet, ...sets) {
var intersect = (a,b) => {
return new Set([...a].filter(item => b.has(item)))
sets.forEach(sItem => firstSet = intersect(firstSet, sItem));
return firstSet;
var testSets = [];
for(var i = 0.1; i <= 1; i += 0.1){
var now =;
testSets.forEach(testDat => intersectB(...testDat));
var time = - now;
console.log("Execution time 'intersectB' : " + time);
var now =;
testSets.forEach(testDat => intersectA(...testDat));
var time = - now;
console.log("Execution time 'intersectA' : " + time);
As you can see using a simple while loop may not be a cool as using filter but the performance benefit is huge, and something to keep in mind next time you are writing that perfect 3 line ES6 array manipulation function. Dont forget about for and while.

The most efficient algorithm for intersecting n arrays is the one implemented in fast_array_intersect. It runs in O(n), where n is the total number of elements in all the arrays.
The base principle is simple: iterate over all the arrays, storing the number of times you see each element in a map. Then filter the smallest array, to return only the elements that have been seen in all the arrays. (source code).
You can use the library with a simple :
import intersect from 'fast_array_intersect'
intersect([[1,2,3], [1,2,6]]) // --> [1,2]

OK i guess the most efficient way of performing the Array intersection is by utilizing a Map or Hash object. Here I test 1000 arrays each with ~1000 random integer items among 1..175 for an intersection. The result is obtained in less than 100msec.
function setIntersection(a){
var m = new Map(),
r = new Set(),
l = a.length;
a.forEach(sa => new Set(sa).forEach(n => m.has(n) ? m.set(n,m.get(n)+1)
: m.set(n,1)));
m.forEach((v,k) => v === l && r.add(k));
return r;
var testSets = Array(1000).fill().map(_ => Array(1000).fill().map(_ => ~~(Math.random()*175+1)));
result = setIntersection(testSets);


Double loop don't know how to get rid

I have a function that gets a number and has to calculate the multiplication for each number with the rest of the numbers in the sequence.
If the input is 10, it should calculate the multiplication between 1x1, 1x2, 1x3, .... 10x1, 10x2, 10x3, .... 10x10. (passing through all the numbers sequentially)
So I thought at first sight that I need a double loop to do all possible multiplications but for big numbers it executes following O(n*n) which is too slow.
I heard there is a way to use only one loop. Do you know any post related with this subject? The only ones I found doesn't take into count that I need to perform the calculation foreach number by the rest of the numbers of the array.
Here the code:
// do i*j
Here's a way to do it with one loop (map), with the help of recursion.
const order = 10;
let sequence = [];
for (let i = 0; i < order; i++) {
sequence.push(i + 1);
const getMulTable = (order, table = []) => {
if (order === 1) {
return table;
table = getMulTable(order - 1, table);
table.push( => el * order));
return table;
I'm not sure if this reduces the time complexity, but this is the shortest way I know of to doing it.
Use collection methods like map.
let n = 10
let nCopy = n
let arr = []
while (nCopy > 0) {
arr.sort((a, b) => a - b)
let res = []
for (let i = 1; i <= n; i++) {
res.push( => a * i))

Javascript - Merge Sort Visualizer using CSS Style to Sort, having issues

I am having an issue with my merge sort visualizer.
My program has no issues visualizing bubble sort or quick sort, as I can do the swapping operation of css property values in-place, but I am having major issues trying to get merge sort to work properly. The issue arises when I try to update a css property on the dom, it causes the sort to not function.
I have tried passing in copies of the data I wish to sort, and all sorts of weird things I could think of to make it work. I am currently trying to sort by the css property 'maxWidth'. I use that to display how large a div element is in the html file and then visualize the sort from there.
My latest thought has been to set all the div elements to have another css property equal to the maxWidth (I am using fontSize as it does not affect my program) and then sorting based on fontSize, allowing me in theory to change the maxWidth properties of the divs without affecting merge sorts algorithm.
I am including my entire js file as I hope reading my correctly working bubble sort or quick sort functions can help you see what I am trying to achieve. Thank you so much for taking the time to read this and offer any help!
Important Note: I am not trying to visualize the individual steps of merge sort yet because I am unable to update the final result to the html page without affecting the merge sort algorithm. According to console logs, my merge sort algorithm does indeed work, I just can't update the DOM without messing it up. Once I can do that, I will turn it into an asynchronous function using async and await like I previously did with bubble and quick sort.
/********* Generate and Store Divs to be Sorted *************/
const generateSortingDivs = (numOfDivs) => {
const divContainer = document.querySelector('.div-container');
let html = '';
for (let i = 0; i < numOfDivs; i++) {
let r = Math.floor(Math.random() * 100);
html += `<div class='sorting-div' id='id-${i}' style='max-width: ${r}%'>&nbsp</div>`;
divContainer.innerHTML = html;
for(let i = 0; i < numOfDivs; i++) {
let x = document.getElementById('id-' + i); =;
const storeSortingDivs = () => {
const divContainer = document.querySelector('.div-container');
let divCollection = [];
const numOfDivs = divContainer.childElementCount;
for(let i=0; i<numOfDivs; i++) {
let div = document.getElementById('id-' + i);
return divCollection;
/********** SLEEP FUNCTION ************/
//Used to allow asynchronous visualizations of synchronous tasks
function sleep(ms) {
return new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, ms));
/******* SWAP FUNCTIONS *********/
//Used for Testing Algorithm before Animating Visualization
const syncSwap = (div1, div2) => {
let tmp =; =; = tmp;
async function asyncSwap(div1, div2) {
await sleep(50);
let tmp =; =; = tmp;
const swapDivs = (smallerDiv, biggerDiv) => {
return new Promise(resolve => {
setTimeout(() => {
let tmp =; =; = tmp;
}, 50);
/*********** SORTING ALGO'S *************/
/******* BUBBLE SORT ***********/
async function bubbleSort(divCollection) {
const len = divCollection.length;
for(let i=0; i<len; i++) {
for(let j=0; j<len-i-1; j++) {
divCollection[j].style.backgroundColor = "#FF4949";
divCollection[j+1].style.backgroundColor = "#FF4949";
let numDiv1 = parseInt(divCollection[j].style.maxWidth);
let numDiv2 = parseInt(divCollection[j+1].style.maxWidth);
let div1 = divCollection[j];
let div2 = divCollection[j+1];
if(numDiv1 > numDiv2) {
await swapDivs(div2, div1);
divCollection[j].style.backgroundColor = "darkcyan";
divCollection[j+1].style.backgroundColor = "darkcyan";
divCollection[len - i - 1].style.backgroundColor = 'black';
function displayBubbleSortInfo(){
const infoDiv = document.querySelector('.algo-info');
let html = `<h1>Bubble Sort Visualizer</h1>`;
html += `<h2>Time Complexity: O(n^2)</h2>`;
html += `<h3>Space Complexity: O(1)</h3>`;
html += `<p>This sorting algorithm loops through the array and continues to push the
largest found element into the last position, also pushing the last available
position down by one on each iteration. It is guaranteed to run in exactly
O(n^2) time because it is a nested loop that runs completely through.</p>`;
infoDiv.innerHTML = html;
/****** QUICK SORT ********/
async function quickSort(divCollection, start, end) {
if(start >= end) return;
let partitionIndex = await partition(divCollection, start, end);
await Promise.all([quickSort(divCollection, start, partitionIndex - 1), quickSort(divCollection, partitionIndex + 1, end)]);
/* This function takes last element as pivot, places
the pivot element at its correct position in sorted
array, and places all smaller (smaller than pivot)
to left of pivot and all greater elements to right
of pivot */
async function partition(divCollection, start, end) {
let pivotIndex = start;
let pivotValue = parseInt(divCollection[end].style.maxWidth);
for(let i = start; i < end; i++) {
if(parseInt(divCollection[i].style.maxWidth) < pivotValue) {
await asyncSwap(divCollection[i], divCollection[pivotIndex]);
await asyncSwap(divCollection[pivotIndex], divCollection[end]);
return pivotIndex;
function displayQuickSortInfo(){
const infoDiv = document.querySelector('.algo-info');
let html = `<h1>Quick Sort Visualizer</h1>`;
html += `<h2>Time Complexity: O(n log n)</h2>`;
html += `<h3>Space Complexity: O(log n)</h3>`;
html += `<p>This sorting algorithm uses the idea of a partition to sort
each iteration recursively. You can implement quick sort
in a variety of manners based on the method in which you
pick your "pivot" value to partition the array. In this
visualization, I implemented the method that chooses the
last element of the array as the pivot value. You could
also choose the first value, the middle value, or the median
value based on the first, middle, and last values.</p>`;
infoDiv.innerHTML = html;
/* Merge Sort does not sort in place, and thus we have to be
* clever when implementing it and also editing the css style
* of our divs to show the visualization of how the algorithm
* works. My method is to store a copy of the divs, that way
* I can use one to be sorted by merge sort, and the other to
* change the css style property to show the visualization.
* Unlike Quick Sort and Bubble Sort, we are not swapping
* elements when sorting, instead we are merging entire
* arrays together as the name implies. */
function mergeSort(divCollection) {
if(divCollection.length < 2) return divCollection;
let middleIndex = Math.floor(divCollection.length / 2);
let left = divCollection.slice(0, middleIndex);
let right = divCollection.slice(middleIndex);
return merge(mergeSort(left), mergeSort(right));
function merge(left, right) {
let mergedCollection = [];
while(left.length && right.length) {
if(parseInt(left[0].style.fontSize) < parseInt(right[0].style.fontSize || right.length === 0)) {
let el = left.shift();
} else {
let el = right.shift();
let res = mergedCollection.concat(left.slice().concat(right.slice()));
return res;
let divs = storeSortingDivs();
let copyDivs = [...divs];
console.log('Original State: ')
//quickSort(divs, 0, divs.length-1);
let x = mergeSort(copyDivs);
console.log('Sorted: ');

How do I check if 2 numbers are the same from Math.random [duplicate]

Can't seem to find an answer to this, say I have this:
setInterval(function() {
m = Math.floor(Math.random()*7);
}, 300);
How do I make it so that random number doesn't repeat itself. For example if the random number is 2, I don't want 2 to come out again.
There are a number of ways you could achieve this.
Solution A:
If the range of numbers isn't large (let's say less than 10), you could just keep track of the numbers you've already generated. Then if you generate a duplicate, discard it and generate another number.
Solution B:
Pre-generate the random numbers, store them into an array and then go through the array. You could accomplish this by taking the numbers 1,2,...,n and then shuffle them.
shuffle = function(o) {
for(var j, x, i = o.length; i; j = parseInt(Math.random() * i), x = o[--i], o[i] = o[j], o[j] = x);
return o;
var randorder = shuffle([0,1,2,3,4,5,6]);
var index = 0;
setInterval(function() {
}, 300);
Solution C:
Keep track of the numbers available in an array. Randomly pick a number. Remove number from said array.
var randnums = [0,1,2,3,4,5,6];
setInterval(function() {
var m = Math.floor(Math.random()*randnums.length);
randnums = randnums.splice(m,1);
}, 300);
You seem to want a non-repeating random number from 0 to 6, so similar to tskuzzy's answer:
var getRand = (function() {
var nums = [0,1,2,3,4,5,6];
var current = [];
function rand(n) {
return (Math.random() * n)|0;
return function() {
if (!current.length) current = nums.slice();
return current.splice(rand(current.length), 1);
It will return the numbers 0 to 6 in random order. When each has been drawn once, it will start again.
could you try that,
setInterval(function() {
m = Math.floor(Math.random()*7);
$('.foo:nth-of-type(' + m + ')').fadeIn(300);
}, 300);
I like Neal's answer although this is begging for some recursion. Here it is in java, you'll still get the general idea. Note that you'll hit an infinite loop if you pull out more numbers than MAX, I could have fixed that but left it as is for clarity.
edit: saw neal added a while loop so that works great.
public class RandCheck {
private List<Integer> numbers;
private Random rand;
private int MAX = 100;
public RandCheck(){
numbers = new ArrayList<Integer>();
rand = new Random();
public int getRandomNum(){
return getRandomNumRecursive(getRand());
private int getRandomNumRecursive(int num){
return getRandomNumRecursive(getRand());
} else {
return num;
private int getRand(){
return rand.nextInt(MAX);
public static void main(String[] args){
RandCheck randCheck = new RandCheck();
for(int i = 0; i < 100; i++){
Generally my approach is to make an array containing all of the possible values and to:
Pick a random number <= the size of the array
Remove the chosen element from the array
Repeat steps 1-2 until the array is empty
The resulting set of numbers will contain all of your indices without repetition.
Even better, maybe something like this:
var numArray = [0,1,2,3,4,5,6];
Then just go through the items because shuffle will have randomized them and pop them off one at a time.
Here's a simple fix, if a little rudimentary:
if(nextNum == lastNum){
if (nextNum == 0){nextNum = 7;}
else {nextNum = nextNum-1;}
If the next number is the same as the last simply minus 1 unless the number is 0 (zero) and set it to any other number within your set (I chose 7, the highest index).
I used this method within the cycle function because the only stipulation on selecting a number was that is musn't be the same as the last one.
Not the most elegant or technically gifted solution, but it works :)
Use sets. They were introduced to the specification in ES6. A set is a data structure that represents a collection of unique values, so it cannot include any duplicate values. I needed 6 random, non-repeatable numbers ranging from 1-49. I started with creating a longer set with around 30 digits (if the values repeat the set will have less elements), converted the set to array and then sliced it's first 6 elements. Easy peasy. Set.length is by default undefined and it's useless that's why it's easier to convert it to an array if you need specific length.
let randomSet = new Set();
for (let index = 0; index < 30; index++) {
randomSet.add(Math.floor(Math.random() * 49) + 1)
let randomSetToArray = Array.from(randomSet).slice(0,6);
An easy way to generate a list of different numbers, no matter the size or number:
function randomNumber(max) {
return Math.floor(Math.random() * max + 1);
const list = []
while(list.length < 10 ){
let nbr = randomNumber(500)
if(!list.find(el => el === nbr)) list.push(nbr)
I would like to add--
var RecordKeeper = {};
SRandom = function () {
currTimeStamp = new Date().getTime();
if (RecordKeeper.hasOwnProperty(currTimeStamp)) {
RecordKeeper[currTimeStamp] = RecordKeeper[currTimeStamp] + 1;
return currTimeStamp.toString() + RecordKeeper[currTimeStamp];
else {
RecordKeeper[currTimeStamp] = 1;
return currTimeStamp.toString() + RecordKeeper[currTimeStamp];
This uses timestamp (every millisecond) to always generate a unique number.
you can do this. Have a public array of keys that you have used and check against them with this function:
function in_array(needle, haystack)
for(var key in haystack)
if(needle === haystack[key])
return true;
return false;
(function from: javascript function inArray)
So what you can do is:
var done = [];
setInterval(function() {
var m = null;
while(m == null || in_array(m, done)){
m = Math.floor(Math.random()*7);
}, 300);
This code will get stuck after getting all seven numbers so you need to make sure it exists after it fins them all.

Javascript fill array with intermediate value

I'm trying to fill an array with missing intermediate data
My data input is like this
var data = [[5.23,7],[5.28,7],[5.32,8],[5.35,8]];
I wanna fill the array with missing value but I need to respect this rule:
The 1st value on 2d array must be the next sequence number, so 5.23
... 5.24 ... 5.25 ...
The 2nd value on 2d array must be the same element from the i+1
So the results in this case would be
var data = [[5.23,7],[5.24,7],[5.25,7],[5.26,7],[5.27,7],[5.28,7],[5.29,8],[5.30,8],[5.31,8],[5.32,8],[5.33,8],[5.34,8],[5.35,8]];
This little piece of code works, but I don't know
how to put in loop
and how to write a while loop that pass every time the new length of the array
var data = [[5.23,7],[5.28,7],[5.32,8],[5.35,8]];
if (data[1][0]-data[0][0] > 0.01) {
data.sort(function (a, b) { return a[0] - b[0]; });
} else {
check the next element
Any idea?
Here's another idea... I thought it might feel more natural to loop through the sequence numbers directly.
Your final array will range (in this example) from 5.23 to 5.35 incrementing by 0.01. This approach uses a for loop starting going from 5.23 to 5.35 incrementing by 0.01.
key points
Rounding: Work in x100 then divide back down to avoid floating point rounding issues. I round to the neared hundredth using toFixed(2) and then converting back to a number (with leading + operator).
Indexing: Recognizing 5.23 is the zero index with each index incrementing 1/100, you can calculate index from numerical values, ex. 100*(5.31-5.23) equals 8 (so 5.31 belongs in output[8]).
2nd values: given a numerical value (ex. 5.31), just find the first element in the data array with a higher 1st value and use its 2nd value - this is a corollary of your requirement. Because 5.31 <= 5.28 is false, don't use 7 (from [5.28,7]). Because 5.31 <= 5.32 is true, use 8 (from [5.32,8]).
I improved the performance a bit - (1) initialize output instead of modifying array size, (2) work in multiples of 100 instead of continuously rounding from floating point to hundredths.
I ran 5000 iterations on a longer example and, on average, these modifications make this approach 3x faster than Redu's (where the original was 2x slower).
var data = [[5.23,7],[5.28,7],[5.32,8],[5.35,8]];
var output = Array((data[data.length-1][0]-data[0][0]).toFixed(2)*100+1)
function getIndex(value){
return (value-data[0][0]*100)
for( var i = 100*data[0][0]; i <= 100*data[data.length-1][0]; i++ ){
output[getIndex(i)] = [i/100, data.find( d => i <= 100*d[0] )[1]]
// Performance comparison
function option1(data){
let t =
var output = Array((data[data.length-1][0]-data[0][0]).toFixed(2)*100+1)
function getIndex(value){
return (value-data[0][0]*100)
for( var i = 100*data[0][0]; i <= 100*data[data.length-1][0]; i++ ){
output[getIndex(i)] = [i/100, data.find( d => i <= 100*d[0] )[1]]
function option2(data){
let t =
newData = data.reduce((p,c,i,a) => i ? p.concat(Array(Math.round(c[0]*100 - a[i-1][0]*100)).fill()
.map((_,j) => [Number((a[i-1][0]+(j+1)/100).toFixed(2)),c[1]]))
: [c],[]);
var testdata = [[1.13,4],[2.05,6],[5.23,7],[5.28,7],[5.32,8],[5.35,8],[8.91,9],[10.31,9]];
var nTrials = 10000;
for(var trial=0, t1=0; trial<=nTrials; trial++) t1 += option1(testdata)
for(var trial=0, t2=0; trial<=nTrials; trial++) t2 += option2(testdata)
console.log(t1/nTrials) // ~0.4 ms
console.log(t2/nTrials) // ~0.55 ms
Array.prototype.reduce() is sometimes handy to extend the array. May be you can do as follows;
var data = [[5.23,7],[5.28,7],[5.32,8],[5.35,8]],
newData = data.reduce((p,c,i,a) => i ? p.concat(Array(Math.round(c[0]*100 - a[i-1][0]*100)).fill()
.map((_,j) => [Number((a[i-1][0]+(j+1)/100).toFixed(2)),c[1]]))
: [c],[]);
var data = [[1.01,3],[1.04,4],[1.09,5],[1.10,6],[1.15,7]],
newData = data.reduce((p,c,i,a) => i ? p.concat(Array(Math.round(c[0]*100 - a[i-1][0]*100)).fill()
.map((_,j) => [Number((a[i-1][0]+(j+1)/100).toFixed(2)),c[1]]))
: [c],[]);
I propose this solution :
var data = [[5.23,7],[5.28,7],[5.32,8],[5.35,8]];
var res = [];
data.forEach((item, index, arr) => {
var temp = item[0];
while (arr[index+1] && arr[index+1][0]-temp > 0.01){
temp += 0.01;
res.push([temp, arr[index+1][1]]);

JavaScript: Subtracting ranges of numbers

I'm trying to write a JS function which has two parameters, include and exclude, each an array of objects {X, Y} which represents a range of numbers from X to Y, both included.
The output is the subtraction of all the ranges in include with all the ranges in exclude.
For example:
include = [ {1,7}, {9,10}, {12,14} ]
exclude = [ {4,5}, {11,20} ]
output = [ {1,3}, {6,7}, {9,10} ]
{4,5} broke {1,7} into two range objects: {1,3} and {6,7}
{9,10} was not affected
{12,14} was removed entirely
You can use sweep line algorithm. For every number save what it represents (start and end, inclusion and exclusion ). Then put all the number in an array and sort it. Then iteratively remove elements from the array and perform the appropriate operation.
include_list = [[1,7]]
exclude_list = [[4,5]]
include = 0
exclude = 0
cur_element = (1,start,inclusion) -> include = 1, has_open_range = 1, range_start = 1 // we start a new range starting at 1
cur_element = (4,start,exclusion) -> exclude = 1, has_open_range = 0, result.append ( [1,4] ) // we close the open range and add range to result
cur_element = (5,end,exclusion) -> exclude = 0, has_open_range = 1, range_start = 5 // because include was 1 and exclude become 0 we must create a new range starting at 5
cur_element = (7,end,inclusion) -> include = 0, has_open_range = 0, result.append([5,7]) // include became zero so we must close the current open range so we add [5,7] to result
maintain variables include and exclude increment them with start of the respective elements and decrement them upon receiving end elements. According to the value of include and exclude you can determine wether you should start a new range, close the open range, or do nothing at all.
This algorithm runs in linear time O(n).
The rule for integer set arithmetic for subtraction of two sets X,Y is
X − Y := {x − y | x ∈ X, y ∈ Y }
but that's not what you want, as it seems.
You can assume ordered sets in your example which allows you to set every occurrence of x==y as an arbitrary value in a JavaScript array and use that to split there. But you don't need that.
The set difference {1...7}\{4...5} gets expanded to {1,2,3,4,5,6,7}\{4,5}. As you can easily see, a subtraction with the rule of set arithmetic would leave {1,2,3,0,0,6,7} and with normal set subtraction (symbol \) you get {1,2,3,6,7}.
The set difference {12...14}\{11...20} gets expanded to {12,13,14}\{11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20}; the set arithm. difference is {-11,0,0,0,-15,-16,...,-20} but the normal set-subtraction leaves the empty set {}.
Handling operations with the empty set is equivalent to normal arithmetic {x}-{}={x} and {}-{x} = {-x} for arithmetic set rules and {x}\{}={x},{}\{x}= {} with normal rules
So what you have to use here, according to your example, are the normal set rules. There is no need to expand the sets, they can be assumed to be dense.
You can use relative differences(you may call them distances).
With {1...7}\{4...5} the first start is small then the second start and the first end is greater the the second end, which resulted in two different sets.
With {12...14}\{11...20} the first start is greater than the second start and the first end is lower then the second end which resulted in an empty set.
The third example makes use of the empty-set rule.
Do you need an example snippet?
Here's an answer that works with fractions and that isnt just brute forcing. I've added comments to explain how it works. It may seem big the the premise is simple:
create a method p1_excluding_p2 that accepts points p1 and p2 and returns of an array of points that exist after doing p1 - p2
create a method points_excluding_p2 which performs the EXACT same operation as above, but this time allow us to pass an array of points, and return an array of points that exist after subtracting p2 from all the points in our array, so now we have (points) - p2
create a method p1_excluding_all which takes the opposite input as above. This time, accept one point p1 and many exclusion points, and return the array of points remaining after subtracting all the exclusion points. This is actually very easy to create now. We simply start off with [p1] and the first exclusion point (exclusion1) and feed this into points_excluding_p2. We take the array that comes back (which will be p1 - exclusion1) and feed this into points_excluding_p2 only this time with exclusion2. We continue this process until we've excluded every exclusion point, and we're left with an array of p1 - (all exclusion points)
now that we have the power to perform p1 - (all exclusion points), its just a matter of looping over all our points and calling p1_excluding_all, and we're left with an array of every point subtract every exclusion point. We run our results through remove_duplicates incase we have any duplicate entries, and that's about it.
The code:
var include = [ [1,7], [9,10], [12,14] ]
var exclude = [ [4,5], [11,20] ]
/* This method is just a small helper method that takes an array
* and returns a new array with duplicates removed
function remove_duplicates(arr) {
var lookup = {};
var results = [];
for(var i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) {
var el = arr[i];
var key = el.toString();
if(lookup[key]) continue;
lookup[key] = 1;
return results;
/* This method takes 2 points p1 and p2 and returns an array of
* points with the range of p2 removed, i.e. p1 = [1,7]
* p2 = [4,5] returned = [[1,3],[6,7]]
function p1_excluding_p2(p1, p2) {
if(p1[1] < p2[0]) return [p1]; // line p1 finishes before the exclusion line p2
if(p1[0] > p2[1]) return [p1]; // line p1 starts after exclusion line p1
var lines = [];
// calculate p1 before p2 starts
var line1 = [ p1[0], Math.min(p1[1], p2[0]-1) ];
if(line1[0] < line1[1]) lines.push(line1);
// calculate p1 after p2 ends
var line2 = [ p2[1]+1, p1[1] ];
if(line2[0] < line2[1]) lines.push(line2);
// these contain the lines we calculated above
return lines;
/* this performs the exact same operation as above, only it allows you to pass
* multiple points (but still just 1 exclusion point) and returns results
* in an identical format as above, i.e. points = [[1,7],[0,1]]
* p2 = [4,5] returned = [[0,1],[1,3],[6,7]]
function points_excluding_p2(points, p2) {
var results = [];
for(var i = 0; i < points.length; i++) {
var lines = p1_excluding_p2(points[i], p2);
results.push.apply(results, lines); // append the array lines to the array results
return results;
/* this method performs the same operation only this time it takes one point
* and multiple exclusion points and returns an array of the results.
* this is the important method of: given 1 point and many
* exclusion points, return the remaining new ranges
function p1_excluding_all(p1, excluded_pts) {
var checking = [p1];
var points_leftover = [];
for(var i = 0; i < exclude.length; i++) {
checking = points_excluding_p2(checking, exclude[i]);
return remove_duplicates(checking);
/* now that we have a method that we can feed a point and an array of exclusion
* points, its just a simple matter of throwing all our points into this
* method, then at the end remove duplicate results for good measure
var results = [];
for(var i = 0; i < include.length; i++) {
var lines = p1_excluding_all(include[i], exclude);
results.push.apply(results, lines); // append the array lines to the array results
results = remove_duplicates(results);
which returns:
NOTE: include = [ {1,7}, {9,10}, {12,14} ] is not valid javascript, so I assumed you as passing in arrays of arrays instead such as:
include = [ [1,7], [9,10], [12,14] ]
Brute force method (a solution, may not be the most eloquent):
function solve_range(include, exclude) {
numbers = [];
include.forEach(function (range) {
for (i = range[0]; i <= range[1]; i++) {
numbers[i] = true;
exclude.forEach(function (range) {
for (i = range[0]; i <= range[1]; i++) {
numbers[i] = false;
contiguous_start = null;
results = [];
for (i = 0; i < numbers.length; i++) {
if (numbers[i] === true) {
if (contiguous_start == null) {
contiguous_start = i;
} else {
if (contiguous_start !== null) {
results[results.length] = [contiguous_start, i - 1];
contiguous_start = null;
return results;
var include = [
[1, 7],
[9, 10],
[12, 14]
var exclude = [
[4, 5],
[11, 20]
var output = solve_range(include, exclude);
Here's a working solution that handles the 4 possible overlap scenarios for an exclusion range.
var include = [{from:1, to: 7},{from: 9, to: 10},{from: 12, to: 14}];
var exclude = [{from:4, to: 5}, {from: 11, to: 20}];
//result: {1,3}, {6,7}, {9,10}
var resultList = [];
for (var i=0;i<include.length;i++){
var inc = include[i];
var overlap = false;
for (var x=0;x<exclude.length;x++ ){
var exc = exclude[x];
//4 scenarios to handle
if (exc.from >= inc.from && <={
//include swallows exclude - break in two
resultList.push({from: inc.from, to: exc.from - 1});
resultList.push({from: + 1, to:});
overlap = true;
}else if (exc.from <= inc.from && >={
//exclude swallows include - exclude entire range
overlap = true;
}else if (exc.from <= inc.from && <= && >= inc.from){
//exclusion overlaps on left
resultList.push({from:, to:});
overlap = true;
}else if (exc.from >= inc.from && >= && exc.from <={
//exclusion overlaps on right
resultList.push({from: inc.from, to: exc.from - 1});
overlap = true;
if (!overlap){
//no exclusion ranges touch the inclusion range
Perhaps we can make it slightly more efficient by merging labeled intervals into one sorted list:
include = [ {1,7}, {9,10}, {12,14} ]
exclude = [ {4,5}, {11,20} ]
merged = [ [1,7,0], [4,5,1], [9,10,0], [11,20,1], [12,14,0] ];
Then, traverse the list and for any excluded interval, update any surrounding affected intervals.
try this
function excludeRange(data, exclude) {
data = [] // i don't want inplace edit
// check intersect
if (d[0] <= e[1] && e[0] <= d[1]) {
// split into two range: [Ax, Bx-1] and [By+1, Ay]
var ranges = [
[d[0], e[0]-1],
[e[1]+1, d[1]],
// keep only valid range where x <= y
ranges = ranges.filter(e=>e[0]<=e[1])
// replace existing range with new ranges
data.splice(di, 1, ...ranges)
return data
I try to implement this short and simple as possible
edit: add explain and update more readable code
the algorithm with A-B
if intersect -> we split into two range: [Ax, Bx-1] and [By+1, Ay]
then we filter out invalid range (where x > y)
else: keep A

