Javascript function to submit parametric form - javascript

I have many forms in a webpage.
Form id is given by php like:
<FORM method="post" id="<?php echo $idform;?>">
In every form the submit button is:
<input name="inoltro" value="Book" type="button" onclick="mySubmit(<?php echo $idform;?>)">
Submit function is:
function mySubmit(FormToSubmit)
Console javascritp error says it cannot submit null form.
Where am I wrong?
many thanks for your kind help

You can get form object in on* events by passing this.form as a parameter.
Just like that:
function mySubmit(form) {
<form method="post" action="?">
<input type="text" name="test">
<input type="button" name="inoltro" value="Book" onclick="mySubmit(this.form)">
Press Ctrl+Shift+J in Chrome to see developer's console.

The form you are trying to submit does not exist ...
please check again you are echoing correct values in id attribute of the form ...
onclick="mySubmit('<?php echo $idform;?>')"
make sure this code is outputting something ... use google chrome's inspect element to check the echoed values


Submit form using anchor tag

I'm currently working on my webpage where I'm using an anchor tag to process the request. Here is the portion of my code:
It works okay. However, I added an input field and I have to include that in my process on "?redirect=Pro". My input field value is not being processed because the form is not being submitted/processed. I already tried the:
<form id="discount">
<input type="hidden" id="coupon_applied">
<a id = "agree" onclick="document.getElementById('discount').submit()" href="?redirect=Pro" target="_blank">I AGREE</a>
But I still can't get it to work.
I can't remove the ?redirect=Pro because that's where all my process is happening.
Any advice on how I i will modify my code to accommodate this would be much appreciated.
EDIT: This is a preview of my pricing.php file for more info:
$discount_amount = $_POST['coupon_applied'];
if ($link == 'Pro')
echo "<script type='text/javascript'>alert('$discount_amount')</script>";
<form id="discount" action="pricing.php" method="post">
<input type="hidden" id="coupon_applied">
<a onclick="document.getElementById('discount').submit()" href="?redirect=Pro" target="_blank">I AGREE</a>
With my current code, echo is returning blank/null.
You should use a method and action in your form like: <form action="/action_page.php" method="post">

HTML required attribute doesn't work with google recaptcha

Require attribute on the input field doesn't work when i implement google recaptcha. When the input is empty, the form is supposed not to be submitted. But the form gets submitted when input is empty. I followed google's guide to implement that in its simplest form.
<?php if (isset($_POST['code']) && ($_POST['code'] == "whatever")) //do stuff?> ?>
What i want to do is to make the recaptcha execute only when the input is not empty, else prevent form submit and recaptcha execution.
<form id="form1" method="post" >
<input name="code" type="text" required>
<button data-sitekey="xxx"
data-callback='onSubmit' type="submit" class="g-recaptcha" >Let me in</button>
function onSubmit(token) {
<script src="" async defer></script>
Looking over the documentation you linked to, you are probably better off getting rid of the required attribute and adding a check to your script to not submit the form if the I put field is null.
So JavaScript would be checking if the field is empty and then give a validation alert or however works best for your situation.
The reason it submits is your JavaScript function is calling submit directly, which is bypassing the HTML5-only validation. The submit button being a type of 'submit' will do the submission for you automatically so you don't need it.

Multiple form submit with one Submit button

I have two forms. I want to submit both forms with 1 button. Is there any method that can help me do it?
<form method="post" action="">
<input type="text" name="something">
<form method="post" action="">
<input type="text" name="something">
<input type="submit" value="submit" name="submit">
I want both forms to be submitted with 1 submit button. Any help would be appreciated.
The problem here is that when you submit a form, the current page is stopped. Any activity on the page is stopped. So, as soon as you click "submit" for a form or use JavaScript to submit the form, the page is history. You cannot continue to submit another page.
A simplistic solution is to keep the current page active by having the form's submission load in a new window or tab. When that happens, the current page remains active. So, you can easily have two forms, each opening in a window. This is done with the target attribute. Use something unique for each one:
<form action='' method='post' target='_blank1'>
The target is the window or tab to use. There shouldn't be one named "_blank1", so it will open in a new window. Now, you can use JavaScript to submit both forms. To do so, you need to give each a unique ID:
<form id='myform1' action='' method='post' target='_blank1'>
That is one form. The other needs another ID. You can make a submit button of type button (not submit) that fires off JavaScript on click:
<submit type='button' onclick="document.getElementById('myform1').submit();document.getElementById('myform2').submit();" value='Click to Submit Both Forms'>
When you click the button, JavaScript submits both forms. The results open in new windows. A bit annoying, but it does what you specifically asked for. I wouldn't do that at all. There are two better solutions.
The easiest is to make one form, not two:
<form action='' method='post'>
<input type='text' name='text1'>
<input type='text' name='text2'>
<input type='submit' value='Submit'>
You can place a lot of HTML between the form tags, so the input boxes don't need to be close together on the page.
The second, harder, solution is to use Ajax. The example is certainly more complicated than you are prepared to handle. So, I suggest simply using one form instead of two.
Note: After I submitted this, Nicholas D submitted an Ajax solution. If you simply cannot use one form, use his Ajax solution.
You have to do something like that :
button :
<div id="button1">
<button>My click text</button>
form1 = $('#idIFirstForm');
form2 = $('#idISecondForm');
type: "POST",
url: form1.attr('action'),
data: form1.serialize(),
success: function( response ) {
console.log( response );
type: "POST",
url: form2.attr('action'),
data: form2.serialize(),
success: function( response2 ) {
console.log( response2 );
You could create a pseudo form in the background. No time to write the code, jsut the theory. After clicking submit just stop propagation of all other events and gather all the informations you need into one other form you append to document (newly created via jquery) then you can submit the third form where all the necesary infos are.
Without getting into why you want to use only 1 button for 2 forms being submitted at the same time, these tools that will get the input data available for use elsewhere:
Option 1...
Instead of using <form> - collect the data with the usual Input syntax.
ex: <input type="text" name="dcity" placeholder="City" />
Instead of using the form as in this example:
<form class="contact" method="post" action="cheque.php" name="pp" id="pp">
<label for="invoice">Your Name</label>
<input type="text" id="invoice" name="invoice" />
<button class="button" type="submit" id="submit">Do It Now</button>
<label for="invoice">Your Name</label>
<input type="text" id="invoice" name="invoice" />
<button type="button" onclick="CmpProc();" style="border:none;"><img src="yourimage.png"/> Do It Now</button>
Then code the function CmpProc() to handle the processing/submittion.
Inside that function use the Javascript form object with the submit() method as in...
<script type="text/javascript">
function submitform() {
Somehow I suspect making the two forms into one for the POST / GET is worth reconsidering.
Option 2...
Instead of POST to use the data to the next page consider using PHP's $_SESSION to store each of your entries for use across your multiple pages. (Remember to use the session_start(); at the start of each page you are storing or retrieving the variables from so the Global aspect is available on the page) Also less work.
Look man. This is not possible with only HTML. weither you gether the inputs in one form or else you use jquery to handle this for you.

Javascript Auto Form submission not working

I have following simple HTML Form & i tried to submit the form automatically during page load.
Below Javascript code is not automatically submitting the form.
<form action="SSL.php" method="POST" name="TForm" id="transactionForm">
<input type="hidden" name="merchantTxnId" id="merchantTxnId" value="test">
<input type="submit" name="submit" id="submit" value="submit" style="visibility:hidden">
Redirecting ... Please wait...
Java script:
window.onload = function(){
alert(1); // this is working..
document.getElementById("transactionForm").submit(); //nothing is happening with this line . form is not getting submitted
I found following error in Chrome console mode says:
Kindly suggest me where the problem is...
You may not use submit as the name or id of any of your form elements.
The reason is, that you can reach each child of your form via document.getElementById('form').nameOfTheChild where nameOfTheChild is the name of the child. If you have a child with the name submit, document.getElementById('form').submit is a shortcut to address that child.
The documentation of .submit() says that :
Forms and their child elements should not use input names or ids that
conflict with properties of a form, such as submit, length, or method.
Name conflicts can cause confusing failures.

Variable Transfer: Web Form that connects with PHP to Database

Hello and thank you for viewing my question. I am a complete beginner and am looking for simple ways to do the following...
What I have in seperate linked documents:
HTML, CSS, Javascript, PHP
What I am having trouble with:
I need to use something like JSON (although I would also accept XML requests or Ajax at this point if they work) to transfer variables from Javascript to PHP. I need the variables to search in a database, so they need to be literally available within PHP (not only seen on a pop-up message or something).
I have seen a LOT of different ways to do this, I have even watched tutorials on YouTube, but nothing has worked for me yet. The things I am having the biggest problem with is that when I add a submit button to my form it doesn't submit my form and I don't know why.
Form code snippet:
<form id="form" name="input" method="post" action="javascript:proofLength();">
<input id="userinput" type="text" autofocus />
<input id="submit" type="button" value="submit" onsubmit="post();">
The second to last line there doesn't work. Do I need javascript to submit the form? Because I really thought that in this case it was part of the functionality of the form just like method="post"...
The other thing is that for JSON, I have no idea what to do because my variables are determined by user input. Therefore, I cannot define them myself. They are only defined by document.getElement... and that doesn't fit the syntax of JSON.
Those are really my main problems at the moment. So if anyone could show me a simple way to get this variable transfer done, that would be amazing.
After this I will need to search/compare in my database with some php/sql (it's already connecting fine), and I need to be able to return information back to a in HTML based on what I find to be true. I saw one example, but I am not sure that was very applicable to what I am doing, so if you are able to explain how to do that, that would be great also.
Thank you very, very much.
You don't need ajax to submit this form. You don't even need javscript. Just do this:
<form id="form" name="input" method="post" action="mytarget.php">
<input id="userinput" name="userinput" type="text" autofocus />
<input id="submit" type="submit" value="submit" />
This will send the form data to mytarget.php (can be changed of course)
See that i have added the name attribute to your text-field in the form and i changed the type of the button to submit.
Now you can work the Data in mytarget.php like this:
$username = $_POST['userinput'];
echo "Your name is: ".$username;
You wanted to have a check for length in the submit. There are two ways to this:
Before the input is send (the server is not bothered)
Let the server Check the input
for 1 you will have to append a event listener, like this:
var form = document.getElementById("form");
form.addEventListener("submit", function(event){
var name = form.elements['userinput'].value;
if(name.length < 3){
alert("boy your name is short!");
Enter a name with less then 3 characters and the form will not be submitted. test here:
Test it Serverside
In your mytarget.php:
$username = $_POST['userinput'];
if(strlen($username) > 3)
echo "Your name is: ".$username;
echo "your name was too short!";
You may also do all this with ajax. You will find a lot of good content here. But I'd recommend a framework like jQuery to do so.
The problem is in this line
<form id="form" name="input" method="post" action="javascript:proofLength();">
The action should be a PHP page (or any other type of server script) that will process the form.
Or the proofLength function must call submit() on the form
In the php page you can obtain variable values using $_GET["name"] or $_POST["name"]
To summarize; your code should look like this
<form id="form" name="input" method="post" action="yourpage.php">
<input id="userinput" type="text" autofocus />
<input id="submit" type="button" value="submit">
and for your php page:
$userinput = $_POST["userinput"];
//Do what ever you need here
If you want to do something in your javascript before submitting the form, refer to this answer

