Vuejs - require component on demand - javascript

I'm trying to load components on demand, according with the page.
Because there is some components in database.
The user can access the page, like:
Then, I want to load the component from database according with the parameter.
post01, post02, post03
module.exports = {
components: {
'testblock': function (resolve) {
/* this is just por test purpose to load the component using parameters */
let name = 'teste';
let path = ['./static/', name, '.html'].join('');
require(['./database/post01.html'], resolve);
computed: {},
data: function () {
return {
post: 'post01'
methods: {},
mounted: function () {
But, I always getting something like
ERROR in ..../~/babel-loader
Module not found: Error: Cannot resolve 'file' or 'directory' ./database/post01.html
I Just wan't to load/require from a file that is not in project directory, like in database or another path (using nginx alias).
Is there a way to load components in this way?


Calling VueJS Components after login from an external script

I have a VueJS Program where I want to provide a login. Thus this login is used one multiple platforms, it is loaded via an external server (See: mounted). It is loaded, puts elements into the mainlogin-div creating a login view and when the user clicks Login it performs a http login request to another server. When the login is successful, the external script calls done(result) or error(result) whether the login was a success or not.
But now of course how can I go back to calling Vue-stuff from there? I cant just do like this.$router.push("/coolPath") or call a defined method like loggedIn to make a toast or what not... How is this implemented?
<div id="main">
<div id="mainlogin"></div>
<script type="application/javascript">
function done(result){
loggedIn(result, true)
function error(result) {
loggedIn(result, false)
const Toast = require("#/toast/toast")
export default {
name: "Login",
components: {},
data() {
return {
isAuthenticated: false
beforeMount() {
let loginScript = document.createElement('script')
loginScript .setAttribute('src', 'http://**.***.***.***/index_krass.js')
document.body.appendChild(loginScript )
methods: {
loggedIn: function (result, success){
Toast.toast(result.message, success)
Error is always "this." is not defined or loggedIn(...) is not defined...
Maybe its some race condition where VueJS needs to be loaded first or the other way around?
Instead of the <script> block in the template, just set the global functions up on window as arrow functions to capture the Vue instance context:
export default {
beforeMount() {
window.done = result => this.loggedIn(result, true)
window.error = result => this.loggedIn(result, false)
let loginScript = document.createElement("script")
loginScript.setAttribute("src", ".../index_krass.js")
destroyed() {
window.done = window.error = undefined

Vuejs - Render raw html links to <router-link>

I;m new to VueJS and I'm making some weird experiments. I build a backend service using python/flask and this backend provide me a string of html code with many tags inside, I want to render this inside my Vue app, I have a method for calling the backend that looks like this:
async execute (method, resource, data) {
return client({
url: resource,
data: data
}).then(async req => {
callBack (id) {
return this.execute('post', '/content/', {body: { 'id': id }})
And in the .vue file I have:
export default {
data () {
return {
loading: false,
launch: [],
html: 'none',
page: this.$route.params.article
beforeMount () {
this.html = api.callBack(
methods: {
async launch () {
this.launch = ''
this.html = await api.callBack(
so when I call the launch function it populates this.html, and this html variable lives in a v-html.Everything seems to work i get the html and render it in de container but the links are broken, the links should point at the same app something like #/test/linkvalue, but as they are tags, and in vue you have to use they doesn't work.
There is a way to achieve this "dynamic re route" or I'm doing something too weird?
The links are plenty, since they are scraped from the web, so manually parsing is not an option.
Thanks in advance for your help
Also, you shouldn't return the raw html. Just return the paths for the routes and then loop the paths and create links that way.
You can use the v-html vue directive to output raw html.
new Vue({
el: "#app",
data: {
rawhtml: "<h1 style='color: red;'>Hi, I am raw html.</h1>"
methods: {
<div id="app">
<div v-html="rawhtml"></div>

Vue.js import images

So I am making an app with a control panel and i want to be able to change a few images inside the app dynamically and my problem is, it just won't work
This is the div I am trying to change
<div class="bg-image bg-parallax overlay" :style="`background-image:url(${bg1url})`"></div>
this is the script part of the Home.vue file
import axios from 'axios';
export default {
name: 'Home', // this is the name of the component
data () {
page_data: {},
bg1url: null,
created() {
.then((result) => {this.page_data =});
this.bg1url = require('#/assets/img/' + this.page_data.background1);
I have tried most of the suggestions on stack overflow but nothing seems to work.
I use the default webpack configurations and generated structure
Note: the parts with axios fetching from the backend work correctly. The only problem is adding the image to the style.
I think could be because you are setting the value for bg1url outsite of promise (calback function of axios), and so this make the code sync and not async
so please try to update, use this instead
created() {
axios.get("http://localhost:5001/api/v1/pages").then(result => {
this.page_data =
this.bg1url = require('#/assets/img/' + this.page_data.background1);

Vue - access data in component outside of Vue - Single file component

How to access and change data of compontent out side the component and Vue instance but inside single-file-component?
Component in sigle file like:
export default {
data() {
return {
lock: true,
connection: '',
login: true,
message: {
time: '',
nick: '',
The file is chat.vue
Main Vue app:
var app = new Vue({
el: '.app',
components: {
And I need to access and example data from something like
Socket.onopen = function(e)
Chat.connection = 'Zostałeś połączony pomyślnie!';
Chat.lock = false;
Outside of component but in this component file
tried something like
Chat.message.nick = 'xxxx'; but doesn't work
this.message.nick = 'xxx'; doesn't work too + I got error: named exports are not supported in *.vue files.
var chat = export default.... doesn't work too, blowup
And many things... I don't know...
the only thing I worked out is to use ref="Chat" on component in HTML. But it is not what I want, it allows me to reference my component's data but in not in this component vue single file but in my main js file
I need to reference data and change it in this compontent vue single file

Vue.js - Global Data from AJAX Call

I'm giving Vue.js a try and so far I'm loving it because it's much simpler than angular. I'm currently using vue-router and vue-resource in my single page app, which connects to an API on the back end. I think I've got things mostly working with a the primary app.js, which loads vue-router and vue-resource, and several separate components for each route.
Here's my question: How do I use props to pass global data to the child components when the data is fetched using an asynchronous AJAX call? For example, the list of users can be used in just about any child component, so I would like the primary app.js to fetch the list of users and then allow each child component to have access to that list of users. The reason I would like to have the app.js fetch the list of users is so I only have to make one AJAX call for the entire app. Is there something else I should be considering?
When I use the props in the child components right now, I only get the empty array that the users variable was initialized as, not the data that gets fetched after the AJAX call. Here is some sample code:
Simplified App.js
var Vue = require('vue');
var VueRouter = require('vue-router')
var router = new VueRouter({
// Options
'*': {
component: {
template: '<p>Not found!</p>'
'/' : require('./components/dashboard.js'),
var App = Vue.extend({
ready: function() {
data: function() {
return {
users: [],
methods: {
fetchUsers: function() {
this.$http.get('/api/v1/users/list', function(data, status, response) {
this.users = data;
}).error(function (data, status, request) {
// handle error
router.start(App, '#app')
Simplified app.html
<div id="app" v-cloak>
<router-view users = "{{ users }}">
Simplified dashboard.js
module.exports = {
component: {
ready: function() {
props: ['users'],
When dashboard.js gets run, it prints an empty array to the console because that's what app.js initializes the users variable as. How can I allow dashboard.js to have access to the users variable from app.js? Thanks in advance for your help!
p.s. I don't want to use the inherit: true option because I don't want ALL the app.js variables to be made available in the child components.
I believe this is actually working and you are being misled by the asynchronous behavior of $http. Because your $http call does not complete immediately, your console.log is executing before the $http call is complete.
Try putting a watch on the component against users and put a console.log in that handler.
Like this:
module.exports = {
component: {
ready: function() {
props: ['users'],
watch: {
users: {
handler: function (newValue, oldValue) {
console.log("users is now", this.users);
deep: true
In the new version of Vue 1.0.0+ you can simply do the following, users inside your component is automatically updated:
<div id="app" v-cloak>
<router-view :users="users"></router-view>

