JQuery Datatables.net thead sorting image removal - javascript

I am using DataTables 1.10.12. I implemented it using MVC framwork. My problem is I have 25 columns in the table which I can accomodate on the same page if I do not have the sorting images in the . To remove them I have tried the following:
<table id="datatable-buttons-por" class="table table-striped table-bordered">
<thead style="font-size:smaller; background:none">
And following
$(document).ready(function () {
var handleDataTableButtons = function () {
if ($("#datatable-buttons-por").length) {
dom: "Bfrtip",
buttons: [
extend: "copy",
className: "btn-sm"
extend: "csv",
className: "btn-sm"
extend: "excel",
className: "btn-sm"
extend: "pdfHtml5",
className: "btn-sm"
extend: "print",
className: "btn-sm"
responsive: true
TableManageButtons = function () {
"use strict";
return {
init: function () {
var $datatable = $('#datatable-checkbox');
'order': [[1, 'asc']],
'columnDefs': [
{ orderable: false, targets: [0] }
$datatable.on('draw.dt', function () {
checkboxClass: 'icheckbox_flat-green'
//$('#datatable-buttons-por thead').css('background-image', 'none');
var table = $('#datatable-buttons-por').DataTable();
table.columns().every(function () {
var column = this;
var select = $('<select><option value=""></option></select>')
.on('change', function () {
var val = $.fn.dataTable.util.escapeRegex(
.search(val ? '^' + val + '$' : '', true, false)
column.data().unique().sort().each(function (d, j) {
select.append('<option value="' + d + '">' + d + '</option>')
$('#datatable-buttons-por thead th').css('background-image', 'none');
in Javascript.
Seems like none of these working. What I am doing wrong here? By the way, I still want to keep my sorting functionality enabled.

You need to target the th not the thead
$('#datatable-buttons-por thead th.sorting').css('background-image', 'none');


how to add filters to each columns for datatables

I'm using jquery and used datatable library.
I created my datatable like this:
$datatable = $('#datatable-buttons').DataTable({
keys: true, searching: false, "paging": false, "info": false,
buttons: [
extend: 'copyHtml5',
text: '<i class="fa fa-files-o"></i>',
titleAttr: 'Copy'
extend: 'excelHtml5',
text: '<i class="fa fa-file-excel-o"></i>',
titleAttr: 'Excel'
extend: 'csvHtml5',
text: '<i class="fa fa-file-text-o"></i>',
titleAttr: 'CSV'
orderCellsTop: true,
fixedHeader: true,
initComplete: function () {
var api = this.api();
// For each column
.each(function (colIdx) {
// Set the header cell to contain the input element
var cell = $('.filters th').eq(
var title = $(cell).text();
$(cell).html('<input type="text" placeholder="' + title + '" />');
// On every keypress in this input
$('.filters th').eq($(api.column(colIdx).header()).index())
.off('keyup change')
.on('keyup change', function (e) {
// Get the search value
$(this).attr('title', $(this).val());
var regexr = '({search})'; //$(this).parents('th').find('select').val();
var cursorPosition = this.selectionStart;
// Search the column for that value
this.value != ''
? regexr.replace('{search}', '(((' + this.value + ')))')
: '',
this.value != '',
this.value == ''
.setSelectionRange(cursorPosition, cursorPosition);
I have a submit button to get data from my server and draw data to datatable:
function refreshDataTable(result) {
rowDataTable = PER_PAG * (CURRENT_PAGE - 1)
var rows = []
result.forEach((item => {
var data = [rowDataTable, item.order_id, "item.shipping.mobile", item.shipping.first_name, item.shipping.last_name, item.shipping.state, item.shipping.city, item.shipping.address, item.shipping.title, item.shipping.cost, item.shipping.delivery_time]
it shows some inputs above each columns. but when I typing some texts it doesn't to filter my rows.

Datatable custom filtering with Server Side with Editor

I am having some trouble integrating some custom functionalities with Datatable and Datatable Editor at the same time.
Without server-side processing my current functionalities works perfectly but I want to be able to implement server-side filtering with Editor.
With server-side filtering these work:
2.Global Search
4.Row reorder
5.Dynamic Page length
With server-side filtering these don't work:
1.Custom column input filtering
2.Custom footer select filtering
My serverside script for Datatable and Editor:
Editor::inst($db, 'article_categories')
->on('preCreate', function ($editor, $values) {
if (!$values['article_categories']['rowOrder']) {
$next = $editor->db()->sql('select IFNULL(MAX(rowOrder)+1, 1) as next FROM article_categories')->fetch();
} else {
->query('update', 'article_categories')
->set('rowOrder', 'rowOrder+1', false)
->where('rowOrder', $values['article_categories']['rowOrder'], '>=')
->on('preRemove', function ($editor, $id, $values) {
$order = $editor->db()
->select('article_categories', 'rowOrder', array('id' => $id))
->query('update', 'article_categories')
->set('rowOrder', 'rowOrder-1', false)
->where('rowOrder', $order['rowOrder'], '>')
My client-side script:
Default config:
jQuery(function () {
$.extend(true, $.fn.dataTable.defaults, {
serverSide: true,
fixedHeader: true,
searchDelay: 800,
paging: true,
processing: true,
pageLength: 10,
info: true,
dom: "Blfrtip",
select: true,
responsive: true,
lengthMenu: [
[10, 25, 50, -1],
[10, 25, 50, "All"],
Datatable and Editor setup:
var editor;
jQuery(function () {
editor = new $.fn.dataTable.Editor({
table: "#article-category",
ajax: {
url: "article-categories",
type: "POST",
fields: [
label: "Order:",
name: "article_categories.rowOrder",
type: "hidden",
"This field can only be edited via click and drag row reordering.",
label: "FAQ Category Name:",
name: "article_categories.name",
label: "Description (optional):",
name: "article_categories.description",
type: "textarea",
var table = $("#article-category").DataTable({
ajax: {
url: "article-categories",
type: "POST",
rowReorder: {
dataSrc: "article_categories.rowOrder",
editor: editor,
buttons: cms.editorFormButtons(editor),
initComplete: function () {
cms.headerInputFilter("article-category", this.api(), [1, 2]);
cms.footerSelectFilter(this.api(), [1, 2]);
columns: [
data: "article_categories.rowOrder",
name: "article_categories.rowOrder",
className: "reorder no-inline",
data: "article_categories.name",
name: "article_categories.name",
data: "article_categories.description",
name: "article_categories.description",
//Inline Editor
cms.inlineEdit("article-category", editor);
.on("postCreate postRemove", function () {
table.ajax.reload(null, false);
.on("initCreate", function () {
.on("initEdit", function () {
Custom functions:
let footerSelectFilter = function (table, columns) {
if (typeof columns != "undefined" && typeof table != "undefined") {
table.columns(columns).every(function () {
var column = this;
var select = $('<select><option value=""></option></select>')
.on("change", function () {
var val = $.fn.dataTable.util.escapeRegex($(this).val());
.search(val ? "^" + val + "$" : "", true, false)
.each(function (d, j) {
'<option value="' + d + '">' + d + "</option>"
let headerInputFilter = function (target, table, searchableColumns) {
if (
typeof searchableColumns != "undefined" &&
typeof target != "undefined" &&
typeof table != "undefined"
) {
$("#" + target + " thead tr")
.appendTo("#" + target + " thead");
var i = 0;
var api = table;
.each(function (colIdx) {
if (
) {
var cell = $(".filters th").eq(
var title = $(cell).text();
'<input style="width:100% !important" type="text" placeholder="' +
title +
'" />'
$(".filters th").eq(
.off("keyup change")
.on("keyup change", function (e) {
$(this).attr("title", $(this).val());
var regexr = "({search})";
var cursorPosition = this.selectionStart;
this.value != ""
? regexr.replace(
"(((" + this.value + ")))"
: "",
this.value != "",
this.value == ""
} else {
return true;
let editorFormButtons = function (editor) {
if (typeof editor != "undefined") {
return [
extend: "create",
editor: editor,
formButtons: [
label: "Save",
fn: function () {
var that = this;
this.submit(function () {
extend: "edit",
text: "Edit",
editor: editor,
formButtons: [
label: "Save & close",
fn: function () {
var that = this;
this.submit(function () {
label: "Update",
fn: function () {
this.submit(function () {
table.rows({ selected: true }).indexes()
extend: "remove",
editor: editor,
formButtons: [
label: "Delete",
fn: function () {
var that = this;
this.submit(function () {
let inlineEdit = function (target, editor) {
if (typeof target != "undefined" && typeof editor != "undefined") {
$("#" + target + "").on(
"tbody td:not(.no-inline)",
function (e) {
if (
$(this).hasClass("editor-edit") ||
$(this).hasClass("control") ||
$(this).hasClass("select-checkbox") ||
) {
editor.inline(this, {
submit: "allIfChanged",
module.exports = {
When I set server-side to false the custom functionalities I need works perfectly but I need these with server-side processing as it will significantly improve overall performance . I would appreciate any help and suggestion.
Shovon Choudhury

Datatable scroll option is not working when using an external javascript file

I use datatables in my web project and I want to open scrollbar. I used this code and it worked:
$(document).ready(function () {
$('#dataTableStoreCapacity').DataTable( {
"scrollX": true
But there are many pages in project that use datatables and I want them all to have scrollbar. I have added scrollbar to a global js. file which is already used in these pages and working without any problem but nothing changed. I have very little knowledge on jquery and I could not find the solution on my own. is there any suggestions how should I approach to this problem or is there something I miss? Here is the updated code that doesn't work:
$(document).ready(function () {
globalKWP.dataTableInstance('dataTable', [{ extend: 'copy' }]);
this is my global .js file
var globalKWP = {
language: '',
dataTableInstance: function (tableName, headbuttonArr, lengthMenuArr) {
var btnArray = [];
var languageUrl = '';
if (lengthMenuArr == undefined) {
lengthMenuArr = [[10, 25, 50, -1], [10, 25, 50, "Tümü"]];
var item = { extend: 'pageLength' };
if (headbuttonArr == undefined) {
headbuttonArr = [{ extend: 'copy' }, { extend: 'pdf', title: tableName }, { extend: 'excel', title: tableName }, { extend: 'print' }];
for (var btn in headbuttonArr) {
if (globalKWP.language == 'tr') {
languageUrl = '/Scripts/Other/datatable/tr.txt';
var dataTable = $('#' + tableName).DataTable({
"dom": 'Bfrtip',
buttons: btnArray,
"lengthMenu": lengthMenuArr,
"language": { "url": languageUrl },
"scrollX": true
return dataTable;
dataTableInstanceWithOptions: function (tableName, options) {
if (globalKWP.language == 'tr') {
languageUrl = '/Scripts/Other/datatable/tr.txt';
options["language"] = { "url": languageUrl };
var dataTable = $('#' + tableName).DataTable(options);
return dataTable;

jquery datatable - applying value for select.className is not working as expected

I am trying to change the background color of selected row(s) in jquery datatable using my own css class but, the tick mark in the checkbox is not appearing.
If I remove className: 'selected-row' from the below code, then everything works normal but, without the color I want.
Fiddler: https://jsfiddle.net/8f63kmeo/12/
<table id="CustomFilterOnTop" class="table table-bordered table-condensed" width="100%"></table>
var Report4Component = (function () {
function Report4Component() {
this.customFilterOnTopControl = "CustomFilterOnTop"; //table id
//data table object
this.customFilterOnTopGrid = null;
this.result = null;
Report4Component.prototype.ShowGrid = function () {
var instance = this;
//create the datatable object
instance.customFilterOnTopGrid = $('#' + instance.customFilterOnTopControl).DataTable({
columns: [
{ title: "<input name='SelectOrDeselect' value='1' id='ChkBoxSelectAllOrDeselect' type='checkbox'/>" },
{ data: "Description", title: "Desc" },
{ data: "Status", title: "Status" },
{ data: "Count", title: "Count" }
"paging": true,
scrollCollapse: true,
"scrollX": true,
scrollY: "300px",
deferRender: true,
scroller: true,
dom: '<"top"Bf<"clear">>rt <"bottom"<"Notes">i<"clear">>',
buttons: [
text: 'Load All',
action: function (e, dt, node, config) {
columnDefs: [{
orderable: false,
className: 'select-checkbox text-center',
targets: 0,
render: function (data, type, row) {
return '';
select: {
style: 'multi',
selector: 'td:first-child',
className: 'selected-row'
Report4Component.prototype.ShowData = function (limit) {
if (limit === void 0) { limit = 100; }
var instance = this;
instance.customFilterOnTopGrid.clear(); //latest api function
instance.result = instance.GetData(limit);
Report4Component.prototype.GetData = function (limit) {
//structure of the response from controller method
var resultObj = {};
resultObj.Total = 0;
resultObj.RecordList = [];
for (var i = 1; i <= limit; i++) {
resultObj.Total += i;
var record = {};
record.Description = "This is a test description of record " + i;
record.Status = ["A", "B", "C", "D"][Math.floor(Math.random() * 4)] + 'name text ' + i;
record.Count = i;
return resultObj;
return Report4Component;
$(function () {
var report4Component = new Report4Component();
function StopPropagation(evt) {
if (evt.stopPropagation !== undefined) {
else {
evt.cancelBubble = true;
Any suggestion / help will be greatly appreciated.
It's the class selected that sets the checkbox tick etc. and by using a different class the selected class is no longer added.
You can just add both those classes instead, and it should work
select: {
style: 'multi',
selector: 'td:first-child',
className: 'selected-row selected'

Console: ReferenceError: stopPropagation is not defined

What's the problem here? I get the search I want, but it doesn't redraw the table when using the exact match regex column. I'm using a single column to better filter a ranking value that is numeric.
jQuery(document).ready( function () {
// Setup - add a text input to each header cell
jQuery('#table1 thead tr#filterrow th').each( function () {
var title = jQuery('#table1 thead th').eq( jQuery(this).index() ).text();
jQuery(this).html( '<input type="text" onclick="stopPropagation(event);" placeholder="Search '+title+'" />' );
} );
// Setup - add a text input to each footer cell
jQuery('#table1 tfoot tr#filterrow th').each( function () {
var title = jQuery('#table1 tfoot th').eq( jQuery(this).index() ).text();
jQuery(this).html( '<input type="text" onclick="stopPropagation(event);" placeholder="Search '+title+'" />' );
} );
// DataTable
var table = jQuery('#table1').DataTable( {
orderCellsTop: true,
aLengthMenu: [[-1, 10, 25, 50, 100, 200, 300, 400, 500],[ "All", 10, 25, 50, 100, 200, 300, 400, 500]],
iDisplayLength: -1,
dom: 'B<"lb">lfrtip',
responsive: 'true',
buttons: [
{ extend: 'copy',
oSelectorOpts: {
filter: 'applied'
{ extend: 'csv',
oSelectorOpts: {
filter: 'applied'
{ extend: 'pdfHtml5',
oSelectorOpts: {
filter: 'applied'
{ extend: 'print',
autoPrint: false,
oSelectorOpts: {
filter: 'applied'
} );
// Apply the filter
jQuery("#table1 thead input").on( 'keyup change', function () {
.column( jQuery(this).parent().index()+':visible' )
} );
jQuery("#table1 tfoot input").on( 'keyup change', function () {
.column( jQuery(this).parent().index()+':visible' )
} );
jQuery("#table1 thead input").on( 'keyup change', function () {
.search("^" + this.value + "$", true, false, true)
} );
jQuery("#table1 tfoot input").on( 'keyup change', function () {
.search("^" + this.value + "$", true, false, true)
} );
function stopPropagation(evt) {
if (evt.stopPropagation !== undefined) {
} else {
evt.cancelBubble = true;
} );
I feel like something in my code should be condensed.
The problem is that stopPropagation() method is defined inside ready event handler and is not visible outside of it.
Move definition stopPropagation() outside of ready event handler:
jQuery(document).ready( function () {
// ... skipped ...
function stopPropagation(evt) {
if (evt.stopPropagation !== undefined) {
} else {
evt.cancelBubble = true;
Since you're using jQuery you could rewrite the same with less code. And the click event handler could be placed inside ready event handler.
You're assigning keyup change twice for each input element in footer and header. Consider rewriting your code as shown in this example.

