Switching from MockBackend to Actual API in Angular 2 App - javascript

I am working on login functionality for my Angular 2 app. I've got it working with a MockMackend and fakeBackendProvider. Now I'm in the process of connecting to our actual API. I am running into an issue with that, though.
First off, let me show what I have that IS working by using the MockBackend and fakeBackendProvider.
This is my authentication service function:
login(username: string, password: string) {
return this.http.post('/api/authenticate', JSON.stringify({ username: username, password: password}))
.map((response: Response) => {
// login successful if there's a jwt token in the response
const user = response.json();
if (user && user.token) {
// store user details and jwt token in local storage to keep user logged in between page refreshes
localStorage.setItem('currentUser', JSON.stringify(user));
Again, then, in my login component, I am calling that function like this:
login() {
this.loading = true;
this.authenticationService.login(this.model.username, this.model.password)
data => {
console.log('User logged in as: ' + this.model.username);
error => {
this.loading = false;
this.authenticationService.username = this.model.username;
Again, all of the above IS working.
So, I assume all I should need to do is replace '/api/authenticate' in the login function, with our actual api + api string. So this is what I've been trying:
login(username: string, password: string) {
return this.http.post('https://api.somesite.com&apikey=843c-4932-ckd33', JSON.stringify({ username: username, password: password}))
.map((response: Response) => {
// login successful if there's a jwt token in the response
const user = response.json();
if (user && user.token) {
// store user details and jwt token in local storage to keep user logged in between page refreshes
localStorage.setItem('currentUser', JSON.stringify(user));
This isn't working. In the console I get a "ERR_NAME_NOT_RESOLVED" error. Any ideas here?


userSession is null after Auth.signUp with "autoSignIn" enabled (AWS Cognito)

I need to get the jwtToken from the Auth.signUp. Is this possible if i enable autoSignIn:{enabled:true}?
const signUp = async () => {
await Auth.signUp({
username: email,
attributes: {
email, // optional
enabled: true
.then((data) => {
console.log(data.user); //user.signInUserSession is null
.catch((err) => {
if (err.message) {
await Auth.currentAuthenticatedUser()
.then(user =>{
.catch(error => {
console.log(error) //"User is not authenticated"
I call I want the jwttoken from the userSession data for conditional rendering and I store the token in my router.js. The response object from Auth.signUp contains a CognitoUser which has a signInUserSession value but its's null.
EDIT: Tried to call Auth.currentAuthenticatedUser() after but yields an error that user is not authenticated. But when i restart my app, the user will be authenticated. I still cant authenticate user on the same app "instance"
import { Auth, Hub } from 'aws-amplify';
const listener = (data) => {
switch (data.payload.event) {
case 'autoSignIn':
console.log('auto sign in successful');
console.log(data.payload) //returns user data including session and tokens.
//other logic with user data
Above is the code to initalize the Hub listener provided by amplify api. Ater user presses sign up, I called to get user session data when user is automatically signed in.
Hub.listen('auth', listener)

Using Axios to send a token to the backend

I am new to this
I am writing a Vue app that connects to a Wordpress backend and I need to log in. I am using a plugin called Simple JWT-Login and I am able to send the email and password to the back end and i get the JWT back. But trying to log in and sending the jWT back to the back end gets me an error Bad Request.
Here is the function that is supposed to handle the login
async login(){
const response = await axios.post('/?rest_route=/simple-jwt-login/v1/auth&email=email&password=password',
email: this.email,
password: this.password,
const token = response.data.data.jwt
localStorage.setItem('token', token)
const login = await axios.get('/?rest_route=/simple-jwt-login/v1/autologin&JWT=token')
// this.$router.push("/");
} catch(err){
// if(err.response.status === 400){
// this.error = "Wrong credentials! Please make sure"
// }
} finally{
The issue was a setting in the plugin that the docs does not explain to you and unless you are an expert the only way to find out is by trial and error.
The setting under general for SESSION must be On
Looking at the docs for Login User, it seems you just need to pass the previous token value as the JWT query parameter.
I've always found it best to use the params option in Axios for query params
const login = await axios.get("/", {
params: {
rest_route: "/simple-jwt-login/v1/autologin",
JWT: token,
Your issue was that in this string...
token was not interpolated; you were literally sending "token".
You should do the same with your first request. The email and password should not be in the query string for this one.
axios.post("/", {
email: this.email,
password: this.password,
}, {
params: {
rest_route: "/simple-jwt-login/v1/auth",

Where to put API session auth token in SDK request methods?

I am using the ConnectyCube React Native SDK and have obtained an app auth token using their API. This token is required when making further requests - for example when logging in as a user. Their documentation says:
Upgrade session token (user login)
If you have an application session token, you can upgrade it to a user session by calling login method:
var userCredentials = {login: 'cubeuser', password: 'awesomepwd'};
ConnectyCube.login(userCredentials, function(error, user) {
The problem is it that when I use this method, I get an error in response saying 'Token is required'.
If I were interfacing with a REST API, I would put the token in the header of the request, but obviously in this instance I can't. So the question is, where do I put the token? I have it, the documentation just doesn't tell you how to use it! Any help appreciated.
Ok I came up with a fix. First of all I just tried passing the auth token in to the userCredntials object in the same way as in the documentation for social auth, that is absent from the description in my above code snippet taken from their docs.
Then I Promisified the API calls from within useEffect inside an async function to make sure everything was happening in the right order, and it works:
export default function App() {
const createAppSession = () => {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
ConnectyCube.createSession((error, session) => {
? resolve(session.token)
: reject(error, '=====1=====');
const loginUser = (credentials) => {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
ConnectyCube.login(credentials, ((error, user) => {
? resolve(user)
: reject(error, '=====2=====');
useEffect(() => {
const ccFunc = async () => {
const appSessionToken = await createAppSession();
const userCredentials = { login: 'xxxxx', password: 'xxxxxxx', keys: { token: appSessionToken } };
const user = await loginUser(userCredentials);
}, []);
Hope it works....
please implement it by yourself...just take an understanding from code below.
code says: send the username and password to api...if all ok then authenticate else throw error ...if all ok..then store the returned token is asyncStorage...you can create the storage by any name you like...and use the token eveywhere in your app.
SignInUser = async () => {
username: this.state.username,
if(this.state.username && this.state.password !== null){
const response = await fetch('YOUR API', {
method: 'POST',
headers: {
Accept: 'application/json',
'Content-Type': 'application/json',
body: JSON.stringify({
username: this.state.username,
password: this.state.password
var promiseResponse = await response.json()
try {
await AsyncStorage.setItem('STORE_YOUR_LOGIN_TOKEN_HERE', JSON.stringify(promiseResponse.token));
console.log('Token Stored In Async Storage');
let tokenFromAsync = await AsyncStorage.getItem('STORE_YOUR_LOGIN_TOKEN_HERE');
console.log('Getting Token From Async...')
tokenFromAsync = JSON.parse(tokenFromAsync)
if(tokenFromAsync !== null){
} catch (error) {
// saving error
console.log(`ERROR OCCURED ${error}`)
} catch(error){
console.log(`COULDN'T SIGN IN ${error}`)
} else {
msg:'Invalid Credentials',
This is how i got the login to work in their sample react native app 1. i created a credentials object like this in my custom login function in src>components>AuthScreen>AuthForm.js
var credentials = {id:'',login: this.state.login,password: this.state.password}
2.I used their _signIn(credentials) function and set the 'id' attribute of my credentials object after their UserService.signin(credentials) resolved with a user object. (the resolved user object contained the logged-in user's id i.e user.id). Then it worked. This is how the code looked for the signin after the little tweak.
loginUser() { //my custom signin function
var credentials = {id:'',login: this.state.login,password: this.state.password} //my credentials object
_signIn(userCredentials) { //their signin function
.then((user) => {
userCredentials.id = user.id //setting id of my credentials object after promise resolved
ChatService.connect(userCredentials) //using my credentials object with id value set
.then((contacts) => {
Actions.videochat(); //login worked
.catch(e => {
.catch(e => {

Angular2 View Not Updated After Local Storage Variable Added

I have a login component which when a user logs in, the current User details is stored in a local Storage variable. So when login is successful will store the current User details in a local Storage Variable and navigate to dashboard, i have used the local Storage variable to get the user details and display in Header of webpage, but view is not changing once i refresh the page i will..
login() {
data => {
error => {
In Service
login(username: string, password: string) {
return this.http.post('/api/authenticate', JSON.stringify({ username:
username, password: password }))
.map((response: Response) => {
// login successful if there's a jwt token in the response
let user = response.json();
if (user && user.token) {
// store user details and jwt token in local storage to keep
user logged in between page refreshes
localStorage.setItem('currentUser', JSON.stringify(user));
getCurrentUser() {
return JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('currentUser'));
In Navigation Component
constructor(private authenticationService: AuthenticationService) {
getUser() {
this.currentUser = this.authenticationService.getCurrentUser();
<li *ngIf="currentUser">Welcome {{currentUser.firstName}}
<li *ngIf="currentUser">Logout</li>
<li *ngIf="!currentUser">Login
<li *ngIf="!currentUser">Register</li>
Solution I found is to use DoCheck lifecycle hook.
ngDoCheck gets called to check the changes in the directives in addition to the default algorithm
ngDoCheck() {

Getting Correct Info in Console, But Angular 2 Login Not Working as Expected

I have a login in my Angular 2 app, and I have been converting it from using a fake backend (which works) to connect to our mongoDB-based API instead.
This is the login function I am using in the authentication service:
login(username: string, password: string) {
const u = encodeURIComponent(username);
const p = encodeURIComponent(password);
this._url = `https://api.somesite.com/v0/staff/login/${u}/${p}?apikey=somekey`;
return this.http.post(this._url, JSON.stringify({ username: username, password: password }))
.map((response: Response) => {
// login successful if there's a jwt token in the response
const user = response.json();
if (user && user.token) {
// store user details and jwt token in local storage to keep user logged in between page refreshes
localStorage.setItem('currentUser', JSON.stringify(user));
In my login component I am subscribing like this:
login() {
this.loading = true;
this.authenticationService.login(this.model.username, this.model.password)
data => {
console.log('User logged in as: ' + this.model.username);
error => {
this.loading = false;
this.authenticationService.username = this.model.username;
When I try this, and log to the console "this_url", I get what I would expect. For instance, if the user typed in "billsmith" for username, and "parisnow" for password, I see this in the console for "this_url":
Furthermore, I can type that url directly into the browser address window and see data (when the username and password correctly correspond to actual records in our database). So it's accessing the correct info in that sense.
But in the console I get a "404" error for that generated url. It also doesn't "do anything". In other words, it doesn't correctly redirect to the main component as it did with the fakeBackend-enabled login. And the only thing that's different now is the url that I am calling (because I'm connecting to our actual API now, as opposed to a fake backend provider).
FYI, the url when using the fake backend looked like this:
return this.http.post('/api/authenticate', JSON.stringify({ username: username, password: password}))
What am I missing here?
By the way, this is how things look on the server side re: our mongoDB:
exports.byLogin = function(req, res, next) {
let ioOnly = false, username, password;
if (_.isUndefined(req.params)){
username = req.username;
password = req.password;
else {
username = req.params.username;
password = req.params.password;
staff.findOne({username: username, password: password}, function(err, doc) {
if (err) { if (!ioOnly) { return next(err) } else { return res(err)}}
else if(doc) ((!ioOnly) ? res.send(doc) : res(doc));
else ((!ioOnly) ? res.sendStatus(204) : res(doc));

