Box2d static velocity faster on diagonal movement - javascript

So I want a snappy movement for my player. Right now my code looks like
move() {
var vel = this.body.GetLinearVelocity()
if(!this.pressingDown && !this.pressingUp){
vel.y = 0;
if(!this.pressingRight && !this.pressingRight){
vel.x = 0;
vel.y = this.speed;
vel.y = -this.speed;
vel.x = this.speed;
vel.x = -this.speed
and this works but when I'm moving diagnolly the player is moving faster than the max speed. How do I fix this?

Determine the directional unit vector and then multiply it by this.speed. That way the magnitude of the velocity is always this.speed. Otherwise, as you discovered, your speed may be sqrt(this.speed * this.speed * 2) instead of just this.speed.
A way to determine this directional unit vector would be to recognize the angle you want to move at based on the keys pressed and then getting the sine and cosine values for that angle. So when this.pressingRight, the angle is 0. When this.pressingUp, the angle is 90 degrees (or Pi/2 radians). Or when this.pressingUp && this.pressingRight, the angle is 45 degrees (Pi/4 radians). Just complete the if-statement for all serviceable combinations. Perhaps put that in its own function called something like getAngleInRadiansForKeyPresses.
The implementation (in pseudo-javascript-code) might then look something like:
move() {
var angle = getAngleInRadiansForKeyPresses();
var vel = new b2Vec2(Math.cos(angle) * this.speed, Math.sin(angle) * this.speed);


Calculate angle change after hitting a tilted wall

I'm making a game in javascript, where an object is supposed to bounce from walls. I really tried to get it to work myself, but it never works correctly.
Let's say theres a ball bouncing inside this cage (blue = 30°, brown = 60°);
The ball's coordinates are known. The angle of movement is known. The point of collision (P) coordinates are known. The angle of the wall is known. The ball's position is updating it's coordinates inside a setInterval function using this function:
function findNewPoint(x, y, angle, distance) {
var result = {};
result.x =(Math.cos(angle * Math.PI / 180) * distance + x);
result.y = (Math.sin(angle * Math.PI / 180) * distance + y);
return result;
So, upon colliding, there should be a function that properly changes the ball's angle. It's a very complicated problem it seems, because even if I know that the wall is 30°, its important to know from what side the ball is colliding into it. I tried using the "Reflection across a line in the plane" formula and also some vectors, but it never worked out for me. I'm not expecting a complete answer with code, if someone could suggest in what way this should be programmed, it would help aswell.
Thanks for your tips guys, I realized what was causing the most confustion; if I select an angle on the canvas with my mouse, the starting coordinate(0,0) is in the bottom left corner. But since the canvas' starting coordinate is in the top left corner, this has to be considered.
Basically using this formula for calculating the angle:
function angle(cx, cy, ex, ey) {
var dy = ey - cy;
var dx = ex - cx;
var theta = Math.atan2(dy, dx);
theta *= 180 / Math.PI;
return theta;
if the ball moved from (50,50) to (100,100), the angle would be -45.
Now, this angle changes in the following way when hitting walls:
If im honest, I got these out of trial and error, am not really understanding why exactly 60 and 120.
It is not wise to use angle for moving ball and calculate Cos/Sin again and again. Instead use unit velocity direction vector with components vx, vy like this:
new_x = old_x + vx * Velocity_Magnitude * Time_Interval
Note that vx = Cos(angle), vy = Sin(angle), but with direction approach you seldom need to use trigonometric functions.
Tilted wall with angle Fi has normal
nx = -Sin(Fi)
ny = Cos(Fi)
To find reflection , you need to calculate dot product of velocity and normal
dot = vx * nx + vy * ny
Velocity after reflection transforms:
vnewx = v.x - 2 * dot * n.x
vnewy = v.y - 2 * dot * n.y
Use these values for further moving
(note that you can use both internal and external normal direction, because direction flip changes both components, and sign of 2 * dot * n.x remains the same)
horizontal moving right
vx=1, vy=0
30 degrees wall has normal
nx=-1/2, ny=Sqrt(3)/2
dot = -1/2
vnewx = 1 - 2 * (-1/2) * (-1/2) = 1/2
vnewy = 0 - 2 * (-1/2) * Sqrt(3)/2 = Sqrt(3)/2
(velocity direction angle becomes 60 degrees)
horizontal moving left
vx=-1, vy=0
330 degrees wall (left bottom corner) has normal
nx=1/2, ny=Sqrt(3)/2
dot = -1/2
vnewx = -1 - 2 * (-1/2) * (1/2) = -1/2
vnewy = 0 - 2 * (-1/2) * (Sqrt(3)/2) = Sqrt(3)/2
(velocity direction angle becomes 120 degrees)
Here is a function that returns the angle of reflection given an angle of incidence and a surface angle (in degrees). It also ensures that the returned angle is between 0 and 359 degrees.
function angleReflect(incidenceAngle, surfaceAngle){
var a = surfaceAngle * 2 - incidenceAngle;
return a >= 360 ? a - 360 : a < 0 ? a + 360 : a;
Here's a demonstration, where the blue line is the angle of incidence, the purple line is the angle of reflection, and the black line is the surface.
If you're assuming that the ball behaves like light bouncing off a mirror, then the angle of incidence equals the angle of reflection.
So your board is 30° from 0° (straight up). The means the normal (perpendicular to the board at the point the ball hits ) is 300°. Say the ball arrives from 280°, it must leave at 320° as the difference between the angle of incidence and the normal and the angle of reflection and the normal must be equal.

Handling Proper Rotation of Cannon Body Based on Quaternion?

This one is bugging me quite a bit.
I'm trying to achieve rotation of a Cannon.Body based on the mouse input.
By using the (Cannon) Three FPS example to demonstrate, you can see what the issue is.
When you run the code and enable pointerlockcontrols by clicking on the "click to play" area and press W for 1 second to get the sphere into the view of the camera, you'll see that the sphere moves according to the WASD keys by applying velocity. If you move the mouse, the quaternion is applied to the Body, and the proper velocity is calculated.
Now turn 180 degrees, and the rotation on the X axis is now negated somehow.
When moving the mouse up, the sphere rotates down.
How would one fix such issue? Maybe I'm doing something wrong elsewhere, that might mess with the quaternion?
Maybe I should mention, in the playercontroller(pl.js), I'm applying the rotation to the sphereBody, instead of the yaw- and pitchObjects.
Relevant code from pl.js (Line 49):
var onMouseMove = function ( event ) {
if ( scope.enabled === false ) return;
var movementX = event.movementX || event.mozMovementX || event.webkitMovementX || 0;
var movementY = event.movementY || event.mozMovementY || event.webkitMovementY || 0;
cannonBody.rotation.y -= movementX * 0.002;
cannonBody.rotation.x -= movementY * 0.002;
cannonBody.rotation.x = Math.max( - PI_2, Math.min( PI_2, cannonBody.rotation.x ) );
And (Line 174):
euler.x = cannonBody.rotation.x;
euler.y = cannonBody.rotation.y;
euler.order = "XYZ";
velocity.x = inputVelocity.x;
velocity.z = inputVelocity.z;
Inside the animate() function, codepen (Line 305):
The problem is the way you assign angles to and from the Quaternions. The quaternion x,y,z,w properties are not directly compatible with angles, so you need to convert.
This is how to set the angle around a given axis for a CANNON.Quaternion:
var axis = new CANNON.Vec3(1,0,0);
var angle = Math.PI / 3;
body.quaternion.setFromAxisAngle(axis, angle);
Extracting the Euler angles from quaternions is probably not be the best way to attack the second part of the problem. You could instead just store the rotation around X and Y axes when the user moves the mouse:
// Declare variables outside the mouse handler
var angleX=0, angleY=0;
// Inside the handler:
angleY -= movementX * 0.002;
angleX -= movementY * 0.002;
angleX = Math.max( - PI_2, Math.min( PI_2, angleX ) );
And then to get the rotation as a quaternion, use two quaternions separately (one for X angle and one for Y) and then combine them to one:
var quatX = new CANNON.Quaternion();
var quatY = new CANNON.Quaternion();
quatX.setFromAxisAngle(new CANNON.Vec3(1,0,0), angleX);
quatY.setFromAxisAngle(new CANNON.Vec3(0,1,0), angleY);
var quaternion = quatY.mult(quatX);
To apply the quaternion to your velocity vector:
var rotatedVelocity = quaternion.vmult(inputVelocity);
Pro tip: don't use Euler angles if you can avoid them. They usually cause more problems than they solve.

Javascript: Bullet animation follow direct path

I'm working on a JS game. At some point a character's bullet needs to travel and hit a target from any angle. Ive tried something like this in the game loop:
if (bx < targetX-speed) bx += speed;
if (bx > targetX+speed) bx -= speed;
if (by < targetY-speed) by += speed;
if (by > targetY+speed) by -= speed;
Obviously it can only travel at 0 and 45 degree angles and that just looks horrible.
I thought of bringing geometry into play by calculating the angle before the bullet fires as such:
angle = Math.atan((by-targetY)/(bx-targetX));
Knowing the angle I can probably calculate either bx or by increasing one parameter i.e.:
by += speed;
bx = by*Math.tan(angle);
The only problem is that I cant do both at once. And I wouldn't be able to use the same for all angles.
Does anyone have a better solution?
Thanks in advance <3
You've got the solution (though personally I'd use sin instead of tan because tan is discontinuous). The only thing is you're confusing the coordinate system.
The solution is:
angle = Math.atan((shooterY-targetY)/(shooterX-targetX));
Calculate that only once when the bullet is fired then store that angle in a variable. Then you can do:
by += speed;
bx = by*Math.tan(angle);
Additional answer
My personally preferred solution is:
var dy = shooterY-targetY;
var dx = shooterX-targetX;
var distance = Math.sqrt(dy*dy+dx*dx);
var angle = Math.asin(dy/distance);
Then calculate dy and dx for the bullet:
var speed = SOME_SPEED;
var b_dy = Math.sin(angle) * speed;
var b_dx = Math.cos(angle) * speed;
Then move the bulled each frame:
by += b_dy;
bx += b_dx;

Javascript - normalized vector only rotating in a range of 180 degrees

I am attempting to create a small asteroids game in Javascript, and I've gotten it to the point where the ship draws on the screen and can fly around. However, whenever I try to rotate it by a certain amount, it can only rotate between +/- PI/2. I need it to cover more than just that range of 180 degrees, or else the ship can never turn around. I'm trying to do this from scratch using a custom 2D Vector class, and I've had a couple people look at it with no luck as to what to do.
Here's my vector code, or at least the constructor and rotation functions.
function Vec2D(x, y) {
var self = this;
var sqrt = Math.sqrt;
this.x = x !== null ? Number(x) : 0;
this.y = y !== null ? Number(y) : 0;
Vec2D.prototype.rotate = function (deg) {
var theta = deg * (Math.PI / 180),
xTemp = this.x;
this.x = this.x * Math.cos(theta) - this.y * Math.sin(theta);
this.y = xTemp * Math.sin(theta) + this.y * Math.cos(theta);
return this;
And here's the code for where my ship is trying to rotate.
function Ship(x_, y_, size_) {
this.position = new Vec2D(x_, y_);
this.velocity = new Vec2D(0, 0);
this.forward = new Vec2D(0, 0);
//some other things
this.turningRight = false;
this.turningLeft = false;
this.turnAmt = 5;
//some more things
Ship.prototype.update = function () {
//other update code
if (this.turningRight) {
if (this.turningLeft) {
this.forward.rotate(-1.0 * this.turnAmt);
//end of rotation code in update
I can reproduce more code if necessary, but this is all the relevant code as far as I can tell. I've tried console printing, I've tried messing with the rotation matrix, and I've even tried using only radians as opposed to converting it from degrees every time (which in all honesty I really should be doing anyway).
Any thoughts on my gross novice JavaScript?

Simulate a physical 3d ball throw on a 2d js canvas from mouse click into the scene

I'd like to throw a ball (with an image) into a 2d scene and check it for a collision when it reached some distance. But I can't make it "fly" correctly. It seems like this has been asked like a million times, but with the more I find, the more confused I get..
Now I followed this answer but it seems, like the ball behaves very different than I expect. In fact, its moving to the top left of my canvas and becoming too little way too fast - ofcouse I could adjust this by setting vz to 0.01 or similar, but then I dont't see a ball at all...
This is my object (simplyfied) / Link to full source who is interested. Important parts are update() and render()
var ball = function(x,y) {
this.x = x;
this.y = y;
this.z = 0;
this.r = 0;
this.src = 'img/ball.png';
this.gravity = -0.097;
this.scaleX = 1;
this.scaleY = 1;
this.vx = 0;
this.vy = 3.0;
this.vz = 5.0;
this.isLoaded = false;
// update is called inside window.requestAnimationFrame game loop
this.update = function() {
if(this.isLoaded) {
// ball should fly 'into' the scene
this.x += this.vx;
this.y += this.vy;
this.z += this.vz;
// do more stuff like removing it when hit the ground or check for collision
//this.r += ?
this.vz += this.gravity;
// render is called inside window.requestAnimationFrame game loop after this.update()
this.render = function() {
if(this.isLoaded) {
var x = this.x / this.z;
var y = this.y / this.z;
this.scaleX = this.scaleX / this.z;
this.scaleY = this.scaleY / this.z;
var width = this.img.width * this.scaleX;
var height = this.img.height * this.scaleY;
canvasContext.drawImage(this.img, x, y, width, height);
// load image
var self = this;
this.img = new Image();
this.img.onLoad = function() {
self.isLoaded = true;
// update offset to spawn the ball in the middle of the click
self.x = this.width/2;
self.y = this.height/2;
// set radius for collision detection because the ball is round
self.r = this.x;
this.img.src = this.src;
I'm also wondering, which parametes for velocity should be apropriate when rendering the canvas with ~ 60fps using requestAnimationFrame, to have a "natural" flying animation
I'd appreciate it very much, if anyone could point me to the right direction (also with pseudocode explaining the logic ofcourse).
I think the best way is to simulate the situation first within metric system.
speed = 30; // 30 meters per second or 108 km/hour -- quite fast ...
angle = 30 * pi/180; // 30 degree angle, moved to radians.
speed_x = speed * cos(angle);
speed_y = speed * sin(angle); // now you have initial direction vector
x_coord = 0;
y_coord = 0; // assuming quadrant 1 of traditional cartesian coordinate system
time_step = 1.0/60.0; // every frame...
// at most 100 meters and while not below ground
while (y_coord > 0 && x_coord < 100) {
x_coord += speed_x * time_step;
y_coord += speed_y * time_step;
speed_y -= 9.81 * time_step; // in one second the speed has changed 9.81m/s
// Final stage: ball shape, mass and viscosity of air causes a counter force
// that is proportional to the speed of the object. This is a funny part:
// just multiply each speed component separately by a factor (< 1.0)
// (You can calculate the actual factor by noticing that there is a limit for speed
// speed == (speed - 9.81 * time_step)*0.99, called _terminal velocity_
// if you know or guesstimate that, you don't need to remember _rho_,
// projected Area or any other terms for the counter force.
speed_x *= 0.99; speed_y *=0.99;
Now you'll have a time / position series, which start at 0,0 (you can calculate this with Excel or OpenOffice Calc)
speed_x speed_y position_x position_y time
25,9807687475 14,9999885096 0 0 0
25,72096106 14,6881236245 0,4286826843 0,2448020604 1 / 60
25,4637514494 14,3793773883 0,8530785418 0,4844583502 2 / 60
25,2091139349 14,0737186144 1,2732304407 0,7190203271
5,9296028059 -9,0687933774 33,0844238036 0,0565651137 147 / 60
5,8703067779 -9,1399704437 33,1822622499 -0,0957677271 148 / 60
From that sheet one can first estimate the distance of ball hitting ground and time.
They are 33,08 meters and 2.45 seconds (or 148 frames). By continuing the simulation in excel, one also notices that the terminal velocity will be ~58 km/h, which is not much.
Deciding that terminal velocity of 60 m/s or 216 km/h is suitable, a correct decay factor would be 0,9972824054451614.
Now the only remaining task is to decide how long (in meters) the screen will be and multiply the pos_x, pos_y with correct scaling factor. If screen of 1024 pixels would be 32 meters, then each pixel would correspond to 3.125 centimeters. Depending on the application, one may wish to "improve" the reality and make the ball much larger.
EDIT: Another thing is how to project this on 3D. I suggest you make the path generated by the former algorithm (or excel) as a visible object (consisting of line segments), which you will able to rotate & translate.
The origin of the bad behaviour you're seeing is the projection that you use, centered on (0,0), and more generally too simple to look nice.
You need a more complete projection with center, scale, ...
i use that one for adding a little 3d :
projectOnScreen : function(wx,wy,wz) {
var screenX = ... real X size of your canvas here ... ;
var screenY = ... real Y size of your canvas here ... ;
var scale = ... the scale you use between world / screen coordinates ...;
var ZOffset=3000; // the bigger, the less z has effet
var k =ZOffset; // coeficient to have projected point = point for z=0
var zScale =2.0; // the bigger, the more a change in Z will have effect
var worldCenterX=screenX/(2*scale);
var worldCenterY=screenY/(2*scale);
var sizeAt = ig.system.scale*k/(ZOffset+zScale*wz);
return {
x: screenX/2 + sizeAt * (wx-worldCenterX) ,
y: screenY/2 + sizeAt * (wy-worldCenterY) ,
sizeAt : sizeAt
Obviously you can optimize depending on your game. For instance if resolution and scale don't change you can compute some parameters once, out of that function.
sizeAt is the zoom factor (canvas.scale) you will have to apply to your images.
Edit : for your update/render code, as pointed out in the post of Aki Suihkonen, you need to use a 'dt', the time in between two updates. so if you change later the frame per second (fps) OR if you have a temporary slowdown in the game, you can change the dt and everything still behaves the same.
Equation becomes x+=vx*dt / ... / vx+=gravity*dt;
you should have the speed, and gravity computed relative to screen height, to have same behaviour whatever the screen size.
i would also use a negative z to start with. to have a bigger ball first.
Also i would separate concerns :
- handle loading of the image separatly. Your game should start after all necessary assets are loaded. Some free and tiny frameworks can do a lot for you. just one example : crafty.js, but there are a lot of good ones.
- adjustment relative to the click position and the image size should be done in the render, and x,y are just the mouse coordinates.
var currWidth = this.width *scaleAt, currHeight= this.height*scaleAt;
canvasContext.drawImage(this.img, x-currWidth/2, y-currHeight/2, currWidth, currHeight);
Or you can have the canvas to do the scale. bonus is that you can easily rotate this way :;
ctx.scale(scaleAt, scaleAt); // or scaleAt * worldToScreenScale if you have
// a scaling factor
// ctx.rotate(someAngle); // if you want...
ctx.drawImage(this.img, x-this.width/2, x-this.height/2);

