JavaScript - slow down a loop - javascript

I have these codes in controller that call webservice using $http get to retrieve some data. Here is the following code:
var boolGetBoothCoords = false;
BoothDesignatedCoordsService.getBoothDesignatedCoords(strListShortListedBooth[i], 3)
.then(function(response) {
var data =
console.log('data', data.arrBoothDesignatedCoords)
boothDesignatedCoords = data.arrBoothDesignatedCoords;
boolGetBoothCoords = true;
console.log("boothDesignatedCoords ", boothDesignatedCoords ); // undefined
// And a lot of other codes
However, since $http get is asynchronous method, the program will invoke the console log and the codes after immediately and boothDesignatedCoords will be undefined. I do not want that. I want the program to invoke the console log and the codes after ONLY when the webservice consumption is completed. So I did the following using this answer: how to slow down a javascript loop:
function go() {
if (boolGetBoothCoords == false) {
setTimeout(go, 1000);
console.log("boothDesignatedCoords ", boothDesignatedCoords ); // undefined
// OTHER CODES that uses variable boothDesignatedCoords will be undefined as well
However, I do not know why it will still invoke the console log but the web service consumption is not completed yet, despite using this method. Can someone please help me? Thanks.

setTimeout is asynchronous, so actually you don't really make a difference calling go function.
What will happen is:
call go() function
call setTimeout inside the function - that will schedule go to be called in (roughly) 1s
call console.log immediately after that
What you probably want is to put your console.log in then callback like that:
var boolGetBoothCoords = false;
BoothDesignatedCoordsService.getBoothDesignatedCoords(strListShortListedBooth[i], 3)
.then(function(response) {
.then(function(boothDesignatedCoords) {
console.log("boothDesignatedCoords ", boothDesignatedCoords );
The other option (not recommended) would be to put console.log in the else part of the if statement in your go function.
In this case, you should also define boothDesignatedCoords before the whole code snippet.

The code that suppose to be run after the response, should be invoked after the response.
var boolGetBoothCoords = false;
strListShortListedBooth[i], 3)
.then(function(response) {
var data =
console.log('data', data.arrBoothDesignatedCoords)
boothDesignatedCoords = data.arrBoothDesignatedCoords;
boolGetBoothCoords = true;
function codeThatUsesTheResponseData() {
console.log("boothDesignatedCoords ", boothDesignatedCoords ); // undefined
// And a lot of other codes


Retrieve html from new url before continuing script

In the code below, there are certain cases in which I might find myself on the wrong page and then re-route, if a particular condition is met. In such cases, how would I call an $http.get call from within my code, and wait for the html source code to be retrieved before continuing my script?
function checkUrl(url, size, code) {
return $http.get(url).then(function(response) {
var html =;
var listedPage = utility.countClass(html, 'product-tile');
if(listedPage > 1) {
url = getCorrectPage(html, code);
// this doesn't work, but I want to acquire the html of the newly acquired url
$http.get(url).then(function(response) {
html =;
} = getProductName(html);
return stockData;
How about something like this:
function checkUrl(url, size, code) {
return $http.get(url).then(function(response) {
var html =;
var listedPage = utility.countClass(html, 'product-tile');
if(listedPage > 1) {
url = getCorrectPage(html, code);
return $http.get(url).then(function(response) {
html =; = getProductName(html);
return stockData;
else { = getProductName(html);
return stockData;
You can't write synchronous I/O in JavaScript. The closest thing to what you want is a Promise.
The problem is that you are creating a logic that is not possible given the asynchronous nature of $http.get(url).
Asynchronous is like you are telling js: listen do this, and when it's finished call this function I'm passing to you.
So you give him this instruction and it delegates it to another thread and continues to run your program immediately.
When that thread returns it will run the function you passed to it. But this is always after the rest of your code has already finished executing.
So it's not possible to do what you want in the way your code is structured.
You have to reformulate so the action you want is contained in the function you pass to $http.get(url).

How to make synchronous call in Angular JS?

The following code supposed to be update username in the data base then retrieve updated username.
updateUserMame and getUserName are two different REST calls.
updateName(name) {
var obj = this;
if (name === 'None') {
name = null;
obj.UtilityService.updateUserName(name, obj.userId)
.success(function (data) {
if (data) {
console.log('Name is updated for ID:'||obj.userId);
} else {
console.log('Something Wrong');
.then(function (result) {
I have user name 'Nathan Drake' in the dataBase.
When I run the update function with 'Elena Fisher', it is returning 'Nathan Drake'.
I've read some articles to make synchronus service calls, but unable to figure out what is going wrong.
Please help.
You could wrap your update function in a promise:
var updatePromise = $q.when(updateName(name)); // creates a promise
When your promise has finished processing, you can resolve it using then() which takes a success callback and an error callback
updatePromise().then(function successCallback(response){ // resolves the promise using then
getUserName(userId) // execute the rest of your code
function errorCallback(response){
You would need to inject $q into the scope you are working with
Your code does not make much sense, that is I see possible mistakes as it looks like you are interchanging user name and user id and calling the obj context from inside a function even when its not declared there etc. Either we are missing code or this will fail when you try to run it.
Here is your example with some fixes and comments that show how you could do it using callbacks (no sync code, as mentioned by everyone else on this thread you should avoid actually waiting for I/O and use callbacks instead).
updateName(name) {
var obj = this; // good, you captured this
if (name === 'None') {
name = null;
obj.UtilityService.updateUserName(name, obj.userId)
.success(function (data) {
if (data) {
// ok, you successfully updated the name so why would you go back to the server and get it again? You know the value based on your update.
console.log('Name is updated for ID:' + obj.userId.toString());
// for your example though here is how you could handle it
obj.getUserName(obj, obj.userId, function(user){ // i assumed the name is stored in variable userName
console.log('Name from server = ' + user.userName); // no idea what you are returning but you can figure it out from here
// maybe you also want to capture it again?? = user.userName;
} else {
console.log('Something Wrong');
// pass in captured this as obj, the user id, and a callback
getUserName(obj, userId, callback){
.then(function (result) {
callback(result); // call the callback with the result. The caller can then do something with it

angularjs - $http reading json and wait for callback

I am trying to read data from json and wait until data will be fetched into $scope.urls.content. So I write code:
$scope.urls = { content:null};
$http.get('mock/plane_urls.json').success(function(thisData) {
$scope.urls.content = thisData;
And now I am trying to write something like callback but that doesn't work. How can i do that? Or is there any function for this? I am running out of ideas ;/
Do you mean that ?
$http.get('mock/plane_urls.json').success(function(thisData) {
$scope.urls.content = thisData;
$scope.yourCallback = function() {
// your code
You want to work with promises and $resource.
As $http itself returns a promise, all you got to do is to chain to its return. Simple as that:
var promise = $http.get('mock/plane_urls.json').then(function(thisData) {
$scope.urls.content = thisData;
return 'something';
// somewhere else in the code
promise.then(function(data) {
// receives the data returned from the http handler
console.log(data === "something");
I made a pretty simple fiddle here.
But if you need to constantly call this info, you should expose it through a service, so anyone can grab its result and process it. i.e.:
service('dataService', function($http) {
var requestPromise = $http.get('mock/plane_urls.json').then(function(d) {
this.getPlanesURL = function() {
return requestPromise;
// and anywhere in code where you need this info
dataService.getPlanesURL().then(function(planes) {
// do somehting with planes URL
$scope.urls.content = planes;
Just an important note. This service I mocked will cache and always return the same data. If what you need is to call this JSON many times, then you should go with $resource.

Javascript rendering. How to write Javascript so it doesn't continue executing code before a function call has ended

Not sure if my question is subjective/objective but as a JavaScript newbie i'm encountering this problem quite a lot. So here I go.
I'm used to write C#, so my JavaScript structure looks like C#. And just that, that gives problems I think ;-)
Let's give a simple example where I met my problem again today:
MyLibrary.fn.InitAddEntityForm = function () {
$('a#btnAddEntity').click(function () {
//post data and receive object with guid and isPersisted boolean
var persistedObject = MyLibrary.fn.CheckAndSendAddEntityForm("name", "avatarurl.png");
//check if persisted and go to next step
if (persistedObject.isPersisted) {
} else {
alert("Oops, something went wrong. Please call 911");
MyLibrary.fn.CheckAndSendAddForm = function (txtName, ImageUrl) {
var postUrl = "/admin/add";
var persistedObject = new Object();
{ Name: txtName, ImageUrl: txtImageUrl},
function (data) {
if (data.Status == 200) {
console.log("Post status:" + data.Message);
persistedObject.isPersisted = true;
persistedObject.gdEntityId = data.Data;
} else if (data.Status == 500) {
console.log("Failed to post entitiy");
} else {
console.log("Fault with Javascript");
}, "json"
return persistedObject;
Okay, thats it. Everything looks okay right? Browser says no.
I tried to debug it using firebug, looping over my code line by line, and that way the browser does what I want: Execute a new function to show the next panel in my wizard.
After placing a lot of Console.logs() in my code I figured out that this must be something about timing in JavaScript. In C# the code executes line by line, but apparently JavaScript doesn't.
By placing that Console.log("test") I noticed that "test" appeared in my console before "Post status: Success!".
So here's my question, how should I write my JavaScript code so I have control over the way the browser executes my code?
Should I really replace the code below to the end of my CheckAndSendAddEntityForm()?
//check if persisted and go to next step
if (persistedObject.isPersisted) {
} else {
Is this how I have to write JavaScript: One big domino effect or am I just doing something wrong?
$.post is a shortcut for an AJAX call, AJAX is by definition asynchronous, which means it won't wait on a response before continuing processing. If you switch it to a regular AJAX() method, there is an async option you can set to false, which will make it behave as you are expecting.
Alternatively you can also define a function to execute on successful return of the AJAX request, in which you can call the next step in your process chain.
The AJAX call is asychronous; that means that the callback method exposes by $.post will be executed when the request completes, but your javascript will continue executing as soon as the invoke to $.post finishes. If you want to do something after the ajax call is done, you need to provide a callback method and do something else, ex:
MyLibrary.fn.CheckAndSendAddForm = function (txtName, ImageUrl, callback) {
var postUrl = "/admin/add";
var persistedObject = new Object();
{ Name: txtName, ImageUrl: txtImageUrl},
function (data) {
if (data.Status == 200) {
console.log("Post status:" + data.Message);
persistedObject.isPersisted = true;
persistedObject.gdEntityId = data.Data;
} else if (data.Status == 500) {
console.log("Failed to post entitiy");
} else {
console.log("Fault with Javascript");
callback(); // This is where you return flow to your caller
}, "json"
Then you invoke like so:
var persistedObject = MyLibrary.fn.CheckAndSendAddEntityForm("name", "avatarurl.png", function()
//check if persisted and go to next step
if (persistedObject.isPersisted) {
MyLibrary.fn.InitAddAnotherEntityForm(persistedObject .gdPronoId);
} else {
alert("Oops, something went wrong. Please call 911");
JavaScript is single-threaded. If you have asynchronous functionality, a simple boolean semaphore variable will help not to allow invocations of a function while some processes are running.
If you want to execute asynchronous tasks one by one (like a domino line), you will need to use callback functions.
What you're encountering is the "asynchronous" bit of AJAX. If you want to physically (as in the line line by line in the Javascript file) you can use the .success,.pipe or .done jQuery methods to add a callback to process the data further. Don't embed your callbacks if you can help it, or you will get a "domino effect" as you call it.

Wait for Json call to be completed in javascript

I am using the below json call in my javascript method
function go123(){
var cityName = "";
var temp = $.getJSON("", args,function (data) {
if ( != null){
cityName =;
check = true;
} else {
cityName = "NaN"
}); // end of my Json Call.
// my validation is done below
if(cityName != "NaN"){
return false;
} else {
// here I except the cityName to not be "" but be some value which is set as :cityName =;
return true;
} // end of my function
Now what problem I am facing is that before my Json call is compelete the next set of statements ( in the code below the line "// my validation is done below " ) is already executed.
I want to get the values set in my json call (cityName) and only once when the call is completed then only I want the next set of statements to be executed.
Please help me on this. Any advice/ideas/suggestions will be highly appreciated ! Thanks.
The function you passed into $.getJSON() is the callback run when the function completes successfully. All else being equal, stick the "rest of it" inside that method. If you can't do so, what you're after is called a jQuery Deferred. See and for code that looks like so:
var req = $.getJSON('blah', 'de', 'blah');
// The request is done, and we can do something else
AJAX calls are asyncrhonous. They don't wait for the reply. They operate in the background and execute the code that follows it immediately after the call. Therefore, the data received in getJSON is not yet there when the operations below it are executed.
You can put the operations you want in the callback so that they get executed when the data is revceived:
function go123(callback){
var temp = $.getJSON("", args,function (data) {
//execute the callback, passing it the data
//when you call go123, it get's back the result:
function goBefore123(){
//get our JSON
//when we get our data, evaluate
if ( != null){
cityName =;
check = true;
alert('executed after returned');
} else {
cityName = "NaN"
alert('i am executed before anything else');
function afterCall(){
alert('im also executed after');
Calling an external url will take too much time, wait for the result
Check below
var jqxhr = $.getJSON("example.json", function() {
.success(function() { alert("second success"); })
.error(function() { alert("error"); })
.complete(function() { alert("complete"); });

