Dynamically mount an engine in the router - javascript

How can I update the router dynamically based on the state in a service during the initializing of the router? Let's say I have 4 engines out of which one must be mounted in an app based on the state in a service and whatever the state may be, the engine mounted must have a specific name irrespective of the fact whatever engine may be mounted.

This is not supported at this time, and would likely fall under this issue in the ember-engines repo: https://github.com/ember-engines/ember-engines/issues/99
A temporary workaround supposedly exists as of v0.5 of ember-engines (requires ember 2.12 and ember-cli 2.12). You have to create a helper, like load-engine, via ember g helper load-engine.
Its contents would be:
export default Ember.Helper.extend({
assetLoader: Ember.inject.service(),
compute([name]) {
if (this.engineName === name && this._resolved) { return name; }
this.engineName = name;
let assetLoader = this.get('assetLoader');
.then(() => {
this._resolved = true;
return null;
Then you'd use it like so:
{{mount (load-engine boundEngineName)}}
Note: Originally posted by https://github.com/mike183 in the Ember slack channel


MobX store doesn't get updated in react

What i want to achieve
I have a store object and i want to populate one of it's properties (which is an empty array) with instances of another object. And i want one of my react component automatically updated when part of the mentioned array instance is changed.
What my problem is
By logging out the value of this constructed store object i can see the change in the browser console, but it doesn't get updated automatically in the react component when its value changed.
So i'd like to get hints, examples of how to implement a solution like this in general.
My project
I want to create a MobX store called Session which would store everything my react webapp needs.
This webapp would be a document handling tool, so after creating new or loading existing documents i want to add the Document object to the Session (into an object array called documents).
Some more details: a Document consists of one or more section. So using a WYSIWYG editor i add its content to the given section every time it's content changes.
I can add a new Document to the Session, i can update section as well(I can log out the value of a section in console), but using the Session reference to this document and section in a react component it doesnt update its state when section value is changed.
To my understanding in my example the reference of a Document is not changed when the value of a section is changed and hence it doesn't trigger MobX to react.
What i found so far
I started to dig in the deep, dark web and found this article.
So i started getting excited since asStructure (or asMap) seemed to solve this issue, but it looks like asStructure in MobX is deprecated.
Then i found this issue thread, where a thing called observable.structurallyCompare is mentioned. But again i found nothing about this in MobX documentation so im puzzled how to implement it.
So im stuck again and have no idea how to solve this problem.
Code excerpts from my project
This is how i reference to the mentioned Session value in the main react component:
import userSession from '../client/Session';
import {observer} from 'mobx-react';
#observer class App extends React.Component {
render() {
return (
This is how i update the section in the editor react component:
import userSession from '../../client/Session';
handleChange(value,arg2,arg3,arg4) {
this.setState({ content: value, delta: arg4.getHTML()});
userSession.documents[0].updateSectionContent(this.props.id, this.state.delta);
Session.js excerpt:
class Session {
extendObservable(this, {
user: {
layout: {
documents: []
//current hack to add an empty Document to Session
this.documents.push(new Document());
#action addNewSection() {
type: "editor",
id: userSession.documents[0].getNextSectionID(),
editable: true,
content: "",
placeholder: "type here to add new section..."
var userSession = window.userSession = new Session();
export default userSession;
import {extendObservable, computed, action} from "mobx";
import userSession from "./Session";
class Document {
constructor(doc = null) {
if (doc == null) {
console.log("doc - no init value provided");
labels: {
title: "title",
description: "description",
owners: ["guest"]
content: {
sections: [
type: "editor",
id: "sec1",
editable: true,
placeholder: "this is where the magic happens"
} else {
console.log("doc - init values provided: ");
labels: doc.labels,
content: doc.content
return `sec${this.content.sections.length}`;
#action updateSectionContent(sectionID, delta) {
console.log("doc - looking for section " + sectionID + " to update with this: " + delta);
let index = this.content.sections.findIndex(
section => section.id === sectionID
userSession.documents[0].content.sections[index].content = delta;
export default Document;
Ps.: atm moment i don't remember why i made Document properties observable, but for some reason it was necessary.
Unfortunately, you are implementing mobx with React the incorrect way. To make it more comprehensible, I suggest you look into the implementation of the HOC observer that mobx-react provide.
Basically, what this HOC does is to wrap your component inside another React component that implement shouldComponentUpdate that check when the props referred inside render function change, and trigger the re-render. To make React component reactive to change in mobx store, you need to pass the store data to them as props, either in React traditional way, or via the inject HOC that mobx-react provide.
The problem while your code does not react to change in the store is because you import the store and use them directly inside your component, mobx-react cannot detect change that way.
To make it reactive, instead of import it and use it directly in your App component, you can pass the store as a prop as follow:
class App extends React.Component {
render() {
return (
Then pass the store to App when it's used:
<App sections={userSession.documents[0].content.sections} />
You can also have a look at how to use inject here: https://github.com/mobxjs/mobx-react.
An just a suggestion: before jumping directly on some best pattern, try to stick with the basic, standard way that library author recommend and understand how it works first, you can consider other option after you got the core idea.

Isomorphic hyperHTML components without passing in wires

I have the following two components:
// component.js
// imports ...
function ListItem(item) {
const html = wire(item)
function render() {
return html`<li>${item.foo}</li>`
return render()
function List(items) {
const html = wire(items)
function render() {
return html`<ul>${items.map(ListItem)}</ul>`
return render()
I want to put them in a module which is shared between the client and the server. However, as far as I can tell, although the API pretty much identical, on the server I have to import the functions from the viperHTML module, on the client I have to use the hyperHTML module. Therefore I can not just import the functions at the top of my shared module, but have to pass to my components at the call site.
Doing so my isomorphic component would look like this:
// component.js
function ListItem(html, item) {
//const html = wire(item) // <- NOTE
function render() {
return html`<li>${item.foo}</li>`
return render()
function List(html, itemHtmls /* :( tried to be consistent */, items) {
//const html = wire(items) // <- NOTE
function render() {
return html`<ul>${items.map(function(item, idx) {
return ListItem(itemHtmls[idx], item)
return render()
Calling the components from the server:
// server.js
const {hyper, wire, bind, Component} = require('viperhtml')
const items = [{foo: 'bar'}, {foo: 'baz'}, {foo: 'xyz'}]
// wire for the list
const listWire = wire(items)
// wires for the children
const listItemWires = items.map(wire)
const renderedMarkup = List(listWire, listItemWires, items)
Calling from the browser would be the exact same, expect the way hyperhtml is imported:
// client.js
import {hyper, wire, bind, Component} from 'hyperhtml/esm'
However it feels unpleasant to write code like this, because I have a feeling that the result of the wire() calls should live inside the component instances. Is there a better way to write isomorphic hyperHTML/viperHTML components?
update there is now a workaround provided by the hypermorphic module.
The ideal case scenario is that you have as dependency only viperhtml, which in turns brings in hyperhtml automatically, as you can see by the index.js file.
At that point, the client bundler should, if capable, tree shake unused code for you but you have a very good point that's not immediately clear.
I am also not fully sure if bundlers can be that smart, assuming that a check like typeof document === "object" would always be true and target browsers only.
One way to try that, is to
import {hyper, wire, bind, Component} from 'viperhtml'
on the client side too, hoping it won't bring in viperHTML dependencies once bundled 'cause there's a lot you'd never need on the browser.
I have a feeling that the result of the wire() calls should live
inside the component instances.
You could simplify your components using viper.Component so that you'll have render() { return this.html... } and you forget about passing the wire around but I agree with you there's room for improvements.
At that point you only have to resolve which Component to import in one place and define portable components that work on b both client and server.
This is basically the reason light Component exists in the first place, it give you the freedom to focus on the component without thinking about what to wire, how and/or where (if client/server).
~~I was going to show you an example but the fact you relate content to the item (rightly) made me think current Component could also be improved so I've created a ticket as follow up for your case and I hope I'll have better examples (for components) sooner than later.~~
I have updated the library to let you create components able to use/receive data/items as they're created, with a code pen example.
class ListItem extends Component {
constructor(item) {
super().item = item;
render() {
return this.html`<li>${this.item.foo}</li>`;
class List extends Component {
constructor(items) {
super().items = items;
render() {
return this.html`
<ul>${this.items.map(item => ListItem.for(item))}</ul>`;
When you use components you are ensuring yourself these are portable across client/server.
The only issue at this point would be to find out which is the best way to retrieve that Component class.
One possible solution is to centralize in a single entry point the export of such class.
However, the elephant in the room is that NodeJS is not compatible yet with ESM modules and browsers are not compatible with CommonJS so I don't have the best answer because I don't know if/how you are bundling your code.
Ideally, you would use CommonJS which works out of the box in NodeJS and is compatible with every browser bundler, and yet you need to differentiate, per build, the file that would export that Component or any other hyper/viperHTML related utilities.
I hope I've gave you enough hints to eventually work around current limitations.
Apologies if for now I don't have a better answer. The way I've done it previously used external renders but it's quite possibly not the most convenient way to go with more complex structures / components.
P.S. you could write those functions just like this
function ListItem(item) {
return wire(item)`<li>${item.foo}</li>`;
function List(items) {
return wire(items)`<ul>${items.map(ListItem)}</ul>`;

Angular/TypeScript: How to get a reference to a class from a string at runtime without importing

I'm trying to figure out how to get a reference to a class in Angular 2+ (Angular 5) from a string at runtime. I tried the examples on this page. This one didn't work for me:
console.log((<any>Object).create(window[className])); // undefined
And the others are using an import, which I'm trying to avoid.
I'm not using a namespace, but don't know if Angular has one of its own. I tried snooping on the window object to see if I could find anything. All I found were getAllAngularRootElements, getAllAngularTestabilities, and getAngularTestability, but those didn't seem like what I was looking for.
I had a similar need once for dynamically rendering components and only having a string reference to the class that needed to be injected into the page (dynamic dashboard type of app). I ended up doing the following:
Create service to hold onto reference of component by string name
Inject service into module component was part of and register the component
Inject the service into the component that needed to get the component by string name
This was roughly what I had for the service (the class took care of actually creating the dynamic component instead of getting the reference like below):
export class DynamicComponentService {
private dynamicComponentTypes: { [type: string]: Type<BaseInterfaceSectionComponent> } = {};
registerDynamicComponentTypes(...dynamicComponentTypesToRegister: { component: Type<BaseInterfaceSectionComponent>, name: string }[]) {
dynamicComponentTypesToRegister.forEach(dynamicComponentType => {
this.dynamicComponentTypes[dynamicComponentType.name] = dynamicComponentType.component;
getDynamicComponentType(name: string): Type<BaseInterfaceSectionComponent> {
return this.dynamicComponentTypes[name];
I was unaware until doing this, but you can actually inject dependencies into a module's constructor. I used this feature to use the service to register the dynamic components:
export class BarChartContentModule {
constructor(dynamicComponentService: DynamicComponentService) {
const dynamicComponent = { component: BarChartContentComponent, name: 'BarChartContentComponent' };
Not sure if this is what you were looking for, but figured I'd share.

Aurelia inject mock dependency

I have this aurelia component for displaying a feed to the user which depends on a custom API service class called Api for fetching the feed. The Api class has a get() function which in turn uses HttpClient to fetch the data.
Trying to test the component I want to mock the service class, specifically the get function, to return suitable test data and have this mock injected into the component via aurelia's DI container. The DI part I am having trouble with.
Here is the relevant part of component's js file
import {bindable, inject} from 'aurelia-framework';
import {Api} from 'services/api';
export class Feed {
events = null;
constructor(api) {
console.info('feed.js constructor, api:', api)
this.api = api;
And the relevant code from my test
beforeEach(done => {
let mockApi = new Api();
spyOn(mockApi, 'get').and.returnValue(mockGetResponse);
const customConfig = (aurelia) => {
let conf = aurelia.use.standardConfiguration().instance("Api", mockApi);
console.info('Registering Api:', conf.container.get("Api"));
return conf;
const ct = new ComponentTester();
ct.configure = customConfig;
sut = ct.withResources('activityfeed/feed');
sut.inView('<feed username.bind="username"></feed>')
.boundTo({username: TEST_USER});
sut.create(bootstrap).then(() => {
This code is actually working the way I intended as far as I can tell. On creation of the component my customConfig function is called and the mockApi instance is logged to the console.
However later in the bootstrapping process the component constructor still receives an instance of the actual Api service class instead of my mock instance which was registered to the container.
Spent the last couple of hours trying to dig up any documentation or examples for doing things like this without success so if anyone can assist I would greatly appreciate it.
Or if there is / are alternative ways to accomplish this that would work just as well.
When testing a standard component that consists of both a view and a view model, using the aurelia-testing package, I find that a cleaner approach might be to let Aurelia create both the view and view-model, and use mocked classes for all view model dependencies.
export class MockApi {
response = undefined;
get() { return Promise.resolve(this.response) }
describe("the feed component", () => {
let component;
let api = new MockApi();
beforeEach(() => {
api.response = null;
component = StageComponent
component.bootstrap(aurelia => {
aurelia.container.registerInstance(Api, api);
it("should work", done => {
api.response = "My response";
component.create(bootstrap).then(() => {
const element = document.querySelector("#selector");
expect(element.innerHTML).toBe("My response, or something");
This approach lets you verify the rendered HTML using the normal view model class, mocking the dependencies to control the test data.
Just to answer my own question, at least partially, if it can be useful to someone.
By using the actual Api class constructor as the key instead of the string "Api" the mock seems to be correctly injected.
import {Api} from 'services/api';
let conf = aurelia.use.standardConfiguration().instance(Api, mockApi);

MarionetteJS: who is responsible for showing sub-applications?

I am building a quite simple Marionette application; I am not using Marionette.Module since it's deprecated and since I want to use ES2015 with Webpack.
I have just a couple of "pages": one is the Welcome screen and the other one is the Playground. Each one of those pages are Applications, plus there is a root application with a Layout with just three regions: header, main and footer.
The view (or layout) of those applications are meant to fill the main region of the root layout.
Now, whenever I want to show one of those sub-applications, I don't know exactly how (or, I am not finding the most satisfying way) to ask the Layout of the root application to showChildView of the view/layout of those sub-apps.
So far, I came up with two approaches (none of which is fantastic):
EDIT: I added another approach at the end of the Q
on the controller of each sub-application, trigger the event "application:show" passing in the view. The root application is listening to this event and showChildView as soon as it receives the message
whenever I start a sub-application, I pass it the root application instance. Whenever the sub-application needs to show itself, it will call the showChildView inside the main region
The first approach is weak, because it's totally asynchronous (fire and forget). I'd like to know when my application is shown (attached to the DOM) but relying again on another event seems cumbersome
The second approach is more robust but it sucks, because of course I don't want the sub-application's views to be responsible of their own rendering in the root layout. The root application knows better.
Some code follows to try to show both ideas:
// Approach #1
// In the root app
welcomeApp.on('app:show', (view) => {
rootApp.rootView.showChildView('main', view);
// In the Welcome sub-app
var Controller = {
show() {
app.trigger('app:show', new WelcomeView());
// Approach #2
// In the root application
const welcomeApp = new WelcomeApp({
rootApp: this
// In the Welcome sub-app
var Controller = {
show() {
app.rootApp.rootLayout.showChildView('main', new WelcomeView());
EDIT: 12 Jan.
OK, digging a bit more in the documentation I found what I think is the correct way to do that. The idea is that the root Application will listen for Commands from the subapplications.
So, in my root view I will have:
this.channel.commands.setHandler("application:show", function(view) {
this.rootView.showChildView('main', view);
In all the other subapplications, I will have (for example, in the WelcomeView):
getController() {
const greet = function () {
this.channel.commands.execute('application:show', new WelcomeView());
return {
greet: greet
Personally I wouldn't use multiple applications, this seems to be just getting around the issue of modules being removed. Have you tried using a single application with a LayoutView, a Region for each component or (module) and the base of the component either being a singleton JS object, or you could try Backbone.Service to split it up. If you are using multiple routes, you could have a look at Backbone.Routing, with each Route being the base 'controller' for the 'page'.
I find a brilliant architecture for large scale Marionette applications is James Kyle's Marionette Wires. This uses Service for reusable components, and routers/routes for different data types.
Another way of architecting using services, but if you don't want the root application's regions show methods to be called from child components, would be to import the instantiated application into the child component and use the app.addRegions method to add regions within the child. EG
import { Application } from 'backbone.marionette';
const App = Application.extend({
onStart() {
export const app = new App();
import { Service } from 'backbone.service';
import { SubmoduleController } from './controller';
const SubmoduleService = Service.extend({
requests() {
show: 'show',
hide: 'hide'
setup(options = {}) {
this.el = options.el
start() {
this.controller = new SubmoduleController({
el: this.el
show() {
hide() {
export const submoduleService = new SubmoduleService();
import { Object as Controller, Region } from 'backbone.marionette';
import { View } from './view';
import { app } from '../app';
export const SubmoduleController = Controller.extend({
initialize(options = {}) {
this.el = options.el;
_addRegions() {
const region = new Region({
el: this.el
submoduleRegion: region
show() {
const view = new View();
onDestroy() {
import { submoduleService } from './submodule/service';
const config = {
submodule: {
el: '#submodule';
A gotcha with doing it this way is the submodule's region needs it's element to exist in the DOM when it's region's show method is called. This can either be achieved by having a root view on the application, whose template contains all component root elems, or to have a root submodule - page or something.

