Keep getting SyntaxError: missing ) after argument list - javascript

I keep getting this error due to these two lines:
document.getElementById('button').innerHTML = '<p><button
onClick = "MultiAnswer('+ questions[output] + ',' + answer[output]
And I can't figure out what I am missing .
Edit: Here is the surrounding code (Excuse the mess) Contains methods that uses a switch statement to determine the input for the arrays required, from there puts it into the parameters for DisplayQuestion which then passes it to the functions below from the behaviour wanted:
function MultiQuest(questions, choices, answer){
var output = Math.floor(Math.random() * (questions.length));
var choicesOut = [];
document.getElementById('question').innerHTML = '<p id = "Q1">' + questions[output] + '<p><br>';
for(var k = 0;k < choices[output].length; k++ ){
choicesOut.push('<p><input id = "choice'+[k]+'" type = "radio" name = "option" value="'+choices[output][k]+'">' + choices[output][k] + '<p>');
document.getElementById('answers').innerHTML = choicesOut.join("");
document.getElementById('button').innerHTML = '<p><button onClick = "MultiAnswer('+ questions[output] + ',' + answer[output] +');">Submit</button></p>';
document.getElementById('score').innerHTML = '<p>' + score + '<p>';
function MultiAnswer(questions, answer, pageType){
var currentQuestion = document.getElementById('Q1').textContent;
var number = multiQuestions(currentQuestion, questions);
var correctAnswer = answer[number];
var givenAnswer;
var options = document.getElementsByName('option');
var i
for(i = 0; i < options.length; i++){
givenAnswer = options[i].value;
if(givenAnswer == correctAnswer){
alert("Right Answer!");
} else {
alert("Wrong Answer!");
score = 0;
i = 0;
function multiQuestions(currentQuestion, whichArray){
for(var i = 0; i < multiquestions.length; i++){
if(currentQuestion == whichArray[i]){
return i;
return null;

You cannot have a function call like this:
MultiAnswer('+ questions[output] + ',' + answer[output]
You will need to evaluate the parameter in a seperate variable and then pass it in the function.

So in your onClick call of multiAnswer you have wrapped the 3 inputs in quotes. After referencing your multiAnswer function you do have the 3 inputs that you are looking for. You also have + signs on the ends of those inputs. You do not need to concatenate the parens inside of the function call.
I hope this helps!
onClick = "MultiAnswer(questions[output] + ',' + answer[output]


JavaScript infinity loop in calculator

I'm developing a small calculator that allows you to input a string. So it has to recognize which sign has to be executed in first place.
My problem is that somewhere and by some reason it creates a stackoverflow. I was expecting if you could help me to find out.
The first for is to give each operator a precedence, so * is more important than +. Second loop is destinated to find the sign into the string, so if input.indexOf(signos[i]) is lower or than 0 it jumps off the operator. if its dalse it goes in and put the number in left side and right side into two aux values and in the end it solves the sign and replace it into the string so at the end it shows you the result.
var input;
var signos = ['*', '/', '+', '-'];
var cursor = 0;
var aux1 = "";
var aux2 = "";
var auxSigno = "";
var resuelto = 0;
var encontrado = false;
function lectura(){
input = document.getElementById("ans").value;
for(i = 0; i < signos.length; i++){
cursor = input.indexOf(signos[i]);
if (cursor > -1){
auxSigno = input.charAt(cursor);
for(j = 0; j < input.length; i++){
for(k = cursor-1; comparar(k); k--){
for(l = cursor+1; comparar(l); l++){
var cadena = aux1+auxSigno+aux2;
var auxCadena = input.replace(cadena, resuelto);
input = auxCadena;
function comparar(caracter){
for(m = 0; m < signos.length; m++){
if (caracter === signos[m]){
return true;
return false;
function operar(){
if (signos.indexOf(auxSigno) == 0){
resuelto = parseFloat(aux1) * parseFloat(aux2);
console.log(resuelto + " opc1");
} else if (signos.indexOf(auxSigno) == 1) {
resuelto = parseFloat(aux1) / parseFloat(aux2);
console.log(resuelto + " opc2");
} else if (signos.indexOf(auxSigno) == 2) {
resuelto = parseFloat(aux1) + parseFloat(aux2);
console.log(resuelto + " opc3")
} else if (signos.indexOf(auxSigno) == 3){
resuelto = parseFloat(aux1) - parseFloat(aux2);
console.log(resuelto + " opc4")
} else {
console.log("opc no implementada");
if the input is "6+6*8", the result should be "54", but it doesn't show anything, just keep doing the for.

javascript function for calculating

I meet a trouble with a function. actually I need to make this function to perform a calculation on some text fields. When I worked on a single line no problems. But recently, someone asked to make a table with multiple lines (one line can be added dynamically) so, I do the following function so that it can not only duplicate line but id change all the fields concerned, so I add class to these fields. therefore I proceed as follows:
function clone(line) {
newLine = line.cloneNode(true);
var tab = document.getElementsByClassName('libelle_debours')
var i = -1;
while (tab[++i]) {
tab[i].setAttribute("id", "_" + i);
var cab = document.getElementsByClassName('ht_no_tva')
var j = -1;
while (cab[++j]) {
cab[j].setAttribute("id", "_" + j);
var dab = document.getElementsByClassName('ht_tva')
var k = -1;
while (dab[++k]) {
dab[k].setAttribute("id", "_" + k);
var eab = document.getElementsByClassName('taux')
var l = -1;
while (eab[++l]) {
eab[l].setAttribute("id", "_" + l);
var fab = document.getElementsByClassName('tva')
var m = -1;
while (fab[++m]) {
fab[m].setAttribute("id", "_" + m);
function delRow() {
var current = window.event.srcElement;
//here we will delete the line
while ((current = current.parentElement) && current.tagName != "TR");
The problem in fact is the second function that is used to make the calculation:
function calcdebours() {
var taux = document.getElementById('debours_taux_tva').value;
var ht_no_tva = document.getElementById('debours_montant_ht_no_tva').value;
var ht_tva = document.getElementById('debours_montant_ht_tva').value;
var tva = Math.round((((ht_tva) * (taux)) / 100) * 100) / 100;;
if (taux == '') {
taux = 0;
if (ht_no_tva == '') {
ht_no_tva = 0;
if (ht_tva == '') {
ht_tva = 0;
document.getElementById('debours_montant_tva').value = tva;
document.getElementById('debours_montant_ttc').value = (tva) + parseFloat(ht_tva) + parseFloat(ht_no_tva)
montant_debours() {
var ttc = document.getElementById('debours_montant_ttc').value;
var ttc2 = document.getElementById('debours_montant_ttc2').value;
if (ttc == '') {
var ttc = 0;
} else {
var ttc = document.getElementById('debours_montant_ttc').value;
if (ttc2 == '') {
var ttc2 = 0;
} else {
var ttc2 = document.getElementById('debours_montant_ttc2').value;
tx = parseFloat(ttc) + parseFloat(ttc2);
document.getElementById('ttc_cheque').value = Math.round(tx * 100) / 100;
As Id are not the same, do I have to create as many functions
there are lines?
Is it possible to fit a single function to process each line?
If so can you tell me how?
If I'm not mistaken you can use for loop and append increment to the end of element's id. Like this:
trs = document.getElementById('container Id').getElementsByTagName('tr');
For (var i = 1, i <= trs.length; i++)
var el = document.getElementById('debours_montant_ttc' + i);

Google Closure introducing errors

The lesson, learned with the help of #Alex, is that you should never put function declarations in block scope. Not that I intended to do this, but if you slip up, it can cause big problems.
I have a script file that seems to be getting compressed via Google Closure incorrectly. When I run my app with the original code, all works fine. But when I try to compress it with Google Closure, some errors get introduced.
I am NOT using the advanced option; I'm using the basic, default mode
Obviously I can't expect anyone to debug the compressed file, but I'm hoping someone can look at the uncompressed code and let me know if I'm somehow doing something insanely stupid that would trick Closure.
Some notes on the minified code:
Closure is inlining BEFramework.prototype.hstreamLoad and BEFramework.prototype.hstreamEvalJson, and seems to be utterly removing the helper functions getDeleteValue, getValueToDisplay, getDisplayForLabel and likely others.
Uncompressed file is below.
This code can manually be compiled by closure here, which should reproduce the symptoms described above.
(function() {
var $ = jQuery;
// Load and display the messages ("healthstream") for a given module.
// This requires that the module's HTML have specific features, see
// dashboard.htm and contactsManager/details/default.htm for examples.
// This also requires that the `request` support `pageIndex` and `pageSize`,
// so we can handle paging.
// Args: `options` An options object with these keys:
// `channelId` The channel ID of the module (for transmitRequest)
// `translationId` Optional alternate ID for translation (if not given,
// `channelId` is used).
// `action` The action (for transmitRequest)
// - Must support `pageIndex` and `pageSize`
// `request` The request (for transmitRequest)
// - Must include `pageIndex` and `pageSize`
// `complete` Optional callback triggered when the load is complete.
// `showOptions` Optional callback if an options menu is supported
// by the calling module. Receives a raw event instance
// and the item on which the options were triggered:
// function showOptions(event, item)
// `context` Optional context (`this` value) for the call to
// `complete` and/or `showOptions`
BEFramework.prototype.hstreamLoad = hstreamLoad;
function hstreamLoad(options) {
var inst = this;
var channelId, translationId, action, request, complete, showOptions, context,
pageIndex, pageCount, pageSize, pageCount,
btnPrevious, btnNext,
// Get our arguments (with defaults)
channelId = options.channelId;
translationId = options.translationId || options.channelId;
action = options.action;
request = $.extend({}, options.request); // Create a *copy*, because we modify it when doing paging
complete = options.complete;
if (typeof complete !== "function") {
complete = undefined;
showOptions = options.showOptions;
if (typeof showOptions !== "function") {
showOptions = undefined;
context = options.context; // (undefined will automatically become the global object)
// Grab the initial pageIndex and pageSize
pageIndex = request.pageIndex || 1;
pageSize = request.pageSize || 100;
// Disable the button and show "searching" label
.button("option", "label", BETranslate(translationId, 'HealthStreamSearching'));
// Hook up the buttons; be a bit paranoid that they've been hooked before and clear previous handlers
btnPrevious = $('#healthStreamPagePrevious');
btnNext = $('#healthStreamPageNext');
btnPrevious.hide().unbind("click.paging").bind("click.paging", goToPreviousPage);
btnNext.hide().unbind("click.paging").bind("click.paging", goToNextPage);
// Do it
// === Support functions
// Trigger a load request
function doLoad() {
request.pageIndex = pageIndex;
request.pageSize = pageSize;
inst._transport.transmitRequest(channelId, action, request, hstreamLoaded);
// Hndle the load response
function hstreamLoaded(objResponse) {
var healthStream = objResponse.items;
var total =;
var tbody = $('#healthStreamList');
// Need to make this update optional
$('#pageHeaderName').html(BETranslate(translationId, 'HeaderActivity') + ' (' + String(total) + ')');
.button("option", "label", BETranslate(translationId, 'HealthStreamSearch'));
if (healthStream.length > 0) {
pageCount = Math.ceil(total / pageSize);
if (pageCount > 1) {
if (pageIndex > 1) {;
if (pageIndex < pageCount) {;
var item;
var tr;
var tdMain;
var daysHash = {};
var creationDate;
var key;
var today = new Date();
var yesterday = new Date();
var msg;
yesterday.setDate(yesterday.getDate() - 1);
dataShownFlags = {};
for (var x = 0; x < healthStream.length; x++) {
item = healthStream[x];
msg = inst.hstreamEvalJson(item);
if (msg.length > 0) {
creationDate = new Date(item.CreationDate);
key = [creationDate.getYear(), creationDate.getMonth(), creationDate.getDate()].join('-');
if (!daysHash[key]) {
if (isDateEqual(creationDate, today)) {
addRowHeader(tbody, BETranslate(inst._channelId, 'HSToday'));
else if (isDateEqual(creationDate, yesterday)) {
addRowHeader(tbody, BETranslate(inst._channelId, 'HSYesterday'));
else {
addRowHeader(tbody, creationDate.toString('MM/dd/yyyy'));
daysHash[key] = true;
tr = $(
"<tr>" +
"<td class='date' style='white-space:nowrap;'>" + new Date(item.CreationDate).toString('h:mm tt') + "</td>" +
"<td class='main'><span class='name'>" + msg + "</span>" +
if (showOptions) {
tr.find("td.main").prepend($("<em rel='opt'> </em>").click(makeShowOptionsHandler(item)));
// If any of the templates created links with a `data` attribute, hook them up
$('#healthStreamList a[data]').click(showTitle).each(function (index) { = 'data' + index;
else {
tbody.html('<tr><td colspan="2">' + BETranslate(inst._channelId, 'HSNoActivity') + '</td></tr>');
// Trigger completion callback
if (complete) {, objResponse);
function makeShowOptionsHandler(item) {
// Our event comes to us from jQuery, but we pass on the raw
// event to the callback
return function (event) {, event.originalEvent || event, item);
function addRowHeader(listRef, name) {
"<tr>" +
"<td colspan='2' class='divider'>" + name + "</td>" +
function showTitle(event) {
var link = this;
var $link = $(this);
var href = $link.attr("href"); // We want the attribute, not the property (the property is usually expanded)
var hrefTitle = $link.attr('hreftitle') || BETranslate(inst._channelId, 'HSMoreInfo');
var data = $link.attr('data') || "";
var linkId =;
if (!dataShownFlags[linkId]) {
dataShownFlags[linkId] = true;
if (data) {
var div = $(
"<div class='data'>" +
"<span data-linkId='" + linkId + "' class='close'>x</span>" +
"<table><thead></thead></table>" +
var thead = div.find("thead");
var arr = data.split('~');
var splitEntry;
for (var x = 0; x < arr.length; x++) {
splitEntry = arr[x].split('|');
if (splitEntry[0] === 'Changed length') {
splitEntry[1] = splitEntry[1].replace(/\d+/g, BEFramework.prettyTime);
if (splitEntry.length > 1 && splitEntry[1].length > 0) {
"<tr>" +
"<td class='hslabel'>" + splitEntry[0] + ":</td>" +
"<td>" + splitEntry[1] + "</td>" +
if (href && href !== "#") {
$("<a target='_blank'>" + hrefTitle + "</a>").attr("href", href).appendTo(div);
function hideTitle(event) {
var $this = $(this),
linkId = $this.attr("data-linkId");
delete dataShownFlags[linkId];
return false;
function goToPreviousPage(event) {
return false;
function goToNextPage(event) {
return false;
var ___x = false;
var __i = 0;
BEFramework.prototype.hstreamEvalJson = hstreamEvalJson;
function hstreamEvalJson(item) {
var inst = this;
if (item.Action === 'saveinsurance' && !___x && __i != 0){
var start = +new Date();
__i = 1;
var userId = inst._BEUser ? inst._BEUser.getId() : -1;
var json = eval('(' + item.JSON + ')');
var key = 'HS' + item.Module + '_' + item.Action;
var msg = BETranslate(inst._channelId, key);
var fromIsMe = item.CreatedByContactId == userId;
var toIsMe = item.ContactId == userId;
var fromString = (fromIsMe) ? '<strong>' + BETranslate(inst._channelId, 'HSYou') + '</strong>' : '<a class="vcard" contactId="' + item.CreatedByContactId + '">' + item.CreatedByName + '</a>';
var toString = (toIsMe) ? '<strong>' + BETranslate(inst._channelId, 'HSYour') + '</strong>' : '<a class="vcard" contactId="' + item.ContactId + '">' + item.ContactName + '</a>';
var fromString2 = (fromIsMe) ? '<strong>' + BETranslate(inst._channelId, 'HSYour').toLowerCase() + '</strong>' : '<a class="vcard" contactId="' + item.CreatedByContactId + '">' + item.CreatedByName + '</a>';
var toString2 = (toIsMe) ? '<strong>' + BETranslate(inst._channelId, 'HSYou').toLowerCase() + '</strong>' : '<a class="vcard" contactId="' + item.ContactId + '">' + item.ContactName + '</a>';
var subFormat, subProps;
var configObject = (BEFramework.healthStreamConfig[item.Module] && BEFramework.healthStreamConfig[item.Module][item.Action]) || {};
var standardCase = configObject.standardCase;
var suppress = configObject.suppress || [];
var propertiesInOrder = configObject.displayOrder || [];
if (msg.indexOf('not found in module') != -1) {
try {
switch (item.Module) {
case 'contacts':
if (item.Action == 'setpermission' || item.Action == 'deleterelationship' || item.Action == 'addinvite') {
msg = BETranslate(inst._channelId, key + json.type.toString());
case 'tasks':
if (item.Action == 'savetask') {
msg = BETranslate(inst._channelId, key + json.type.toString());
msg = '';
} catch (ex) {
msg = '';
for (var prop in json) {
if (typeof (json[prop]) == 'object') {
if (prop === 'changes' || prop === 'deleted'){
subProps = json[prop];
for (var propName in subProps) {
if (indexInArrayCI(propName, propertiesInOrder) === -1 && indexInArrayCI(propName, suppress) === -1){
if (prop == 'changes') {
var changes = '';
var changeFrom = BETranslate(inst._channelId, 'HSChangedFrom');
var changeTo = BETranslate(inst._channelId, 'HSChangedTo');
for (var i = 0; i < propertiesInOrder.length; i++) {
var subprop = propertiesInOrder[i];
if (getObjectValCI(subProps, subprop) == null) continue;
var subSplit = stripHtml(getObjectValCI(subProps, subprop)).split('|');
if (subSplit.length === 1) {
subFormat = BETranslate(inst._channelId, 'HS' + item.Module + '_changes_' + subprop);
if (subFormat.indexOf('not found in module') < 0) {
changes += $.sandr(subFormat, '#{value}', subSplit[0]);
else {
changes += "*|" + subprop + " " + subSplit[0] + "~";
else {
var fromValue = stripHtml(subSplit[0]);
var toValue = stripHtml(subSplit[1]);
var packetInfo = processChangedValues(subprop, fromValue, toValue);
if (packetInfo.skip) continue;
changes = changes + changeFrom + packetInfo.display + '|' + packetInfo.fromValue + '<b>' + changeTo + '</b>' + packetInfo.toValue + '~';
msg = $.sandr(msg, '#{' + prop + '}', changes);
} else if (prop == 'deleted') {
var deleted = '';
for (var i = 0; i < propertiesInOrder.length; i++) {
var subprop = propertiesInOrder[i];
var currentValue = getObjectValCI(subProps, subprop);
if (currentValue == null || currentValue.toString().length === 0) continue;
deleted = deleted + getDisplayForLabel(subprop) + '|' + getDeleteValue(subprop, currentValue) + '~';
msg = $.sandr(msg, '#{' + prop + '}', deleted);
} else {
msg = $.sandr(msg, '#{' + prop + '}', $.sandr(json[prop], '"', ' '));
function processChangedValues(label, fromValue, toValue){
var typeFormat = (getObjectValCI(configObject, label) || {}).type;
var result = {};
if (typeFormat === 'date'){
var d1 = new Date(fromValue);
var d2 = new Date(toValue);
if (isDateEqual(d1, d2)) result.skip = true;
result.fromValue = getValueToDisplay(fromValue, typeFormat);
result.toValue = getValueToDisplay(toValue, typeFormat);
result.display = getDisplayForLabel(label)
return result;
function getDeleteValue(label, value){
var typeFormat = (getObjectValCI(configObject, label) || {}).type;
return getValueToDisplay(value, typeFormat);
function getValueToDisplay(rawValue, typeFormat){
if (typeFormat === 'date'){
var d = new Date(rawValue);
return isNaN(d.getTime()) ? rawValue : d.toString('MM/dd/yyyy');
} else if (typeof typeFormat === 'function') {
return typeFormat(rawValue)
} else {
return rawValue;
function getDisplayForLabel(label){
var fixCaseOfProperty = standardCase === '*' || indexInArrayCI(label, standardCase) > -1;
var rawConfigForLabel = getObjectValCI(configObject, label) || {};
return (rawConfigForLabel && rawConfigForLabel.display)
|| (fixCaseOfProperty ? fixCase(label) : null)
|| label;
msg = $.sandr(msg, '#{contactId}', item.ContactId);
msg = $.sandr(msg, '#{from}', fromString);
msg = $.sandr(msg, '#{to}', toString);
msg = $.sandr(msg, '#{from2}', fromString2);
msg = $.sandr(msg, '#{to2}', toString2);
msg = $.sandr(msg, '#{recordId}', item.RecordId);
msg = msg.replace(/#{[\S]*}/g, '');
if (item.Action === 'saveinsurance' && !___x && __i == 1){
var end = +new Date();
___x = true;
//alert(end - start);
if (item.Action === 'saveinsurance') __i++;
if (msg.indexOf('not found in module') == -1) {
return msg;
} else {
return '';
function stripHtml(html) {
var tmp = document.createElement('DIV');
tmp.innerHTML = html;
return tmp.textContent || tmp.innerText;
function isDateEqual(date1, date2) {
if (date1.getDate() === date2.getDate() &&
date1.getMonth() === date2.getMonth() &&
date1.getYear() === date2.getYear()) {
return true;
else {
return false;
function getObjectValCI(obj, key){
for (var k in obj){
if (k.toLowerCase() === key.toLowerCase()){
return obj[k];
function indexInArrayCI(item, arr){
if (!$.isArray(arr)) arr = [];
var target = item.toString().toLowerCase();
for (var i = 0; i < arr.length; i++){
if (target === arr[i].toLowerCase()) return i;
return -1;
function fixCase(str){
return str.replace(/[a-z][A-Z]/g, function(match) { return match.charAt(0) + ' ' + match.charAt(1).toLowerCase(); }).toLowerCase()
.replace(/\sid\s/g, ' ID ')
.replace(/\sid$/g, ' ID')
.replace(/^id$/g, 'ID');
When you use closure compiler you're giving up some control over your code. It will do all sorts of tricks, and potentially remove unused code.
It appears as though your functions are not removed, but are renamed.
For example, your call to getDeleteValue...
getDeleteValue(subprop, currentValue)
is now...
Because getDeleteValue was not exported, Closure renamed it.
Working with Closure Compiler takes a bit of finesse and quite a bit of documentation scouring until you're familiar with how it works.
Well, there are too many errors to think of. First of all, I don't understand if you want static reference or instantiated values. You are not using jsDoc tags or anything like that. The Compiler does it's best work only with the corresponding jsDoc tag. You're logic is very weird and ill formulated. Prototype alternations, etc, all happening in an IIFE(immediately invoked function expression). Are your functions static? Are they constructors? Are we human or are we dancer?
an IIFE executes before the DOMContentLoaded event is fired by the browser. The most you can do is a jQuery IIFE equivalent $(function() {})(); which binds that to the DOMReady or DOMContentLoaded callback. You are defining inline functions inside blocks, which is not even in the ECMA Language.
While most script engines support Function Declarations within blocks it is not part of ECMAScript (see ECMA-262, clause 13 and 14). Worse implementations are inconsistent with each other and with future EcmaScript proposals. ECMAScript only allows for Function Declarations in the root statement list of a script or function. Instead use a variable initialized with a Function Expression to define a function within a block.
var myFunctionName = function (params) {};
You are also missing loads of semi-colons. Automatic semi-colon insertion on interpretation of your JS is not exactly flawless, so make a habit out of it.
Relying on implicit insertion can cause subtle, hard to debug problems. Don't do it. You're better than that.
There are a couple places where missing semicolons are particularly dangerous:
// 1.
MyClass.prototype.myMethod = function() {
return 42;
} // No semicolon here.
(function() {
// Some initialization code wrapped in a function to create a scope for locals.
var x = {
'i': 1,
'j': 2
} // No semicolon here.
// 2. Trying to do one thing on Internet Explorer and another on Firefox.
// I know you'd never write code like this, but throw me a bone.
[normalVersion, ffVersion][isFF]();
var THINGS_TO_EAT = [apples, oysters, sprayOnCheese] // No semicolon here.
// 3. conditional execution a la bash
-1 == resultOfOperation() || die();
So what happens?
JavaScript error - first the function returning 42 is called with the second function as a parameter, then the number 42 is "called" resulting in an error.
You will most likely get a 'no such property in undefined' error at runtime as it tries to call x[ffVersion][isIE]().
die is called unless resultOfOperation() is NaN and THINGS_TO_EAT gets assigned the result of die().
JavaScript requires statements to end with a semicolon, except when it thinks it can safely infer their existence. In each of these examples, a function declaration or object or array literal is used inside a statement. The closing brackets are not enough to signal the end of the statement. Javascript never ends a statement if the next token is an infix or bracket operator.
This has really surprised people, so make sure your assignments end with semicolons.

JavaScript, How can I parse a variable into a command?

What I'm trying to do is to enable multiple checkboxes within for(). Right now it looks like this, but from what I have learned, you can't run the command from a variable like this, I can't run, (e.g) cab_type_value = "whatever". Nor can I run road_load_enabled; it just doesn't work. Does anyone how I can achieve this? How can I parse my var J in the document.MyForm.InputName.disabled?
for( var j=1; j<=14; j++ ) {
var cab_type_value = "document.exe_mode_form.cab_type" + j + ".value";
var cab_type_checked = "document.exe_mode_form.cab_type" + j + ".checked == 1";
for( var i=1; i<=document.exe_mode_form.road_load_number.value; i++ ) {
var road_load_value = "document.exe_mode_form.load" + i + ".value";
var road_load_enabled = "document.exe_mode_form.load" + i + ".disabled = false";
var road_load_disabled = "document.exe_mode_form.load" + i + ".disabled = true";
var rld_db = "document.exe_mode_form.a" + i + "_a1.value";
if ( cab_type_checked ) {
if ( test == 1 ) {
if(road_load_disabled) {
test = 2;
if(cab_type_value == rld_db) {
if(olof == 1) {
alert("cab_type_value == rld_db");
olof = 2;
Also, this part isn't working:
if(cab_type_value == rld_db) {
if(olof == 1){
alert("cab_type_value == rld_db");
olof = 2;
And I have checked, cab_type_value has the same value as rld_db.
try changing these kind of lines:
var cab_type_value = "document.exe_mode_form.cab_type" + j + ".value";
var cab_type_value = document.exe_mode_form['cab_type' + j].value;
The same logic holds for function calls:
someVariable = 'alert';
window[someVariable]('Foo!');//alerts foo
If your function is not declared in the global scope, you can replace window with any namespace object: foobarObject.orEven.nestedOnes[someVariable]();And finally, because I personally loathe the window keyword (it's a circular reference), you can simply choose to use this['alert']('foo'); in a regular function call or in the global scope. this points to its called context, which in these cases is the global object

validating inputs in javascript

var test2Regex = /^[0-9]*$/;
The above allows the input to be only numbers and no blanks
var i=0;
var pro = [];
for(var i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
pro[i] = document.getElementById('pro' + i);
//alert("You entered: " + pro[i].value)
inlineMsg('pro' + i,'Invalid Input',10);
return false;
is using the match query the right way to do this as it does work
on single variable not using the getelement id i.e
var phoneno = form.phoneno.value;
if(!phoneno.match(test1Regex)) {
inlineMsg('phoneno','You have entered an invalid Char.',10);
return false;
the get element is the only difference but I need that in for it to pass the variable.
Use regex.test method
//invalid input, blah-blah-blah

