Issue with tree traversal, finding div ID to be used variably - jquery - javascript

so I've been trying to figure this out but I'm coming up short. Have really tried searching the best I could to come up with the answer, including jQuery API documentation and other SO posts. I feel like I'm almost there but I'm either misunderstanding something or I'm approaching this goal incorrectly.
For multiple different sections, I have 2 clickable icons in separate div's, 1 (lets say iconA) shown on load and 1 hidden (iconB) on load. When (iconA) is clicked, it hides the [sectionA] where (iconA) is located then shows the [sectionB] where (iconB) is located. I then want (iconB) to hide [sectionB] and show [sectionA].
Clearly I can't use toggle because one of the sections is always hidden at any given point. And since I'm trying to write a script that I can use for multiple sections and multiple icons, with different names, I can't just set 1-1 class names for ALL icons and sections.
I've created a jsfiddle to illustrate. Below I'll write a quick example.
<div class="sectionAparent>
<div class="sectionA" id="example>
<i class="fa fa-code contbtn">iconA (shown on load)</i>
<div class="sectionB" id="exampleSHOW">
<i class="fa fa-minus minushide">iconB (hidden on load)</i>
var contid = $(this).attr('id');
-this first one is to hide sectionA and show sectionB, which works fine.
var cbtn = $(this).closest('.sectionB').siblings('.sectionAparent').find('div[id]');
var cid = $(cbtn).attr('id')
-So my thoughts were to jump up to the closest ancestor that is a sibling to the section containing the ID that I need. Then find the div with that ID, retrieve that ID, and use it show the section containing the ID and hiding the section with the ID+more. The goal is for this to be variable for multiple different sections with similar naming conventions without having to hard-code the section names in a list inside my script.
Hope this makes sense and I apologize for the wall of text, just wanted to make sure I conveyed what I'm trying to do and where I'm at. If my logic is incorrect or there is an easier way to do this, then I'm all ears! Thanks.

You forgot to append the '#' character to sid in the second last line of the js
Updated fiddle

Since you are using class (sectionhide) to toggle visibility, you can look into .toggleClass method.
It has an overriden constructor to accept 2 arguments, className and state (a boolean value)
Based on this state, it will add/remove class. True means add and false means remove
$('.minushide, .contbtn').on("click", function() {
var container = $(this).closest('.container');
var nextContainer ='.container').length > 0 ?'.container') : container.prev('.container');
container.toggleClass('sectionhide', true)
nextContainer.toggleClass('sectionhide', false)
Sample Fiddle
Note: I have added a common class container to both divs to have a common pattern
For a carousel kind of behaviour, you can use index to find index of element to be shown and hide all.
Sample Fiddle


Polymer, evaluate element based off object

I am using the tile example from polymers neon elements - and I am trying to make each expanded tile unique. My first try on how to do this was to pass a string in with the grid items like
value: 1,
color: 'blue',
template: 'slide-1'
And have that element be evaluated when rendered in a new element something like this. (this is the card template itself)
<div id="fixed" class$="[[_computeFixedBackgroundClass(color)]]"></div>
<div id="card" class$="[[_computeCardClass(color)]]">
This does not work - however I am wondering if there is some way to do this so I can load custom elements for the content of each card. For reference - , it is the grid example and I am trying to replace the content of each card once it is clicked on ( the fullsize-page-with-card.html, here is all the html for it - ). Is this the wrong way of approaching this? Or maybe I have some syntax wrong here. Thanks!
Edit : OK, So I can send it through if i add it to the click to open the card like so
scope._onTileClick = function(event) {
this.$['fullsize-card'].color =;
this.$['fullsize-card'].template =;
this.$.pages.selected = 1;
and in the card's properties like so
template: {
type: String
So I can then evaluate it as [[template]] , however - the question still remains how to call a custom element (dynamically) using this string. I could pass a couple of properties and fill in a card or form so they are unique, but i think I would have much more creative freedom if I could call custom elements inside each card.
I have an element that allows referenced templates. There are a couple of others other there, but this one also allows data bindings to work:

A function with changing variable, dependent on a class

So, first some background.
I have 9 types of rooms that are displayed as thumbnails with the name. What I want to do is that on click "Additional Information" - the rooms with disappear and the expanded version of a chosen room type will appear with the description and bigger picture. Also, there is an ability to go next and previous in the expanded view. I do not have a problem with this expansion and previous/next. BUT!
Here is what I am trying to achieve: if the code looks approximately like
<ul id="room_holder">
<li><div class="room 1">Additional Info</div></li>
<li><div class="room 2">Additional Info</div></li>
and so on...
And the expandable area will look something like:
<div id="expandable">
<div id="picture">Blah-blah-blah, some description, etc</div>
So, basically, what I can't figure out is how to get the needed slide to show when the correspondint thumbnail is pressed. I know I can do the .addClass method, and copy the code 9 times, for each of the numbers (1-9). But I believe it is 9 times more compact if I have some sort of function, that gets the second class name (the number) by using .split(' ')[1] and then using it as part of the variable in the part which opens the corresponding expandable view. So, my question is: how do I do this? I am a newbie with javascript, but try to learn on the go!
Oh, and the codepen that I've been trying to deal with is:
Firstly, you should use data-* attribute instead of classes (new in HTML5) data attributes, w3school :
<ul id="room_holder">
<li><div class="room" data-room="1">Additional Info</div></li>
<li><div class="room" data-room="2">Additional Info</div></li>
Then, use the click function from jQuery .click( handler ), use it this way to know which one has been clicked :
var target = event.currentTarget;
var room = $(target).data("room");

jQuery for each div class find child and insertAfter

I am editing my blog theme and I need to move (cut and paste) multiple specific divs under itself within a specific blog post.
The current HTML would be
<div class="blog_post text_post">
<div class="post_container">
<div class="bottom_meta"></div>
<div class="post_date"></div>
<div class="moreinfo"></div>
<!-- I need .bottom_meta here -->
I managed to make it work like this:
$(".blog_post.text_post .bottom_meta").insertAfter(".blog_post.text_post .moreinfo");
And on first sight it looks okay,but when I wrote another text post (usually posts are images) it makes a mess on my blog.
The code now moves .bottom_meta from both posts under both .moreinfo .
I tried using each function but I failed multiple times...
I tried the same with 'find' function instead of 'children',still a fail.
Can anyone help me out with this or at least point me out to the right direction.
It should be:
Example Here
Change .insertAfter.$(this).children(...) to: .insertAfter($(this).children(...))
Also, since the .moreinfo/.bottom_meta elements aren't direct children, you need to use .find() rather than .children().
You can also simplify it to the following:
$(".blog_post.text_post").each(function () {
$(".bottom_meta", this).insertAfter($(".moreinfo", this));
Example Here

polymer - how to get next corresponding element in a repeating template?

sorry for the sort of specific question. I'm trying to make an accordion using core-collapse and repeating templates and am facing some difficulties. Here is my accordion repeating template:
<template repeat="{{item, i in items}}">
<div class="accordheader" on-click="{{toggle}}">{{item}}</div>
<template repeat="{{content, i in contents}}">
<core-collapse class="collapse">
and here is my script:
toggle: function () {
//get whichever 'accordheader' clicked on
var collapseGetting = this.shadowRoot.querySelector('.accordheader');
//find the core-collapse that is directly underneath it
var collapse = $(collapseGetting).next('core-collapse');
//toggle that particular core-collapse
And now my toggle is entirely broken and won't actually toggle anything. I still receive the 'toggled' console log but nothing is happening. I'm not sure if I'm targeting the next core-collapse correctly, or even nesting the repeating templates correctly. Basically I have 2 arrays, [items] and [contents] which I am retrieving my item for each .accordheader and my content for each core-collapse.
Any insight? I feel like this is a formatting or template issue..
Having a quick peek at the docs here:
(See the 'Try It Yourself' example')
I believe you're current code is getting the next '.accordheader' element instead of the next 'core-collapse'.
If I've interpreted the link properly then it should look something like this:
$('core-collapse').Next( console.log(collapse); );
Never used 'Next' before, but there's my 5 cents.

Wrapping a jquery validate span.error with nested divs

Heyo. This is my first stack overflow post because I am stumped and not finding many people who are trying to accomplish the same thing. I've tried using jquery .before(), .after(), and .wrap() to resolve this. I was initially using css :before and :after pseudo-elements, but as that won't work for legacy browsers, I've decided to use jquery.
I already have several forms on several pages with validation working. The error messages vary in length. We were using a static, one size background image on the default span element, so content was bleeding out on longer error messages. I built a flexible rounded corner series of nested divs to allow the error box to grow or shrink dynamically. The html I want to output is:
<div class="errorWrap">
<div class="errorTop"><span></span></div>
<div class="errorContent">
<span class="error">This is an error</span>
<div class="errorBottom"><span></span></div>
Here's an example of a solution I tried, but I'm still pretty new to javascript.
$('.error').before('<div class="errorWrap"><div class="errorTop"><span></span></div><div class="errorContent">');
$('.error').after('</div><div class="errorBottom"><span></span></div></div>');
Correct me if I'm wrong, but I think that I have the right idea with the jquery. But it's just kind of sitting there, not in any function being called. So I imagine that since the code isn't re-executing, it just doesn't show up. Is there an appropriate function to wrap this in? I'm certain I'm just not attacking this from the right direction. Any help is super appreciated.
the plugins "before" and "after" dont take html as string. you cannot start a div in one and close it in an other.
Either you take your current html and generate a new html string which you append where you want to or you use the "wrap" plugin
Using pure HTML
$(".error").html("<div class='beforeContent'>" + $(".error").html() + "</div>");
Using wrap (
$(".error").wrap("<div class='beforeAndAfter'></div>");
If you want to show an error div after focus out of an input then you have to create it using html/wrap as Luke said and then you have to append it in ot the dom useing
But there are other methods available to insert a new element like append/appendTo e.t.c,
I ended up fixing this problem on my own using jquery to create the div and it's nesting on pageload, the divs are generated with an error class that gives display:none. A custom errorPlacement function nests the error in the correct div. Then I used a custom validator highlight function to remove the class that hides the element. Then I used the unhighlight function to re-add the class to re-hide the div.
$(function() {
//Generate the elements and assign attributes
var errorWrap = document.createElement('div');
$(errorWrap).addClass('errorWrap hideError');
var errorTop = document.createElement('div');
var topSpan = document.createElement('span');
var errorContent = document.createElement('div');
var errorBottom = document.createElement('div');
var bottomSpan = document.createElement('span');
//Place the elements directly after each dd element
$("dl > dd").append(errorWrap);
//Add custom validator defaults
errorPlacement: function(error, element) {
highlight: function(element) {
unhighlight: function(element) {
Although I'm sure this could have been done more shorthand, I really like this technique because I didn't have to update any of my pages that contained forms to get it to work. All of the nested divs are dynamically created by javascript, so I can include a global file to any page with forms and it will just work. Thanks for all who offered suggestions.

