register click event on generated html table [duplicate] - javascript

This question already has answers here:
Event binding on dynamically created elements?
(23 answers)
Closed 6 years ago.
I am generating html table on ajax callback like
success: function (data) {
if (data != undefined) {
var table = $("<table id='carTable' />").addClass("table table-striped table-bordered table-condensed");
var header = $("<thead/>").html("<tr><th>a</th><th>b</th><th>c</th><th>d</th><th>e</th><th>f</th><th>g</th>");
for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
var row = $("<tr/>");
row.append($("<td id='carId'/>").html(data[i].Id));
row.append($("<td id='name'/>").html(data[i].Name));
On same page using javascript I want to recognize click event on table row of this carTable generated snippet.
$('#carTable tr').on('click', function (e) {
Is this because of generated html in the callback and if it is how to solve this?

$(document).on('click', '#carTable tr', function(e) {
Will trigger the callback function on every click that matches the selector in the second argument, no matter if it was there from first rendering the page, or added later via JavaScript.
Please note, however, that this does come with a price of internally triggering on every single click anywhere on the document and jQuery will internally check if the condition is matched.
So even better would be to delegate the click event to the table instead:
$('#carTable').on('click', 'tr', function(e) {
Which is essentially the same, just not binding to every single click on the whole document.


jquery function not firing when I use datatable.fnAddData to append the HTML string

jquery function not firing when I use dataTable.fnAddData to append the HTML string.
So I have a function populateDataTable(), there are two columns I needed to render an icon instead of data from JSON.
Hence, I tried to like appending the HTML string including classes for the element in fnAddData(). But somehow it's not firing the click event on the icon.
function populateDataTable(data) {
var length = Object.keys(data).length;
for(var i = 1; i < length+1; i++) {
var index = i - 1;
var name = data[index].name;
var queue = data[index].queue;
var expire = data[index].expire;
$('#customerTable').dataTable().fnAddData( [
'<td id="tb-manage-key" class="tb-manage-key"><div class="tb-btn manage-key-btn switch-view" data-hide="manageCustomers" data-title="#Resources.ManageKeys" data-target="manageKeys"><span></span></div></td>',
'<td class="tb-manage-subs"><div class="tb-btn manage-subs-btn switch-view" data-hide="manageCustomers" data-title="#Resources.ManageSubscriptions" data-target="manageSubscriptions"><span></span></div></td>',
$('.tb-btn.switch-view').on('click', function(e) {
console.log('Testing'); //not firing
Icon is showing, but not firing click event as it supposed to be. Attached below shows that we can see it appends the div as expected.
Adding the click event within the populateDataTable() works.
$('#customerTable tbody').on('click', '.tb-btn.switch-view', function() {
You can try a different syntax to listen to the click event...
$('td').on('click', '.tb-btn.switch-view', function(e) {
console.log('Testing'); //not firing

Event listener gets removed on post method [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Event binding on dynamically created elements?
(23 answers)
Closed 5 years ago.
After I click on a th with the class database-header, my table gets sorted via the post method, but for some reason the click event listener gets removed, so when I click again on a different database-header, nothing happens. What em i doing wrong ?
$(function () {
var user = $('#user');
var databaseHeader = $('.database-header');
var tableContainer = $('.table-container');
var databaseHeaderValue;
var url = './php/table.php'; () {
/* Checks for the user login div */
if (user.closest('html').length){
databaseHeaderValue = $(this).html();
$.post(url, {'sort' : databaseHeaderValue}, function (data) {
Try changing your jquery click like below:
var user = $('#user');
var databaseHeader = '.database-header';
var tableContainer = $('.table-container');
var databaseHeaderValue;
var url = './php/table.php';
$(document).on('click', databaseHeader, function () {
/* Checks for the user login div */
if (user.closest('html').length){
databaseHeaderValue = $(this).html();
$.post(url, {'sort' : databaseHeaderValue}, function (data) {
Do you only refresh a part of the page? After a DOM element is added dynamically, you cannot grab it with a jquery selector.
$(body).on("click", ".database-header",function(){

Some questions around clone/copy TR

I have this code for clone/copy a tr element from a modal to a page.
$(function () {
$('#toggleCheckbox').on('click', function () {
var $toggle = $(this).is(':checked');
$("input:checkbox").attr('checked', $toggle);
$('#btnAplicarNorma').prop('disabled', !$toggle);
$('#resultadoNormaBody').on('change', 'input[type=checkbox]', function () {
var $my_checkbox = $(this);
var $my_tr = $my_checkbox.closest('tr');
if ($my_checkbox.prop('checked')) {
var $all_checkboxes = $my_checkbox.closest('tbody').find('input[type=checkbox]');
$all_checkboxes.each(function () {
if ($(this).prop('checked')) {
$('#btnAplicarNorma').prop('disabled', false);
return false;
$('#btnAplicarNorma').prop('disabled', true);
$('button#btnAplicarNorma').on('click', function (ev) {
var $tr_to_append = $('#resultadoNormaBody').find('tr.copyMe');
if ($tr_to_append.length) {
$tr_to_append.find('input[type=checkbox]').prop('checked', false);
$(this).prop('disabled', true);
But I'm having some issues:
If I mark all checkboxes using the first on the table head then I the code stop working and doesn't clone any tr even if all of them are marked
How do I avoid to clone/copy the same tr twice?
It's possible to modify the checkbox before clone it? If you take a look at the example you'll notice how the clone tr copy exactly as the one on the modal and I want to uncheck the checkbox first, it's possible?
Here is a fiddle to play with, any advice?
The main problem is that your checkboxes inside the table do not really get properly triggered when you programmatically set them selected. To make sure all associated Events get properly triggered you should be triggering a .click() event instead:
to ensure that you don't end up with duplicate clones the easiest thing is to not clone all the rows in one batch, but iterate thru them, and comparing the html to the ones that have already been added like this:
//fetch all the rows that have already been cloned
var clonedRows = $("#normaBody").find("tr");
//iterate thru all the rows that have been checked
$.each($tr_to_append, function (i, v) {
var added = false;
//fetch their html (for easier compare)
var currentRowHtml = $(v).html();
//now compare against the rows that have already been cloned
$.each(clonedRows, function (i, cRow) {
var clonedRowHtml = $(cRow).html();
if (currentRowHtml == clonedRowHtml) {
added = true;
//if the row hasn't been added yet- go ahead and clone it now
if (!added) {
Here's a link to your updated fiddle:
Here is some more info on comparing table rows: Compare two tables rows and remove if match
and here's the more elaborate answer to using .click()
Need checkbox change event to respond to change of checked state done programmatically

Table onclick rows jQuery

I've a table whose content is getting generated via an AJAX success response.
HTML code
<table class="table table-hover" id="table_content"></table>
AJAX code
dataType: "json",
type : "POST",
url: "/configuration/",
data : { 'selected_item' : selected_item_id },
success : function(result){
var table_heading = "<tr>"
var table_content = ""
for (var heads in result[1]){
table_heading +="<th style='background-color:#f1f1f1;'>" + result[1][heads] + "</th>"
for (var region in result[0]){
table_content += "<tr>"
for (var details in result[0][region]){
table_content += "<td>" + result[0][region][details] + "</td>"
table_content = table_heading + table_content
I want to apply an onclick function to it. Like this:-
Onclick function code
$('#table_content tr').click(function () {
The issue that I'm facing is that I'm not able to click the row, if I generate the content via AJAX response. If I create a table inside the HTML itself, it'll work, but not when the table is created via AJAX response.
What's the problem? Please sugggest.
What I'm trying to achieve is that a div should be slide down just below the row upon clicking the row. I does works for the first time when the data gets generated via AJAX. but it does not works when I'm generating data after the first time, though the event is triggered but $('.test').slideUp(0) $(this).append(($('.test')).slideDown('slow')); does not works after the first time. Nor any error is popped . See
See working demo:
Your problem was that you attached the test div element to a table row, which dissapeared after repopulating the table. Instead, clone the test div on each click when you are changing the table content, and use the clone instead the original.
Old answer:
Add the onclick function code inside the ajax success function. It works out for me this way:
$('#table_content tr').click(function () {
//your code
And don't forget to close the table rows with:
table_content += "</tr>";
The way you are using click to bind the event only binds the event to elements that are present in DOM at time the binding code is executed. You need event delegation for binding event with dynamically generated html elements using on().
$('#table_content').on('click', 'tr', function () {
Delegated events
Delegated events have the advantage that they can process events from
descendant elements that are added to the document at a later time. By
picking an element that is guaranteed to be present at the time the
delegated event handler is attached, you can use delegated events to
avoid the need to frequently attach and remove event handlers, reference.
$('#table_content').on('click', 'tr', function () {
The on() handler should work on newly created elements too.
$('#table_content').on('click', 'tr', function () {
Here Is a list of fiddles :
You can use it as per your requirement.
Use on() for dynamically added elements like,
$('#table_content').on('click',' tr', function () {
Updated your div will move to tr which you clicked, so when you click on list it will generate new content in table so your div.test will be removed from HTML, thats why you are not getting the desc div again.
To solve this problem you have to add div.desc again in clicking of list like,
if(!$('body > div.test').length){
$("body").append('<div class="test">You slide down a row with content xyz</div>');
Full code
$('#list').on('click', 'li', function () {
var id =;
var table_content = "";
// IF id=1,2,3,4,5 Code
// add below code foe div.desc
if (!$('body > div.test').length) {
$("body").append('<div class="test">You slide down a row with content xyz</div>');
Alternatively, you can use clone() like,
$(function () {
$('#table_content').on('click', 'tr', function () {
$clone=$('.test:not(.new-test)').clone();// clone the first test class element
$('.new-test').remove();// remove the cloned elements
$clone.addClass('new-test').appendTo('body');// add the clone to body
$clone.slideUp(0);// playing with clone now
Working demo

Is there an easier way to reference the source element for an event?

I'm new to the whole JavaScript and jQuery coding but I'm currently doing this is my HTML:
<a id="tog_table0"
href="javascript:toggle_table('#tog_table0', '#hideable_table0');">show</a>
And then I have some slightly ponderous code to tweak the element:
function toggle_table(button_id, table_id) {
// Find the elements we need
var table = $(table_id);
var button = $(button_id);
// Toggle the table
table.slideToggle("slow", function () {
if ($(this).is(":hidden"))
} else {
I'm mainly wondering if there is a neater way to reference the source element rather than having to pass two IDs down to my function?
Use 'this' inside the event. Typically in jQuery this refers to the element that invoked the handler.
Also try and avoid inline script event handlers in tags. it is better to hook those events up in document ready.
NB The code below assumes the element invoking the handler (the link) is inside the table so it can traverse to it using closest. This may not be the case and you may need to use one of the other traversing options depending on your markup.
$('#tog_table0').click( toggle_table )
function toggle_table() {
//this refers to the element clicked
var $el = $(this);
// get the table - assuming the element is inside the table
var $table = $el.closest('table');
// Toggle the table
$table.slideToggle("slow", function () {
$":hidden") ? $el.text("show") : $el.text("hide");
You can do this:
and change your javascript to this:
$('a.tableHider').click(function() {
var table = $(; // this refers to the link which was clicked
var button = $(this);
table.slideToggle("slow", function() {
if ($(this).is(':hidden')) { // this refers to the element being animated
else {
return false;
edit: changed script to use the name attribute and added a return false to the click handler.
I'm sure this doesn't answer your question, but there's a nifty plugin for expanding table rows, might be useful to check it out:

