How to make sure a request is sent from original software? - javascript

I'm currently making an open source browser extension that will send requests to my site. This can easily be done with Ajax, a request will be sent to the page action.php.
My site will use PHP, well now the question is, how can I make sure action.php receives the request from the original extension? I mean griefers could easily send false information to the server, or a fork could be used and send incorrect data. I thought of generating a token of some sort, but anyone could recreate it I guess.
How can I prevent this situation?

I have some experience with this myself. I've been building an extension with a login and eventually came to the inevitability that security in an extension is inherently difficult.
The issue is that an extension is just a bundle of JS and HTML that anyone can inspect the values of. This means that anyone determined enough to dig through your code can potentially find out how to bypass anything you have built in.
The solution I eventually came to is that, the extension itself cannot hold any long-lasting secrets. A session with a timeout is the only safe thing to store. The actual login for my extension is done via a website over HTTPS.
If you are trying to do this without any such login, your only recourse is to make it as difficult as possible to determine what needs to be sent by using an algorithm that can generate server verifiable tokens, and then only publishing minified code to the webstore.
EDIT: Reread the question and noticed that you said you are doing this open source. Without some sort of authentication on the webserver via HTTPS, there is little you can do to stop those determined to bypass your protections because they will be on display in your public repository.

For sensitive endpoints like this, it would make sense do to the data processing server-side. The client would only have to query the server to process the data.


Security implications of having credentials show up in HTML

I'm currently developing a java backend and a frontend using php, html and javascript for a private project (but which I'd eventually like to open source), which means that access is limited to my LAN anyway and security does not play a vital role at the moment but might in the future.
As I'm most comfortable with coding in java most of the data processing and storage (MySQL) is handled in java and provided over http to the frontend (javascript; fetch()).
Additionally this java backend handles the authentication process which means I have to pass the login credentials with a fetch call in javascript to the backend.
As I'm not really into advanced web programming, I figured a basic POST -> REDIRECT -> GET setup for the login should suffice and I used similar login procedures (but handling the authentication in PHP) before. Therefore:
The client fills out a HTML-Form and submits it
The browser does a POST request to /login passing the credentials and the target page
PHP then returns the HTML containing a javascript portion that holds the credentials in plain text login("<?php echo $_POST['username'] ?>", "<?php echo $_POST['password'] ?>", "<?php echo $_POST['target'] ?>");
Javascript then fetches the java-backend with those credentials to create a session
Javascript issues window.location.replace(target); and the client is redirected to the target page (where authentication is handled via the session cookie)
I'm currently overthinking, if this is a good idea from an efficiency and security perspective. My current idea is to use the form to directly fetch the data to the backend with javascript instead of using a POST request to an additional page (skipping step 2 and 3 above):
This would mean that first of all PHP would never see the credentials (which would be one less point of failure) and that the credentials probably would not show up in the HTML. Additionally, this would cut loading times as the POST is not needed anymore.
My questions are therefore:
Is it bad security practice to have credentials show up in the HTML (as it is with having them in the URL, to prevent the user from accidentally sending their credentials to someone while copying the URL)? What are the risks associated with this? Could these credentials be read by any JS-libraries used or browser extensions? If so, those could probably also read the credentials which I type into the form anyway?
Is my alternative setup better from a security perspective (and efficiency perspective)?
Are there any other suggestions for improving security in this context?
Thank you for helping me.
Short summary of this post and the discussion below:
By first POSTing the credentials to PHP and then serving them back to the client in the returned HTML, latency (due to an additional page load) is increased, PHP is added as another point of failure and the system is theoretically opened up to more security problems (i.e. through javascript or browser extensions scanning the code or by hacking the PHP server).
Therefore two solutions are plausible:
Skip PHP entirely and let the login be handled by javascript and the java backend only (detailed description of this procedure below in points 1 - 5; this is only possible as the PHP server doesn't need authentication information in this specific use case)
POST the credentials to PHP and let PHP communicate with the java backend responsible for authentication, instead of reserving them to the client
Original post:
I don't quite understand why you think the PHP backend can't be trusted but in your scheme the PHP already gets your credentials, thanks to that original POST. If you want to avoid using PHP why not have your form call a JavaCcript function instead of POSTing to the PHP backend in the first place:
User enters credentials
User clicks "login"
JavaScript intercepts the login attempt, calls login()
JavaScript fetches user,pass from document body (getElementById(...))
JavaScript contacts the Java backend which handles login
No PHP needed. But I might wonder why that's necessary - if you can't trust your own backend, what exactly are your security practices? If your PHP can't be trusted why would your Java be any better?
In your scheme you're already passing the credentials to the PHP backend in the POST request. If your concern is PHP not knowing the credentials you've already failed.
As for efficiency, your scheme has extra page loads, which will use bandwidth, maximize latency (as opposed to the goal of minimizing latency) and make you look incompetent to users who notice the extra redirect. JavaScript sounds like the better solution is you want to write your database code in Java.
As far as the credentials appearing in the HTML there's really no difference since the only person who could access them would be the user (who already typed them in). If they input incorrect credentials they'll only see incorrect credentials. That said, it violates best practice and probably isn't a good idea.
Is it bad security practice to have credentials show up in the HTML (as it is with having them in the URL, to prevent the user from accidentally sending their credentials to someone while copying the URL)? What are the risks associated with this? Could these credentials be read by any JS-libraries used or browser extensions? If so, those could probably also read the credentials which I type into the form anyway?
The answer is Yes, it's entirely bad practice and opens you up to extra risk. They're probably not too concerning but you got it exactly right - there are more places where malicious code could read the credentials, and any JS library or installed extension can read them.
Is my alternative setup better from a security perspective (and efficiency perspective)?
No and no. From the security perspective it adds another point of failure; instead of needing to hack the Java backend they could choose to hack the PHP backend instead. This wouldn't necessarily be the end of the world but is an extra point of failure.
Are there any other suggestions for improving security in this context?
I explained my advice above. Either suck it up and use PHP, or use JavaScript to bypass PHP entirely.
One more thing, when handling logins make sure the Java passes a secret value (unique to each session) and the server verifies that value on every page load. When I was working as an ethical hacker an app I tested passed an auth token (OAuth2) but the server didn't actually verify it was correct, just that the client said it was valid. Make sure the server checks anything the client does.
Also, emphasis on unique to each session since a secret value that stays the same for each session is definitely gonna be the worst-kept secret you've ever wished hadn't got out.

Very Confused (And Worried) about security with JSON and Javascript

I've been attempting to do some research on this topic for a while, and even cite the following Stack Overflow threads :
Javascript Hijacking - When and How Much Should I Worry
JSON Security Best Practices
But my basic problem is this.
When I am building my web applications, I use tools like Fiddler, Chrome Developer Tools, Firebug, etc. I change things on the fly to test things. I can even seem to use fiddler to change the data that gets sent to the server.
What stops someone else from just opening up my webpage and doing this too? All of the jQuery validation in the world is useless if a user can just hit F12 and open up Chrome Developer tools, and change the data being sent over the wire, right?
I'm still relatively new in this field and this just has me very concerned as I see "Open" Protocols become more and more ubiquitous. I don't understand SSL yet (which is on my list of things to begin researching), so perhaps that is the answer and I just haven't dug deep enough. But the level of flexibility I have over manipulating my pages seems very extreme - which has me very concerned about what someone malicious could do.
Your concerns are indeed justified. This is why you should always validate everything on the server. Client-side validation should only be used for UX.
JavaScript's security is, in a nutshell, based around a trusted server. If you always trust what code the server sends you, it should be safe. It's impossible for a third party (like an ad supplier) to fetch data from the domain it's included on.
If the server also sends you user generated content, and in particular user generated code, then you have a potential security problem. This is what XSS attacks focus on (running a malicious script in a trusted environment).
Client side validation should focus on easy of use, make it easy to correct mistakes or guide the user so no mistakes are made. The server should always do validation, but validation of a more strict nature.
Validation should always happen Server Side, Client Side Validation is only valuable to make for a more convenient experience for the user. You can never trust a user to not manipulate the data on their end. (Javascript is ClientSide)
Next if you are wanting to secure your service so that only user1 can edit user1's profile you'll need to sign you JSON request with OAuth (or similar protocol).
yeah nothing can stop anybody from interfering the data that is being sent from the browser to your server and that's the reason you shouldn't trust it
always check the data from the user for authenticity and validity
also with it you can check and interfere with the data that big sites like google and microsoft send back and you might get an idea.
You have to assume that the client is malicious-- using SSL does not prevent this at all. All data validation and authorization checking needs to be done server side.
Javascript isn't going to be you only line of defense against hackers, in fact it shouldn't be used for security at all. Client side code can be used to verify form input so that users trying to use the page can have faster response times, and the page runs nice. Anyone who is trying to hack your page isn't going to care if your page works or not. No matter what, everything coming into your server should be verified and never assumed as safe.

Controlling an SSL Website with Python

I'm trying to automate the process of getting my current student records at my college. In a browser the process involves typing in my college's URL, then clicking on the login link which then brings me to a https:// URLed page were I type my password and user-name in. Then from there it is one or two more links and reading some text on the page. Now, my question is, how might I go about do doing this but in an automated way, so my records would be displayed on the command line. The https:// in the URL signifies, I think, that it uses SSL are there certain libraries that can handle this? Also the 'submit' button on the login page I'm pretty sure uses JavaScript, again, are there libraries to handle this?
I'm sure I missed something or other in my question's description, so please ask if you do not understand my question or need more information.
PS. I am not well versed in Internet protocols and I am also new to Python. In fact I started studying it for this project. But, I am fluent in C and I am pretty good with C++.
Thanks in advance.
You don't have to mimic all the actions you do in the browser.
First. There is no problem with https/ssl as long as you don't have to verify them (it seems that you don't have to), urllib2.urlopen will handle them.
Second. When you click 'Submit' browser sends a request to the server with your username, password and probably some other data. The type of that request is probably POST. As a response server will probably send you a cookie with session id. So all you need to do is to investigate the exact format of request to the server (e.g. using FireBug), and get the cookie from the server's response.
Third. Just use that cookie to navigate the pages on the site. This might help.
P.S. As you see, there is too much 'probably' word in the answer - the exact authentication process may differ from described above and you'd have to investigate it by yourself.
Roman's answer is good advice: you generally don't need to act like a real user when your script can call HTTP methods directly.
However, if you are not comfortable with reverse engineering the HTTP operations that the site requires, then an alternative would be to use Selenium, a tool for simulating interaction with web pages. Selenium is usually used by web application developers to test their applications, but it can also be used as an automatable client for an existing website.

Is there any way to verify that client side code that is used is the one given by the server?

In a previous question I asked about weaknesses in my own security layer concept... It relies on JavaScript cryptography functions and thanks to the answers now the striking point is clear that everything that is done in Javascript can be manipulated and can not be trusted...
The problem now is - I still need to use those, even if I rely on SSL for transmission...
So I want to ask - is there a way that the server can check that the site is using the "correct" javascript from the server?
Anything that comes to my mind (like hashing etc.) can be obviously faked... and the server doesn't seem to have any possibility to know whats going on at the clients side after it sent it some data, expept by HTTP headers (-> cookie exchange and stuff)
It is completely impossible for the server to verify this.
All interactions between the Javascript and the server come directly from the Javascript.
Therefore, malicious Javascript can do anything your benign Javascript can do.
By using SSL, you can make it difficult or impossible for malicious Javascript to enter your page in the first place (as long as you trust the browser and its addons), but once it gets a foothold in your page, you're hosed.
Basically, if the attacker has physical (or scriptual) access to the browser, you can no longer trust anything.
This problem doesn't really have anything to do with javascript. It's simply not possible for any server application (web or otherwise) to ensure that processing on a client machine was performed by known/trusted code. The use of javascript in web applications makes tampering relatively trivial, but you would have exactly the same problem if you were distributing compiled code.
Everything a server receives from a client is data, and there is no way to ensure that it is your expected client code that is sending that data. Any part of the data that you might use to identify your expected client can be created just as easily by a substitute client.
If you're concern is substitution of the client code via a man-in-the-middle attack, loading the javascript over https is pretty much your best bet. However, there is nothing that will protect you against direct substitution of the client code on the client machine itself.
Never assume that clients are using the client software you wrote. It's an impossible problem and any solutions you devise will only slow and not prevent attacks.
You may be able to authenticate users but you will never be able to reliably authenticate what software they are using. A corollary to this is to never trust data that clients provide. Some attacks, for example Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF), require us to not even trust that the authenticated user even meant to provide the data.

Ajax Security

We have a heavy Ajax dependent application. What are the good ways of making it sure that the request to server side scripts are not coming through standalone programs and are through an actual user sitting on a browser
There aren't any really.
Any request sent through a browser can be faked up by standalone programs.
At the end of the day does it really matter? If you're worried then make sure requests are authenticated and authorised and your authentication process is good (remember Ajax sends browser cookies - so your "normal" authentication will work just fine). Just remember that, of course, standalone programs can authenticate too.
What are the good ways of making it sure that the request to server side scripts are not coming through standalone programs and are through an actual user sitting on a browser
There are no ways. A browser is indistinguishable from a standalone program; a browser can be automated.
You can't trust any input from the client side. If you are relying on client-side co-operation for any security purpose, you're doomed.
There isn't a way to automatically block "non browser user" requests hitting your server side scripts, but there are ways to identify which scripts have been triggered by your application and which haven't.
This is usually done using something called "crumbs". The basic idea is that the page making the AJAX request should generate (server side) a unique token (which is typically a hash of unix timestamp + salt + secret). This token and timestamp should be passed as parameters to the AJAX request. The AJAX handler script will first check this token (and the validity of the unix timestamp e.g. if it falls within 5 minutes of the token timestamp). If the token checks out, you can then proceed to fulfill this request. Usually, this token generation + checking can be coded up as an Apache module so that it is triggered automatically and is separate from the application logic.
Fraudulent scripts won't be able to generate valid tokens (unless they figure out your algorithm) and so you can safely ignore them.
Keep in mind that storing a token in the session is also another way, but that won't buy any more security than your site's authentication system.
I'm not sure what you are worried about. From where I sit I can see three things your question can be related to:
First, you may want to prevent unauthorized users from making a valid request. This is resolve by using the browser's cookie to store a session ID. The session ID needs to tied to the user, be regenerated every time the user goes through the login process and must have an inactivity timeout. Anybody request coming in without a valid session ID you simply reject.
Second, you may want to prevent a third party from doing a replay attacks against your site (i.e. sniffing an inocent user's traffic and then sending the same calls over). The easy solution is to go over https for this. The SSL layer will prevent somebody from replaying any part of the traffic. This comes at a cost on the server side so you want to make sure that you really cannot take that risk.
Third, you may want to prevent somebody from using your API (that's what AJAX calls are in the end) to implement his own client to your site. For this there is very little you can do. You can always look for the appropriate User-Agent but that's easy to fake and will be probably the first thing somebody trying to use your API will think of. You can always implement some statistics, for example looking at the average AJAX requests per minute on a per user basis and see if some user are way above your average. It's hard to implement and it's only usefull if you are trying to prevent automated clients reacting faster than human can.
Is Safari a webbrowser for you?
If it is, the same engine you got in many applications, just to say those using QT QWebKit libraries. So I would say, no way to recognize it.
User can forge any request one wants - faking the headers like UserAgent any they like...
One question: why would you want to do what you ask for? What's the diffrence for you if they request from browser or from anythning else?
Can't think of one reason you'd call "security" here.
If you still want to do this, for whatever reason, think about making your own application, with a browser embedded. It could somehow authenticate to the application in every request - then you'd only send a valid responses to your application's browser.
User would still be able to reverse engineer the application though.
Interesting question.
What about browsers embedded in applications? Would you mind those?
You can probably think of a way of "proving" that a request comes from a browser, but it will ultimately be heuristic. The line between browser and application is blurry (e.g. embedded browser) and you'd always run the risk of rejecting users from unexpected browsers (or unexpected versions thereof).
As been mentioned before there is no way of accomplishing this... But there is a thing to note, useful for preventing against CSRF attacks that target the specific AJAX functionality; like setting a custom header with help of the AJAX object, and verifying that header on the server side.
And if in the value of that header, you set a random (one time use) token you can prevent automated attacks.

