Keep and run code in debugger every time the page is reloaded - javascript

I have a function that will reload the current page after a period of time. I want this function to run automatically every time the page is reloaded (using the debugger).
function reloadPage() {
The problem is that every time the page is reloaded, the code in the debugger will be cleaned and the function will not be called. How to fix this?

A very simple solution: Rather than putting the Javascript into the console, consider putting it in your application but disabling it when you're not debugging.
For example, you could have a GET parameter in your URL that, when present, triggers the function. A good explanation of how to retrieve a GET parameter in Javascript is at How to retrieve GET parameters from javascript?
An even simpler alternative would be to simply leave this code commented out, and comment it in when you want to debug. (This is not a good practice and I will scold you for it during code review, but it is a real thing that real people do, and it has the advantage of being easy and working.)
An alternative: You could detect when the console is open, and only run your code when the console is detected (though this would annoy power users like me who tend to always have developer tools open). It's not trivial to detect, but there's a library you can use:


Edit JavaScript code in chrome and reload page

Very often I hack and play with the JavaScript code on some website. Many times JavaScript code is secured in a function:
var = ...
and I cannot access the object defined in that scope.
Moreover such code is only executed once, when the page loads, thus modifying it with the chromium/google-chrome developer console (Sources toool) is useless.
Is there any simple way to live-edit some JavaScript code in a page and reload the page so that it runs the modified code?
Have a look at using something like Tampermonkey
the Chrome equivalent of Firefox's Greasemonkey
EDIT: you could use this in combination with adblock to disable the loading of the script you are targeting:
I wouldn't call it simple, but something like Intercept Proxy might be able to do it -- replacing one file with another.
I found a way to achieve what I needed.
Using Chromium's debugger I can set a breakpoint on any statement of the source code.
Once that statement is executed, the code suspends and Chromium's console gives me access to whatever is in the stack of the current function.

Getting all info on a Javascript variable

I'm not a JavaScript Wizard by a long shot. But I am a web-developer and so I need to know my way around it at least a bit.
Something I'll often do is simply alert a variable to see what it is.
However, the problem is that I'll often get a result like: "object HTMLInputElement". To me this means little to nothing. Sure I can look it up, but I need to alert children() of children() of children(), etc...
I've tried walking through the JavaScript with Firebug, but for some reason this is very slow. Firefox hangs when I start a debug session, for every single debug session and I don't know why.
So, I want to inform if there is a way to get detailed info on variables some other way. Or a system I can use to work with to make things easier.
I find the developer tools in Chrome work quite well, giving a good amount of detail on demand (usually just hovering the mouse over the variable in the script tab; if that variable is a structured object, a little tree control appears and you can drill down). But then, I don't have your Firebug issue either (or at least, not often anymore).
Debugging with alert is very time-wasteful and, as you've found, frustrating; if at all possible I'd look at using a real debugger (like Chrome's Dev Tools; I've also heard good things about Opera's).
This should help:
The easiest way to inspect a javascript variable is with a debugger. If Firebug is not working out for you try using Google Chrome, it has an inspector built in.
Btw - not sure what you mean by "start a debug session". If you have firebug installed, you should simply be able to click on the firebug icon on the bottom right of your browser. Go to the script tab, and select from the drop down whatever js file you want, stick in a break point (just left-click on the margin) and refresh the page. I've never had a problem with Firebug, it's always worked extremely well. I strongly advise figuring out whatever your issue with it is, it will make your life a million times easier.
Using any of the browser dev tools, including IE9, you can use console.log to get the variable output on the console. What information this gives you will vary by browser, but with Firebug it allows you to explore the variable in the DOM inspector tab, with full access to all properties and functions (you can even copy the content of a function to paste elsewhere).
For instance:
var foo = {};
// Do lots of stuff with foo
if (typeof(console) !== "undefined" && console.log) { // prevent errors when console not open, ideally all console calls should be removed before going into production
This has the advantage that it doesn't require any break points, so no slow step-debugging. It won't solve everything though, you'll often still need the debugger.

Javascript debugging: stopping/breaking at every javascript invocation

I am dealing with a complex legacy javascript code base, and it's difficult to figure out where to put breakpoint (I have to find the files, put a breakpoint in firebug etc).
Is there a way so that Firebug breaks on the first javascript execution that it encounters every time?
In other words, every time I click on something on the page, and if a javascript code is executed, I want Firebug to break on that line?
Of course I don't want Firebug to stop when it executes it's internal javascript.
Is this possible?
Yes, The latest build has a [pause] button for it.
You can read more about it here :

I would like to interactively detect when an ActiveX component has been installed, and asynchronously refresh a portion of the page

I am working on a website, and I would like to refresh a portion of the page after an ActiveX component has been installed. I have a general idea of how to do this with polling, which I am working on getting going :
function detectComponentThenSleep(){
// Call what I want ActiveX for, if the method is available, or
// ActiveXComponent.object == null --- test for existance
// Try again, if the method is not available
setTimeout(detectComponentThenSleep, 100);
However, what I would REALLY like to do is something like this:
ActiveXObject.addListener("onInstall", myfunction);
I don't actually have the source for the ActiveX component, but I have complete control of the page I am hosting it on. I would like to use JavaScript, if possible, to accomplish this.
So, my question is 1.) will this actually work with the polling method? and 2.) Is there an interrupt/listener like way of doing this? I am sure I am missing something with connecting the dots here, I can already detect if the component is present, but I am having trouble doing this asynchronously.
Thank you very much for your time and help,
-Brian J. Stinar-
1.) This didn't work at all with the polling method.
2.) I couldn't find an interrupt / listener way of doing this.
I finally ended up just putting this entire ActiveX compnenent on it's own page. ActiveX does a page refresh on install, so I simply had the default page behavior as the what I wanted to happen when the component wasn't available. This is different than what I was trying to do, but it worked OK for my purposes.
My recommendation to anyone in a similar situation is to just put the ActiveX component on it's own page, and pass data back and forth from this page. Otherwise, you are probably going to have a lot of the problems that I had.
-Brian J. Stinar-

Executing JavaScript on page load selectively

Mending a bug in our SAP BW web application, I need to call two javascript functions from the web framework library upon page load. The problem is that each of these functions reloads the page as a side-effect. In addition, I don't have access to modify these functions.
Any great ideas on how to execute a piece of code on "real" page load, then another piece of code on the subsequent load caused by this function, and then execute no code the third reload?
My best idea so far it to set a cookie on each go to determine what to run. I don't greatly love this solution. Anything better would be very welcome. And by the way, I do realize loading a page three times is absolutely ridiculous, but that's how we roll with SAP.
A cookie would work just fine. Or you could modify the query string each time with a "mode=x" or "load=x" parameter.
This would present a problem if the user tries to bookmark the final page, though. If that's an option, the cookie solution is fine. I would guess they need cookies enabled to get that far in the app anyway?
A cookie, or pass a query string parameter indicating which javascript function has been run. We had to do something along these lines to trip out a piece of our software. That's really the best I got.
Use a cookie or set a hidden field value. My vote would be for the field value.
This might be a cute case for using, 'the property that survives page reloads'.

