Wordpress get post id with a php file - javascript

I have been stuck on this for weeks. I have an HTML slide presentation using Reveal.js. I want to run a php script on the very last slide.
This is an HTML button on the last slide within a Wordpress post:
<button onclick="myFunction()">Open php file</button>
function myFunction() {
window.open("../../testing/test.php", "_self");
This is the code inside the test.php file that I am trying to run but it returns null:
define('WP_USE_THEMES', false);
echo "Post ID: ".get_the_ID(); // Returns nulls but I want this to return 86.
The post id is 86. I can hard code it into the html (if I have to) but I don't want to hard code it into the php file. Also, I would prefer not to use jquery. How can I get the post id into the php file? Thanks.

Have you tried using global $post variable??
global $post;
And after that, you can get the id,
echo "Post ID: ".$post->
Another approach is using $wpdb global variable to make database queries.
You can also use JavaScript to send your post id to another php file using javaScript forms, Ajax or jQuery. jQuery Post.
Maybe the most easiest approach for you is something like this
function myJavascriptFunction() {
var javascriptVariable = "John";
window.location.href = "myphpfile.php?name=" + javascriptVariable;
On your myphpfile.php you can use $_GET['name'] after your javascript was executed.


A method to pass a variable to Javascript currently run in the header

Please excuse me ignorance, I'm completely new to Javascript.
I have this code that is currently run in the header, however I need to pass it $_GET variables before it runs.
jQuery(document).ready(function() {
function refresh() {
setTimeout( function() {
}, 10000);
It's pretty simple, all it does is pull the latest price from another PHP script.
I need to append a $_GET variable to the URL as current I have no way to change the ?symbol=ltc depending on which page the user is visiting. Because Wordpress is being awkward, I've had to save this function in a .js file and add a hook in functions.php otherwise it won't load at all. Ideally, I'd like to be able to run the function in the body so I can modify, but I can't get that to work either :/
I hope this makes sense, I'm open to any suggestions as I'm clearly missing the point somewhere here.
You need to use the language that is building the web page to output some javascript for use in your functions.
Thus, if you're using PHP to build your page you could do something like this in the <head> section of your page:
print '<script>';
print 'var symbol = ' . $_GET['your_get_variable'] . ';';
print '</script>';
Then, in your later javascript code you have your GET variable string stored in 'symbol' and can use it however you like.
The 'your_get_variable' is what is coming in via the query string in the URL that got you to the current page. Just make sure you put this code above where you want to use 'symbol' in your later javascript.
Also, It's not really a good idea to use $_GET data directly like that without some validation, but I'm just keeping the example clean.

How to pass a value from JavaScript in php?

Translate translator from Google. So that did not swear if something is not clear. Itself from Russia.
The question arose. How to pass the value of the alert in the javascript in the variable $ value in php, and write it in the case file. And another question: how to hide the alert? or use instead to visually it was not visible, but the value was passed?
//a lot of code
So. Also there is a PHP script that writes logs (current page and the previous one) to a file. According to this principle here:
//a lot of code
$referer = $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'];
$value = how the value of the java script to convey here?;
$lines = file($file);
while(count($lines) > $sum) array_shift($lines);
$lines[] = $home."|".$referer."|".$value."|\r\n";
file_put_contents($file, $lines);
It is necessary that the value of js is transferred to the php-script and write to the file. How to do it? Prompt please. I am a novice in all of this.
PHP scripts run before your javascript, which means that you can pass your php variables into javascript, but not the other way around. However, you can make an AJAX POST request from JavaScript to your PHP script, and grab the POST data in PHP through the global $_POST variable.
Assuming you use jQuery, your JavaScript would look something like:
// assign data object:
var data = { value: "test" };
// send it to your PHP script via AJAX POST request:
type: "POST",
url: "http://your-site-url/script.php",
data: data
and your PHP script would look like:
// if the value was received, assign it:
$value = $_POST['value'];
// do something else;

JavaScript in php file doesn't work when php file is called using Ajax [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Can scripts be inserted with innerHTML?
(26 answers)
Closed 8 years ago.
Using Ajax, I'm calling a php file that contains javascript, but in this way, the javaScript doesn't work.
The main.html file is given here. It just uses Ajax for calling a php file called test1.php for updating all page at client.
<!DOCTYPE html>
<!-- run php file to fill the page -->
var xmlhttp = new XMLHttpRequest();
if (xmlhttp.readyState==4 && xmlhttp.status==200)
document.body.innerHTML = xmlhttp.responseText;
And the test1.php file is very simple test as follows:
<p id="demo">Hi there</p>
document.write("Yes! Hi there");
Now, just for checking that test1.php is ok, I put in the browser's url line:
and everything works ok, the text of the html and js are displayed and an alert window with the word Welcome! is displayed.
But if I call the main page
Then only the html text 'Hi there' is displayed. The JS is ignored.
Anybody knows why is this?
Krasimir Tsonev has a great solution that overcome all problems. His method doesn't need using eval, so no performance nor security problems exist. It allows you to set innerHTML string contains html with js and translate it immediately to an DOM element while also executes the js parts exist along the code. short ,simple, and works exactly as you want.
So in this case, the response from ajax is the src string which then translated to a DOM object according to Krasimir Tsonev and then you have it works with js parts that are executed.
var el = str2DomElement(xmlhttp.responseText);
document.body.innerHTML = el.innerHTML;
Enjoy his solution:
Important notes:
You need to wrap the target element with div tag
You need to wrap the src string with div tag.
If you write the src string directly and it includes js parts, please take attention to write the closing script tags correctly (with \ before /) as this is a string.
Here are 3 basic examples of what you can do with ajax & how you should do it:
Main html
function ajax(a,b,c){ // Url, Callback, just a placeholder
c=new XMLHttpRequest;
function changeHTML(){
function executeJS(){
(new Function(this.response))()
var array=[];
function loadJSON(){
function updateFields(){
for(var a=0,b;b=array[a];++a){
// even if this works you should execute ajax sequentially
<div id="mytext1"></div>
<div id="mytext2"></div>
echo "<div>i'm html</div>";
echo "var a='hello';alert(a);";
echo json_encode($arr);//json_decode
if you want to execute a javascript function use the executeJS function and pass a valid javascript string.
There is no need for EVAL!
TIP:using json you can pass a function as data but as the parsing does not like the string function at the beginning a nice trick is to convert the javascript to base64 and back into a normal string with javascript with atob(base64) and have something like this:
function updateFields(){
for(var a=0,b;b=array[a];++a){
(new Function(atob(b.func)))()
echo json_encode($arr);//json_decode
maybe there are some little errors ... i wrote that now. and can't check ajax atm.
if you have any questions just ask !!
I want to give you one advice that insted use of javascript you can use jquery ajax it will be easy and latest thing for ajax.
You can use $.ajax function. You can use json easily with this function
When you make an AJAX call you contact to a server url. If your url is, as in this case, a php page, it will execute on the server and return to your AJAX call the HTML that it produces... now you can play with that HTML and manage it or publish into your current's page DOM.
-AJAX is a server call that executes server code.
-A script tag embeded on a php page is HTML that will execute the code it contains on client when parsed and executed by a browser.
So... your code isn't executing because it's never being called... the response to your AJAX call will be exactly
<p id="demo">Hi there</p>
document.write("Yes! Hi there");
The php page executes and return that to your current page as text/html.
If you want to execute client code from your javascript you should have it on the same .js file or in another one included, but if you include it on a server page you'll need to redirect your browser to that page, if you call it with AJAX the code won't execute as the client browser won't parse it.

JS/jQuery passing array/variable/data to PHP in same page?

Im hoping you can point me in the right direction.
I have a php page, that includes some HTML markup and some JS/jQuery routines to build an array of 'user choices' based on the 'user input' (checkboxes..etc).
my question is, how can I pass off this (multidimensional) array to PHP, that is in the same page? (ultimately I want to save this data/array to my PHP session)
While looking around, I read about using another (external) .php script to do,, which is NOT what Im after, I'm hoping to do this to the SAME PAGE I'm in... WITHOUT A REFRESH.
will $.post() do this for me? without a page refresh (if we suppress the event or whatever)...
and -not- using an external .php script?
I understand PHP runs/executes FIRST... then everything else..
I'm not really trying to get PHP to do anything with the data being sent from JS/AJAX.. outside of save it to the SESSION array..
Ajax seems like it will be needed?
To summarize:
1.) PHP and JS are in/on same page (file)
2.) No page refresh
3.) No external PHP script to do 'anything'.
4.) Trying to get (multidimensional) array to PHP session in same page.
5.) I am trying to 'update' the PHP SESSION array each time a user 'clicks' on a checkbox.
I have read a little on using AJAX to post to the same page with the URL var left empty/blank?
to show the data, I want to pass...heres a snippet of the code.
its an array of objects.. where 1 of the poperties of each object is another array
var somePicks = [];
somePicks.push({casename:caseName, fullname:fullName, trialdate:trialDate, citystate:cityState, plaintiff:plaintiff, itemsordered:itemsOrdered=[{name:itemOrdered, price:itemPrice}]});
when from all the checkboxes.. I update the 'sub-array' (push or splice..etc)
somePicks[i].itemsordered.push({name:itemOrdered, price:itemPrice});
'this' is the array/data I want to get into my PHP session from JS using whatever I can AJAX most likely.
You can sort of do that, but in essence it won't be any different than using an external PHP file. The PHP code gets executed on the server before ever being sent to the browser. You won't be able to update the PHP SESSION array without reconnecting with the server.
If you really want to use post to call the current page (I don't think you can just leave the url blank, but you can provide the current file name), you can just have the PHP handler code at the top of the page. However, this would be the exact same as just putting that handler code in an external file and calling it.
Either way, the page will not refresh and will look exactly the same to the user.
You can use $.ajax function with $(#formid).serializearray (). And use url as ur form action in $.ajax function.
I hope it will work for you
<form id="formId" action="post.php" methor="post">
<input type="checkbox" name="test1" value="testvalue1">TestValue1
<input type="checkbox" name="test2" value="testvalue2">TestValue2
<input type="button" id="buttonSubmit" value="click here" />
$("document").ready(function ()
$("#buttonSubmit").click(function () }
var serializedata=$("#formId").serializeArray();
I suggest to use the .post method of Jquery, to call a PHP file, sending the array and processing in the PHP called.
Can find the jquery documentation about .post() here: http://api.jquery.com/jquery.post/
I used this case some time ago:
document.getElementById("promotion_heart_big").onclick = function(e){
$.post("' . URL_SITE . 'admin/querys/front.make_love.php",
id_element: ' . $business["promotion"]["id"] . ',
type: \'promotion\',
value: $("#field_heart").val()
function(data) {
if (data.result) {
//some long code....
from some preliminary testing..
this does NOT seem to be working, (will do more test tomorrow)
type : 'POST',
//url : 'sessionSetter.php',
data: {
userPicks : userPicks,
success : function(data){
error : function(XMLHttpRequest, textStatus, errorThrown) {
It was mentioned that posting to external .php script -or- posting the same page would produce the same results..
no page refresh
$_SESSION would update for future pages
Does anyone have an y example for that?

How to update JavaScript variable using PHP

I have a JavaScript file named a pricing.js which contains this content in it:
var price_arr = new Array('$ 16.95','$ 30.95','$ 49.95','$ 70.95','$ 99.95','$ 109.95','$ 139.95','$ 155.95','$ 199.95','$ 460.95');
But I want to to update this part of JavaScript file using PHP so please help me in this how can I update this part of the content from JavaScript file using PHP?
'$ 16.95','$ 30.95','$ 49.95','$ 70.95','$ 99.95','$ 109.95','$ 139.95','$ 155.95','$ 199.95','$ 460.95'
Please understand that Javascript is Client Side code and PHP is server side code.
There can be 2 possible ways or scenarios which you want to achieve:
If you want to manipulate the JS file before sending it to client, you can rename the Javascript file to have .php extension and write php code to provide a variable. For Ex:
// write php code to create a string of values using a for loop
$price_array_string = "'$ 16.95','$ 30.95','$ 49.95',
'$ 70.95','$ 99.95','$ 109.95','$ 139.95','$ 155.95','$ 199.95','$ 460.95'";
// Javscript Code var price_arr = new Array(`<?`php echo $price_array_string ?>);
The other alternative is that you get the value of price array by making an Ajax Request to a PHP web service.
Simply give the pricing.js file a .php extension. You can then include PHP in the javascript file the way you would for any other page. Just be sure your HTML code specifies that it's still "text/javascript" when you load it. You'll probably want to set the content-type in the PHP file as well, like so: header("Content-type: text/javascript");
Using your PHP script you can put a value in an HTML5 data attribute of an element on your page and then read it from your JavaScript, e.g. <body data-array="'$ 16.95','$ 30.95'"> can be generated with PHP, and then read with JS: var are = new Array($('body').attr('data-array').split(',')). Here jQuery is used in order to read the attribute value, but you can also do it with pure JavaScript.

