How do we declare import types from NPM library that has no declaration files? - javascript

For example, if I have the following in my app,
import Node from 'infamous/motor/Node'
that works just fine. But the moment I actually do something with it,
import Node from 'infamous/motor/Node'
console.log(new Node)
then TypeScript will complain because there's no type definition for Node. How do I define the type of Node?
The library has no type declarations of it's own. I tried something like
import MotorNode from 'infamous/motor/Node'
declare class MotorNode {}
console.log(' --- ', new MotorNode)
but I get the error
./src/app.tsx(6,8): error TS2440: Import declaration conflicts with local declaration of 'MotorNode'

When I need to do what you are trying to do, I create an externals.d.ts file in which I put module augmentations for my project and make sure that my tsconfig.json includes it in the compilation.
In your case the augmentation might look something like this:
declare module "infamous/motor/Node" {
class Node {
// Whatever you need here...
export default Node;
I put it in a separate file because a module augmentation like this has to be global (must be outside any module), and a file that contains a a top-level import or export is a module. (See this comment from a TypeScript contributor.)


How can I use a *.d.ts outside of the node_modules folder for my Angular library?

I have an angular 8 library I'm creating and it's going to utilize the insane.js npm package. Because insane is JavaScript, I need to make it so that my typescript service recognizes the insane function. I used dts-gen to create an insane.d.ts file as there is no #types/insane package. However, I can't use the import in my service unless I place the insane.d.ts file within the /node_modules/insane/ folder. That said, I'm at a loss on how to put this file in with my code and recognize the insane function. Every time I move the file out of that directory, I receive an error on my import line saying:
Could not find a declaration file for module 'insane'. 'c:/TFS/repo/amrock-simple-mde/projects/simple-mde/node_modules/insane/insane.js' implicitly has an 'any' type.
I've provided a stackblitz link here to help describe what I'm experiencing. I hope it helps. Check out the SanitizerService under the shared folder to get an idea of what I was trying to do. I'm trying to do something to the effect of:
import { Injectable } from '#angular/core';
import * as insane from 'insane'; // line where error is
providedIn: 'root'
export class SanitizerService {
constructor() { }
sanitize(content: string): string {
return insane(content, {
allowedAttributes: {
a: ['name', 'target']
I'd expect the import to recognize the insane.d.ts, but it doesn't. Can anyone help me figure out what I'm missing?
You'll want to use a declare module statement for this:
declare module 'insane' {
// ...
Essentially wrap your whole .d.ts file in the declare module block and remove all existing declare keywords since those are not valid inside a declare module block.
Secondly, make sure that the .d.ts file is included by TypeScript. Usually the easiest way to do this is to specify it in the include option of your tsconfig.json.
Updated Stackblitz

TypeScript declarations for JavaScript module

I recently started using a Node library called bpmn-js (
It is written in JavaScript, and I'd like to have typings. Thus, I've began reading about d.ts files.
I created this folder structure
With a simple content
declare module 'bpmn-js' {
export class BpmnJS {
But this doesn't seem to work.
"Before" typings, I was able to import the object I needed using
import BpmnJS from 'bpmn-js';
And I was able to instantiate it using
new BpmnJS();
How can I get the typings file to be recognized?
I'm using WebStorm 2019.1.*.
Pretty simple, I was missing export default, or better, the default part.
declare module 'bpmn-js' {
export default class BpmnJS {
constructor(param?: { container: string });
Now this works too
import BpmnJS from 'bpmn-js';

Import JS web assembly into TypeScript

I'm trying to use wasm-clingo in my TypeScript React project. I tried to write my own d.ts file for the project:
// wasm-clingo.d.ts
declare module 'wasm-clingo' {
export const Module: any;
and import like this:
import { Module } from 'wasm-clingo';
but when I console.log(Module) it says undefined. What did I do wrong?
clingo.js is the main js file.
index.html and index_amd.html are two example pages
I solved the problem like this:
// wasm-clingo.d.ts
declare module 'wasm-clingo' {
const Clingo: (Module: any) => Promise<any>;
namespace Clingo {}
export = Clingo;
import * as Clingo from 'wasm-clingo';
Here's the source for this solution
I know you found a solution acceptable to you; however, you don't really have any types here, you just have Module declared as any, which gives you no typescript benefits at all. In a similar situation I used #types/emscripten, which provides full type definitions for web assembly modules compiled using emscripten. You simply need to do:
npm install --save-dev #types/emscripten
then change your tsconfig.json types array to add an entry for emscripten.
After that you can just write Module.ccall(...) etc. If you like you could of course write const Clingo = Module and then make calls against that if you want a more descriptive name than Module (which is a terrible name!).
You're welcome ;)
I think the issue is that wasm-clingo exports the module itself but import { Module } from 'wasm-clingo' expects a property.
import Clingo_ from 'wasm-clingo';
const Clingo: typeof Clingo_ = (Clingo_ as any).default || Clingo_;

How to import a js library without definition file in typescript file

I want to switch from JavaScript to TypeScript to help with code management as our project gets larger. We utilize, however, lots of libraries as amd Modules, which we do not want to convert to TypeScript.
We still want to import them into TypeScript files, but we also do not want to generate definition files. How can we achieve that?
e.g. The new Typescript file:
/// <reference path="../../../../definetelyTyped/jquery.d.ts" />
/// <reference path="../../../../definetelyTyped/require.d.ts" />
import $ = require('jquery');
import alert = require('lib/errorInfoHandler');
Here, lib/errorInfoHandler is an amd module included in a huge JavaScript library that we do not want to touch.
Using the above code produces the following errors:
Unable to resolve external module ''lib/errorInfoHandler''
Module cannot be aliased to a non-module type.
This should actually produce the following code:
define(["require", "exports", "jquery", "lib/errorInfoHandler"], function(require, exports, $, alert) {
Is there a way to import a JavaScript library into TypeScript as an amd Module and use it inside the TypeScript file without making a definition file?
A combination of the 2 answers given here worked for me.
declare module "lib/errorInfoHandler" {
var noTypeInfoYet: any; // any var name here really
export = noTypeInfoYet;
I'm still new to TypeScript but it looks as if this is just a way to tell TypeScript to leave off by exporting a dummy variable with no type information on it.
It has been noted in the comments for this answer that you can achieve the same result by simply declaring:
declare module "*";
See the github comment here.
Either create your own definition file with following content:
declare module "lib/errorInfoHandler" {}
And reference this file where you want to use the import.
Or add the following line to the top of your file:
/// <amd-dependency path="lib/errorInfoHandler">
Note: I do not know if the latter still works, it's how I initially worked with missing AMD dependencies. Please also note that with this approach you will not have IntelliSense for that file.
Create a file in lib called errorInfoHandler.d.ts. There, write:
var noTypeInfoYet: any; // any var name here really
export = noTypeInfoYet;
Now the alert import will succeed and be of type any.
Typically if you just want to need a temporary-faster-solution, that could be done by defining a new index.d.ts in the root of the project folder, then make a module name like described inside package.json file
for example
// somefile.ts
import Foo from '#awesome/my-module'
// index.d.ts on #awesome/my-module
declare module '#awesome/my-module' {
const bind: any;
export default bind;
Ran into that that problem in 2020, and found an easy solution:
Create a decs.d.ts file in the root of your TS project.
Place this declaration:
declare module 'lib/errorInfoHandler';
This eliminates the error in my case. I'm using TypeScript 3.9.7

Using a backbone.d.ts

I can't seem to get any import to work when the module isn't defined as a string. What is going on?
import b = module('Backbone')
Does not work:
declare module Backbone {
export class Events {
declare module "Backbone" {
export class Events {
Edit 1:
FYI From 10.1.4
An AmbientModuleIdentification with a StringLiteral declares an external module. This type of declaration is permitted only in the global module. The StringLiteral must specify a top-level external module name. Relative external module names are not permitted
I don't understand how it's useful to not specify it as the string literal format as found here and here. It works if you use ///<reference... without a string literal module but I'm trying to generate AMD modules that depend on these libraries so I need the import to work. Am I the minority and I have to go and modify each .d.ts to be the string literal version?
Edit 2:
Declaring a module using a string literal requires that your import is an exact match if that string literal. You can no longer use relative or absolute paths to the location of this module/module definition even if it is not located in the same directory as the file trying to import it. This makes it that a ///<reference and an import are required but produces a module with tsc --module AMD that was exactly looking for (path to module is as dictated by the module string literal "Backbone").
For example.
+- dep/
|- backbone.d.ts
|- test.ts
declare module "Backbone" {
export class Events {
Works: test.ts:
///<reference path="../dep/backbone.d.ts" />
import b = module('Backbone')
// generates
// define(["require", "exports", 'Backbone']
Does not work: test.ts:
import b = module('./dep/Backbone')
Note that this works as well...
declare module "libs/Backbone" {
///<reference path="dep/backbone.d.ts" />
import b = module('libs/Backbone')
// generates
define(["require", "exports", 'libs/Backbone']
When you write this:
declare module Backbone {
It means you have already a module which is in the global scope (so you can immeadiately use it, no import is required). But when you write this:
declare module "Backbone" {
It means you specify how the imported module (import ... = module("...")) will look.

