How to pass variable to a new page using pop up window? - javascript

I have got a function which turning the Id of the clicked element into a variable, then a new window opens up with a new page. How can I access/use the variable on that new page?
var idToWrite = [];
$(".szlink div").bind("click", function(){
//do something

It is not safe and it is not meant to use plain html to process requests from urls.
However if you really want to do it, you can open the popup with the url with the values like this:"itemEncJS.html?name1=value1&name2=value2");
Then in the second page you will have to use regex to pick the value from url, something like this:
url = window.location.href;
nameValuePairs = url.match(/[\w]*=[\w]*/ig)
values = {}
nv = pair.split("=");
values[nv[0]] = nv[1];
Now you can use values to get your required values
val1 = values[name1]
val2 = values[name2]

you can use local storage:
on current page:
var storage = window.localStorage;
storage.setItem('id', id);
on the new page:
var storage = window.localStorage;
var id = storage.getItem('id');


Make every link or page with a dedicated reading page

I am trying to make every link or page with a dedicated reading page. For example, I have a lot of pages when visiting one page, storage is made, but the problem comes when he visits another page. He does not start again. He goes to the last id. I want to make each page with its own address.
window.onunload = function() {
var url_string = window.location.href ;
var url = new URL(url_string);
var value = document.getElementById("pageNumber").value;
localStorage.setItem("last", value , url_string );
var c = url.searchParams.get("c");
window.onload = function(){
var url_string = window.location.href ;
var url = new URL(url_string);
var c = url.searchParams.get("c");
var value = localStorage.getItem("last" , url_string);
if(value) {
document.getElementById("pageNumber").value = value;
window.location.href = "#" + value;
How do I do that and make each link have private storage
Another example
If you visited the first link and went to page number 20
When you visit the following link, it will return you to number 20 I do not want this any suggestions
what about this:
const pageName = "myPageName";
localStorage.setItem(pageName + "last", value);

How to display data from localstorage using handlebars?

In my program i fetch data from console and store it in localstorage and webSQL . Now i want to display the stored data from localstorage using handlebar. I used the following code:
console.log(response); // To get data from console
var offer = JSON.stringify(response);
localStorage.setItem("object",offer); // saved in localstorage
var seasons= localStorage.getItem("object"); // get data from localstorage and saved in variable seasons
var mysource = document.getElementById("detailstemplate").innerHTML;
var mytemplate = Handlebars.compile(mysource);
var myresult = mytemplate(seasons);
document.getElementById("divOffers").innerHTML = myresult;
I used the last 4 lines to display data using handlebars. But it is not working. Please correct the error.Can anyone help with this?
var season = localStorage.getItem("cart");
var season2 = $.parseJSON(season);
var mytemp = $("#mainmenu-template").html(); // Grab the template script
var ourtemp = Handlebars.compile(mytemp); // Compile the template
var resultnew = ourtemp(season2);

Scraping table from website, with javascript:subOpen href link

I would like to scrape for each link on this page the page details page behind.
I can get all informations on this page: PAGE
However, I would like to get all info's on the details page, but the href link looks like that, for example:
Here is my sample spreadsheet using the ImportHTML function to get the general overview.
Google Spreadsheet
Any suggestions how to get the details pages?
I implemented the method the following:
function doGet(e){
var base = ''
var feed = UrlFetchApp.fetch(base + 'suche?OpenForm&subf=e&query=%28%5BVKat%5D%3DEH%20%7C%20%5BVKat%5D%3DZH%20%7C%20%5BVKat%5D%3DMH%20%7C%20%5BVKat%5D%3DMW%20%7C%20%5BVKat%5D%3DMSH%20%7C%20%5BVKat%5D%3DGGH%20%7C%20%5BVKat%5D%3DRH%20%7C%20%5BVKat%5D%3DHAN%20%7C%20%5BVKat%5D%3DWE%20%7C%20%5BVKat%5D%3DEW%20%7C%20%5BVKat%5D%3DMAI%20%7C%20%5BVKat%5D%3DDTW%20%7C%20%5BVKat%5D%3DDGW%20%7C%20%5BVKat%5D%3DGA%20%7C%20%5BVKat%5D%3DGW%20%7C%20%5BVKat%5D%3DUL%20%7C%20%5BVKat%5D%3DBBL%20%7C%20%5BVKat%5D%3DLF%20%7C%20%5BVKat%5D%3DGL%20%7C%20%5BVKat%5D%3DSE%20%7C%20%5BVKat%5D%3DSO%29%20AND%20%5BBL%5D%3D0').getContentText();
var d = document.createElement('div'); //assuming you can do this
d.innerHTML = feed;//make the text a dom structure
var arr = d.getElementsByTagName('a') //iterate over the page links
var response = "";
for(var i = 0;i<arr.length;i++){
var atr = arr[i].getAttribute('onclick');
if(atr) atr = atr.match(/subOpen\((.*?)\)/) //if onclick calls subOpen
if(atr && atr.length > 1){ //get the id
var detail = UrlFetchApp.fetch(base + '0/'+atr[1]).getContentText();
response += detail//process the relevant part of the content and append to the reposnse text
return ContentService.createTextOutput(response);
However, I get an error when running the method:
ReferenceError: "document" is not defined. (line 6, file "")
What is the document an object of?
I have update the Google Spreadsheet with a webapp.
You can use Firebug in order to inspect the page contents and javascript. For instance you can find that subOpen is actually an alias to subOpenXML declared in xmlhttp01.js.
function subOpenXML(unid) {/*open found doc from search view*/
if (waiting) return alert(bittewar);
var wState = dynDoc.getElementById('windowState');
wState.value = 'H';/*httpreq pending*/
var last = '';
if (unid==docLinks[0]) {last += '&f=1'; thisdocnum = 1;}
if (unid==docLinks[docLinks.length-1]) {
last += '&l=1';
thisdocnum = docLinks.length;
} else {
for (var i=1;i<docLinks.length-1;i++)
if (unid==docLinks[i]) {thisdocnum = i+1; break;}
var url = unid + html_delim + 'OpenDocument'+last + '&bm=2';'GET', // &rand=' + Math.random();
/*'/edikte/test/ex/exedi31.nsf/0/'+*/ '0/'+url, true);
// httpreq.setRequestHeader('Accept','text/xml');
waiting = true;
title2src = firstTextChild(dynDoc.getElementById('title2')).nodeValue;
So, after copying the function source and modifying it in firebug's Console tab to add a console.log(url) before the http call, like this:
var url = unid + html_delim + 'OpenDocument'+last + '&bm=2';
console.log(url)'GET', // &rand=' + Math.random();
/*'/edikte/test/ex/exedi31.nsf/0/'+*/ '0/'+url, true);
You can execute the function declaration in firebug's Console tab and overwrite subOpen with the modified source.
Clickin in the link then will show that the invoked url is composed of the id passed as parameter to subOpen prefixed by '0/', so in the example you posted it would be a GET to:
You could also verify this by opening the Network tab in firebug and clicking the link.
Therefore, in order to scrape the details page you'd need to
Parse the id passed to subOpen
Make a GET call to '0/'
Parse the request response
Looking the request response in firebug's Network Tab shows that probably you'll need to do similar parsing to actually get the showed contents, but I haven't looked deep into it.
The importHTML function is not suitable for the kind of scraping you want. Google's HTML or Content Services are better suited for this. You'll need to create a web app and implement the doGet function:
function doGet(e){
var base = ''
var feed = UrlFetchApp.fetch(base + 'suche?OpenForm&subf=e&query=%28%5BVKat%5D%3DEH%20%7C%20%5BVKat%5D%3DZH%20%7C%20%5BVKat%5D%3DMH%20%7C%20%5BVKat%5D%3DMW%20%7C%20%5BVKat%5D%3DMSH%20%7C%20%5BVKat%5D%3DGGH%20%7C%20%5BVKat%5D%3DRH%20%7C%20%5BVKat%5D%3DHAN%20%7C%20%5BVKat%5D%3DWE%20%7C%20%5BVKat%5D%3DEW%20%7C%20%5BVKat%5D%3DMAI%20%7C%20%5BVKat%5D%3DDTW%20%7C%20%5BVKat%5D%3DDGW%20%7C%20%5BVKat%5D%3DGA%20%7C%20%5BVKat%5D%3DGW%20%7C%20%5BVKat%5D%3DUL%20%7C%20%5BVKat%5D%3DBBL%20%7C%20%5BVKat%5D%3DLF%20%7C%20%5BVKat%5D%3DGL%20%7C%20%5BVKat%5D%3DSE%20%7C%20%5BVKat%5D%3DSO%29%20AND%20%5BBL%5D%3D0').getContentText();
var response = "";
var match = feed.match(/subOpen\('.*?'\)/g)
for(var i = 0; i < match.length;i++){
var m = match[i].match(/\('(.*)'\)/);
if(m && m.length > 1){
var detailText = UrlFetchApp.fetch(base + '0/'+m[1]);
response += //dosomething with detail text
//and concatenate in the response
return ContentService.createTextOutput(response);

How to store a clicked URL as a variable to use in an if statement?

Here is my issue. I want[0].href); to only be activated if the element alertboxHeader does not exist, TargetLink1 is true and on only the page that was opened when I clicked a link. I have successfully done the first two and the issue is with getting, storing or checking for the right url, I don't know where the issue is. This is my code. The URL clicked would as have to be able to be changed if a new URL is clicked.
var varurl;
var TargetLink1 = $("a:contains('Accept')")
if ((!document.getElementById('alertboxHeader') && (TargetLink1.length) && (window.location.href.indexOf("" + varurl + "") > -1) )) {[0].href);
function storeurl() {
var varurl = document.URL;
document.onclick = storeurl;
I think what you want is something like:
var validSource = (document.referrer !== "") ? (document.location.href.indexOf(document.referrer) == 0) : false;
But be aware that the above compares the document.referrer URL to the current URL as two strings, so that if your referrer were:
and the current URL (the link they followed) is:
it would handle it as not matching because of the query string in the referrer URL.
Here's a better way to handle it, using the URL object prototype (which is not necessarily supported in all browsers, but works in Chrome and FF):
var referrerOrigin = new URL(document.referrer).origin;
var currentOrigin = document.location.origin;
var validSource = ( referrerOrigin == currentOrigin );
The problem is here: document.onclick = storeurl; You should give any id from the document.For Example:
document.getElementById("IdHere").onclick = storeurl;

google doesn't want to be innerred (XPCOM)

I'm trying to make an firefox extension. Why when I want to use document.body.innerHTML = data; in new opened tab, it doesn't work. Here is my code:
function change() {
//Open google in new Tab and select it
//Create nslFile object
var path="/home/foo/notify.txt"
var file = Components.classes[";1"].createInstance(Components.interfaces.nsILocalFile);
//Put file content into data variable
var data = "";
var fstream = Components.classes[";1"].
var cstream = Components.classes[";1"].
fstream.init(file, -1, 0, 0);
cstream.init(fstream, "UTF-8", 0, 0); // you can use another encoding here if you wish
let (str = {}) {
cstream.readString(-1, str); // read the whole file and put it in str.value
data = str.value;
cstream.close(); // this closes fstream
//change content of google page by file content
document.body.innerHTML = data;
You are trying to change the content document, right? Given your code, document points to the XUL window (or the browser in your case), so you are trying to change that. You should be getting an error about accessing body on it since it won't exist. (Make sure you've enabled chrome errors.) What you really want is content.document.body.innerHTML.

