Launch app via iframe src failed in chrome v56 android - javascript

I try to launch my app via iframe src and custom url scheme.
My code can launch my app if using Chrome v55 Android, but has some problems in v56. In v56, it just launches one time, even I refresh my web page. I need to kill Chrome and restart it, but it still launches just one time. I don't know what's wrong.
I know about Android Intents with Chrome.
This is my code:
<a class="btn">launch</a>
document.querySelector('.btn').onclick = function () {
var iframeNode = document.createElement('iframe'); = 'none';
iframeNode.src = 'myapp://..';
// 'myapp:// is my registered scheme, I also try 'intent://scan/#Intent;scheme=zxing;;end'
setTimeout(function () {
iframeNode = null;
}, 0);


How to find the ID / Program name of a phone app application in web form?

What I am doing
I am creating a web form that is being used as a QR code to open an application installed in an android / IOS phone. When the user scans the QR code the phone shall run the web form and the web form will check if the application is installed inside the phone, if the application is installed, the web form will open the application, if not it will open the google play store/app store web page based on which OS system is being used.
My problem
Right now my problem is that I do not know what is the name/id of the application to trigger/open it, the only thing I about the app know is that it is called Rymtime inside the setting and also the home screen. The application's google play store link is at here and here for the app store.
PS. I do not own/create the application and do not have any access to modify its code.
What I have tried
I have tried to put its name directly into the code:
window.location = "Rymtime://";
I have also tried to put the "id" thingy found inside its google play store website ""
window.location = "com.time2clock.wai.timeemployee://";
My Code
I created my code based on this stack overflow question.
Below is my code:
<button name="data1" type="button" onclick="getOS()">Click</button> //I use button to test out the function
<script type="text/javascript">
function getOS() {
var userAgent = window.navigator.userAgent,
platform = window.navigator.platform,
windowsPlatforms = ['Win32', 'Win64', 'Windows', 'WinCE'], //as I do not own an Iphone I use this to test out the IOS part
iosPlatforms = ['iPhone', 'iPad', 'iPod'],
os = null;
if (iosPlatforms.indexOf(platform) !== -1) {
} else if (windowsPlatforms.indexOf(platform) !== -1) {
ios(); //as I do not own an Iphone I use this to test out the IOS part
} else if (/Android/.test(userAgent)) {
function ios() {
setTimeout(function () { window.location = ""; }, 25);
window.location = "Rymtime://"; //I do not test this part because I do not own an Iphone an I am using window to see if the code is being executed, I only check if the website above is runned
function android() {
setTimeout(function () { window.location = ""; }, 25);
window.location = "Rymtime://"; //The application is not executed thus it redirect to the play store page.
Btw is the location of an application installed inside a phone the same as the others? Like this:
Or something like this:
I am not sure what it is for IOS but I found out that I can just add &launch=true at the end of the URL of the application's google play store page to launch the app if it is installed.

Is there a way to deep-link the Chrome app?

I'm trying to deeplink the Chrome app from within other mobile browsers like Facebook and Telegram because I'm facing an issue when trying to show users a Push notification prompt, they can't see it if they are using 3rd party browsers.
I have came across a way to deeplink Youtube but changing youtube to chrome doesn't seem to help.
Is there a way to have mobile Chrome opened with the URL for mobile users that have Chrome installed?
window.onload = function() {
var desktopFallback = "",
mobileFallback = "",
app = ""; // Doesn't work
if( /Android|iPhone|iPad|iPod/i.test(navigator.userAgent) ) {
window.location = app;
window.setTimeout(function() {
window.location = mobileFallback;
}, 25);
} else {
window.location = desktopFallback;
function killPopup() {
window.removeEventListener('pagehide', killPopup);
window.addEventListener('pagehide', killPopup);

activex outlook bring to front

How to bring the outlook application in front which is opened from JavaScript using ActiveX.The following is the code in which I need to bring outlook window on the top (i.e. bring to front), because it is opening behind the I.E. browser.
// Open outlook e-mail client application with the corresponding subject and the attachment link
function openOutlook(emailSubject, emailAttach) {
try {
var app = new ActiveXObject('Outlook.Application');
var objNS = app.GetNameSpace('MAPI');
var mailItem = app.CreateItem(0);
mailItem.Subject = (emailSubject); = '';
catch (ex) {
alert('Outlook configuration error : ' + ex.message);
So far, I've tried changing mailItem.display(); to mailItem.display(false); and mailItem.display(true); and open-word-from-javascript-and-bring-to-front but it didn't help and there seems to be a glitch here i.e. when I change the code this way and run the app then outlook window comes on the top, but if I open it in another system or open after restarting the system then it doesn't work, I think maybe windows OS is making it come on the top somehow.
Try to use the Activate method of the Inspector class right after calling the Display() method. It activates an inspector window by bringing it to the foreground and setting keyboard focus.
As of Windows Vista, Windows will not activate a window of an application that is not running in a foreground; it will instead flash the taskbar button.
If you were using C++ or Delphi (or even .Net) you could work around that using AttachThreadInput (see how to make the Outlook Compose window top most?), but you cannot do that from JavaScript.
You can try to use Redemption (I am its author) and its SafeInspector.Activate method, but that means Redemption would need to be installed where you client script runs.
var app = new ActiveXObject('Outlook.Application');
var objNS = app.GetNameSpace('MAPI');
var mailItem = app.CreateItem(0);
mailItem.Subject = "test" = '';
var sInspector = new ActiveXObject('Redemption.SafeInspector');
var oInspector = mailItem.GetInspector;
sInspector.Item = oInspector;

Popup to Parent Window Communication in Internet Explorer

I have an iframe embedded into a legacy application. Inside of the iframe I need to do oauth (I'm capturing authentication tokens for later use). In order to do oauth from within an iframe I need to use a popup window. What I need is for that popup window to communicate back to the iframe when oauth completes so the page within the iframe can refresh its data. I need to support IE 10+, Chrome, and Firefox, and everything I've tried works fine in Chrome/Firefox but fails in IE. My current solution (which almost works) looks like this:
/** From within the iframe **/
var storageName = 'SoProOauth';
var addAccountDeferred;
$window.addEventListener('storage', function (evt) {
if (evt.key == storageName) {
getAccounts().then(function () {
// ... later ...
addAccount: function (type) {
addAccountDeferred = $q.defer();
var uri = util.format('/oauth/%s/connect?auth=%s&return_uri=%s',
type, configuration.get('auth'), encodeURI('/configure/oauthcomplete'));
if (Boolean(configuration.get('debug'))) {
uri += '&debug=true';
var oauthWindow = $, 'oauth', 'width=800,height=600');
if (oauthWindow && oauthWindow.focus) oauthWindow.focus();
return addAccountDeferred.promise;
/** From within the popup **/
localStorage.setItem('SoProOauth', 'done');
$timeout(function () {
setInfo('This window can be closed');
$'', '_self', '');
}, 500);
Basically, I'm writing to local storage from within the popup window, and listening for the write event in the parent window. This almost works - it works great in my local test environment but fails when I deploy it to the dev cluster. There could be two reasons why it fails: 1) when I run locally everything is over HTTP, but in the dev cluster it is over HTTPS (worse, the page that hosts the iframe is HTTP but the iframe contents are HTTPS), or 2) when I run locally everything is localhost, but in the dev cluster the iframe host is one machine (local intranet) and the contents of the iframe are public internet (AWS).
Other things I've tried: cookies (same result - works locally but fails deployed), and all of the window properties (window.opener, window.parent, and testing for window.closed() from within the iframe) - these don't work in IE as things get reset once the domain changes (which happens because we're doing oauth).
As you can see the UI code is AngularJS, but what you can't see is it is hosted by Node.js. So I've considered using something like but it seems so heavy-hitting - I really just need to send a quick event from the popup to the parent within the iframe. Any thoughts?

Why is this Javascript that writes out a Google Ad not displaying properly on the iPhone?

I have this Javacsript code that checks to see if there is a DIV named "google-ad", and if there is, it writes in a the necessary code to display the Google Ad.
This works great in browsers like Firefox, Chrome, Safari on Mac, and Android.
However, when I bundle this code with Adobe's Phonegap Build, and deploy it to iPhones, it behaves strangely. It launches a browser window displaying just the Google Ad alone. In order to keep using my app, every time I change a page and a new Google Ad is loaded, I have to close the browser window to get back to the app.
Why is this code launching browser windows outside of my Phonegap app on iPhone?
&& document.getElementById("google-ad") !== null
&& document.getElementById("google-ad") !== "undefined")
if(userStatus.status == 0)
document.getElementById("centre").style.padding = "137px 0 12px 0";
document.getElementById("header-container").style.margin = "-138px 0 0 0";
document.getElementById("header-container").style.height = "132px";
document.getElementById("header-username") = "52px";
document.getElementById("google-ad").style.height = "50px";
document.getElementById("google-ad").style.width = "320px";
document.getElementById("google-ad").style.backgroundColor = "#f0ebff";
document.getElementById("google-ad").style.display = "block";
window["google_ad_client"] = 'ca-pub-0000000000000000';
window["google_ad_slot"] = "00000000";
window["google_ad_width"] = 320;
window["google_ad_height"] = 50;
window.adcontainer = document.getElementById('google-ad');
window.adhtml = '';
function mywrite(html)
adhtml += html;
adcontainer.innerHTML = adhtml;
document.write_ = document.write;
document.write = mywrite;
script = document.createElement('script');
Problom you are facing is becuase google adsens is using iframe see in show_ads.js
e=["<iframe"],d;for(d in a)a.hasOwnProperty(d)&&ka(e,d+"="+a[d]);e.push('style="left:0;position:absolute;top:0;"')
and when that happens in phonegap(generally webview) it will open new page to show it.
there are some ways to turn around but best way i could suggest is using google offical adsense sdk for moile :
it is native but you could easily connect it to you html app with simple plugin(i could help you with that if you want)
the thing you are trying to do now i think cause your app to be rejected by apple so use google official sdk.

