RTCmulticonnection getViewers + onjoin event - javascript

I'm trying to get the amount of currently viewer of a stream.
I tried to trigger some codes whenever onUserStatusChanged is fired (used as if user onjoin event).
Something like:
connection.onUserStatusChanged = function(status) {
function updateViewers(){
connection.getAllParticipants().forEach(function(participantId) {
var peer = connection.peers[participantId];
if(viewers && viewers.indexOf(peer.extra.nickname) === -1 && "UserA" !== peer.extra.nickname)
So far so good it works, But now it pushes also the user who has cam and not watching user A his cam.
I only want the extra.nickname of the user who is connected to User A his cam/channel/connection

Using "beforeAddingStream":
Please download latest codes from github to use this "beforeAddingStream" method.
var listOfStreamReceivers = {};
connection.beforeAddingStream = function(stream, peer) {
var remoteUserExtra = connection.peers[peer.userid].extra;
listOfStreamReceivers[remoteUserExtra.nickname] = peer;
return stream;
Using "onExtraDataUpdated" and "updateExtraData"
var listOfStreamReceivers = {};
connection.onstream = function(event) {
if (event.type == 'remote') {
connection.extra.receivedStreamById = event.streamid;
connection.onExtraDataUpdated = function(event) {
if (event.extra.receivedStreamById) {
listOfStreamReceivers[event.extra.nickname] = event;
Using data channels
connection.session.data = true;
var listOfStreamReceivers = {};
connection.onstream = function(event) {
if (event.type == 'remote') {
var data = {
receivedStreamById: event.streamid
// second parameter sends direct message to the broadcast initiator
connection.send(data, connection.sessionid);
connection.onmessage = function(event) {
if (event.data.receivedStreamById) {
listOfStreamReceivers[event.extra.nickname] = event;
"listOfStreamReceivers" to array
var array = Object.keys(listOfStreamReceivers);
console.log('number of receivers', array.length);
array.forEach(function(key) {
var peer = listOfStreamReceivers[key];
var userid = peer.userid;
var extra = peer.extra;


Why does this barcode detection cause Chrome or the whole Android OS to crash?

I built a barcode scanning system using Chrome's built-in BarcodeDetector. I based the work on Paul Kinlan's QR code scanner which works fine on my phone, but when I run my own code on my phone, it often causes Chrome or the whole System UI to freeze. Sometimes it gets so bad that I need to restart the phone by holding down the power button.
I have tried debugging in the Chrome developer console, but when the phone freezes, so does the developer console.
When I comment out the actual QR code detection, I can leave the page open in Chrome for 10 minutes and it just keeps running. With QR code detection running, the phone will freeze anywhere from immediately to 3 minutes later.
I put the support files (js and HTML) in a Gist - I don't think they are the issue because everything works when the barcode scanning is commented out.
My first attempt:
// Inspired by/based on on https://github.com/PaulKinlan/qrcode/blob/production/app/scripts/main.mjs
import WebCamManager from './scan/WebCamManager.js';
(function () {
'use strict';
var QRCodeCamera = function (element) {
var root = document.getElementById(element);
var cameraRoot = root.querySelector('.CameraRealtime');
var cameraManager = new WebCamManager(cameraRoot);
var cameraVideo = root.querySelector('.Camera-video');
// Offscreen canvas is supposed to help with processing speed
var cameraCanvas = new OffscreenCanvas(1,1);
var context = cameraCanvas.getContext('2d');
const detector = new BarcodeDetector({
formats: ['qr_code'],
cameraManager.onframeready = async function (frameData) {
cameraCanvas.width = cameraVideo.videoWidth;
cameraCanvas.height = cameraVideo.videoHeight;
context.drawImage(frameData, 0, 0, cameraVideo.videoWidth, cameraVideo.videoHeight);
if (self.onframe) {
// Comment out the line below to stop processing QR codes
await self.onframe(cameraCanvas);
var processingFrame = false;
self.onframe = async function (cameraCanvas) {
// There is a frame in the camera, what should we do with it?
if (processingFrame == false) {
processingFrame = true;
let result = await detector.detect(cameraCanvas);
processingFrame = false;
if (result === undefined || result === null || result.length === 0) {
if ('vibrate' in navigator) {
var currentURL = new URL(window.location.href);
var newURL;
if (result[0].rawValue
&& (newURL = new URL(result[0].rawValue))
&& newURL.hostname == currentURL.hostname
&& newURL.pathname.startsWith('/pickup/qr/')
) {
window.location.href = newURL;
} else {
alert('Unsupported QR Code: ' + result[0].rawValue);
window.addEventListener('load', function () {
var camera = new QRCodeCamera('camera');
I also tried splitting the QR detection to a worker (worker code in Gist), but I have the same issue:
const worker = new Worker('/js/scan-worker.js');
worker.addEventListener('message', async (e) => {
if (Array.isArray(e.data)) {
var result = e.data;
if (result === undefined || result === null || result.length === 0) {
processingFrame = false;
if ('vibrate' in navigator) {
var currentURL = new URL(window.location.href);
var newURL;
if (result[0].rawValue
&& (newURL = new URL(result[0].rawValue))
&& newURL.hostname == currentURL.hostname
&& newURL.pathname.startsWith('/pickup/qr/')
) {
window.location.href = newURL;
} else {
alert('Unsupported QR Code: ' + result[0].rawValue);
} else {
var newError = document.createElement('div');
newError.classList.add('alert', 'alert-danger');
newError.innerHTML = e.data;
processingFrame = false;
cameraManager.onframeready = async function (frameData) {
if (processingFrame == false) {
cameraCanvas.width = cameraVideo.videoWidth;
cameraCanvas.height = cameraVideo.videoHeight;
context.drawImage(frameData, 0, 0, cameraVideo.videoWidth, cameraVideo.videoHeight);
if (self.onframe) {
await self.onframe(cameraCanvas, context);
self.onframe = async function (cameraCanvas, context) {
// There is a frame in the camera, what should we do with it?
if (processingFrame == false) {
processingFrame = true;
worker.postMessage(context.getImageData(0, 0, cameraCanvas.width, cameraCanvas.height));
Not sure if this would make a difference - all the JS code is run through Laravel Mix.

What in this IndexedDB code is causing the device storage to fill up to 1.6GB?

Our application that utilizes IndexedDB to track tallies of data over periods of time. In using the app for a number of months, it seems that there is some sort of storage leak causing a relatively small amount of data to require 1.6 GB of storage on the device?
The app has a feature to download its full data as a ZIP file, and that file is under 50KB. So there must be a long-term leak somewhere. What we're trying now is to download the data, clear storage, and re-import to track down where this leak might be.
However, looking at the following code that interacts with IndexedDB, it's not obvious to me where that leak may be:
// Initializing the Database
dbengine = this;
var request = window.indexedDB.open("DB", 1);
request.onerror = function(event) {
throw new Error("Error opening indexedDb")
// This creates the schema the first time around
request.onupgradeneeded = (event) => {
event.target.result.createObjectStore("db", { keyPath: 'id' });
request.onsuccess = (event) => {
dbengine.db = event.target.result;
var dbReadyEvent = new CustomEvent('db-ready', {});
dbengine.db.onerror = function(event) {
throw new Error("Database error: " + event.target.errorCode);
dbengine.db.onabort = function(event) {
throw new Error("Database aborted: " + event.target.error);
// This is the error that is being called for us - QuotaExceededError
}// if !dbengine
var initialTransaction = dbengine.db.transaction(['db'], 'readwrite');
initialTransaction.onabort = (event) => {
var error = event.target.error; // DOMError
} // onabort
initialTransaction.objectStore('db').openCursor().onsuccess = (event) => {
var cursor = event.target.result;
if(cursor) {
this.encryption.loadIdentity((success) => {
if(success) {
this.loadDb(() => {
document.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent('api-ready', {}));
setInterval(this.syncDb.bind(this), this.syncInterval);
} else {
document.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent('api-fail', {}));
} else {
/* [...] */
document.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent('db-created', {}));
} // if/else cursor
}; // objectStore
loadDb(callback) {
this._tallies = [];
this._collections = [];
var dbStore = dbengine.db.transaction(['db'], 'readwrite').objectStore('db');
dbStore.get(1).onsuccess = (event) => {
var result = event.target.result;
var tallies = result.tallies;
if(result.tallies.length !== 0) {
tallies = this._encryption.decrypt(result.tallies);
tallies.forEach(((t) => {
/* [...] */
var collections = result.collections;
if(collections.length !== 0) {
collections = this._encryption.decrypt(result.collections);
collections.forEach(((c) => {
/* [...] */
} // loadDb
logout() {
var dbStore = dbengine.db.transaction(['db'], 'readwrite').objectStore('db');
var request = dbStore.get(1);
request.onsuccess = function(e) {
delete e.currentTarget.result.identity;
} // logout
syncDb() {
var tallyDataString = JSON.stringify(this.tallies);
var collectionDataString = JSON.stringify(this.collections);
var encryptedTallyDataString = this._encryption.encrypt(tallyDataString);
var encryptedCollectionDataString = this._encryption.encrypt(collectionDataString);
var dbStore = dbengine.db.transaction(['db'], 'readwrite').objectStore('db');
dbStore.get(1).onsuccess = (event) => {
var data = event.target.result;
if(data.tallies !== encryptedTallyDataString) {
data.tallies = encryptedTallyDataString;
if(data.collections !== encryptedCollectionDataString) {
data.collections = encryptedCollectionDataString;
var syncEvent = new CustomEvent('sync', {});
} // onsuccess
dbStore.get(1).onabort = (event) => {
var error = event.target.error; // DOMError
// if (error.name == 'QuotaExceededError') {
// alert('Sync failed. Quota exceeded.')
// }
} // onabort
} // syncDb
loadIdentity(callback) {
var dbStore = dbengine.db.transaction(['db'], 'readwrite').objectStore('db');
dbStore.get(1).onsuccess = (event) => {
var result = event.target.result;
if(!result.identity || !result.identity.publicKey || !result.identity.privateKey) {
if(window.location.pathname !== "/app/welcome/") {
this.identity = {
/* [...] */
var solid = false;
if(result.identity.publicKey && result.identity.privateKey) {
solid = true;
} // loadIdentity
setIdentity(identity, username) {
var dbStore = dbengine.db.transaction(['db'], 'readwrite').objectStore('db');
var getRequest = dbStore.get(1);
getRequest.onsuccess = (event) => {
var result = event.target.result;
result.identity = {
/* [...] */
this.identity = identity;
var request = dbStore.put(result);
} // getRequest
} // setIdentity

How do I keep both the child process running and parent communicating in Node JS?

I'm using a blynk client written in Node JS on my raspberry pi that connects and authenticates to the blynk server. I have another process I want to run that scans for BLE beacons at the same time as keeping connected to the server and polling for button presses. I am getting them both to execute at the same time but the communication is only happening if I change the state of virtual pin "V0". I'm new to Node JS and perhaps I misunderstanding but, why does it stop my parent process once the child process authenticates and doesn't execute output the parent process unless I change the state of "V0"
//Parent Process
var Bleacon = require('./index');
var uuid = '3247ff7d3f0d4b2c9df61189398eb85e';
var arr = [];
var ledPin = 17;
var math = require('mathjs');
var child_process=require('child_process');
const child = child_process.fork("doorlock.js");
console.log("child scanning...");
function Beacon() {
Bleacon.on('discover', function(bleacon) {
if (bleacon.uuid == uuid) {
console.log("uuid matches");
if (bleacon.proximity == 'immediate') {
console.log('immediate: ' + bleacon.rssi);
if (arr.length>=20 && math.mean(arr)>=-65) {
child.send('unlock door');
arr = [];
} else if (bleacon.proximity == 'near') {
console.log('near: ' + bleacon.rssi);
//console.log('avg rssi: ' + math.mean(arr));
if (arr.length>=20 && math.mean(arr)<=-65) {
child.send('lock door');
arr = [];
} else {
arr = [];
//console.log('bleacon found: ' + JSON.stringify(bleacon));
The child process:
#!/usr/bin/env node
//Child Process
var unlockedState = 825;
var lockedState = 2100;
var motorPin = 18;
var buttonPin = 4;
var ledPin = 17;
var blynkToken = '191d2e5c8f754fad9af08a3b9cc81eaa';
var arr = [];
var len = 20;
var Bleacon = require('./index');
var math = require('mathjs');
var uuid = '3247ff7d3f0d4b2c9df61189398eb85e';
// *** Start code *** //
var locked = true;
//Setup servo
var Gpio = require('pigpio').Gpio,
motor = new Gpio(motorPin, {mode: Gpio.OUTPUT}),
button = new Gpio(buttonPin, {
mode: Gpio.INPUT,
pullUpDown: Gpio.PUD_DOWN,
led = new Gpio(ledPin, {mode: Gpio.OUTPUT});
//Setup blynk
var Blynk = require('blynk-library');
var blynk = new Blynk.Blynk(blynkToken);
var v0 = new blynk.VirtualPin(0);
var v1 = new blynk.VirtualPin(1);
console.log("locking door")
process.on('message', function(message) {
console.log('[child] received message from server:', message);
if (message == 'unlock door') {
console.log('I read from parent that I am to unlock the door');
button.on('interrupt', function (level) {
console.log("level: " + level + " locked: " + locked)
if (level == 0) {
if (locked) {
} else {
v0.on('write', function(param) {
console.log('V0:', param);
if (param[0] === '0') { //unlocked
} else if (param[0] === '1') { //locked
} else {
blynk.notify("Door lock button was pressed with unknown parameter");
blynk.on('connect', function() {
//console.log("Blynk ready.");
blynk.on('disconnect', function() { console.log("DISCONNECT"); });
function lockDoor() {
locked = true
blynk.notify("Door has been locked!");
//After 1.5 seconds, the door lock servo turns off to avoid stall current
setTimeout(function(){motor.servoWrite(0)}, 1500)
function unlockDoor() {
locked = false
blynk.notify("Door has been unlocked!");
//After 1.5 seconds, the door lock servo turns off to avoid stall current
setTimeout(function(){motor.servoWrite(0)}, 1500)

How to decode only part of the mp3 for use with WebAudio API?

In my web application, I have a requirement to play part of mp3 file. This is a local web app, so I don't care about downloads etc, everything is stored locally.
My use case is as follows:
determine file to play
determine start and stop of the sound
load the file [I use BufferLoader]
Quite simple.
Right now I just grab the mp3 file, decode it in memory for use with WebAudio API, and play it.
Unfortunately, because the mp3 files can get quite long [30minutes of audio for example] the decoded file in memory can take up to 900MB. That's a bit too much to handle.
Is there any option, where I could decode only part of the file? How could I detect where to start and how far to go?
I cannot anticipate the bitrate, it can be constant, but I would expect variable as well.
Here's an example of what I did:
The code [I've tried to make it as compact as possible]:
var MediaPlayerAudioContext = window.AudioContext || window.webkitAudioContext;
var MediaPlayer = function () {
this.mediaPlayerAudioContext = new MediaPlayerAudioContext();
this.currentTextItem = 0;
this.playing = false;
this.active = false;
this.currentPage = null;
this.currentAudioTrack = 0;
MediaPlayer.prototype.setPageNumber = function (page_number) {
this.pageTotalNumber = page_number
MediaPlayer.prototype.generateAudioTracks = function () {
var audioTracks = [];
var currentBegin;
var currentEnd;
var currentPath;
audioTracks[0] = {
begin: 4.300,
end: 10.000,
path: "example.mp3"
this.currentPageAudioTracks = audioTracks;
MediaPlayer.prototype.show = function () {
this.mediaPlayerAudioContext = new MediaPlayerAudioContext();
MediaPlayer.prototype.hide = function () {
if (this.playing) {
this.mediaPlayerAudioContext = null;
this.active = false;
MediaPlayer.prototype.play = function () {
this.stopped = false;
MediaPlayer.prototype.playbackStarted = function() {
this.playing = true;
MediaPlayer.prototype.playMediaPlayer = function () {
var instance = this;
var audioTrack = this.currentPageAudioTracks[this.currentAudioTrack];
var newBufferPath = audioTrack.path;
if (this.mediaPlayerBufferPath && this.mediaPlayerBufferPath === newBufferPath) {
this.currentBufferSource = this.mediaPlayerAudioContext.createBufferSource();
this.currentBufferSource.buffer = this.mediaPlayerBuffer;
this.currentBufferSource.onended = function () {
this.playing = true;
this.currentBufferSource.start(0, audioTrack.begin, audioTrack.end - audioTrack.begin);
this.currentAudioStartTimeInAudioContext = this.mediaPlayerAudioContext.currentTime;
this.currentAudioStartTimeOffset = audioTrack.begin;
this.currentTrackStartTime = this.mediaPlayerAudioContext.currentTime - (this.currentTrackResumeOffset || 0);
this.currentTrackResumeOffset = null;
else {
function finishedLoading(bufferList) {
instance.mediaPlayerBuffer = bufferList[0];
if (this.currentBufferSource){
this.currentBufferSource = null;
this.mediaPlayerBuffer = null;
this.mediaPlayerBufferPath = newBufferPath;
this.bufferLoader = new BufferLoader(this.mediaPlayerAudioContext, [this.mediaPlayerBufferPath], finishedLoading);
MediaPlayer.prototype.stop = function () {
this.stopped = true;
if (this.currentBufferSource) {
this.currentBufferSource.onended = null;
this.currentBufferSource = null;
this.bufferLoader = null;
this.mediaPlayerBuffer = null;
this.mediaPlayerBufferPath = null;
this.currentTrackStartTime = null;
this.currentTrackResumeOffset = null;
this.currentAudioTrack = 0;
if (this.currentTextTimeout) {
this.currentTextTimeout = null;
this.currentTextItem = null;
this.playing = false;
MediaPlayer.prototype.getNumberOfPages = function () {
return this.pageTotalNumber;
MediaPlayer.prototype.playbackFinished = function () {
this.currentAudioTrack = 0;
this.playing = false;
MediaPlayer.prototype.audioTrackFinishedPlaying = function () {
if (this.currentAudioTrack >= this.currentPageAudioTracks.length) {
} else {
// Buffered Loader
// Class used to get the sound files
function BufferLoader(context, urlList, callback) {
this.context = context;
this.urlList = urlList;
this.onload = callback;
this.bufferList = [];
this.loadCount = 0;
// this allows us to handle media files with embedded artwork/id3 tags
function syncStream(node) { // should be done by api itself. and hopefully will.
var buf8 = new Uint8Array(node.buf);
buf8.indexOf = Array.prototype.indexOf;
var i = node.sync, b = buf8;
while (1) {
i = b.indexOf(0xFF, i);
if (i == -1 || (b[i + 1] & 0xE0 == 0xE0 )) break;
if (i != -1) {
var tmp = node.buf.slice(i); //carefull there it returns copy
node.buf = null;
node.buf = tmp;
node.sync = i;
return true;
return false;
BufferLoader.prototype.loadBuffer = function (url, index) {
// Load buffer asynchronously
var request = new XMLHttpRequest();
request.open("GET", url, true);
request.responseType = "arraybuffer";
var loader = this;
function decode(sound) {
function (buffer) {
if (!buffer) {
alert('error decoding file data');
loader.bufferList[index] = buffer;
if (++loader.loadCount == loader.urlList.length)
function (error) {
if (syncStream(sound)) {
} else {
console.error('decodeAudioData error', error);
request.onload = function () {
// Asynchronously decode the audio file data in request.response
var sound = {};
sound.buf = request.response;
sound.sync = 0;
sound.retry = 0;
request.onerror = function () {
alert('BufferLoader: XHR error');
BufferLoader.prototype.load = function () {
for (var i = 0; i < this.urlList.length; ++i)
this.loadBuffer(this.urlList[i], i);
There is no way of streaming with decodeAudioData(), you need to use MediaElement with createMediaStreamSource and run your stuff then. decodeAudioData() cannot stream on a part.#zre00ne And mp3 will be decoded big!!! Verybig!!!

Getting a "setVersion" is not a function error when using indexedDB

I tried to use following code to test the performance of IndexedDB.
The code is modified from http://www.html5rocks.com/en/tutorials/indexeddb/todo/ ,
It works well in chrome, but fails in Firefox 10, saying "db.setVersion is not a function".
I want to know how can I modify the code to make it work in firefox?
var count=0;
var MAX=10;
var times=3;
var allTime;
var stime;
var etime;
var html5rocks = {};
var indexedDB = window.indexedDB || window.webkitIndexedDB ||
if ('webkitIndexedDB' in window) {
window.IDBTransaction = window.webkitIDBTransaction;
window.IDBKeyRange = window.webkitIDBKeyRange;
html5rocks.indexedDB = {};
html5rocks.indexedDB.db = null;
html5rocks.indexedDB.onerror = function(e) {
alert("Why didn't you allow my web app to use IndexedDB?!");
html5rocks.indexedDB.open = function(type) {
var request = indexedDB.open("todos");
request.onsuccess = function(e) {
var v = "1.20";
html5rocks.indexedDB.db = e.target.result;
var db = html5rocks.indexedDB.db;
// We can only create Object stores in a setVersion transaction;
if (v!= db.version) {
var setVrequest = db.setVersion(v);
// onsuccess is the only place we can create Object Stores
setVrequest.onerror = html5rocks.indexedDB.onerror;
setVrequest.onsuccess = function(e) {
if(db.objectStoreNames.contains("todo")) {
var store = db.createObjectStore("todo",
{keyPath: "number"});
else addTest();
request.onerror = html5rocks.indexedDB.onerror;
html5rocks.indexedDB.addTodo = function(todoText,num) {
var db = html5rocks.indexedDB.db;
var trans = db.transaction(["todo"], IDBTransaction.READ_WRITE);
var store = trans.objectStore("todo");
var data = {
"text": todoText,
"number": num
var request = store.put(data);
request.onsuccess = function(e) {
etime=new Date;
var t=document.getElementById('result').innerHTML;
allTime=0;stime=new Date;count=0;
request.onerror = function(e) {
console.log("Error Adding: ", e);
html5rocks.indexedDB.getTodo = function(id) {
var db = html5rocks.indexedDB.db;
var trans = db.transaction(["todo"], IDBTransaction.READ_WRITE);
var store = trans.objectStore("todo");
var request = store.get(id);
request.onsuccess = function(e) {
etime=new Date;
var t=document.getElementById('result').innerHTML;
allTime=0;stime=new Date;count=0;
request.onerror = function(e) {
console.log("Error getting: ", e);
html5rocks.indexedDB.deleteTodo = function(id) {
var db = html5rocks.indexedDB.db;
var trans = db.transaction(["todo"], IDBTransaction.READ_WRITE);
var store = trans.objectStore("todo");
var request = store.delete(id);
request.onsuccess = function(e) {
etime=new Date;
var t=document.getElementById('result').innerHTML;
allTime=0;stime=new Date;count=0;
request.onerror = function(e) {
console.log("Error Adding: ", e);
html5rocks.indexedDB.addData = function(d) {
var db = html5rocks.indexedDB.db;
var trans = db.transaction(["todo"], IDBTransaction.READ_WRITE);
var store = trans.objectStore("todo");
var data={
var request = store.put(data);
request.onsuccess = function(e) {
etime=new Date;
var t=document.getElementById('result').innerHTML;
request.onerror = function(e) {
console.log("Error Adding: ", e);
function addTest() {
html5rocks.indexedDB.addTodo(' ',i);
function getTest() {
function delTest() {
function dataTest() {
data=' ';
stime=new Date
function init() {
stime=new Date;
The spec is not finalized. This is currently shipped as the property mozIndexedDB in Gecko and webkitIndexedDB in Chrome until the standard is finalized. So you have to write for moz also. Now this code is only for webkit.
setVersion() is Deprecated
The new way is to define the version in the IDBDatabase.open() method
firefox from version 10.0 implements open() with the new specification in which an indexeddb database IDBDatabase version is set as the second parameter of the open() method
var v = "1.20";
var request = indexedDB.open("todos", v);
html5 indexeddb javascript
The problem here is not the one chosen as the correct answer.
The problem is that the IndexedDB examples on HTML5Rocks were written to the pre-January IndexeDB spec. The working group has since published a breaking change going from the setVersion API to the new onupgradedneeded style.
Here, Firefox is technically correct to fail. Star this issue if you want to see Chrome do the same.

