Assigning javascript array elements class or id for css styling - javascript

I'm trying to assign class and id to items in an array I created in js and input into my html. I'm doing this so I can style them in my stylesheet. Each item will not be styled the same way.
I'm a beginner so trying to keep it to code I can understand and make it as clean as possible, i.e. not making each of these items an element in the html.
This part works fine:
var pool =['A','B','3','J','R','1','Q','F','5','T','0','K','N','C','R','U']
var letters = pool.join('');
document.getElementById('key').innerHTML = letters;
This part not so much:
var char1 = letters[1];
There is a similar question here that didn't work for me, it just showed [object][object][object] when I ran it.

Your code attempts to apply a style to an array element, but CSS only applies to HTML. If you wish to style one character in a string, that character must be wrapped in an HTML element (a <span> is the best choice for wrapping an inline value).
This code shows how to accomplish this:
var pool =['A','B','3','J','R','1','Q','F','5','T','0','K','N','C','R','U']
var letters = pool.join('');
// Replace a specific character with the same character, but wrapped in a <span>
// so it can be styled
letters = letters.replace(letters[1], "<span>" + letters[1] + "</span>");
// Insert the letters string into the div
var theDiv = document.getElementById('key');
// Inject the string into the div
theDiv.innerHTML = letters;
// Get a reference to the span:
var theSpan = theDiv.querySelector("span");
// Add the style to the <span> that wraps the character, not the character itself
.hoverRed {
<div id="key"></div>
And, this snippet shows how you could apply CSS to any letter:
var pool =['A','B','3','J','R','1','Q','F','5','T','0','K','N','C','R','U'];
// Leave the original array alone so that it can be manipulated any way needed
// in the future, but create a new array that wraps each array element within
// a <span>. This can be accomplished in several ways, but the map() array method
// is the most straight-forward.
var charSpanArray ={
return "<span>" + char + "</span>";
// Decide which character(s) need CSS applied to them. This data can come from anywhere
// Here, we'll just say that the 2nd and 5th ones should.
// Loop through the new array and on the 2nd and 5th elements, apply the CSS class
charSpanArray.forEach(function(element, index, array){
// Check for the particular array elements in question
if(index === 1 || index === 4){
// Update those strings to include the CSS
array[index] = element.replace("<span>","<span class='hoverRed'>");
// Now, turn the new array into a string
var letters = charSpanArray.join('');
// For diagnostics, print the string to the console just to see what we've got
// Get a reference to the div container
var theDiv = document.getElementById('key');
// Inject the string into the div
theDiv.innerHTML = letters;
.hoverRed {
<div id="key"></div>

You're on the right track, but missed one key thing.
In your example, pool contains characters. When you combine them using join, you get a string. Setting that string as the innerHTML of an element doesn't give the string super powers, it's still just a string.
In order to get a classList, you need to change your letters into elements and work with them.
I've included an es6 example (and a working plunker) of how to get the functionality you want below.
let pool = ['A','B','3','J','R','1','Q','F','5','T','0','K','N','C','R','U']
const letterToElement = function(char) {
//Create the element
let e = document.createElement("SPAN");
//Create the text node
let t = document.createTextNode(char);
//Put the text node on the element
//Add the class name you want
e.className += "hoverRed";
return e;
//create your elements from your pool and append them to the "key" element
window.onload = function() {
let container = document.getElementById("key"); => letterToElement(l))
.forEach(e => container.appendChild(e));


Insert a HTML link next to every word that matches in a sentence for multiple words

I am trying to do something that I thought would be simple but been stuck on this for a while I want to find all instances of a word in a paragraph and insert a link next to it.
I dont want to use innerHTML and destroy the events. I also dont want to use jQuery ideally pure js.
I am looking to take this paragraph.
<p>red this is a sentence I want to change red and I want to change it for all instances the word red</p>
Find all index positions of the word red and change it too.
<p>red Some link this is a sentence I want to change red Some link and I want to change it for all instances the word red Some link</p>
So find every instance of the word red grab the index and then insert html not sure it can even be done the way I am doing it, it always only inserts it one time.
I have this so far.
var ps = document.querySelectorAll("p");
[], function(p) {
const indexes = [...p.innerText.matchAll(new RegExp("red", "gi"))].map(
(a) => a.index
var link = document.createElement("a");
link.href = "";
link.innerHTML = `Changed`;
indexes.forEach((pos) => {
insertAtStringPos(p, pos, link);
function insertAtStringPos(el, pos, insertable) {
if (!el.children.length) {
var text = el.outerText;
var beginning = document.createTextNode(text.substr(0, pos));
var end = document.createTextNode(text.substr(pos - text.length));
while (el.hasChildNodes()) {
I grabbed the insertAtStringPos function from another stackoverflow post.
I have an example here:,js,console,output
Why do it always only insert once?
It can be an easier, you need just a split text and by a keyword insert a link.
function links() {
const ps = document.querySelectorAll('p');
return Array.from(ps).reduce((acc, p) => {
const links = p.querySelectorAll('a');
const isUpdate = Boolean(links?.length);
const text = p.innerHTML;
let index = 0;
const splitted = text.split(/(red)/gi);
splitted.forEach((txt) => {
const el = document.createTextNode(txt);
if (txt === 'red') {
let link;
if (isUpdate) {
link = links[index++];
link.href = '';
link.innerHTML = `Changed after update`;
} else {
link = document.createElement('a');
link.href = '';
link.innerHTML = `Changed`;
return acc;
}, document.createElement('p'));
const element = links(); // creates links
links(); // updates current links
If I understood correct, you need a function which updates your existing links. I have update stackblitz and example, check this out.
I see a few problems with your code.
Your insertAtStringPos() function mutates the paragraph element contents, invalidating the remaining indexes in the indexes array. Reversing the indexes array before looping, and inserting from the end toward the beginning of the text, overcomes this problem.
You're passing the link element to the insertAtStringPos(). This same element gets inserted then moved with each subsequent insertion. Passing a cloned link element with each indexes iteration solves this problem.
outerText, in var text = el.outerText;, returns undefined in my version of Firefox (78.15, October 5, 2021).
To search for a word in one or more paragraphs, and insert a link node after that string, loop over each paragraph, search for occurrences of the string, and build an index array. Then loop the index array but first reverse it to start insertion at the end of the string. Also copy the link node before passing to the insertion function, otherwise the link node will simply be moved from one position to the next.
const ps = document.querySelectorAll("p");
const word = "red";
const link = document.createElement("a");
link.href = "";
link.innerHTML = "Changed";
[], function(p) {
const indexes = [...p.innerText.matchAll(new RegExp(word, "gi"))].map(
// add word length to position, making sure position is not beyond end of text
(a) => (p.innerText.length > a.index + word.length)
? a.index + word.length // add word length to position
: p.innerText.length // word is at end of text
// execute insertion function for each position
// first reverse index array to start at the end of the text and work towards the beginning
indexes.reverse().forEach((pos) => {
// clone node before passing to insertion, otherwise same node simply gets moved
insertAtStringPos(p, pos, link.cloneNode(true)); // <-- clone node
function insertAtStringPos(el, pos, insertable) {
const text = el.childNodes[0].textContent;
const beginning = document.createTextNode(text.substr(0, pos) + " "); // text before and including word, plus a space
const end = document.createTextNode(
// if position is at end of text, create empty text node
(text.length > pos)
? " " + text.substr(pos - text.length) // a space, and text after word
: "" // empty text node
el.insertBefore(end, el.childNodes[0]);
el.insertBefore(insertable, el.childNodes[0]);
el.insertBefore(beginning, el.childNodes[0]);
<p>red this is a sentence I want to change red and I want to change it for all instances the word red</p>

Google apps script - retain links when copying footnote content

I have a Google Apps Script that we use to parse the footnote content, wrapped in double parenthesis, in place of the footnote number superscript. The intended result should be:
Before Script
This is my footie index.1 1This is my
footie content with a link and emphasis.
After Script
This is my footie index. (( This is my footie content with a
link and emphasis.)
Everything works fine, except when I parse the footnotes in double parenthesis, they are losing all the links and formatting:
This is my footie index. (( This is my footie content with a
link and emphasis.)
If anyone can assist me with fixing the code below I would really appreciate the help :)
function convertFootNotes () {
var doc = DocumentApp.getActiveDocument()
var copy = generateCopy(doc) // make a copy to avoid damaging the original
var openCopy = doc; //DocumentApp.openById(copy.getId()) // you have to use the App API to copy, but the Doc API to manipulate
performConversion(openCopy); // perform formatting on the copy
function performConversion (docu) {
var footnotes = docu.getFootnotes(); // get the footnotes
footnotes.forEach(function (note) {
// Traverse the child elements to get to the `Text` object
// and make a deep copy
var paragraph = note.getParent(); // get the paragraph
var noteIndex = paragraph.getChildIndex(note); // get the footnote's "child index"
insertFootnote(note.getFootnoteContents(),true, paragraph, noteIndex);
function insertFootnote(note, recurse, paragraph, noteIndex){
var numC = note.getNumChildren(); //find the # of children
paragraph.insertText(noteIndex," ((");
for (var i=0; i<numC; i++){
var C = note.getChild(i).getChild(0).copy();
if (i==0){
var temp = C.getText();
var char1 = temp[0];
var char2 = temp[1];
if (C.getText()[0]==" "){
C = C.deleteText(0,0);
if (i>0){
} //end of looping through children
function generateCopy (doc) {
var name = doc.getName() + ' #PARSED_COPY' // rename copy for easy visibility in Drive
var id = doc.getId()
return DriveApp.getFileById(id).makeCopy(name)
Were there any changes to the code other than the added )) to make it not work? Removing the (( & )) still did not have the formatting applied when testing it; getText() returns the element contents as a String, not a rich text object/element which contains the formatting info.
To get to the Text object:
getFootnoteContents().getChild(0) returns the FootnoteSection Paragraph
getChild(0).getChild(0) returns the Text object of that paragraph
copy() returns a detached deep copy of the text object to work with
Note: If there are other child elements in the FootnoteSection or in it's Paragraph child, you'll want to add some kind of type/index checking to get the correct one. However, with basic footnotes - as the above example - this is the correct path.
function performConversion (docu) {
var footnotes = docu.getFootnotes() // get the footnotes
var noteText = (note) {
// Traverse the child elements to get to the `Text` object
// and make a deep copy
var note_text_obj = note.getFootnoteContents().getChild(0).getChild(0).copy();
// Add the `((` & `))` to the start and end of the text object
note_text_obj.insertText(0, " ((");
note_text_obj.appendText(")) ");
return note_text_obj // reformat text with parens and save in array

Highlight phone number and wrap with tag javascript

The following code checks if the selected tag has childnodes. If a child node is present , it loops till a child node is found. When there are no further child nodes found, it loops out i.e it reaches a text node causing the loop to end. The function is made recursive to run until no child node is found. The code runs as per above info, but when I try to match TEXT_NODE (console.log() outputs all text node), replace() is used to identify phone numbers using regex and replaced with hyperlink. The number gets detected and is enclosed with a hyperlink but it gets displayed twice i.e. number enclosed with hyperlink and only the number.Following is the code
function DOMwalker(obj){
var regex = /\+\d{1,4}?[-.\s]?\(?\d{1,3}?\)?[-.\s]?\d{1,4}[-.\s]?\d{1,4}[-.\s]?\d{1,9}/g;
var y = "$&";
var child = obj.firstChild;
if (child.nodeType=== 3) {
var text = child.nodeValue;
console.log(typeof text);
var regs = regex.exec(text);
match = text.replace(regex,y);
var item = document.createElement('a');
var detect = document.createTextNode(match);
var x=item.appendChild(detect);
var tag = document.querySelector(".gcdMainDiv div.contentDiv");
Following are the screenshot of the output:
Here the number gets printed twice instead of one with hyperlink which is been displayed(expected highlighted number with hyperlink) and second widout tags
Following is console.log of x
I have already gone through this.
The solution provided below works well with FF. The problem arises when used in IE11. It throws Unknown runtime error and references the .innerHTML. I used the appenChild(),but the error couldn't be resolved.
You've got a couple of problems with what you posted. First, if a child is not node type 3 and not a SCRIPT node, you re-call recursivetree() but you do not pass the child in. The function will just start over at the first div element and again, infinitely loop.
Second, you're calling replace() on the node itself, and not the node's innerHTML. You're trying to replace a node with a string, which just won't work, and I think you mean to replace any matching numbers within that node, rather than the entire node.
If you have <div>My number is +111-555-9999</div>, you only want to replace the number and not lose everything else.
Try this as a solution:
function recursivetree(obj){
var regex = /\+\d{1,4}?[-.\s]?\(?\d{1,3}?\)?[-.\s]?\d{1,4}[-.\s]?\d{1,4}[-.\s]?\d{1,9}/g;
var y = "$&";
var obj = obj || document.getElementsByTagName('div')[0];
var child = obj.firstChild;
if(child.nodeType !== 3 && child.nodeName !== 'SCRIPT'){
//Recall recursivetree with the child
//A nodeType of 3, text nodes, sometimes do not have innerHTML to replace
//Check if the child has innerHTML and replace with the regex
if (child.innerHTML !== undefined) {
child.innerHTML = child.innerHTML.replace(regex,y);
Honestly? If you're trying to loop through the entire page and replace all instances of numbers, just do a replace on the body.
var regex = /\+\d{1,4}?[-.\s]?\(?\d{1,3}?\)?[-.\s]?\d{1,4}[-.\s]?\d{1,4}[-.\s]?\d{1,9}/g;
var y = "$&";
var body = document.body;
body.innerHTML = body.innerHTML.replace(regex, y);
Finally, I got the solution of my question. I referred to this answer which helped me to solve my query.
Here goes the code:
function DOMwalker(obj){
var child = obj.firstChild;
var children = obj.childNodes;
var length = children.length;
for(var i = 0;i<length;i++){
var nodes = children[i];
if(nodes.nodeType !==3){
//Pass the parameters nodes:current node being traversed;obj:selector being passed as parameter for DOMwalker function
child = child.nextSibling;
function highlight(node,parent){
var regex =/(\d{1}-\d{1,4}-\d{1,5})|(\+\d{1,4}?[-.\s]?\(?\d{1,3}?\)?[-.\s]?\d{1,4}[-.\s]?\d{1,4}[-.\s]?\d{1,9})/g;
//Stores the value of current node which is passed through the if loop
var matchs =;
if matchs is true,add it to DOM
var anchor = document.createElement("a");
var y = /[(]\d[)]|[.-\s]/g;//removes spaces periods or dash,also number within brackets
var remove = number.replace(y,'');
//tel uri,if you have an app like skype for click-to dial
//the anchor tag should be inserted before in the current node in the DOM
//append it toh the DOM to be displaye don the web page
return false;
I hope this code helps others.

Javascript regex to replace text div and < >

var text='<div id="main"><div class="replace">< **My Text** ></div><div>Test</div></div>'
I want to replace div with class="replace" and html entities < > comes inside that div with some other text.
I.e the output :
'<div id="main"> Hello **My Text** Hello <div>Test</div> </div>'
I've tried
var div = new RegExp('<[//]{0,1}(div|DIV)[^><]*>', 'g');
text = text.replace(div, "Hello");
but this will replace all div.
Any help gratefully received!
If a Jquery solution is acceptable:
text = $(text) // Convert HTML string to Jquery object
.wrap("<div />") // Wrap in a container element to make...
.parent() // the whole element searchable
.find("div.replace") // Find <div class="replace" />
.each(function() // Iterate over each div.replace
.replaceWith($(this).html() // Replace div with content
.replace("<", "<sometext>")
.replace(">", "</sometext>")); // Replace text
.end().html(); // return html of $(text)
This sets text to:
<div id="main"><sometext> My Text </sometext><div>Test</div></div>
And to replace it back again:
text = text.replace('<sometext>', '<div class="replace"><')
.replace('</sometext>', '></div>');
In pure JS it will be something like this:
var elements = document.getElementsByClassName('replace');
var replaceTag = document.createElement('replacetext');
for (var i = elements.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
var e = elements[i];
e.parentNode.replaceChild(replaceTag, e);
Here is one crazy regex which matches what you want:
var text='<div id="main"><div class="replace">< **My Text** ></div><div>Test</div></div>'
var r = /(<(div|DIV)\s+class\s*?=('|")\s*?replace('|")\s*?>)(\s*?<)(.*?)(>\s*?)(<\/(div|DIV)\s*?>)/g;
The whole replacement can be made with:
text.replace(r, function () {
return 'Hello' + arguments[6] + 'Hello';
Please let me know if there are issues with the solution :).
Btw: I'm totally against regexes like the one in the answer...If you have made it with that complex regex there's probably better way to handle the problem...
Consider using the DOM instead; you already have the structure you want, so swap out the node itself (borrowing heavily from #maxwell's code, but moving children around as well):
var elements = document.getElementsByClassName('replace');
for(var i = elements.length-1; i>= 0; --i) {
var element = elements[i];
var newElement = document.createElement('replacetext');
var children = element.childNodes;
for(var ch = 0; ch < children.length; ++i) {
var child = children[ch];
For each element of the given class, then, it will move each of its children over to the new element before using that element's position to insert the new element and finally removing itself.
My only questionmark is whether the modification of items in the array return by getElementByClassName will cause problems; it might need an extra check to see if the element is valid before processing it, or you may prefer to write this as a recursive function and process the tree from deepest node first.
It may seem like more work, but this should be faster (no re-parsing of the html after you've changed it, element moves are just reference value assignments) and much more robust. Attempting to parsing HTML may damage your health.
Rereading the question (always a good plan), you begin with the text in a string. If that is truly the start point (i.e. you're not just pulling that out of an innerHTML value), then to use the above just create a temporary parent element:
var fosterer = document.createElement('div');
fosterer.innerHTML = text; // your variable from the question
And then proceed using fosterer.getElementsByClassName.

Looping over array and comparing to regex

So, I'll admit to being a bit of a JS noob, but as far as I can tell, this should be working and it is not.
I have a form with 3 list boxes. The list boxes are named app1, db1, and db2. I'm using javascript to allow the user to add additional list boxes, increasing the name tag for each additional select box.
When I add additional app named boxes, the value increments properly for each additional field. If I try to add addtional db named selects, it fails to recognize the 2nd tag on the first loop through the array. This causes me to end up with 2 elements named db2. On each subsequent tag, it is recognized properly and is properly incremented.
Here is the HTML for the db1 tag:
<select name="db1">
And db2:
<select name="db2">
The tags are identical. Here is the function that I am using to figure out the next number in the sequence (note: tag is either app or db, tags is an array of all select tag names in the DOM, if I inspect tags, it gives me ['app1', 'db1', 'db2', '']):
function return_select_name(tag, tags) {
matches = new Array();
var re = new RegExp(tag + "\\d+", "g");
for (var i = 0; i < tags.length; i++) {
var found = re.exec(tags[i]);
if (found != null) {
matches = matches.sort();
index = parseInt(/\d+/.exec(matches.last())) + 1;
index = tag + index;
return index;
If I add an app tag, it will return 'app2'. If I search for a db tag, it will return 'db2' on the first time through, db3 on the 2nd, etc, etc.
So basically, I'm sure I'm doing something wrong here.
I'd handle it by keeping a counter for db and a counter for app to use to generate the names.
var appCounter = 1;//set this manually or initialize to 0 and
var dbCounter = 2;//use your create function to add your elements on pageload
Then, when you go to create your next tag, just increment your counter and use that as the suffix for your name:
var newAppElement = document.createElement('select'); = 'app' + (++appCounter);
// --OR for the db element--
var newDbElement = document.createElement('select'); = 'db' + (++dbCounter );
The problem you are getting is that regex objects are stateful. You can fix your program by putting the regex creation inside the loop.
function return_select_name(tag, tags) {
matches = new Array();
// <-- regex was here
for (var i = 0; i < tags.length; i++) {
var re = new RegExp(tag + "\\d+", "g"); //<--- now is here
var found = re.exec(tags[i]);
if (found != null) {
matches = matches.sort();
index = parseInt(/\d+/.exec(matches[matches.length-1])) + 1; //<--- I dont think matches.last is portable, btw
index = tag + index;
return index;
In any case, if I were to do this myself, I would probably prefer to avoid the cmplicated text matching and just store the next tag indices in a variable or hash map.
Another suggestion: if you put parenthesis in your regex:
// /tag(\d+)/
var re = new RegExp(tag + "(\\d+)", "g");
Then you can use found[1] to get your number directly, without the extra step afterwards.
I know this has already been answered, but I put this together as a proof of concept.
It's an object so you could probably reuse it in different scenarios. Obviously there are ways it could be improved, but I thought it was cool so I thought I would share.
The console.debug only works in Chrome and maybe FF.

