Assigning an html file to a variable [duplicate] - javascript

i'm pretty new into NodeJs. And i am trying to read a file into a variable.
Here is my code.
var fs = require("fs"),
path = require("path"),
util = require("util");
var content;
fs.readFile(path.join(__dirname,"helpers","test.txt"), 'utf8',function (err,data) {
if (err) {
content = util.format(data,"test","test","test");
But every time i run the script i get
undefined and undefined
What am i missing? Help please!

As stated in the comments under your question, node is asynchronous - meaning that your function has not completed execution when your second console.log function is called.
If you move the log statement inside the the callback after reading the file, you should see the contents outputted:
var fs = require("fs"),
path = require("path"),
util = require("util");
var content;
fs.readFile(path.join(__dirname, "helpers", "test.txt"), 'utf8', function (err, data) {
if (err) {
content = util.format(data, "test", "test", "test");
Even though this will solve your immediately problem, without an understanding of the async nature of node, you're going to encounter a lot of issues.
This similar stackoverflow answer goes into more details of what other alternatives are available.

The following code snippet uses ReadStream. It reads your data in separated chunks, if your data file is small it will read the data in a single chunk. However this is a asynchronous task. So if you want to perform any task with your data, you need to include them within the ReadStream portion.
var fs = require('fs');
var readStream = fs.createReadStream(__dirname + '/readMe.txt', 'utf8');
/* include the file directory and file name instead of <__dirname + '/readMe.txt'> */
var content;
readStream.on('data', function(chunk){
content = chunk;
function performTask(){
There is also another easy way by using synchronous task. As this is a synchronous task, you do not need to worry about its executions. The program will only move to the next line after execution of the current line unlike the asynchronous task.
A more clear and detailed answer is provided in the following link:
Get data from fs.readFile
var fs = require('fs');
var content = fs.readFileSync('readMe.txt','utf8');
/* include your file name instead of <'readMe.txt'> and make sure the file is in the same directory. */

or easily as follows:
const fs = require('fs');
const doAsync = require('doasync');
.then((data) => console.log(data));


How can I read a file from a path, in Javascript?

There are a lot of solutions that are based on the fetch api or the XMLHttpRequest, but they return CORS or same-origin-policy errors.
The File/Filereader API works out of the box , but only for files chosen by the user via a input file (because that is the only way to import them as a File obj)
Is there a way to do something simple and minimal like
const myfile = new File('relative/path/to/file') //just use a path
const fr = new FileReader();
Try the following JS, this will use fs to read the file and if it exists it will turn it into a string and output to console. You can change it up to however you'd like.
var fs = require('fs');
fs.readFile('test.txt', 'utf8', function(err, data) {
if (err) {
return console.log(err);

Create a file in the Cloud Functions / temp directory

I'm trying to create a file that stores room information so I can use it in other functions
I have the following code
const fs = require('fs')
const { tmpdir } = require('os');
fs.writeFileSync(`${tmpdir}/room-keys.tmp`, `${room.key}\n`, (err) => {
if (err) throw err`New room registered, ${JSON.stringify(room)}`)
Every time I try to create a file, it returns an error saying that the directory does not exist
Firstly, you're not using the os.tmpdir import correctly. If you want to generate a path to the temp directory, you would do it like this:
const os = require('os');
const path = require('path');
const tmp = os.tmpdir();
const file = path.join(tmp, "file.ext");
Secondly, you should not expect that the temp directory will be present for future function invocations. It is also not shared at all between different deployed functions. It should only be used during the processing of a single request, and deleted before the function ends. It is a memory-based filesystem, so writing files there consumes memory.

Socket io / node js server - save string to txt file on server

I would like my server.js to basically save a string to a .txt file for a history/log on the server.
Since you can not use php or jQuery in server.js, I don't know how to do this, nor has anyone asked the same question.
Do you know how?
Thank you.
First you get the file system library:
var fs = require('fs');
Then, you can just output like this:
fs.writeFile("log.txt", stringText, function(error) {
if(error) throw error; // Handle the error just in case
else console.log("Success!");
you can use the fs module.
something like that will do the job :
let myString = "very very important string";
let fs = require("fs");
// you can use async if you prefer, check the doc
fs.writeFileSync("./myFile.txt", myString);

How to make spawnSync and fs.readFile to execute one after other?

I have a python script which returns a JSON file as output by taking a FILE as input.
I have 10 files, I am using spawnSync inside for loop and inside loop I have fs.readFile for reading JSON file which is coming from the python script.
But the problem is spawnSync is blocking fs.readFile until it executes python scripts with all 10 files. Since both spawnSync and fs.readFile are inside for loop, I want fs.readFile to read a JSON file as soon as first python script executes and outputs JSON file.
But it is not happening. spawnSync is blocking and it is continuing with next file to execute python script.fs.reafFile should prints data as soon as the file gets executes. please help, Here is my code snippet.
var spawn = require('child_process').spawnSync;
var fs = require('fs');
var filename = ['first.txt','second.txt','third.txt',....]
for(var i=0;i<10;i++)
var myscript = spawn('python',['/pathToPython/',filename[i]]);
fs.readFile('/pathToPython/' + filename[i] + '.json','utf8',function(err,data){
If you are rely to use third party module then I recommend to use async.eachSeries the method of the async module to resolve this issue
var filename = ['first.txt','second.txt','third.txt',....]
async.eachSeries(filename, function(item, next) {
var myscript = spawn('python', ['/pathToPython/', item]);
fs.readFile('/pathToPython/' + item + '.json', 'utf8', function(err, data) {
if (err) {
} else {

"Echoing" an image in Node.js

I have a fully functioning PHP application that I am trying to make a Node.js version of. It deals with serving image tiles. When it's ready to display the image it does:
// Stream out the image
echo self::$tile;
How would I do something similar in Node.js? I understand this is a broad question, but I think my biggest issue is that I don't understand how PHP "echoes" an image.
I'm using AWS to get the image. The AWS call returns a Buffer. At this point of time, in the Javascript I have left the image as a Buffer.
The site populates a map with tiled images, so there are multiple calls with the image placed at a particular location on the page. I am using express to handle the requests.
app.get(/^\/omb\/1.0.0\/(.+)\/(.+)\/(.+)\/(.+)\.[a-zA-Z]*$/, function(req, res){
var MosaicStreamer = require('./models/MosaicStreamer.js');
var ms = new MosaicStreamer;
var configs = {library: req.params[0], zoom: req.params[1], column: req.params[2], row: req.params[3]};
handleTile grabs the image and ultimately brings me to where I am now. The image is grabbed using the following:
var aws = new AWS.S3();
var params = {
Bucket: this.bucket,
Key: this.tileDirectory + this.filepath,
Range: 'bytes=' + (this.toffset + 4) + "-" + (this.tsize + this.toffset + 4)
var ts = this;
aws.getObject(params, function(err, data){
if(ts.tile == null){
ts.tile = data.Body; //S3 get object
I think what you want to do is take a given URL which represents closely the naming convention of folders/files in your S3 Bucket. So assuming that you've established a client connection to your S3, you can use the readFile method. The 2nd argument is an imageStream which you can pass in the response. Once the stream has ended from S3, it will automatically end the res from the client, outputting the image directly to the client (as you intend).
Some psuedo code:
app.get(/^\/omb\/1.0.0\/(.+)\/(.+)\/(.+)\/(.+)\.[a-zA-Z]*$/, function(req, res){
var MosaicStreamer = require('./models/MosaicStreamer.js');
var ms = new MosaicStreamer;
var configs = {library: req.params[0], zoom: req.params[1], column: req.params[2], row: req.params[3]};
return ms.handleTile(configs, res);
//return the handleTile function, add 2nd argument and pass res through
Inside of handleTile function you can make the call for the S3
function handleTile(configs, res){
client.readFile('filename', function(error, imageStream){
Now requests to images like this:
<img src="/path/to/my/file/that/matches/regexp/expression"/>
It will request that image from the S3 Bucket and stream the resource back to the client directly.
To successfully render an image, you have to implement three steps:
Retrieve the image data (for instance as a Buffer read via fs.readFile) or a stream (for instance via fs.createReadStream
Set the appropriate headers in the web request handler with the arguments (req, res); something like
res.writeHead(200, {'Content-Type': 'image/png'});
Write the file. If you have the file in a Buffer, with
res.end(buf, 'binary');
If you have a stream via
The whole code may look like (assuming you want to serve the file image.jpg from the current directory):
'use strict';
var fs = require('fs');
var http = require('http');
http.createServer(function(req, res) {
fs.readFile('image.jpg', function(err, buf) {
if (err) {
res.end('Cannot access file.');
res.writeHead(200, {'Content-Type': 'image/jpeg'});
res.end(buf, 'binary');
}).listen(8002, '');
Using a stream, a very simple version (beware: no error handling, with error handling it can get a little bit more complex, depending how you want to handle errors occurring while the file is being read)
'use strict';
var fs = require('fs');
var http = require('http');
http.createServer(function(req, res) {
var stream = fs.createReadStream('image.jpg');
// Error handling omitted here
res.writeHead(200, {'Content-Type': 'image/jpeg'});
}).listen(8003, '');
Code that uses a Buffer is easier to write, but means that your server must hold the whole file in memory - for instance, you will be unable to serve a 320 Gigapixel image file. You also only start sending data once you have the whole file.
Using a stream allows sending the file as soon as you get it, so it will be a little faster. If you're reading from file or a local fast server the speed difference is likely negligible. In addition, you'll only need a little bit of memory. On the other hand, error handling is more complex.

