Drop down price update - javascript

I am trying to build an app that let people choose a license and the price is different for different licenses. I want a real-time price update on the page of the product. Here is the reference that I took for the below code: https://stackoverflow.com/a/6740218
<script type="text/javaScript">
var price = {"3":"11","2":"500","1":"1000"};
$(function() {
$('select[name=dropdown_price_change]').change(function() {
document.getElementById('price_disp').innerHTML = price[$(this).val()];
// Trigger on dom ready
<div class="product-price" id="price_disp">
<form class="cart nobottommargin clearfix" method="get">
<div class="quantity clearfix">
<select id="dropdown_price_change" name="dropdown_price_change" class="form-control">
<option value="3">Personal License</option>
<option value="2">Small Firm License</option>
<option value="1">Enterprise or Developer License</option>
Thanks in advance. ;)

innerHtml should be innerHTML and frankly, you should probably be using textContent instead of innerHTML in this case anyway since the values of the select don't contain any HTML.
Also, you shouldn't trigger the change function on document ready because the user will never get to see and use the dropdown list that way.
Lastly, add a "dummy" choice to the list as the default choice so that the user must change the value if they want to select "Personal License" from the list. Without this, the change event won't trigger because that was the default choice in the first place.
var price = {"3":"11","2":"500","1":"1000"};
document.getElementById('price_disp').textContent = price[$(this).val()];
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.1.1/jquery.min.js"></script>
<div class="product-price" id="price_disp">
<form class="cart nobottommargin clearfix" method="get">
<div class="quantity clearfix">
<select id="dropdown_price_change" name="dropdown_price_change" class="form-control">
<option value="">-- Select an Option --</option>
<option value="3">Personal License</option>
<option value="2">Small Firm License</option>
<option value="1">Enterprise or Developer License</option>


Add a class when specific dropdown is selected?

I want to reveal a link when a certain dropdown option is selected in a html5 form.
On page load I want to remove the link with id "pension-faq-icon" and only display it if the user selects <option value="<%= User::LENDER_TYPE_PENSION_INDIVIDUAL %>" id="select-ind-pension">Individual Pension Account</option>
<div class="seven columns">
<div class="select-holder icon icon_select">
<select name="user[user_subtype]" id="user_lender_type">
<option value="">Select type</option>
<option value="<%= User::LENDER_TYPE_INDIVIDUAL %>" id="select-ind">Individual Lender</option>
<option value="<%= User::LENDER_TYPE_PENSION_INDIVIDUAL %>" id="select-ind-pension">Individual Pension Account</option>
<!--<option value="sme" id="select-sme">Investment Business</option>-->
<p class="icon icon_info form-help-pension-faq show" id="pension-faq-icon">Need help? Read Our Pensions FAQ</p>
js file:
var user_type = $("#user_user_type").val();
var option_type = $("#select").val();
if(user_type == 'lender') {
if (option_type == 'individual_pension_lender'){
Right now the code above is successfully not displaying the line with the id "pension-faq-icon". How can I add it again if the user selects the specific dropdown option mentioned above?
To make this work you need to attach a change event handler to the select which runs whenever the user selects an option. At the moment your logic only executes when the page loads.
Also note that you can simplify the process by providing a boolean to toggle() which specifies whether to hide or show the relevant element. Try this:
$('#user_lender_type').change(function() {
$('#pension-faq-icon').toggle($(this).val() == 'individual_pension_lender');
#pension-faq-icon {
display: none;
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/3.3.1/jquery.min.js"></script>
<div class="seven columns">
<div class="select-holder icon icon_select">
<select name="user[user_subtype]" id="user_lender_type">
<option value="">Select type</option>
<option value="lender" id="select-ind">Individual Lender</option>
<option value="individual_pension_lender" id="select-ind-pension">Individual Pension Account</option>
<p class="icon icon_info form-help-pension-faq show" id="pension-faq-icon">
Need help?
Read Our Pensions FAQ

How to add action in HTML depending on two option combination?

How to add condition like this:
If customer chose Japan as a pickup option and England as a dropoff option, page sends him on page with prices of that destination and for some other input there is exactly one output for exact chosen destination and pickup place.
<div class="advanced-search color" id="booking">
<div class="wrap">
<form role="form" action="index.html" method="get">
<!-- Row -->
<div class="f-row">
<div class="form-group select one-third">
<label>Pick up location</label>
<select id="pickup1" name="p1">
<option value="">Select pickup location</option>
<optgroup label="Asia">
<option value="1">China</option>
<option value="2">Japan</option</optgroup>
<div class="form-group select one-third">
<label>Drop off location</label>
<select id="dropoff1" name="d1">
<option value="">Select drop-off location</option>
<optgroup label="Europe">
<option value="3">England</option>
<option value="4">Spain</option</optgroup>
<div class="form-group right">
<label>Check for informations</label>
<button type="submit" class="btn large black">Find a transfer</button>
<!-- //Row -->
You can use jquery for this,
var dropOffval = $(this).val();
var pickUplocation = $('#pickUpselect').val();
//condition runs here
if(pickUplocation ==='Japan' && dropOffval === 'Europe'){
// show the information for it
This is simple using jQuery. You send the values to the pricelist page via querystring in your url. On load of the pricelist page you get the values from the query string and filter based on it.
Now you'll have to work with the values in the list and not the text. You can match the values from a database or you can still use the country name as the value.
$(function() {
$('#btnSubmit').click(function() {
$('form').attr('action', 'pricelist?pickup=' + p1.val() + '&dropoff=' + d1.val());
you can use window.location within your script no need to use action just add onclick="Myfunc()" event.
if(pickup == "japan" && dropoff == "england")
window.location = "url";

How can i use values from ng-model for ng-show?

i'm a newb in angular and have some trouble to figure out how to use the values from ng-model in the correct way.
I made two drop-down lists and want to create a dependence between these two. The second list shall be displayed, depending on the user input of the first.
In this case the user shall select the kind of fermentation of a beer (here Obergärig for top-fermented) and the second drop-down should only be shown if the user took 'Obergärig'. I tried it with ng-show, but it doesn't work and i have no idea why or even if i use it the right way.
I would be very thankful if someone could give me a short explanation what i'm doing wrong.
Html for the first drop-down:
<div ng-controller="BierController">
<select ng-model="Bierart" ng-options="art as art.name for art in arten">
<option value="" disabled selected>Gärigkeit auswählen</option>
Html for the second drop-down:
<div ng-controller="OberController" ng-show="Bierart == 'Obergärig'">
<select ng-model="OberBier" ng-options="sorte as sorte.name for sorte in obere">
<option value="" disabled selected>Biersorte auswählen</option>
And here's the .js:
app.controller("BierController", function($scope){
{name:'Keine Angabe'}
app.controller("OberController", function($scope) {
{name:'Berliner Weiße'}
That's my first post here, so i'm thankful for every advise to improve the quality of this post. Also, please excuse my bad english.
Just do the next steps:
Use the same controller for both selects.
Create some $scope variable to save the condition of the first select.(e.g. $scope.selectedBeer)
Set the condition i ng-show property of the second select.
JS file:
app.controller("BierController", function($scope){
{name:'Keine Angabe'}
{name:'Berliner Weiße'}
$scope.selectedBeer = "";
HTML file:
<div ng-controller="BierController">
<select ng-model="selectedBeer" ng-options="art as art.name for art in arten">
<option value="" disabled selected>Gärigkeit auswählen</option>
<div ng-controller="BierController" ng-show="selectedBeer == 'Obergärig'">
<select ng-model="OberBier" ng-options="sorte as sorte.name for sorte in obere">
<option value="" disabled selected>Biersorte auswählen</option>
I may have done some syntax mistakes as I was coding this without any IDE, but the main idea is described. Good luck!
Your selects have to be managed by one controller. So, your code should look like:
<div ng-controller="BierController">
<select ng-model="Bierart" ng-options="art as art.name for art in arten">
<option value="" disabled selected>Gärigkeit auswählen</option>
<div ng-show="Bierart === 'Obergärig'">
<select ng-model="OberBier" ng-options="sorte as sorte.name for sorte in obere">
<option value="" disabled selected>Biersorte auswählen</option>
app.controller("BierController", function($scope){
{name:'Keine Angabe'}
{name:'Berliner Weiße'}
Here's the new html:
<div ng-controller="BierController">
<select ng-model="selectedBeer" ng-options="art as art.name for art in arten">
<option value="" disabled selected>Gärigkeit auswählen</option>
<div ng-show="selectedBeer == 'Obergärig'">
<select ng-options="sorte as sorte.name for sorte in obere">
<option value="" disabled selected>Biersorte auswählen</option>
And the .js
app.controller("BierController", function($scope){
{name:'Keine Angabe'}
{name:'Berliner Weiße'}
$scope.selectedBeer = "";
Thanks for the advise, i'll install ng-inspect FF.

Add .attr to button not working when called

Not sure if I formatted the question right. Have manually added the "data-next" and it is changing at the appropriate time, but still not changing. Have narrowed it down to the "showNext" function.
My objective is to iterate through the questions about the car the based on the number of cars the user enters. I was thinking a loop at first, but this seemed to be a cleaner way to do it. I'm new so I could be way off.
My problem is that while it does iterate through the correct number of times, and chrome shows that it is choosing that button as the "this" variable as I want it to, for some reason it is not adding the attribute. That line of code fires, I get no errors, but nothing happens.
I have tried using the exact id of the button, defining "this" as a variable (ie: var el = id of button) and a few other things I can't remember right now. Nothing has worked. Also I have used the same type of command in other areas and it worked just fine.
The rest of the code works fine and it does cycle through the correct number of times, but it will not add the attr. Any help would be greatly appreciated. If I have left anything out, please let me know. Thanks!
Here is the JS:
$(document).ready(function () {
// hide all 'hideFirst' elements, except the first one:
// Method used to show/hide elements :
function showNext(el) {
// check if element has a 'data-next' attribute:
if (el.data('next')) {
// hide all elements with 'hideFirst' class:
// show 'Back' button:
// show the element which id has been stored in 'data-next' attribute:
// push the parent element ('.hideFirst') into path array:
//Logs the number of cars in the household
$("#carAmount").click(function () {
numberOfCars = parseInt(document.getElementById("vehicleAmount").value);
//allow user to chose the type of car they drive
$("#carType").change(function () {
carChoice = $("#carType").val();
$("#carType").attr("data-next", "#" + carChoice);
//Decides whether the user has more cars to ask about
$(".carBtn").click(function () {
//asks about other cars
if (carCount < numberOfCars) {
$(this).attr('data-next', '#vehicleType');
$('#carType').prop('selectedIndex', 0);
//moves on to the next category
else {
$(this).attr('data-next', '#transportation');
And here is the HTML:
<div class="hideFirst" id="vehicleCount">
<label for="vehicleAmount">How many vehicles are there in your household?</label>
<input type="text" id="vehicleAmount" />
<button type="button" id="carAmount" data-next="#vehicleType" class="my-btn btnFoot"><i class="icon-footprint-right-d"></i></button>
<div class="hideFirst" id="vehicleType">
<label for="carType">What kind of car do you drive?</label>
<select id="carType">
<option disabled selected>--Choose One--</option>
<option value="gas">Gasoline</option>
<option value="diesel">Diesel</option>
<option value="cng">Natural gas</option>
<option value="hybrid">Hybrid</option>
<option value="elec">Electric</option>
<option value="hydrogen">Fuel Cell/Hydrogen</option>
<div class="hideFirst" id="gas">
<label for="fuelType">What type of fuel do you normally use??</label>
<select id="gasType">
<option disabled selected>--Choose One--</option>
<option value="e10">e10 (regular unleaded)</option>
<option value="e85">e85</option>
<div class="hideFirst" id="diesel">
<label for="carType">What type of diesel fuel do you normally use?</label>
<select id="dieselType" name="heatSource">
<option disabled selected>--Choose One--</option>
<option value="num5">Regular Diesel</option>
<option value="b10">B10 Biodiesel</option>
<option value="b100">B100 Biodiesel</option>
<div class="hideFirst" id="cng">
<label for="carCng">How much natural gas do you put in your car every month?</label>
<input type="text" id="carCng" />
<button type="button" id="propaneBill" class="carBtn btnFoot"><i class="icon-footprint-right-d"></i></button>
<div class="hideFirst" id="hybrid">
<label for="carType">What kind of car do you drive?</label>
<select id="carType" name="heatSource">
<option disabled selected>--Choose One--</option>
<option value="gas">Gasoline</option>
<option value="diesel">Diesel</option>
<option value="cng">Natural gas</option>
<option value="hybrid">Hybrid</option>
<option value="elec">Electric</option>
<option value="hydrogen">Fuel Cell/Hydrogen</option>
<div class="hideFirst" id="elec">
<label for="carElec">How many miles do you drive every month?</label>
<input type="text" id="carElec" />
<button type="button" id="elecMiles" class="carBtn btnFoot"><i class="icon-footprint-right-d"></i></button>
<div class="hideFirst" id="hydrogen">
<h2>Good for you, you produce no negative Co2 emission with your vehicle!</h2>
<button type="button" id="carsnow" class="carBtn btnFoot"><i class="icon-footprint-right-d"></i></button>
<div class="hideFirst" id="transportation">
<h2>Why won't I display?</h2>
<button type="button" data-next="" class="my-btn btnFoot"><i class="icon-footprint-right-d"></i></button>
<button id="backButton">Back</button>
Hoping to find some help here
OK, so it took a couple of days, but I figured this out.
The main problem is that the jquery .data- attributes are only read the very first time the property is accessed. So while I was changing them, at the right time, they weren't being read. It was also the reason that, while the back button worked it would not allow you to go to different divs when going back through the questions.
Here is the line from the jQuery documentation:
"The data- attributes are pulled in the first time the data property is
accessed and then are no longer accessed or mutated (all data values
are then stored internally in jQuery)."
Link to the page
By changing the .data- to a combination of .attr and .prop depending on the necessary functionality I was able to get it working.
As I mentioned in my original question, I'm very new so if I didn't provide enough info, please let me know.
Here is the code for it to work properly and a link to a fiddle.
var carCount = 0;
$(document).ready(function () {
// hide all 'hideFirst' elements, except the first one:
var visited = [];
// Method used to show/hide elements :
function showNext(el) {
// check if element has a 'nextitem' attribute:
if (el.attr('nextitem')) {
// hide all elements with 'hideFirst' class:
// show 'Back' button:
// show the element which id has been stored in 'nextitem' attribute:
// Push the parent element ('.hideFirst') into visited array:
// click event for 'back' button:
$('#backButton').click(function () {
// hide all elements with 'hideFirst' class:
// remove the last '.hideFirst' element from 'visited' array and show() it:
// hide 'back' button if visited array is empty:
visited.length || $(this).hide();
}).hide(); // hide 'back' button on init
$(".myBtn").click(function () {
$("#amount").click(function () {
numberOfCars = parseInt(document.getElementById("inputNumber").value);
$("#typeA").change(function () {
carChoice = $("#typeA").val();
$("#typeA").attr("nextitem", "#" + carChoice);
//clears previous choices
$('#typeA').prop('selectedIndex', 0);
$('#typeB').prop('selectedIndex', 0);
$('#typeC').prop('selectedIndex', 0);
//Decides how many more times to iterate through
$(".carBtn").click(function () {
//asks about other cars
if (carCount < numberOfCars) {
$(this).attr('nextitem', '#main');
//moves on to the next category
else {
$(this).attr('nextitem', '#last');
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.1.1/jquery.min.js"></script>
<div class="hideFirst">
<label for="inputNumber">Number of times to iterate through</label>
<input type="text" id="inputNumber" />
<button type="button" nextitem="#main" class="myBtn" id="amount">Next</button>
<div class="hideFirst" id="main">
<select id="typeA">
<option disabled selected>--Choose One--</option>
<option value="b">Option B</option>
<option value="c">Option C</option>
<div class="hideFirst" id="b">
<label for="typeB">Type B</label>
<select id="typeB">
<option disabled selected>--Choose One--</option>
<option value="a">Option a</option>
<option value="b">Option b</option>
<option value="c">Option c</option>
<button type="button" class="carBtn">Next</button>
<div class="hideFirst" id="c">
<label for="typeC">Type C</label>
<select id="typeC">
<option disabled selected></option>
<option value="a">Option a</option>
<option value="b">Option b</option>
<option value="c">Option c</option>
<button type="button" class="carBtn">Next</button>
<div class="hideFirst" id="last">
<button id="backButton">Back</button>
<p>Number of times you asked for:<span id="foo"></span>
<p>Number of times around this form:<span id="bar"></span>

How to display content depending on dropdown menue user selection

I have a dropdown menu at the bottom of a form with 6 different options.
I need to display different content on a div below this menu depending on which option is selected.
No additional content should be visible until the user is to select one of the options and once the user select one of the options only content associated with that specific option should be visible.
I need to create this functionality using JavaScript but my knowledge of JavaScript is very limited and I don’t seem to find what I need online.
I believe what I need to do is create 6 different divs(one for each option) and toggle
a class that makes them visilble once its respective title is selected.
Here is the dropdown menu that I have:
<div class="field">
<label for="roleBox" data-label="I_AM">{% trans %} main.I_AM_TITLE {% endtrans %}</label>
<div class="f-wrapper">
<select class="cbx" tabindex="50" name="role">
<option value="student">A Student</option>
<option value="educator">An Educator</option>
<option value="parent">A parent signing up for my child</option>
<option value="not-school">Not in school but still learning</option>
<option value="publisher">A Publisher or interested Kno partner</option>
Any help will be greatly appreciated.
I added the divs you mentioned and gave each an id which makes the Javascript a little easier.
var ids=["student", "educator", "parent", "not-school", "publisher"];
var dropDown = document.getElementById("roleSel");
dropDown.onchange = function(){
for(var x = 0; x < ids.length; x++){
document.getElementById(this.value).style.display = "block";
<div class="field">
<label for="roleBox" data-label="I_AM">{% trans %} main.I_AM_TITLE {% endtrans %}</label>
<div class="f-wrapper">
<select id="roleSel" class="cbx" tabindex="50" name="role">
<option value="student">A Student</option>
<option value="educator">An Educator</option>
<option value="parent">A parent signing up for my child</option>
<option value="not-school">Not in school but still learning</option>
<option value="publisher">A Publisher or interested Kno partner</option>
<div id="student" class="hidden">Student div</div>
<div id="educator" class="hidden">Educator div</div>
<div id="parent" class="hidden">Student div</div>
<div id="not-school" class="hidden">Not School div</div>
<div id="publisher" class="hidden">Student div</div>
Working Example http://jsfiddle.net/qbzmz/
use the onchange function like so
<div class="field">
<label for="roleBox" data-label="I_AM">{% trans %} main.I_AM_TITLE {% endtrans %}</label>
<div class="f-wrapper">
<select class="cbx" id="selctor" tabindex="50" name="role" onchange="selectChanged();">
<option value="student">A Student</option>
<option value="educator">An Educator</option>
<option value="parent">A parent signing up for my child</option>
<option value="not-school">Not in school but still learning</option>
<option value="publisher">A Publisher or interested Kno partner</option>
function selectChanged(){
//get the value of selector and act upon it
//i would use jquery to do this stuff

