javascript get only array elements equal to variable - javascript

I'm trying to compare the variable determineHour against the array stationRentalsHours, whenever the variable would be equal to a stationRentalsHours element, I'd like to add that element to another Array (stationRentalsHoursTemp), but only the values that match. I tried with simple operators, but that doesn't put anything into the temp array. I also tried using JQuery $.inArray, but that gives me some strange results, Equal to those in the original array. Are there any other methods of comparing a variable with an array for this particular task?
Thank you for any help.
function updateChart() {
var determineHour = selectNumber.options[selectNumber.selectedIndex].innerHTML;
for (var i = 0; i < stationRentalsHours.length; i++) {
/*if(determineHour == stationRentalsHours){
if( $.inArray(determineHour, stationRentalsHours[i])){

In this case, instead of using $.inArray, you can simply use the for loop and the index to test the equality. I guess you mixed up two things:
var determineHour = selectNumber.options[selectNumber.selectedIndex].innerHTML;
for (var i = 0; i < stationRentalsHours.length; i++) {
if( determineHour == stationRentalsHours[i]){
Better yet, use filter:
var determineHour = selectNumber.options[selectNumber.selectedIndex].innerHTML;
stationRentalsHoursTemp = stationRentalsHours.filter(function(val){return val == determineHour;});

Instead of
if( $.inArray(determineHour, stationRentalsHours[i])){
if( $.inArray(determineHour, stationRentalsHours) != -1){

Your commented out code would do the trick with a slight amendment to the if condition. Your original condition was comparing a string to an array instead of an individual element in that array:
function updateChart() {
var determineHour = selectNumber.options[selectNumber.selectedIndex].innerHTML;
for (var i = 0; i < stationRentalsHours.length; i++){
if(determineHour == stationRentalsHours[i]){


Array index out of bounds in Angular 2

I want to declare an Array with 4 dimensions, then loop some stuff with for() - and then the program breaks. Here is my code:
MoarInfo: any = [[[[]]]];
for(var i = 0; i < this.AllDataInfo[this.KontoAktuellYearIndex][this.KontoAktuellMonth].length; i++){
for(var a = 0; a < this.AllDataInfo[this.KontoAktuellYearIndex][this.KontoAktuellMonth][i].length; a++){
for(var b = 0; b < this.AllDataInfo[this.KontoAktuellYearIndex][this.KontoAktuellMonth][i][a].length; b++){
this.MoarInfo[i][a][b][0] = this.AllDataInfo[this.KontoAktuellYearIndex][this.KontoAktuellMonth][i][a][b][0];
this.MoarInfo[i][a][b][1] = this.AllDataInfo[this.KontoAktuellYearIndex][this.KontoAktuellMonth][i][a][b][1];
this.MoarInfo[i][a][b][2] = 'DetailsSpan';
The Problem definitively lies at the MoarInfo[][][][] array. I tested my code without it, and it works fine. I tried the following possibilities for the Typescript array declaration as well:
Moarinfo: any[]; MoarInfo = []; MoarInfo = [[[[]]]]; MoarInfo: any[][][][] = [[[[]]]];
And in JavaScript, I tried to declare a new Array, and then push some elements on the MoarInfo array, with different functions (split, unshift, push, concat) and nothing worked.
What am I doing wrong?
Check the size of this.MoarInfo[i][a][b]. You are trying to get the value by index 0,1,2. Looks like its size is less than 2 which is causing this error.
if(this.MoarInfo[i][a][b].size > 0){
this.MoarInfo[i][a][b][0] = this.AllDataInfo[this.KontoAktuellYearIndex][this.KontoAktuellMonth][i][a][b][0];
if(this.MoarInfo[i][a][b].size > 1){
this.MoarInfo[i][a][b][1] = this.AllDataInfo[this.KontoAktuellYearIndex][this.KontoAktuellMonth][i][a][b][1];
if(this.MoarInfo[i][a][b].size > 2){
this.MoarInfo[i][a][b][2] = 'DetailsSpan';
Okay, I figured it out for myself. You have to set the elements of the dimensions from the array at first blank, then you can fill them with content. First I declared an Array in TypeScript like this AnArray = [];. Then I switched to JavaScript ( to the constructer() function ) and filled it with blank elements. I archieved this with this.AnArray.push();. If you want to set elements for the first dimension use push([]);, if you want an element for the 4th dimension, use push([[[]]]);. And you can set your content space like this push([[['E1',0,0,'E2']]]);. Now you can use follwing syntax:
alert( this.AnArray[0][0][0][3] ); //returns 'E2'
The complete code from my project now works fine and looks like this:
for(var i = 0; i < this.AllDataInfo[this.KontoAktuellYearIndex][this.KontoAktuellMonth].length; i++){
for(var a = 0; a < this.AllDataInfo[this.KontoAktuellYearIndex][this.KontoAktuellMonth][i].length; a++){
for(var b = 0; b < this.AllDataInfo[this.KontoAktuellYearIndex][this.KontoAktuellMonth][i][a].length; b++){
this.test[i][a][b][0] = this.AllDataInfo[this.KontoAktuellYearIndex][this.KontoAktuellMonth][i][a][b][0];
this.test[i][a][b][1] = this.AllDataInfo[this.KontoAktuellYearIndex][this.KontoAktuellMonth][i][a][b][1];
this.test[i][a][b][2] = 'DetailsSpan';
I wonder if there is a better way than using arrays, but if you want it too, you can do it like this.

Split a String Array and Store Values for each Iteration

So the variable classList stores all classes for the body. I then created a variable classListLength that has the length of classList so I can iterate through each index and then split each class. I do not know how to store the splits for each index as it loops through classList. Help me please.
var classList = jQuery('body').attr('class').split(' ');
var classListLength = classList.length;
var keyWords = function(array) {
for (var i = 0; i < classListLength; i++ ) {
if i do the following in the console
var keyWords = function(array) {
for (var i = 0; i < classListLength; i++ ) {
I can see exactly what I want but I want to be able to store that and check it later on with a conditional.
var splitClassList = (class) {
return class.split('-');
So I solved what I needed. The below code allows me to iterate through my split classList. I then check the the specific class I want within the classList using .includes method and execute what I need done. If you guys know how to make this a bit more modular please chime in.
var brandClass
// Iterate though split classes
jQuery.each( classList, function(i) {
if ( classList[i].includes('product-wildridge') ) {
brandClass = classList[i];
// check specific class for certin keywords
var customTab = function(brandClass) {
if (brandClass.includes('wildridge') && brandClass.includes('deep') ) {
return true;
} else {
jQuery('#tab-fabric').css('display', 'none');

Find difference in two arrays

I have two arrays of email addresses and I am trying to find the difference in the two. One of the arrays contains current email address. The other contains current group members email address. I am updating the group list with the current email addresses and removing the address in the group that are not in the current email addresses. I cannot wrap my head around how I get my for loop to accomplish this. Here is my code so far...
for(i = 0; i < GROUP_USERS.length; i++){
var currentMember = GROUP_USERS[i];
for(x = 0; x < DOMAIN_USERS.length; x++){
if(DOMAIN_USERS[x] != currentMember){
} else {
It seems like I need to test the end of my loop, or something.
I am using Google Apps Script (SDK). I will have to push all of the emails that need to be deleted to an array and then use the GroupApps class to remove those emails from the group. Then I will need to push the DOMAIN_USERS email address that do not already reside in the group, to the group. So, essentially, I will have two arrays. One array of emails that need to be removed from the group and one array of emails that need to be added to the group. Hopefully, that makes more sense.
You need create another variable to check currentMember exists in DOMAIN_USERS array
after that you can remove it from GROUP_USERS array
for (i = 0; i < GROUP_USERS.length; i++) {
var currentMember = GROUP_USERS[i];
var isContain = false;
for (x = 0; x < DOMAIN_USERS.length; x++) {
if (DOMAIN_USERS[x] == currentMember) {
isContain = true;
if (!isContain) {
Unless I'm misunderstanding the logic the same result can be reached with
If I understand correctly you want to remove all emailaddresses from GROUP_USERS that aren't in DOMAIN_USERS, then add the emailaddresses from DOMAIN_USERS that aren't in GROUP_USERS to the GROUP_USERS array, correct?
You could first make a 'contains' function (for compatability you could use this instead of indexOf()):
function contains(arr, val) {
for (var i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) {
if (arr[i] === val) {
return true;
return false;
Then to delete all emailaddresses from GROUP_USERS that aren't in DOMAIN_USERS. in a for loop:
for(i=0;i < GROUP_USERS.length; i++) {
if(!contains(DOMAIN_USERS, GROUP_USERS[i])) {
GROUP_USERS.splice(i, 1);
Then another for-loop to add the ones from DOMAIN_USERS to GROUP_USERS:
for(i=0; i < DOMAIN_USERS.length; i++) {
if(!contains(GROUP_USERS, DOMAIN_USERS[i])) {
if you are looking for difference in two arrays
use grip and inarray
The 2 lists you need are the relative complement of GROUP_USERS in DOMAIN_USERS and of DOMAIN_USERS in GROUP_USERS. So define a function that finds all the members of an array a that are not in a second array b, and then use that to find which emails need to be added and deleted.
function relComp(a, b) {
var r = [];
for (var i = 0; i < a.length; i++) {
if (b.indexOf(a[i]) == -1) {
return r;
var toDelete = relComp(GROUP_USERS, DOMAIN_USERS);
var toAdd = relComp(DOMAIN_USERS, GROUP_USERS);
relComp can also be written with a filter:
function relComp(a, b) {
return a.filter(function(item) {
return b.indexOf(item) == -1;
Its very easy using open source project jinqJs
See Fiddle Example
//Use open source library
var current = ["", "", "", ""];
var group = ["", "", "", ""];
var currentComplex = [{email:""},{email: ""}, {email:""}, {email:""}];
//Gets emails that are in current not in group
var result = jinqJs().from(current).not().in(group).select();
var result2 = jinqJs().from(currentComplex).not().in(group, 'email').select();

match two elements in an array with a single for loop

I have the following code:
var fl = myitems(); //grabs all items (an array)
var f1 = f2 = new String();
function myfunc(){
//find two items in an array and load vars
for(i=0; i<fl.length-1; i++){
if(fl[i] == "match1"){
f1 = fl[i];
for(i=0; i<fl.length-1; i++){
if(fl[i] == "match2"){
f2 = fl[i];
I'd like to avoid the extra for(), if possible. I try else if, but many times the first match element is caught after the 2nd element has already been surpassed in the for loop.
I'm sure there is an easy way out of this (else if, and else don't seem to do the trick).
Can anyone tell me what common practice is here?
You can do both tests in the same loop:
for (i = 0; i < fl.length - 1; i++) {
if (fl[i] == "match1") {
f1 = fl[i];
} else if (fl[i] == "match2") {
f2 = fl[i];
Note that the comparison operator is ==, not =.
I know that this does not answer the original question, but it looks like you are trying to find out whether the arrays contain 'match1' and 'match2', you can do that with Array.prototype.indexOf:
var items = myitems();
if(items.indexOf('match1') !== -1) {
// Do whatever you need to do if the array contains 'match1'

find a href with a certain value

I have an array called "selectMe" formed by a variable wich contains a string such as: 12P, 5B, 10C, etc., this is the "href" value of a hyperlink and I need to find and add the class "selected" to the ones inside this array. To break the array I have:
function selectPrevious(selections){
// split into array
var selectMe = selections.split(", ")
for (var i = 0; i < selectMe.length; i++){
$('#theater a').search(selectMe[i]).addClass('selected');
I've tried doing find() instead of search() as well as many other iterations but still haven't been able to accomplish what I want, how can I do it?
Using one of the answers provided here I have changed it to this:
function selectPrevious(selections){
// split into array
if(typeof selections !== "undefined"){
var selectMe = selections.split(", ");
for (var i = 0; i < selectMe.length; i++){
$('#theater a[href*='+selectMe[i]+']').addClass('selected');
I had to add the "if(typeof selections !== "undefined")" because otherwise it was throwing me errors on IE. Anyway, I still can't add the class "selected" to the values in the array, am I missing something? or did I do something wrong?
Your selector for find() is wrong. And there are no search() in jQuery.
Instead of $('#theater a').search(selectMe[i]) use $('#theater a[href*='+selectMe[i]+']')
try this one:
function selectPrevious(selections) {
// split into array
var selectMe = selections.split(", ")
for (var i = 0; i < selectMe.length; i++){

