react-http-request does not change loading state after second request - javascript

I am now using react-http-request in my React.js component to send request and process the response. The URL parameter passed is relevant to the component state such that when the state changes, the component will be re-rendered and change the component display.
This works on the first request. However, I found that the component does not return a {load: true} after the second request, and I wonder how to solve this.
I tried to call the onRequest method and set the loading state for the component, but I cannot change the loading state after the request is finished (as render function cannot change the state).
My Code is like below:
var FilmList = React.createClass({
getInitialState: function(){
return {
queryType: this.props.queryType
// ... details emitted.
render: function(){
return (<Request
url={config.url.api + "/" + this.state.queryType}
query={{ several parameter }}
({error, result, loading}) => {
if (loading || error) {
return <Loading />
else {
// process the result here.

So, my initial recommendation would be that you use some state management library (redux, mobx, etc) but it is not necessary to get a working example of your code, so:
import fetch from 'whatwg-fetch'; // gives compatibility with older browsers
var FilmList = React.createClass({
getInitialState: function(){
return {
queryType: this.props.queryType,
content: null
componentWillMount: function() {
fetchContent: function() {
const uri = config.url.api + "/" + this.state.queryType;
// You can use w/e you want here (request.js, etc), but fetch is the latest standard in the js world
fetch(uri, {
method: 'GET',
// More properties as you see fit
.then(response => response.json()) // might need to do this ;)
.then(response => {
content: response
// ...
render: function(){
const content = this.state.content? (
// render your content based on this.state.content
): (
<Loading />
return content;
Haven't tested this code, but there are some nice benefits to it:
The http request is not dependant on React, which should (in theory) be for UI components.
The fetching mechanism is decoupled, and can be re-used at any point in the component lifecycle
In my opinion easier to read, divided into smaller logical chunks
I would recommend reading the React Component Lifecycle.

In this case, I read the source code of the react-http-request, and found that there is a weakness that after accepting and sending the second request, the component failed to update the state of "loading" returns.
// starts from Line 49
value: function componentWillReceiveProps(nextProps) {
if (JSON.stringify(this.props) === JSON.stringify(nextProps)) {
Manually changed the state of loading here can help reset the loading after each request received.
I changed the source code of this lib, and sent the pull request to the repo. It's now merged into master and ejected a new release.
Thus, this problem can be solved by keeping the lib update to the release (currently it is 1.0.3).


Run computed function after mounted - VUE

I'm trying to run a function that needs some data that I get back from the mounted method. Right now I try to use computed to create the function but unfortunately for this situation computed runs before mounted so I don't have the data I need for the function. Here is what I'm working with:
computed: {
league_id () {
return parseInt(this.$
current_user_has_team: function() {
mounted () {
const params = {};
axios.get('/api/v1/leagues/' +this.$, {
headers: {
Authorization: "Bearer "+localStorage.getItem('token')
}).then(response => {
this.league =
this.current_user_teams =
}).catch(error => {
this.$store.commit("FLASH_MESSAGE", {
message: "League not found",
show: true,
styleClass: "error",
timeOut: 4000
As you can see I have the debugger in the computed function called current_user_has_team function. But I need the data I get back from the axios call. Right now I don't have the data in the debugger. What call back should I use so that I can leverage the data that comes back from the network request? Thank You!
If your computed property current_user_has_team depends on data which is not available until after the axios call, then you need to either:
In the current_user_has_team property, if the data is not available then return a sensible default value.
Do not access current_user_has_team from your template (restrict with v-if) or anywhere else until after the axios call has completed and the data is available.
It's up to you how you want the component to behave in "loading" situations.
If your behavior is synchronous, you can use beforeMount instead of mounted to have the code run before computed properties are calculated.

React - Loading Stored Data then API data in ComponentWillReceiveProps

I have a component that must make an HTTP request based off new props. Currently it's taking a while to actually update, so we've implemented a local store that we'd like to use to show data from past requests and then show the HTTP results once they actually arrive.
I'm running into issues with this strategy:
//triggers single render, only after request gets back
What I think is happening is that react bundles all the setstates for each lifecycle method, so it's not triggering render until the request actually comes back.
My next strategy was this:
//triggers two renders, but only draws 2nd, after request gets back
This one SHOULD work, it's actually calling render with the localstore data immediately, and then calling it again when the request gets back with the request data, but the first render isnt actually drawing anything to the screen!
It looks like react waits to draw the real dom until after componentDidUpdate completes, which tbh, seems completely against the point to me.
Is there a much better strategy that I could be using to achieve this?
One strategy could be to load the data using fetch, and calling setState when the data has been loaded with the use of promises.
// Create a request based on nextProps
.then(response => response.json())
.then(json => this.setState({updatedValue: json.value})
I use the pattern bellow all the time (assuming your request function supports promises)
const defaultData = { /* whatever */ }
let YourComponent = React.createClass({
componentWillRecieveProps: function(nextProps) {
const that = this
const cachedData = this.getDataFromLocalStore(nextProps)
theData: { loading: true, data: cachedData }
.then(function(res) {
theData: { loaded: true, data: res }
.catch(function() {
theData: { laodingFailed: true }
getInitialState: function() {
return {
theData: { loading: true, data: defaultData }
render: function() {
const theData = this.state.theData
if(theData.loading) { return (<div>loading</div>) } // you can display the cached data here
if(theData.loadingFailed) { return (<div>error</div>) }
if(!theData.loaded) { throw new Error("Oups") }
return <div>{ }</div>
More information about the lifecycle of components here
By the way, you may think of using a centralized redux state instead of the component state.
Also my guess is that your example is not working because of this line:
It is very likely that makeHttpRequest is asynchronous and returns undefined. In other words you are setting your data to undefined and never get the result of the request...
Edit: about firebase
It looks like you are using firebase. If you use it using the on functions, your makeHttpRequest must look like:
function(makeHttpRequest) {
return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
firebaseRef.on('value', function(data) {
This other question might also help

React component get request being made in one or clicks late

This one is kind of hard to explain, but basically when a click on a component, I make a get request for some data for another component. This however is only made after a couple of clicks.
I should probably also admit that I am not 100% sure if the place I am making the request is even correct, so if that's the case please let me know how I can get that fixed. Here's the code:
var ChangeLogData = React.createClass({
getInitialState: function () {
return {
content: {},
render: function () {
var _this=this;
$.get(this.props.source, function (data) {
var log = $.parseJSON(data);
_this.state.content = log;
return (
window.ChangeLog = React.createClass({
render: function () {
return (
<ChangeLogData name={}
source={currentUrl + "/changelog/" +}/>
Edit: I should also probably add that it seems that most people recommend doing http requests on componentWillMount, but if I do that, the request only works once.
Edit 2: Here is the code of where the event is being called:
var AboutItem = React.createClass({
render: function () {
return (
{ (listValue,key) {
var link = currentUrl + "/changelog/" + listValue.split(' ')[0];
return <ListGroupItem key={key} className="module"
I guess the idea is, the user will click on an item (that is dynamically generated), and when the item is clicked, it will send to the ChangeLog component the data in which it has to do the get request. So where exactly would I put my event handler?
I think the problem is that it's not being called correctly, as jquery is async...
var jqxhr = $.get( "example.php", function() {
alert( "success" );
.done(function() {
.fail(function() {
alert( "error" );
.always(function() {
alert( "finished" );
And update the state in the .done()
You should not be making requests in your render method. You should also not be directly modifying state through this.state but instead use this.setState(). You also don't seem to be adding any onClick handlers.
You can do something like the following to trigger requests onClick:
var ChangeLogData = React.createClass({
getInitialState: function () {
return {
content: {},
handleClick: function() {
$.get(this.props.source, function (data) {
var log = $.parseJSON(data);
this.setState( { content: log } );
render: function () {
return (
<div onClick = { this._handleClick } >
If you want to do it on component mount you can put into componentDidMount() and call setState when you retrieve your data. This will cause the component to re-render with content
First: the get request is async, so by the time you get the response back the DOM is already rendered.
Second: Never update state inside the render method, if it works and you don't get an error message you most likely will create an infinite loop, render => updateState => render => udpateState...
you have multiple options, you can have the get request inside the function called after onClick (not shown in your code), and then update state and pass data as props. In this case you would be making a new get request every single time there's a click event. If you dont need a new get request on every click look into react lifecycle methods, in particular componentDidMount, which is basically executed after the react component is mounted, then you can do a get request there and update the state
componentDidMount: function() {
$.get(this.props.source, function (data) {
var log = $.parseJSON(data);
this.setState( { content: log } );
I can't see from your code what component should be clicked in order to trigger the request, but as far as could see, you should take the request out of the render() method. This method is called every time state/props change, so it might make your code make the request multiple times.
Another thing is that you should always mutate your state by calling this.setState() method, so in your case it would be _this.setState({ content: log }).
Now, if you change the name prop every time another component is clicked, you should do something like:
var ChangeLogData = React.createClass({
getInitialState: function () {
return {
content: {},
componentWillMount: function () {
componentWillReceiveProps: function (nextProps) {
getLog: function (source) {
var _this = this;
$.get(source, function (data) {
var log = $.parseJSON(data);
content: log
render: function () {
return (
First you can extract the process to create the request call from the render() method into its own method, in this case, getLog(). Then, with two new methods from the React lifecycle, you can call getLog() when the component will be mounted and whenever new props come in from the parents components.

Ember Understand execution flow between route/controller

I have a "box" route/controller as below;
export default Ember.Controller.extend({
initialized: false,
type: 'P',
status: 'done',
layouts: null,
toggleFltr: null,
gridVals: Ember.computed.alias('model.gridParas'),
gridParas: Ember.computed('myServerPars', function() {
this.set('gridVals.serverParas', this.get('myServerPars'));
if (!this.get('initialized')) {
} else {'afterRender', this, this.refreshBox);
return this.get('gridVals');
filterCols: function()
this.set('gridVals.layout', this.get('layouts')[this.get('type')]);
myServerPars: function() {
// Code to set serverParas
return serverParas;
}.property('type', 'status', 'toggleFltr'),
refreshBox: function(){
// Code to trigger refresh grid
My route looks like;
export default Ember.Route.extend({
selectedRows: '',
selectedCount: 0,
rawResponse: {},
model: function() {
var compObj = {};
compObj.gridParas = this.get('gridParas');
return compObj;
activate: function() {
var self = this;
self.layouts = {};
var someData = {attr1:"I"};
var promise = this.doPost(someData, '/myService1', false); // Sync request (Is there some way I can make this work using "async")
promise.then(function(response) {
// Code to use response & set self.layouts
self.controllerFor(self.routeName).set('layouts', self.layouts);
gridParas: function() {
var self = this;
var returnObj = {};
returnObj.url = '/myService2';
returnObj.beforeLoadComplete = function(records) {
// Code to use response & set records
return records;
return returnObj;
actions: {
My template looks like
{{my-grid params=this.gridParas elementId='myGrid'}}
My doPost method looks like below;
doPost: function(postData, requestUrl, isAsync){
requestUrl = this.getURL(requestUrl);
isAsync = (isAsync == undefined) ? true : isAsync;
var promise = new Ember.RSVP.Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
return $.ajax({
// settings
return promise;
Given the above setup, I wanted to understand the flow/sequence of execution (i.e. for the different hooks).
I was trying to debug and it kept hopping from one class to another.
Also, 2 specific questions;
I was expecting the "activate" hook to be fired initially, but found out that is not the case. It first executes the "gridParas" hook
i.e. before the "activate" hook. Is it because of "gridParas"
specified in the template ?
When I do this.doPost() for /myService1, it has to be a "sync" request, else the flow of execution changes and I get an error.
Actually I want the code inside filterCols() controller i.e.
this.set('gridVals.layout', this.get('layouts')[this.get('type')]) to
be executed only after the response has been received from
/myService1. However, as of now, I have to use a "sync" request to do
that, otherwise with "async", the execution moves to filterCols() and
since I do not have the response yet, it throws an error.
Just to add, I am using Ember v 2.0
activate() on the route is triggered after the beforeModel, model and afterModel hooks... because those 3 hooks are considered the "validation phase" (which determines if the route will resolve at all). To be clear, this route hook has nothing to do with using gridParas in your template... it has everything to do with callling get('gridParas') within your model hook.
It is not clear to me where doPost() is connected to the rest of your code... however because it is returning a promise object you can tack on a then() which will allow you to essentially wait for the promise response and then use it in the rest of your code.
Simple Example:
this.doPost().then((theResponse) => {
If you can simplify your question to be more clear and concise, i may be able to provide more info
Generally at this level you should explain what you want to archive, and not just ask how it works, because I think you fight a lot against the framework!
But I take this out of your comment.
First, you don't need your doPost method! jQuerys $.ajax returns a thenable, that can be resolved to a Promise with Ember.RSVP.resolve!
Next: If you want to fetch data before actually rendering anything you should do this in the model hook!
I'm not sure if you want to fetch /service1, and then with the response you build a request to /service2, or if you can fetch both services independently and then show your data (your grid?) with the data of both services. So here are both ways:
If you can fetch both services independently do this in your routes model hook:
return Ember.RSVP.hash({
service1: Ember.RSVP.resolve($.ajax(/*your request to /service1 with all data and params, may use query-params!*/).then(data => {
return data; // extract the data you need, may transform the response, etc.
service2: Ember.RSVP.resolve($.ajax(/*your request to /service2 with all data and params, may use query-params!*/).then(data => {
return data; // extract the data you need, may transform the response, etc.
If you need the response of /service1 to fetch /service2 just do this in your model hook:
return Ember.RSVP.resolve($.ajax(/*/service1*/)).then(service1 => {
return Ember.RSVP.resolve($.ajax(/*/service2*/)).then(service2 => {
return {
}; // this object will then be available as `model` on your controller
If this does not help you (and I really think this should fix your problems) please describe your Problem.

Reactjs: Loading view based on response

Looking for a way for React to process some json, and load views based on the response.
For example:
1- React has a form, response goes out to external API
2- API processes the input, returns a success code unless there was validation issues, and send a response back to the React app
3- React gets the json response, loads a "Success" view, or reloads the form and outputs the erros
Is there a simple way for React to handle this? Thanks in advance!
Very simple...
Basically, you need to track when you initiate request (sending data) and when request is completed (receiving response).
Based on data returned, you decide what to render...
Take a look at this example (working fiddle)
// In this example, we are using JSONPlaceholer service do real
// request and receive response;
const root = '';
const Success = () => (<div>Success!</div>);
const Error = () => (<div>Error! Fix your data!</div>);
const Form = React.createClass({
getInitialState() {
return {
processing: false,
result: undefined,
submit(event) {
this.setState({ processing: true });
fetch(`${root}/posts`, {
method: 'POST',
data: {
// your data here...
.then(response => {
// We simulate succesful/failed response here.
// In real world you would do something like this..
// const result = response.ok ? 'success' : 'error';
const processing = false;
const result = Math.random() > 0.5 ? 'success' : 'error';
this.setState({ result, processing });
render() {
const { result, processing } = this.state;
if (result === 'success')
return <Success />;
return (
Form content here<br/>
<button onClick={this.submit}>
{ processing ? 'Sending data...' : 'Submit' }
{ result === 'error' && <Error /> }
render(<Form />, document.getElementById('root'));
The easy way would be to trigger the new state with setState() from the API callback function such as in the example below, although I recommend using a library such as Redux for state management.
var MainComp = React.createClass({
getInitialState: function() {
return {someProp: ""}
callAPI: function() {
var root = '';
url: root + '/posts/1',
method: 'GET'
}).then(function(data) {
this.setState({someProp: data.body})
render: function(){
return (
<button onClick={this.callAPI}>Async</button>
React.render(<MainComp/>, document.getElementById("app"));
Please note this is a naive example, you should still cover up error cases and build a logic to trigger different views based on state.

