How do I reach $rootScope from a component? - javascript

I am very new to AngularJS/Ionic/Cordova programming and am trying to handle the visibility of a component using a global variable, so it can be hidden or shown from other components. I am creating the variable when calling the run function, assigning it to $rootScope.$rootScope, $ionicPlatform) {
$ionicPlatform.ready(function() {
// Some Ionic/Cordova stuff...
// My global variable.
$rootScope.visible = true;
My component is:
function MyComponentController($rootScope, $scope) {
var self = this;
self.visible = $rootScope.visible;
.component('myComponent', {
templateUrl: 'my-component.template.html',
controller: MyComponentController
And the template:
<div ng-if="$ctrl.visible">
<!-- ... -->
However the alert message always shows "undefined". What am I missing?

$rootScope.visible isn't watched when being assigned as self.visible = $rootScope.visible. And it is undefined at the moment when component controller is instantiated.
It can be
function MyComponentController($rootScope, $scope) {
var self = this;
$scope.$watch(function () { return $rootScope.visible }, function (val) {
self.visible = val;
By the way, it is likely available as $scope.$parent.visible and can be bound in template as ng-if="$parent.visible", but this is antipattern that is strongly discouraged.
There may be better approaches:
top-level AppController and <my-component ng-if="visible">, so the component doesn't have to control its own visibility
broadcasting it with scope events, $rootScope.$broadcast('visibility:myComponent')
using a service as event bus (that's where RxJS may be helpful)
using a router to control the visibility of views, possibly with route/state resolver (this is the best way)

How about change self to $scope like this:
function MyComponentController($rootScope, $scope) {
$scope.visible = $rootScope.visible;


AngularJS using service variable with ng-if

I want to be able to determine which directive is displayed based on a variable from a shared service. This is what I have so far.
<character-select ng-if="stateChangeService.playerState === 'characterSelect'"></character-select>
<fight-display ng-if="stateChangeService.playerState === 'fight'"></fight-display>
.service('stateChangeService', stateChangeService);
function stateChangeService() {
var vm = this;
vm.playerState = 'characterSelect';
Currently when I load the page, nothing displays. The service is injected into both the character-select directive and the fight-display directive as well as the MainController. Any ideas?
There is no way your view knows anything about your service. You should assign your service to context.
angular.module('outerZone').controller('MainController', MainController)
MainController.$inject = ['stateChangeService'];
function MainController(stateChangeService){
var vm = this;
vm.stateChangeService = stateChangeService;
<body ng-controller="MainController as mc">
<character-select ng-if="mc.stateChangeService.playerState === 'characterSelect'"></character-select>
<fight-display ng-if="mc.stateChangeService.playerState === 'fight'"></fight-display>
View in Angular can access variables in current $scope or parent scopes.
so you have to assign service to current $scope or $rootScope.
(function() {
// your service
.service('myService', myServiceFunction);
function myServiceFunction(){ = function(){ return true; };
// your controller
.controller('myController', myControllerFunction);
// inject $scope and service
function myControllerFunction($scope, myService){
//attatch service to current scope
$scope.myService = myService;
<div ng-app='app' ng-controller="myController">
You can only use those variable on view/HTML which are bounded to $scope or this(while using controllerAs pattern). You should expose your service/factory/constant on view, OR rather better way would write a getter for accessing particular variable from service. Its best practice to expose relevant matter from service. There after you could call that getter from view like getPlayerState()
<character-select ng-if="getPlayerState() === 'characterSelect'"></character-select>
<fight-display ng-if="getPlayerState() === 'fight'"></fight-display>
app.controller('myCtrl', function(stateChangeService, $scope){
$scope.getPlayerState = function(){
return stateChangeService.playerState;

Loading view configuration

I would like to do something like this:
$routeProvider.when('products/list', {
controller: 'ProductListCtrl',
templateUrl : 'products/list/view.html',
resolve : { data : function(){
loadingTemplateUrl : 'general/loader.html'
I would like to have the loading page in a different view.
This would make the code in the view and controller of every page cleaner, (no < ng-show="loading"...>). This would also mean that I don't have to $scope.$watch the data for changes. Is there a clean solution to do something similar (not necessarily in the .config method) or an alternative library to do this?
Assuming you want to show some general template for all state transitions while the data is resolved, my suggestion is to listen to the events fired by the routing library. This allows to use one central point to handle all state transitions instead of polluting the routing config (which I think will not be that easy to do).
Please see the docs for $routeChangeStart, $routeChangeSuccess and of course $routeChangeError at the angular router docs
Maybe someone could be interested in what I did: I created a new service and a new view directive. It could seem like a lot of work, but doing this was much easier than I had expected. The new service enables me to separate the main view from the loading view, that I could reuse in all pages of the application. I also provided the possibility to configure an error template url and error controller, for when the loading failed.
The Angular $injector, $templateRequest and $controller services do most of the work. I just had to connect a directive, that depends on these services, to the right event ($locationChangeSuccess), and to the promise, retrieved (using $q.all) from the resolve object's functions. This connection was done in the route service. The service selects the right template url and comtroller, and passes it on for the directive to handle.
A shortened version (with the getCurrentConfig method left out):
(function () {
'use strict';
// provider:
.provider('pikaRouteService', [function () {
var routeConfigArray;
var otherwiseRouteConfig;
//configuration methods
this.when = function (url, routeConfig){
routeConfigArray.push({url: url, routeConfig: routeConfig});
return this;
this.otherwise = function(routeConfig){
otherwiseRouteConfig = routeConfig;
return this;
// service factory:
this.$get = ['$rootScope', '$location', '$q', '$injector', '$templateRequest',
function ($rootScope, $location, $q, $injector, $templateRequest) {
function RouteService() {
this.setViewDirectiveUpdateFn = function(){ /*...*/ }
function init(){
$rootScope.$on('$locationChangeSuccess', onLocationChangeSuccess);
function onLocationChangeSuccess(){
// get the configuration based on the current url
// getCurrentConfig is a long function, because it involves parsing the templateUrl string parameters, so it's left out for brevity
var currentConfig = getCurrentConfig($location.url());
if(currentConfig.resolve !== undefined){
// update view directive to display loading view
viewDirectiveUpdateFn(currentConfig.loadingTemplateUrl, currentConfig.loadingController);
// resolve
var promises = [];
var resolveKeys = [];
for(var resolveKey in currentConfig.resolve){
$q.all(promises).then(resolveSuccess, resolveError);
function resolveSucces(resolutionArray){
// put resolve results in an object
var resolutionObject = {};
for(var i = 0; i< promises.length;++i){
resolved[resolveKeys[i]] = resolutionArray[i];
viewDirectiveUpdateFn(currentConfig.errorTemplateUrl, currentConfig.errorController);
function resolveError(){
viewDirectiveUpdateFn(currentConfig.errorTemplateUrl, currentConfig.errorController);
return new RouteService();
View directive
(function () {
'use strict';
.directive('pikaView', ['$templateRequest', '$compile', '$controller', 'pikaRouteService', function ($templateRequest, $compile, $controller, pikaRouteService) {
return function (scope, jQdirective, attrs) {
var viewScope;
function init() {
function updateView(templateUrl, controllerName, resolved) {
if(viewScope!== undefined){
viewScope = scope.$new();
viewScope.resolved = resolved;
var controller = $controller(controllerName, { $scope: viewScope });
function onTemplateLoaded(template, newScope) {
var compiledTemplate = $compile(template)(newScope);

Testing the controller passed to an Angular Material Dialog instance

First off, I am trying to unit test the controller that is being passed to an Angular Material Dialog instance.
As a general question, does it make more sense to test such a controller separately, or by actually invoking$
I am attempting the first method, but I'm running into some issues, mostly related to how Angular Material binds the "locals" to the controller.
Here is the code that I am using to invoke the dialog in my source code, which works as expected:
controller: 'DeviceDetailController',
controllerAs: 'vm',
locals: {deviceId: "123"},
bindToController: true,
templateUrl: 'admin/views/deviceDetail.html',
parent: angular.element(document.body),
targetEvent: event
I don't believe the docs have been updated, but as of version 0.9.0 or so, the locals are available to the controller at the time the constructor function is called (see this issue on Github). Here is a stripped-down version of the controller constructor function under test, so you can see why I need the variable to be passed in and available when the controller is "instantiated":
function DeviceDetailController(devicesService) {
var vm = this;
vm.device = {};
// vm.deviceId = null; //this field is injected when the dialog is created, if there is one. For some reason I can't pre-assign it to null.
function activate() {
if (vm.deviceId != null) {
function loadDevice() {
.then(function(data) {
vm.device = data.collection;
I am trying to test that the device is assigned to vm.device when a deviceId is passed in to the constructor function before it is invoked.
The test (jasmine and sinon, run by karma):
describe('DeviceDetailController', function() {
var $controllerConstructor, scope, mockDevicesService;
beforeEach(inject(function ($controller, $rootScope) {
mockDevicesService = sinon.stub({
getDeviceById: function () {}
$controllerConstructor = $controller;
scope = $rootScope.$new();
it('should get a device from devicesService if passed a deviceId', function() {
var mockDeviceId = 3;
var mockDevice = {onlyIWouldHaveThis: true};
var mockDeviceResponse = {collection: [mockDevice]};
var mockDevicePromise = {
then: function (cb) {
var mockLocals = {deviceId: mockDeviceId, $scope: scope};
var ctrlConstructor = $controllerConstructor('DeviceDetailController as vm', mockLocals, true);
angular.extend(ctrlConstructor.instance, mockLocals);
When I run this, the first assertion passes and the second one fails ("Expected Object({ }) to equal Object({ onlyIWouldHaveThis: true })."), which shows me that deviceId is being injected into the controller's scope, but apparently not in time for the if clause in the activate() method to see it.
You will notice that I am trying to mimic the basic procedure that Angular Material uses by calling $controller() with the third argument set to 'true', which causes $controller() to return the controller constructor function, as opposed to the resulting controller. I should then be able to extend the constructor with my local variables (just as Angular Material does in the code linked to above), and then invoke the constructor function to instantiate the controller.
I have tried a number of things, including passing an isolate scope to the controller by calling $rootScope.$new(true), to no effect (I actually can't say I fully understand isolate scope, but $mdDialog uses it by default).
Any help is appreciated!
The first thing I would try would be to lose the 'as vm' from your call to $controller. You can just use the return value for your expect rather than testing scope.
Try this:
var ctrlConstructor = $controllerConstructor('DeviceDetailController', mockLocals, true);
angular.extend(ctrlConstructor.instance, mockLocals);
var vm = ctrlConstructor();

Angular Parent Scope Variable not changing

I have a parent controller where I set instantiate an object called links. I assign a property with a value that I want to change within another function. However when I set the variable in the instagramModel the links.imagesa doesn't get updated.
I print the value out in the console and the parentscope doesn't get updated. I have thought I followed the rules of prototypical inheritance.
Why is $scope.links.imagesa not updating?
.controller('HomeCtrl', function HomeController($scope, titleService, config, $sails, $timeout, $upload, leafletData, $modal, $log) {
$scope.links = {};
$scope.links.imagesa = "This should change";
$scope.instagramModal = function (size) {
var modalInstance = ${
templateUrl: 'instagramModal.html',
controller: 'InstagramModalInstanceCtrl',
size: size,
resolve: {
items: function () {
return $sails.get("/instagram/self").success(function (response) {
}).error(function (response) {
modalInstance.result.then(function (selectedItem) {
$scope.links.imagesa = "wept";
}, function () {
$'Modal dismissed at: ' + new Date());
$scope.ask = function () {
If you want the parent's scope to get updated, then you must use $scope.$parent.links.imagesa since the changes made in child scope are not reflected in the parent scope directly.
I had the HomeCtrl instantiated in the UI Router and also on the template page using ng-controller. This messed up the scope.
Angular UI's modals use $rootScope by default. See documentation at ""
You can pass a scope parameter with a custom scope when you open the modal – e.g. scope: $scope if you want to pass the parent scope. The modal controller will create a sub-scope from that scope, so you will only be able to use it for your initial values.
Hence, if you want to update any value, keep the object/data in rootScope.

Trigger a function in a child directive from it's parent [angularJS]

So I totally do this in reverse all the time when using the directive property require: '^ParentCtrl' inside the child directive. Using require to then call the parent function; however, I need to do this in reverse.
How do I trigger FROM a parent directive the execution of a function IN a child directive.
1. Child Directive has no function is inside a link:
2. essentially I want a reverse require.
Parent Directive:
'use strict';
.directive('waCarousel', function() {
return {
templateUrl: 'views/carousel/wa.carousel.html',
controller: function($scope) {
var self = this;
// this function is being called based on how many pages there are
self.carouselElLoaded = function(result) {
var count = 1;
Carousel.params.pageRenderedLength += count;
//when all the pages are loaded
if (Carousel.params.pageRenderedLength === Carousel.params.pageLength) {
Carousel.params.carouselReady = true;
// !!!!!!!! Trigger will go here!!!!!!!!!//
ChildCtrl.drawHotspots(); // (**for placement only**)
} else {
Carousel.params.carouselReady = false;
Child Directive:
'use strict';
.directive('waHotspots', function() {
return {
require: '^waCarousel',
link: function (scope, element, attrs, ctrl) {
//call this directive based on how
scope.drawHotspots = function () {...};
This is possible by having the parent controller talk to the child controller through a well defined API, that you create. The idea is that you want to maintain loose coupling between the parent and the child directive by having each respective controller knowing as little about each other as possible, but still have enough knowledge to get the job done.
To achieve this, require the parent directive from the child directive, and let the child directive register itself with parent's controller:
Child directive:
require: '^parentDirective',
controller: function(){
this.someFunc = function() {...}
link: function(scope,element,attr, parentCtrl){
Then in your parent directive, implement the register function, and get the child's controller, and call the child's function when needed:
Parent directive:
controller: function(){
var childCtrl = undefined;
this.register = function (element) {
childCtrl = element.controller();
this.callChildFunc = function (){
link: function (scope,element){
var ctrl = element.controller();
You could always trigger it via a $watch. Just pass in the parent scope value that you want to watch and change it's value.
$scope.drawHotspots = false;
waHotspots the-trigger="drawHotspots"....
Child Directive:
localTrigger: '#' // Receive the value to watch
scope.$watch('localTrigger',function() {
// call drawHotspots if value is set to true
Its on old topic but I came here today so might others ...
I think the best approche is to use a Service
angular.module('App').service('SomeService', [SomeService]);
Then inject the service into both the parent and child ...
controller : ['$rootScope', '$scope','SomeService', SomeDirectiveController],
Use the service to talk to each other ...
In their controllers SomeService.setParent(this) and SomeService.setChild(this)
Service would have a field to hold the references :
this.parentCtrl = null;
this.childCtrl = null;//or [] in-case you have multiple childs!
Somewhere in the parent : SomeService.childCtrl.someFunctionInChild()
Or if you want a restricted access , in service make the fields private :
var parentCtrl = null;
var childCtrl = null;//or [] in-case you have multiple childs of the same type!
this.callUserFunc = function(param){childCtrl.someFunctionInChild(param)};
And Somewhere in the parent : SomeService.callUserFunc(myparam)

