Passing data from HTML to JS function - javascript

I have a series of data points that I query for status and voltage, and want to use a function to display as readable data in a table.
I can't seem to get how to pass the register data to the fnction, and then return the processed data to the table.
Here's the test code,
<input type="hidden" id="reg120" name="reg120" readonly value="%d">
<input type="hidden" id="reg121" name="reg121" readonly value="%d">
<script language="javascript">
function dsestate(regn) {
return state[regn];
<script language="javascript">
function divby10(regn1) {
return regn1/10;
<table id="maintable" style="width:75%">
<th style="width:180px">Status</th>
<th style="width:180px">Voltage</th>
<td><input type="text" id="dsestate(reg120)"></td>
<td><input type="text" id="divby10(reg121)"></td>
Any help would be appreciated.

divBy10's argument should be a number (so it could be divided by 10).
dsestate's argument should also be a number so you can get the object by the index of the state Array (i.e. state[1]).
And since you're calling a javascript function, it should also use onload=, rather than id=.
I hope that gives you a starting point, good luck!


passing value from one page to another using input "type=text" element in javascript

page name 3.html
<form action="4.html" onSubmit="cal()">
<td><input type="text" id="sen"/></td>
<td><input type="submit" value="tap me"/></td>
function call(){
var a = document.getElementById("sen").value;
page name 4.html
<td><p id="r"></p></td>
var get = localStorage.getItem('sen');
i am trying to pass value from 3.html to 4.html but it is passing null value.
why is it passing the null value?
how to resolve this error?
Looks like you have an error when calling the function
The defined function name is call()
Apart that you are trying to set the session with key a and retrieve it with key seen.

How to execute a function with different arguments while having multiple ID's in javascript?

I have a table showing me two parameters. What I would like to do is change the value of each of these parameters when a button is clicked. So each parameter has its own button with its own specific Ids (made with jinja2). for the value to be changed, I have to take the name of the parameter as an argument in a function, please look at the below picture:
my actual setup
So I have my input box and my button to be clicked:
<td> <input type=number size=5 id="{{key}}"> </td>
<td> <button onClick="change('{{key}}')" name="{{key}}">change value</button> </td>
the hard part is that, the change has to be made by executing a python script, so my function is described as :
function change(key){
$.getJSON($SCRIPT_ROOT + '/_change_value', {
a: $('input[name="key"]').val(),
b: $('button[name="key"]').val()}, function(data) { alert("Value was changed to " + data.result);});
For testing purpose I just made a python function that will return a only, to check if all went good, but unfortunately.
def change_value():
a = request.args.get('a', 0, type=int)
b = request.args.get('b', 0, type=int)
return jsonify(result=a)
a is returned as 0 always... I'm glad if someone can help me with this
I'm pretty sure the value key is not passed. Thanks a lot in advance
Edit: I made a mistake posting this question, id is present instead of name for the input, but still that did not resolve my problem...
Here you go with a solutio
var a = $(this).closest('tr').find('input[type="number"]').val();
var b = $(this).closest('tr').find('td').first().html();
console.log(a, b);
<script src=""></script>
<input type="number" size=5 />
Change Value
<input type="number" size=5 />
Change Value
I've used jQuery closest to get the parent tr and used jQuery find method to find the child elements.
Hope this will help you.

Real time calculation with PHP & array

For a client i'm currently working on their new system. In this system they can create bookings/invoices and send them to their clients.
On 1 page my client is needed to fill in the price for each container in the qoutation. My client asked me to make a new table column below the container columns with the total prices for all containers. I want to do this real time, so when my client fills in the prices the total price changes.
The only problem I stumble on is this:
I currently have PHP/MySQL function that collect all the containers from a certain quotation out of the database. With a while loop I create the needed html code for each of the containers. I made the input fields (where they fill in the prices) an array by naming the input fields like this:
<td>€ <input type="text" name="msg_container['.$i.'][ocean_freight]" value="'. $quote['ocean_freight'].'" style="width: 100px;" /></td>
The $i variable get's count up for each loop. It starts by 0 and ends when there are no containers left.
To make things a bit more detailed I have created a jsfiddle how the currently page looks like:
Now I'm not an expert in javascript so I'm stuck at this point. Long story short, how am I able to calculate all the values in the array in real time?
I've made a simple addition to your fiddle.
It's not complete as I only have time to make one for the Ocean Freight.
$(document).ready(function() {
$(".oceanIn").keyup(function() {
var total = 0.0;
$.each($(".oceanIn"), function(key, input) {
if(input.value && !isNaN(input.value)) {
total += parseFloat(input.value);
$("#oceanTotal").html("Total: " + total);
Also I added some class and id to some of your elements to make it work.
For this one, I used keyup but feel free to use different events like change or blur, or whatever fits your needs.
You should have tried to learn the basics of Javascript before you went and looked for a client.
Also, I think you're confused between a column and a row.
What you want is written in pure js in the following update to your jsfiddle:
The principal concept here was using the change event on inputs. Furthermore, I didn't change the naming of your inputs but consider better conventions.
In the total function, we get a type of columns we're dealing with (using custom attributes is better than just using input names. eg: column-type="thc") and calculate the total number of each related input.
It uses Regular Expression (RegExp) in your case to find the right column out of input names. Mind that ~~ is just a simple hack for text to integer conversion in JavaScript.
Next we find all inputs and attach an event listener using addEventListener to each for the change event type. In this delegate, we find the appropriate input for total function and span IDs corresponding the column the input represents, again using RegExp but this time implicitly. Then change the corresponding span based on the total return value;
This is similar to the first answer, but more complete, and the addition fires on keyup instead of on blur. It applies to all the columns without needing to create separate functions for each. Here's the fiddle.
$(".ocean-input, .bunker-input, .thc-input, .road-input").on("keyup", function()
var total = 0;
$("." + $(this).attr('class')).each(function()
total += parseFloat($(this).val().replace('', 0).replace(',', '.'));
$("#" + $(this).data("total-id")).html(total.toString().replace('.', ','));
<table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" style="font-family:Arial, sans-serif; color:#000; font-size:12px;">
<th width="50">Amount</th>
<th>Weight (p/u)</th>
<th>Shipping owned</th>
<th>Ocean Freight</th>
<th>Bunker Surcharge</th>
<th>Road transport</th>
<td>Container Type 1</td>
<td>€ <input type="text" class="ocean-input" data-total-id="ocean-total" name="msg_container[0][ocean_freight]" value="" style="width: 100px;"></td>
<td>€ <input type="text" class="bunker-input" data-total-id="bunker-total" name="msg_container[0][bunker_surcharge]" value="" style="width: 100px;"></td>
<td>€ <input type="text" class="thc-input" data-total-id="thc-total" name="msg_container[0][thc]" value="" style="width: 100px;"></td>
<td>€ <input type="text" class="road-input" data-total-id="road-total" name="msg_container[0][road_transport]" value="" style="width: 100px;"></td>
<td>Container Type 2</td>
<td>€ <input type="text" class="ocean-input" data-total-id="ocean-total" name="msg_container[1][ocean_freight]" value="" style="width: 100px;"></td>
<td>€ <input type="text" class="bunker-input" data-total-id="bunker-total" name="msg_container[1][bunker_surcharge]" value="" style="width: 100px;"></td>
<td>€ <input type="text" class="thc-input" data-total-id="thc-total" name="msg_container[1][thc]" value="" style="width: 100px;"></td>
<td>€ <input type="text" class="road-input" data-total-id="road-total" name="msg_container[1][road_transport]" value="" style="width: 100px;"></td>
</tr> </tbody>
<th width="50"></th>
<th>Total: €<span id="ocean-total"></span></th>
<th>Total: €<span id="bunker-total"></span></th>
<th>Total: €<span id="thc-total"></span></th>
<th>Total: €<span id="road-total"></span></th>

Add new columns with specific ng-model to HTML table

So I am trying to add additional columns to a table inside a form. Adding the columns themselves is not that difficult but I don't know how to go about setting their ng-models.
This is my current code:
<button ng-click="add()" type="button">+ column</button>
<thead id="inputtablehead">
<th class="theadlabel">(in 1.000 EUR)</th>
<th class="NBBCodesHeader">NBB Codes</th>
<tbody class="input">
<td>number of months</td>
<input ng-model="input{{startyear}}.NumberMonths" type="text" class="{{startyear}}" required>
<td class="NBBCodes"></td>
<td>Fixed assets</td>
<input ng-model="input{{startyear}}.FixedAssets" class="{{startyear}}" type="text" required>
<td class="NBBCodes">20/28</td>
<input ng-model="input{{startyear}}.Inventory" class="{{startyear}}" type="text" required>
<td class="NBBCodes">3</td>
angular.module("inputFields", []).controller("MyTable", function ($scope) {
$scope.startyear = new Date().getFullYear();
var nextyear = new Date().getFullYear() - 1;
$scope.add = function () {
$(".input .NBBCodes").before('<td><input class='+nextyear+' type="text" required></td>');
So in my JS the <input class='+nextyear+' type="text" required> should become something like <input ng-model="input'+nextyear+'.NumberMonths" class='+nextyear+' type="text" required> for the <td> element added next to the 'number of months' row.
I was thinking to give ea row an id in the form of NumberMonths and then look up the id when adding the column.
So my question would be: is this a valid way to do it and how would I get this id? Or am I overthinking it and is there an easier way to do this?
Use standard javascript [] object notation for variable property names.
<input ng-model="input[startyear].Inventory"
You shouldn't do DOM manipulations from a controller. It's not a good practice when working with AngularJS. A good rule to remember that is: don't use jQuery. It's a common mistake when starting working with AngularJS. And, in case you would be completely sure that you need to modify the DOM, do it always from a directive.
About your problem, maybe you can base your solution in create a data structure in your controller (a Javascript Object), and render it through a ng-repeat in your template. This way, if you modify the object (adding a new column), the template will be automatically updated.

Creating a simple calculator that manipulates innerHTML using javascript

I'm trying to make a simple weight and balance calculator for an airplane. The requirements are simple, I need to enter a weight and have a moment field updated to contain the weight multiplied by the known moment arm. Basically, I just need to multiply an input by a known value and have this product printed into another space.
Below is what I've tried so far, and it is supposed to work by:
Passing the value of the input dialogue using this.value on an onchange event
Find the output element uisng document.getElementById(outID)
Set the output element text using outID.innerHTML = weight*arm
However, nothing ever happens.
<!DOCTYPE html>
<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">
function GetMoment(outID,weight,arm){
var outputObj = document.getElementById( outID );
outputObj.innerHTML = weight*arm;
<div id="InputForm" style="width:600;float:left;">
<table name="WeightAndBalance" border=4>
<th>Front Seats</th>
<th> <input id="FrontWeight" type="text" name="FrontWeight" onchange="javascript:GetMoment(FrontMoment,this.value,85.5)"> </th>
<th>85.5 in</th>
<th> <span id="FrontMoment" type="text" name="FrontMoment" style="width:50px">Front Seat Moment</span></th>
<th>Rear Seats</th>
<th> <input id="RearWeight" type="text" name="RearWeight" onchange="javascript:GetMoment(RearMoment,this.value,117)"> </th>
<th>117 in</th>
<th> <span id="RearMoment" type="text" name="RearMoment">Rear Seat Moment</span></th>
to this form:
each place that it occurs. An id is a string.
Also, javascript: is pretty old school - no need for it. It can just be like this:
<input id="RearWeight" type="text" name="RearWeight" onchange="GetMoment('RearMoment',this.value,117)">

