how to use data-i18n on javascript alert? [duplicate] - javascript

I know that I can use i18next to translate languages in html. For example:
<div data-i18n="someKey"></div>
But is there a way to somehow use it in JS. For example if I want to do something like
alert(someKey) ?

It should be alert(t(someKey)) (see at end of page).

Having read the homepage of the project...
i18n.init(function(t) {
// translate nav
// programatical access
var appName = t("");
That last part is what you're looking for. It's important to note that that t is passed to the init callback as a parameter - you can't just blindly call t() anywhere ;)


Pass Component Name as Argument and then attach method (not working?)

Maybe I'm not using the right terms/names for my searches but I have not been able to find anything on this topic. I would have thought this would be an easy thing to find. What I'm doing is passing a component name to a function and then trying to use the component's name by attaching a method to it. I have confirmed (via Dev Tools) that the name is correctly being passed but when I use the variable and attach the method the specific request does not work. If I 'hard-code' the exact component name to the method it works perfectly. This makes me think the (various) ways I've been trying to attach the method to the variable name is incorrect (see various attempts below). Can you offer some direction here? Thank you.
Passing to Function ...
const grid_name = "grid_GroupA";
console.log(grid_name); // Shows grid_GroupA
msg_max(newItem, grid_name);
Function (only listing relevant parts)
function msg_max(newItem, grid_target) {
console.log(grid_target); // Shows grid_GroupA
//; // This works ...
//; // This does not work
// (grid_target).data.add(newItem); // This does not work
// [grid_target].data.add(newItem); // This does not work
// grid_target + '.data.add(newItem)'; // This does not work
Thank you ...
Edit ...
In my attempt to provide detail I hope I haven't confused the issue.
In essence, my question is if I can type this exact string;
and it works for my function, how can I place a variable with the exact string "grid_GroupA" in front of ".data.add(newItem);" and have it seen the same as the line of code that works? Maybe my lack of knowledge here is getting in the way but isn't the line of code that works just a string that is then used to 'find' the object? So, if that assumption is correct, how do I create that same string with the variable? If my assumption is wrong I am a willing learner so I will be all ears. Thank you.
I do not see how grid_target is an object. You are passing grid_name(which is a string) to the function, so grid_target will have no data property, because string doesn't have such a member.
P.S. snake_case is bad option for JavaScript, consider using cameCase instead

Convert a javascript variable to scala in play framework

I have some variables in javascript:
var something = 1;
var url = "#CSRF(routes.Some.thing(something))";
I get an error during compilation because "something" does not refer to the javascript variable, in other words; the compiler can't identify it. Is it possible to convert/inject the javascript variable somehow? Also, does this work in real time in javascript or do I need to prepare an "#CSRF(routes.Some.thing(something))" array containing each possible "something" value?
It's supposed to be a simple rest call, seen in routes file:
/something/:something controllers.Some.thing(something : Long)
An alternative would be to use a form, but I want to try not to.
You need to use a Javascript Routing and add the CSRF token to the request.
Javascript Rounting description:
Look at my answer to the question with explanation how to use it for assets("Correct and long solution"), the usage for other activities is the same: How to update src of a img from javascript in a play framework project?
So in your case, the Javascript routes generation can look like:
And in the JavaScript:
var something = 1;
var url = jsRoutes.controllers.Some.thing(something).url;
The last - do not forget to add Csrf-Token header to the request.

L20n get translated string in javascript

Is there a way of quickly grabbing translated string in javascript?
For example like this:
var s = L20n.get("hello");
I am using 3.5 from npm.
Following does not work:
document.l10n.ready.then(function(context) {
It results in printing item key instead of translated value.
If you're using version 3.x, use formatValue:
You can read more about it here: document.l10n is an instance of the View class that is created automatically for you when the page loads.
The method is asynchronous so that you don't have to worry about race conditions related to language files not being loaded yet.

How do you display translated strings using i18next on js alerts?

We're developing an app that utilizes html/css/js, and it uses i18next to display translated strings.
In order to display translations, I embed an attribute within a tag. For example:
利用規約<label for="checkbox2" data-i18n="text_agree">に同意する</label>
In addition to this, the app uses a javascript file to replace strings with translations. For instance, the above code corresponds with:
en: { translation: {
text_agreement: 'Agree to EULA'
} }
This method of translation works for HTML tags. What I don't know is how to translate strings within js code. For instance, how would I display translated strings for this?
Help would be very much appreciated.
The initialization function gives you a function to translate your strings. ;)
You can 'put' this function to the window object, so you can use it everywhere in your code.
i18n.init(function(t) {
window.t = t("Your string here");
// ... more code
// Now you can use window.t to translate
element.alert(window.t('Your string'));
But note that it's asynchronous (!), so it could happen that the console says, that t() is undefined.
So first initialize i18next and then use window.t();
Also have a look at the documentation:

setting default root element in jquery

jQuery currently uses window as its default element so any call like $('div') will look for div tags inside window.
Is there any way to change defaults on jQuery like:
$.defaultRoot = $('.anyOtherRootElement');
this will select any div inside the elements containing .anyOtherRootElement class.
Thanks in advance
just an update refining the question a bit more here:
I would like to perform the actions above based on external queries coming from external script which won't know what defaultRoot is so they can still be calling what is supposed to be the current base, so in this instance, I'm afraid adding the a second parameter wouldn't be an option, unfortunately.
And at the same time creating a function which returns defaultRoot.find(el) would prevent me of using first-level methods such $.trim, $.each, etc… so unfortunately that would not be possible as well.
Ideally (for performance reasons) you'd want to use find()
Otherwise you can use the 2 argument form that sets a context
$("div", $.defaultRoot);
In general you don't want to do these types of things implicitly since someone else could easily end up thoroughly confused when having to work with your code later. If you want to do it consistently and make it shorter you should create your own function to do so like:
var $s = function(selector) {
return $.defaultRoot.find(selector);
and then you'd just be able to use
or you could also do a scoped higher order function with something like
var withScope = function(scope$) {
return function(selector) {
return scope$.find(selector);
var $s = withScope($.defaultRoot);
If for some reason you really want to screw around with the default state for client code (begging for chaos IMO), you should look at the functional practice: currying.
You can use context. As in your case $('div', '.anyOtherRootElement')
For more details, visit
Given that you can pass the context as a second argument, you can easily overwrite the $() operator in Javascript with a version which internally calls JQuery using jQuery.noConflict(); and always passes your new root as the second argument.
I don't think jQuery provide such method or variable. But you can pass second parameter in jQuery method to set context.
$.defaultRoot = $('.anyOtherRootElement');
$('div', $.defaultRoot ).text("Hello"); // all div inside $('.anyOtherRootElement')
$('div' ).text("Hello"); //all div inside body tag

