Find all the low numbers in an array - javascript

I have an application that takes in the values of ten questions through a select drop down box. The values are 1 - 5 for each drop down menu. When the user clicks on the submit button, I store all the values from the input boxes in an object and then send them to a $.post request route. Within this post request route on server side, I get the post data sent to server, and loop through an array of 'friends', subtracting each scores array to the scores the user selected. I need to record which friend has the lowest difference and send it back, but I cant figure out how to send back multiple 'friends' that may have the same lowest number.
$('#submit').on('click', function(){
var newProfile = {
name: $('#name').val().trim(),
photo: $('#link').val().trim(),
scores: []
for(var x = 0; x < questions.length; x++){
var num = parseInt($('select[name = "q' + (x+1) + '"]').val());
alert("Adding profile");
var currentURL = window.location.origin;
$.post(currentURL + "/api/friends", newProfile).done(function(data){
console.log('data', data);
var friends = require('./../data/friends.js');'/api/friends', function(req, res){
var person = req.body;
var diff = [];
var low = 0;
var match = [];
for(var x = 0; x < friends.candidates.length; x++){
for(var i = 0; i < friends.candidates[x].scores.length; i++){
var result = person.scores[i] - friends.candidates[x].scores[i];
if(result < 0){
var positive = result * (-1);
//adding up the differences from each score
var added = diff.reduce(function(a, b){
return a + b;
}, 0);
//This is where I need to figure out how to store multiple lowest numbers of same value.
if(x === 0){
low = added;
else if(low > added){
low = added;
match[0] = friends.candidates[x];
diff = [];
exports.candidates = [

Try this.
// holds the minimum difference
var minDiff = Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER;
// holds the list of friends with minimum difference
var minDiffFriends = [];
for(var x = 0; x < friends.candidates.length; x++){
// variable to hold sum of differences
var scoreSum = 0
for(var i = 0; i < friends.candidates[x].scores.length; i++){
var result = person.scores[i] - friends.candidates[x].scores[i];
if(result < 0){
result = result * (-1);
scoreSum += result;
if(scoreSum < minDiff) {
minDiff = scoreSum ;
//clear previous array
minDiffFriends.length = 0;
//add the current friend information
else if(scoreSum ==minDiff) {
// store friend information


How to improve the speed of a for loop

I'm using Datatables and Highcharts for a reporting screen but it is quite slow to load the chart (approx 10 Seconds), using I can see the segment below is causing the delay:
Please note, the 'indexes' array contains 6500+ records.
var monthTO = {};
var indexes = TurnoverRepoTable.rows({ search: 'applied' }).indexes().toArray();
for (var i = 0; i < indexes.length; i++) {
var cMonth = TurnoverRepoTable.cell(indexes[i], 2).data();
var value = TurnoverRepoTable.cell(indexes[i], 6).data();
if (monthTO[cMonth] === undefined) {
monthTO[cMonth] = Number(value);
} else {
monthTO[cMonth] = monthTO[cMonth] + Number(value);
So, I'd like to know if there a more efficient way of achieving this?
Cheers, Chris
I have solved this issue by referencing the data directly (not by using the indexes), code below:
var dataset = TurnoverRepoTable.rows({ search: 'applied' }).data().toArray();
// For each row, extract the office and add the salary to the array
for (var i = 0; i < dataset.length; i++) {
var cMonth = dataset[i].job.cMonth
var value = dataset[i].job.estout
if (monthTO[cMonth] === undefined) {
monthTO[cMonth] = Number(value);
} else {
monthTO[cMonth] = monthTO[cMonth] + Number(value);

is this the right approach to calculate cosine similarity?

If you guys can please review if the following approach (pseudo-code) is good to go to calcualte cosine similarity between 2 vectors:
var vectorA = [2,5,7,8];
var referenceVector= [1,1,1,1];
//Apply weights to vectors (apply positive or negative weights to elements)
var weightageVector = [1,0.5,2,1.5];
var weighted vectA = GetWeightedVector(vectorA);
//normalize each element to a value beteen 0 and 1
as calcuated here:
var normalizedVectorA = GetNormalizedVector(vectorA); //using the formula above
var cosineSimilarityScore = GetCosineSimilarityScore(referenceVector, normalizedVectorA );
can someone please advise if this is correct approach as this is not giving me correct results.
As requested, here is the code snippet:
var defaultVectorWeights = [1,0.5,2,1.5];
var referenceVector = [1, 1, 1, 1] //Default values for the reference vector (Do not change these);
var supportedVectorLength = referenceVector.length;
function getNormalizedVector(multiDimArray, vector){
var normalizedVector = [];
if(vector.length == supportedVectorLength){
var normalizedValue = 0;
for(var j = 0; j < supportedVectorLength ; j++){
var min = getMinMaxForMultidimensionalArrayColumn(multiDimArray,j)[0];
var max = getMinMaxForMultidimensionalArrayColumn(multiDimArray,j)[1];
normalizedValue = (max == min) ? 0.5 : (vector[j] - min) / (max - min);
return normalizedVector;
function getCosineSimilarityScore(vectorA, vectorB) {
var similarityScore;
if((vectorA.length == supportedVectorLength) && (vectorB.length == supportedVectorLength)){
var lenVectA = vectorA.length,
product = 0,
normVectorA = 0,
normVectorB = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < lenVectA ; i++) {
product += vectorA[i] * vectorB[i];
normVectorA += vectorA[i] * vectorA[i];
normVectorB += vectorB[i] * vectorB[i];
similarityScore = product / (Math.sqrt(normVectorA) * Math.sqrt(normVectorB));
else {
//TODO: Handle exception/ Fire an event to notify the server about this exception
console.log("Cosine similarity workload vectors are of unequal lengths");
return similarityScore;
function getWeightedVector(vector) {
var vectorArray = []; //Initialize
if(vector.length == supportedVectorLength){
for(var j = 0; j < supportedVectorLength ; j++){
//TODO: Handle exception/ Fire an event to notify the server about this exception
console.log("Cosine similarity workload vector is of unsupported length");
return vectorArray;
function getMinMaxForMultidimensionalArrayColumn(multiDimArray, column){
var _MIN_MAX = []; //[min,max]
var columnarArray = [];
if(column < supportedVectorLength){
//Extract columnar array from the multi-dimensional array
$.map(multiDimArray, function( arrayVect) {
//Find the MIN and MAX
//TODO: Handle exception/ Fire an event to notify the server about this exception
console.log("Cosine similarity workload vectors are of unequal lengths");
return _MIN_MAX;
function getAssociateWorkloadScore(multiDimArray,queryVector){
var workloadScore;
var weightedQueryVector = [];
var weightedMultiDimArr = [];
var normalizedMultiDimArr = [];
var normalizedQueryVector = [];
//Apply feature scaling
weightedQueryVector = getWeightedVector(queryVector);
weightedMultiDimArr = getWeightedMultiDimArr(multiDimArray);
normalizedQueryVector = getNormalizedVector(weightedMultiDimArr, weightedQueryVector);
workloadScore = getCosineSimilarityScore(referenceVector, normalizedQueryVector);
return workloadScore;
function getTeamWorkloadScore(multiDimArray){
var workloadScores = [];
for(var j = 0; j < multiDimArray.length ; j++){
return workloadScores;
A cosine similarity is just a dot product divided by the product of norms. So why not make a dot product function and a norm function and divide the results? (dotproduct from
function dotproduct(a,b) {
var n = 0, lim = Math.min(a.length,b.length);
for (var i = 0; i < lim; i++) n += a[i] * b[i];
return n;
function norm2(a) {var sumsqr = 0; for (var i = 0; i < a.length; i++) sumsqr += a[i]*a[i]; return Math.sqrt(sumsqr);}
function similarity(a, b) {return dotproduct(a,b)/norm2(a)/norm2(b);}
Now similarity([1,0,0], [0,1,1]) == 0
If you necessarily need scale-invariance (i.e., the original cosine similarity), then use Gavin's code augmented with checks for zero-vectors
function cosine_sim(x, y) {
xnorm = norm2(x);
if(!xnorm) return 0;
ynorm = norm2(y);
if(!ynorm) return 0;
return dotproduct(x, y) / (xnorm * ynorm);
If you do not need scale-invariance, just use the dot product (i.e., cosine_sim(x, y) is dotproduct(x, y)).

How to get more than 1000 results Parse [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
How to retrieve more than 1000 rows from
(11 answers)
Closed 7 years ago.
I have a cloud code which returns sometimes more than 1000 results , I am not getting how to chain query to get more than 1000 results in following code.
var User = Parse.Object.extend("Journal");
var mainQuery = new Parse.Query(User);
success: function(results) {
count = 0;
var avg = 0;
for(j = 0; j < results.length ; j++)
var entry = results[j];
if(strcmp1(day,"All") != 0)
var dt = entry.get("created");
var weekDay = dt.getDay();
if(weekDay == day)
total += entry.get("Level");
total += entry.get("Level");
if(count > 1)
avg = total / count;
limit function is used for raising the default limit of 100 which is max 1000 per query result return cycle .
I am using this code presently. This can fetch more than 1000 results.
The values are sorted according to "objectId". You can sort according to "createdAt" by changing accordingly.
Final results are stored in result array
var result = [];
var processCallback = function(res) {
result = result.concat(res);
if (res.length == 1000) {
//To print all the ids
for(var i=0;i<result.length;i++){
var process = function(skip) {
var query = new Parse.Query("ObjectName");
if (skip) {
query.greaterThan("objectId", skip);
query.find().then(function querySuccess(res) {
}, function queryFailed(error) {

How efficient is a JavaScript "object" has a hash table?

I am caching longitude and latitude (plus a bit more info) for possibly 1000s of locations, currently using a JavaScript hash, a {}. e.g.
var cache = {};
cache['Boston, MA'] = { id: someid, latlon: [lat, long] };
cache['Someotherplace, TX'] = { id: someotherid, latlon: [itslat, itslong]};
Everytime a new location comes up I do a geocode and add the results to the cache. I don't think Boston's latitude will change anytime soon...
Will lookups be reasonably fast? I don't need blazing fast, I'm not running Amazon, but as this data grows to, say 2000 locations, will it bog down? If so, what might be a good alternative?
Much of the performance of the entire javascript engine is based on property lookups on objects so I'm quite sure that significant effort has been paid to the performance of that in the basic JS engine.
But, as with all things related to performance you should measure yourself. It would only take a few minutes to build a test harness in jsperf and either compare it to an alternative or just see if regular JS lookup appears fast enough for you.
Here's a [little test harness][1] that shows more than 20,000 key lookups per ms on my computer. I would think that's fast enough for you.
function log(args) {
var str = "";
for (var i = 0; i < arguments.length; i++) {
if (typeof arguments[i] === "object") {
str += JSON.stringify(arguments[i]);
} else {
str += arguments[i];
var div = document.createElement("div");
div.innerHTML = str;
function addCommas(str) {
var amount = str + "";
var parts = amount.split(".");
amount = parts[0].split("").reverse();
var output = "";
for (var i = 0; i < amount.length; i++) {
output = amount[i] + output;
if ((i+1) % 3 == 0 && (amount.length-1) !== i) {
output = ',' + output;
if (parts.length > 1) {
output += "." + parts[1];
return output;
function now() {
return new Date().getTime();
// now fill the cache with a random set of keys
// the keys will var in length between minKeyLen and maxKeyLen
function createRandomKeys(num, minKeyLen, maxKeyLen, obj) {
function rand(min, max) {
return Math.floor(Math.random() * (max - min)) + min;
var chars = "abcdefghijlkmnopqrstuvwzyz";
var len, key, numKeys = 0;
while (numKeys < num) {
// generate random key length
len = rand(minKeyLen, maxKeyLen);
key = "";
// now select len random chars and combine into a string
for (var j = 0; j < len; j++) {
key += chars.charAt(rand(0, chars.length))
// put this key into our object, only count it if it's not already there
if (!, key)) {
obj[key] = true;
var cache = {};
// put all the keys into our object
createRandomKeys(200000, 3, 15, cache);
// now get the list of keys, just so we know what to fetch in our test
var keys = Object.keys(cache);
// now time getting every key
var total = 0;
var start = now();
for (var i = 0; i < keys.length; i++) {
if (cache[keys[i]]) {
var end = now();
var elapsed = end - start;
log("Elapsed time = " + elapsed + "ms for " + addCommas(keys.length) + " key lookups - found " + addCommas(total));
log(elapsed/keys.length + "ms per lookup");
log(addCommas((keys.length / elapsed).toFixed(2)) + " key lookups per ms");
// show some sample keys
log("<hr>Sample keys (first 100 keys):<br>");
log(keys.slice(0, 100).join(", "));

Javascript: Random number out of 5, no repeat until all have been used

I am using the below code to assign a random class (out of five) to each individual image on my page.
$(this).addClass('color-' + (Math.floor(Math.random() * 5) + 1));
It's working great but I want to make it so that there are never two of the same class in a row.
Even better would be if there were never two of the same in a row, and it also did not use any class more than once until all 5 had been used... As in, remove each used class from the array until all of them have been used, then start again, not allowing the last of the previous 5 and the first of the next 5 to be the same color.
Hope that makes sense, and thanks in advance for any help.
You need to create an array of the possible values and each time you retrieve a random index from the array to use one of the values, you remove it from the array.
Here's a general purpose random function that will not repeat until all values have been used. You can call this and then just add this index onto the end of your class name.
var uniqueRandoms = [];
var numRandoms = 5;
function makeUniqueRandom() {
// refill the array if needed
if (!uniqueRandoms.length) {
for (var i = 0; i < numRandoms; i++) {
var index = Math.floor(Math.random() * uniqueRandoms.length);
var val = uniqueRandoms[index];
// now remove that value from the array
uniqueRandoms.splice(index, 1);
return val;
Working demo:
So, your code would just be this:
$(this).addClass('color-' + (makeUniqueRandom() + 1));
Here's an object oriented form that will allow more than one of these to be used in different places in your app:
// if only one argument is passed, it will assume that is the high
// limit and the low limit will be set to zero
// so you can use either r = new randomeGenerator(9);
// or r = new randomGenerator(0, 9);
function randomGenerator(low, high) {
if (arguments.length < 2) {
high = low;
low = 0;
this.low = low;
this.high = high;
randomGenerator.prototype = {
reset: function() {
this.remaining = [];
for (var i = this.low; i <= this.high; i++) {
get: function() {
if (!this.remaining.length) {
var index = Math.floor(Math.random() * this.remaining.length);
var val = this.remaining[index];
this.remaining.splice(index, 1);
return val;
Sample Usage:
var r = new randomGenerator(1, 9);
var rand1 = r.get();
var rand2 = r.get();
Working demo:
You can do something like this using an array and the splice method:
var classes = ["color-1", "color-2", "color-3", "color-4", "color-5"];
for(i = 0;i < 5; i++){
var randomPosition = Math.floor(Math.random() * classes.length);
var selected = classes.splice(randomPosition,1);
var used = [];
var range = [0, 5];
var generateColors = (function() {
var current;
for ( var i = range[0]; i < range[5]; i++ ) {
while ( used.indexOf(current = (Math.floor(Math.random() * 5) + 1)) != -1 ) ;
$(" SELECTOR ").addClass('color-' + current);
Just to explain my comment to jfriend00's excellent answer, you can have a function that returns the members of a set in random order until all have been returned, then starts again, e.g.:
function RandomList(list) {
var original = list;
this.getOriginal = function() {
return original;
RandomList.prototype.getRandom = function() {
if (!(this.remainder && this.remainder.length)) {
this.remainder = this.getOriginal().slice();
return this.remainder.splice(Math.random() * this.remainder.length | 0,1);
var list = new RandomList([1,2,3]);
list.getRandom(); // returns a random member of list without repeating until all
// members have been returned.
If the list can be hard coded, you can keep the original in a closure, e.g.
var randomItem = (function() {
var original = [1,2,3];
var remainder;
return function() {
if (!(remainder && remainder.length)) {
remainder = original.slice();
return remainder.splice(Math.random() * remainder.length | 0, 1);

