NodeJS HTTP response.redirect dosen't exist? - javascript

I tried to do a little test and redirect to google instantly but it says that response.redirect dosen't exist
Here's my code:
function Server(req, res) {
var server = http.createServer(Server);
console.log('Server is running...');
The error im getting:
TypeError: res.redirect is not a function

There is no such method on http.ServerResponse (see the manual).
You've most likely read documentation from the express project, a popular web server framework, which has a redirect method on the response object.
Write the appropriate headers manually instead
response.writeHead(302, {
'Location': 'your/path.html'


HTTP HEAD request giving ERR_STREAM_WRITE_AFTER_END error with node express

I have a health check route for my application which we use to check the application's health, it's a GET route but we send HTTP HEAD call to the same route but I am getting ERR_STREAM_WRITE_AFTER_END error. When digging into that I found out whenever I try to send response data for type HEAD call this error comes but couldn't find the actual reason for the same. Can someone explain why it's behaving this way? The sample code is given below.
Code with error, it's giving error even with res.json and res.send
router.get('/health', function (req, res) {
message: "working great!!!"
Update 1 -> After removing res.send, it's working fine, but still interested to know why by using res.send, it's giving the error. in HTTP HEAD call, client is working as expected it's ignoring response body but why on sever side, we are getting this error?
Remove the res.end() it might solve the issue
And you can try this
router.route("/health").get(function (req, res) {
message: "working great!!!"

Sending and getting parameters through Delete method in express.js using axios as client

Please I have written an API in express js for a DELETE request which checks for a password parameter before doing other things. This whole thing works locally on postman, but not with the hosted server on heroku.
Here is a snippet from the API
if (!req.body.password) {
return res.status(400).json({ message: "input password"})
And on my Client side, I have
axios.delete('url/id', ({password: 'password'}))
The Issue is this, req.body.password is not being noticed, it is seen as undefined on the hosted server
It's not common to pass something into delete body so it's different than post, put and patch requests as you can see here
You should do it like this:
axios.delete('/some/uri', { data: 'my delete body' })

Client side unable to hit its own server endpoint

I've a AngularFullStack project in which I'm trying to hit my project's server endpoint using the following code, however the problem is the call isn't going through from angular client side to the nodejs server. Since it's my first project, I've little to no idea what might be going wrong that might be causing this weird conflict.
method: 'POST',
url: '/api/soapAPIs/soapAPI',
data: request,
headers: {
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
.then(function(response) {
console.log("response from server is: ", response);
.catch(function(error) {
console.log("error in calling server is: ", error);
I have installed CORS on server side and wrote the following code in app.js but still it doesn't work.
Server App.js
// Setup server
var app = express();
var cors = require('cors');
//add cors to do the cross site requests
Server Endpoint Code:
export function soapAPI(req, res) {
console.log("SERVER SIDE ", req.body);
Following are the problems:
If I try to hit nodejs endpoint like this /api/soapAPIs/soapAPI, the browser shows pending request and it never goes to the server.
When I add the full classified url for the endpoint like this http:localhost:9000/api/soapAPIs/soapAPI, it hits the endpoint but then the client never receives response from the server. I don't want to provide the full classified URL on the client side for obvious reasons.
How can I resolve this issue? Please let me know if you need any other code/information.
By using full classified path, the server endpoint gets hit but its response is never received by the client side. I get this error in browser:
Possibly unhandled rejection: {"data":null,"status":-1,"config":{"method":"GET","transformRequest":[null],"transformResponse":[null],"jsonpCallbackParam":"callback","url":"/api/things","headers":{"Accept":"application/json, text/plain, */*"}},"statusText":""}
Uncomment the following line:
/*mongoose.connect(config.mongo.uri, config.mongo.options);
mongoose.connection.on('error', function(err) {
console.error(`MongoDB connection error: ${err}`);
process.exit(-1); // eslint-disable-line no-process-exit
Basically this is causing your controller to not return any response because your mongoose models are being referenced but the connection to mongo fails.

Node JS HTTP Server request.on('data') event failure

I am working on a NodeACS app in which I have to send xml as request from Java HTTP client and to receive response after some manipulation. The Java HTTP Client is working fine so far but the issue is with Node JS file. The req.on('data'...) event is not firing in my case.
Following is the code of my JS file:
function index(req, res) {
console.log(req.headers); //Its getting printed on console
req.on('data', function (data) {
console.log("Inside 1"); //Not printed on console
req.on('end', function () {
In the above code after getting request the index function is called and printing the output for console.log(req.headers); but as mentioned above the script is not running after that. Please help me out What am I missing in this.
For testing I have installed cURL on my system and sending POST request to server using cURL request using following command:
curl -X POST -d #output.xml http://localhost:7788/
Can you confirm you aren't consuming the body prior to this? If the body has been consumed already by another middleware like body-parser you would need to restream the body via something like connect-restreamer. If it were consumed, the data event would not be emitted.
If that checks out, check to see if the "end" event is being emitted. Could be a sign of the content-length header being set to the wrong value.

JSONP call with server-side language as Javascript

I've been trying to use JSONP to get a JSON object from a server via a client-side call (on a different port). However, because my server is implemented in javascript using Node.js and Express, I haven't been able to find much on JSONP with Javascript on the server as most sites I found used php for server-side code.
I believe the issue is with how I set up the url with respect to the callback, which I'm a bit fuzzy on cause it's new to me.
On the server:
//Setting up server stuff
var express = require('express'),
app = express.createServer();
//Making a connection to the mongoDB to get the data that I want to display in the JSON object
new Db('prism',
new Server("", 27017, {auto_reconnect: false}), {}).open(function(err, db) {
app.get('/getData', function(req, res) {
if (typeof callback == 'function') {
console.log('callback is defined');
else {
console.log('callback is not defined');
And on the client:
$.ajaxSetup({ cache : false });
$.getJSON('', function(rtndata) {
embedded by the standard tags.
But I get the error:
GET 404 (Not Found)
The server is on port 1337 while the client is run through MAMP on localhost:8888. I'm not sure if its even a localhost related issue as I've been trying to get this setup running for a few days now.
I believe the issue has something to do with not writing this line, which is in php, into my server-side Javascript. Most of the JSONP examples I found had something like this. But I'm not sure.
if ($GET['callback'] != '')
$json = $GET['callback']."( $json )";
return $json;
Any help would be greatly appreciated. I apologize ahead of times for being super verbose.
I think you have two problems. First is the 404. Completely separate from getting the client-side jQuery code to work, you need to make sure that you can issue a regular browser request (i.e. paste in that URL) and get back what you expect. I haven't used express, so it's hard for me to comment on why you'd be getting that, except to say that I don't see 1337 anywhere in your server-side code, just what appears to be the port number 27017.
The second problem is that you don't actually want to execute the callback on the server, just build the JSON response including the callback (string) prefixed to it.
So instead of this ...
if (typeof callback == 'function') {
console.log('callback is defined');
else {
console.log('callback is not defined');
try this:
if (callback) {
console.log('callback is defined');
res.write(callback + '(' + JSON.stringify(returnData) + ')');
else {
console.log('callback is not defined');
Hope this helps!
From there is an example that includes 2 '?' in the URL.
you only have one, so try
$.getJSON('', function(rtndata) {
and see if that gets rid of your 404
then look #jimbojw suggestion for returning a proper jsonp formated responce.
Use this:
var express = require("express");
var server = express.createServer();
server.enable("jsonp callback");
server.get("/foo", function(req, res) {
// this is important - you must use Response.json()
jsonp with node.js express

