Find all loaded files in website to create ApplicationCache manifest - javascript

I'm trying to figure out a way to automatically generate an ApplicationCache manifest file from all the HTML,CSS,JavaScript and images files used by our website.
We need this because we need to support offline usage of the website. More precisely, offline usage of an ArcGIS API for JavaScript webapp.
We are not using service workers instead of the ApplicationCache because supporting iOS is a critical requirement and service workers are not supported at all on iOS, on any browser.
The idea is that I'll manually call a function after the site is fully loaded that will dynamically create the text to be used for the new manifest. Then manually copy/paste it in the manifest file. So it's something I would only do when something in the site changes and the manifest file needs to be updated.
This tool, ManifestR, is very close:
but has two issues with it:
1- It does not handle image file URLs found in CSS files properly. For instance if it finds url(../images/myimage.png) it will add the relative link ../images/myimage.png directly in the manifest file instead of adding the non-relative link like
2- It does not list any of the scripts loaded through dojo.require (AMD modules).
I'm thinking of using similar code to fix these issues and compile the list of files. I already see how to fix #1, but can't figure out how to fix #2.
So, using JavaScript, how can I find the list of all script URLs used by the website, not just those loaded trough tags (found in window.scripts object), but those loaded using AMD modules as well?
Basically I want to compile the same list that Chrome is showing me for the website in the Sources pane.
I'm thinking that if this isn't available anywhere, maybe I could create a proxy function to dojo.require that keeps tracks of all files loaded through AMD.
But I wanted to ask here first, maybe I missed a tool of script that already does this? Or maybe my plan isn't good?

I've never used ApplicationCache for an ArcGIS API for JavaScript app, but I would recommend that you first serve up a custom Dojo build of your application in order to bundle your code into one or more build layers. If you configure your Dojo build properly (no small feat) you should know the exact scripts that will be required.
Also, I'd suspect that once you figure out how to get the list of scripts, you may have special considerations in order to get the Dojo AMD loader to be able to use the cached files. See: dojo and the offline application cache
Good luck.


How to implement plugins into Electron app?

I'm looking for a way to implement "Plugins" for my Electron tool.
Below is a pseudo example of how I'm thinking it would work
Supply .js/.zip/plugin file
File would contain name of plugin, and it's category (Global, Team centric, Misc)
File would contain HTML for the GUI, which get's placed in a div designated for tool space. This name would be added as an option to the necessary Select, as well as logic added to pull in the HTML to the same div
In the tool, select the plugin file:
page will load the JavaScript script, and add option to select along with logic to switch to the plugin
The hope is to automate my current process.
Currently I'm manually updating the index page to reference the new JavaScript script, and to add the option on the select
The JavaScript Script has logic in it looking at the Select, and looking to see if the option was selected
which then pulls in it's own HTML via a function within
Is there anything I can reference/utilize to make this work?
After 4+ months of working on this, I've managed to get this to work. I will try to outline my approach.
Each "plugin" or "tool" will need it's own .js file
the js file should contain an exports.html function that will return the html for the tool
the js file should contain an exports.Events function that adds all relevant event listeners
create a json file cataloging each tool, along with information needed i.e. a description, image path, .js file path, etc.
require the .js file when selected, load the html and the events
parse the json to figure out which tool to load along with needed info
all i need to do is update the json file and upload the .js file to add a new plugin.
I developed an electron app using vue as the front-end.
My idea was to develop plugins as vue plugins and publish via npm.
I used live-plugin-manager to install and uninstall plugins.
The dependencies were automatically removed by making use of a counter
The only problem I faced was how to load these installed plugins into my main app.
The workaround I found was posted as answer to my own question at How to use electron to load the vue plugins installed dynamically into a plugins folder
Hope it helps
I know I'm a little late to the party but I encountered the same problem. To solve it I have built a plugin framework for Electron called Pluggable Electron and it is available on npm.
The framework handles the lifecycle of plugins, provides as npm packages, like installation, activation, removal, etc. The plugins can then be called on at any time to exend the core app functionality.
The framework is still under development but you can find a 1st version here: pluggable-electron.
I expect it is too late for Marker but still answering here for anyone else that might have this question.

Javascript File not Caching

Im using the Keenthemes Metronic admin template and having real trouble with 1 file. Its a javascript file and for some reason no matter what i try i cannot get it to cache. Its a static file with a size of 3.5mb so loading this each time is killing the scripts.
I have tried adding bits to me htaccess and to the header but this changes nothing.
Has anyone else come across this?
As I could see from the comment section, you have already tried minimising the file, but it is still very large. You can control the cache of your own browser, but cannot control the cache of the browsers your users are using. Therefore you will not be able to enforce caching the file. You will therefore need to thoroughly read the file and divide it into separate files. You will end up having a core file, which will be useful everywhere and which will be needed to be downloaded and you will have some other files, which are specific to some features, like a file for register/login, another for handling separate features, like choosing colors and so on.
You will need to load your core JS file everywhere, but your specific features will be needed at specific places. You will not need login features, for instance, if the user has already logged in, so you will be able to include the JS files for separate features where they are needed and nowhere else.
Also, You might want to lazy load your JS files, so you will initially load the core file and when it has been successfully loaded, separately load the other files. Those features will be unable initially when the page is loaded, so the page will need to somehow handle or prevent attempts from users of using a feature before its script was loaded.
It would not hurt to minify all these separate files either. Possibly RequireJS can help you to handle requirements, but you can implement your own feature to handle requirements as well.

Browserify bundles

Every time we release a new version of our software which is bundled using Browserify, we are finding that we need to ask our users to clear their cache using the regular methods of CTRL+F5 or diving into the browser settings. It is not ideal when there are a thousand or so users. We are trying to work out a way that we can perhaps get around this. I am open to all sorts of options.
Our project is ReactJS based, so runs in the browser and connects to back end services via a RESTful API. We do track which version is loaded and this is visible from within the console. Using the version number we can compare on two different machines that one user is running the latest version whereas someone else may not be.
The code is bundled into two separate files and I feel that this is where we should be looking.
You need to change the file name on each new release.
A hash of the file is an appropriate thing you could add.
Check out md5ify to add this to your project build.
If you implement this yourself, make sure to also load the correct filename in your index.html file.
To automatically load the correct file you need to have a placeholder in your main html.
Then you need a manifest.json file that looks like following:
"main.js": "main.[HASH].js"
This has to be created automatically after the bundling.
Now you can replace the placeholder with correct asset by doing a lookup in the manifest file.
You either have to write your own scripts for this or use something like gulp together with browserify.
Another solution would be webpack

How to include external Javascript in GWT offline application

I have a GWT (well, GXT) application that uses an external JavaScript library to add functionality to my app. My application must work offline, too, and herein lies my problem.
I am aware that adding files to the public folder will make them accessible by my GWT app, but this will not work in case of offline use. GWT compiles my app to make it available offline without problem, but it doesn't include the external JavaScript library.
So, whenever I work within the application and reach the point where said library is needed, the browser will attempt a GET request because the library hasn't been loaded yet and doesn't remain in the cache of the browser reliably.
Is there a way to add the library to my app so that it will be cached together with my GWT app? The library consists of several folders, JS files, images, CSS, etc. My only idea is to dynamically create an Appcache Manifest that dumps ALL files in the browser cache.. in which case I'm scared of breaking the GWT offline functionality.
Yes you can generate a manifest at compile time. Just use a linker that extends
See for example this example manifest linker
or see Writing a GWT Linker
or see this stackoverflow thread
I do that to include google fonts and to produce a manifest that will only include files for that specific language permutation.

Building modular Google Maps applications

I'm building large applications with the Google Maps API, and I'm finding the need to be more modular in my development approach, and could use some direction.
My goal is to logically break out my code into different JS files - so there will always be a "base" JS file that takes care of loading the map, adding base functionality, etc. But for different clients, I want to build on this base without duplicating code. So the base JS file stays put, and I just add some additional functionality to another client-specific JS file, and load both of these into the application. The problem with this approach is that I need to wait until the Google Maps API is completely loaded before loading any other JS files, otherwise the second JS file doesn't have access to API objects and errors out.
So are there any libraries or frameworks out there that address this big-picture and little-picture issue? I ran into Require.js as a solution, but I want to see what all of the options are here. Any direction is much appreciated.
RequireJS is probably your best bet here. It will load scripts in parallel, but execute them in dependency order. It looks like the async plugin referenced in that blog post will work as advertised with the Google Maps loader. Once you get into projects with more than a handful of JavaScript files and classes, and try out RequireJS, you'll wonder how you ever did without it.

