removing content from title bar in ext js - javascript

I m using ext js 6 with sencha cmd, when I use title header in ext js, it autogenerate the css class with content: 'd' like one in below screenshot in many places.
here is screenshot
Is there any way i can get rid of it i have tried Jquery following code:
empty div from parent
and also removing class
$("div #form-1010_header-title-textEl").removeClass("x-title-text");
none of it work...
here is the autogenerated html code from ext js
here is css description

From what I can see, you are working with a commercial trial version of ExtJS.
The ext-watermark font, which you seem to have deleted or otherwise removed from the project, should show a reminder to buy ExtJS before you ship your commercial project.
If you have access to the full version via Sencha support portal, download it from there and run sencha app upgrade. If you don't have access to the full version, you can download the latest GPL version of the framework and use that; but please keep in mind that the GPL version (a) may only be used for projects licensed under GPL and (b) may contain tons of bugs that have already been resolved in the commercial version.


How to upgrade from bootstrap V3.2.0 to V5.1.2 - (button collapse does not work)

I am responsible for SharePoint internet site in my company and this site was built using bootstrap V3.2.0 they want to upgrade this old site to latest version of Bootstrap V5.1.2
my problem is that when I updated the file (bootstrab.min.js) to latest version the menu button in mobile view does not work.
In older ver of bootstrap the (.in) class is added to the collapse div While in latest ver it added (.show).
so how do I upgrade the bootstrap to latest version while keeping my site design same?
I know that the css file and js file of bootstrap have to be upgraded together and I know there are new api and classes removed from older ver but the problem how to migrate these changes to my site?
is there a migration document I can follow ? or a way to solve the collapse of the button because it is the only thing that does not work when I updated the file!
Welcome, Kazushia! Wow, first question in 5 years of being a user :) Big milestone.
so how do I upgrade the bootstrap to latest version while keeping my site design same
Bootstrap's major versions include some major design changes – alongside major, breaking code changes. I guarantee that "the collapse div" issue you've noted is not the only issue.
That being said, there are migration documents:
...unfortunately, the v5 migration path is a really long one.
Ultimately, you might be better off accepting the design differences. As #isherwood noted in a comment, there is no miracle cure here.

Adding an attribute to html <video> tag using Javascript or Jquery. - WordPress Case

I have a WordPress installation and I share some links like the following to students watching courses - presentations online.
The big issue that I am facing here is that I want to find a piece of code (probably Javascript or Jquery) to add "On document ready" so when students load the presentations on their browsers not being able to download the video from the 3-dots menu on the right bottom corner of the media player. Please, view the screenshot attached.
For the records, I have noticed this only on Google Chrome and Microsoft Edge. Mozilla does not offer such a download option.
What I have already tried is the following:
$('video').attr('controlsList', 'nodownload');
FYI, I have placed this code in a section where my WordPress theme provider lets me add some custom JS code. The section works pretty fine. I have already implemented others functions and everything works properly.
Do you have any ideas on what I will need to look at to achieve the following by default when my students load their courses on browsers?
Thank you so much in advance,

Drop down menu in Bootstrap Business (drupal 7) theme is not working

I have installed Bootstrap Business theme in Drupal 7. The 'Show as expanded' option has enabled in menu list. But drop down menu is not working.
There are no any javascript errors while loading the page. Please help me to resolve this issue.
The drop down menu is depend on some jquery libraries. You have to install jquery update module and superfish module.
After enabled both modules, download the superfish library from github and extract it's content to /sites/all/libraries/superfish in the durpal installation.
Add following code in path to superfish library area in superfish module configuration.
Then change jquery version to 1.7 in jquery update module configuration.
Finally go to the structure/blocks and place a superfish item in navigation region.
Please check that your Drupal configuration is
a) not using #import to get it's directives in
b) not using respond.js to provide media query support to legacy browsers such as IE8
There are known problems when using certain configurations with the latest builds of bootstrap , and this information is clearley communicated in the BS3 docs as the following snippet shows:
Respond.js and #import
Respond.js doesn't work with CSS that's referenced via #import. In particular, some Drupal configurations are known to use #import. See the Respond.js docs for details.
Failing that, then in order to get any more in depth help, you'll need to start providing code examples of what you've tried to do, and more in depth explanations of what you've tried, not tried and what you expected to happen vs what did happen.

Wordpress 3.8 jQuery

I have a blog using Wordpress version 3.8 ( If I visit my site as a user it is working well. But if I visit my site after logging in as an admin than then hot post area JQuery effects such as rendering the post title and post avatar are not working.
I opened the console and got what you see below. May be JQuery is not working?
"undefined"!=typeof jQuery?("undefined"==typeof jQuery.fn.hoverIntent&&!function(a){a.fn.hoverIntent=function(b,c,d){var e={interval:100,sensitivity:7,timeout:0};e="object"==typeof b?a.extend(e,b):a.isFunction(c)?a.extend(e,{over:b,out:c,selector:d}):a.extend(e,{over:b,out:b,selector:c});var f,g,h,i,j=function(a){f=a.pageX,g=a.pageY},k=function(b,c){return c.hoverIntent_t=clearTimeout(c.hoverIntent_t),Math.abs(h-f)+Math.abs(i-g)<e.sensitivity?(a(c).off("mousemove.hoverIntent",j),c.hoverIntent_s=1,e.over.apply(c,[b])):(h=f,i=g,c.hoverIntent_t=setTimeout(function(){k(b,c)},e.interval),void 0)},l=function(a,b){return b.hoverIntent_t=clearTimeout(b.hoverIntent_t),b.hoverIntent_s=0,e.out.apply(b,[a])},m=function(b){var c=jQuery.extend({},b),d=this;d.hoverIntent_t&&(d.hoverIntent_t=clearTimeout(d.hoverIntent_t)),"mouseenter"==b.type?(h=c.pageX,i=c.pageY,a(d).on("mousemove.hoverIntent",j),1!=d.hoverIntent_s&&(d.hoverIntent_t=setTimeout(function(){k(c,d)},e.interval))):(a(d).off("mousemove.hoverIntent",j),1==d.hoverIntent_s&&(d.hoverIntent_t=setTimeout(function(){l(c,d)},e.timeout)))};return this.on({"mouseenter.hoverIntent":m,"mouseleave.hoverIntent":m},e.selector)}}(jQuery),jQuery(document).ready(function(a){var b,c,d,e=a("#wpadminbar"),f=!1;b=function(b,c){var d=a(c),e=d.attr("tabindex");e&&d.attr("tabindex","0").attr("tabindex",e)},c=function(b){e.find("li.menupop").on("click.wp-mobile-hover",function(c){var d=a(this);d.parent().is("#wp-admin-bar-root-default")&&!d.hasClass("hover")?(c.preventDefault(),e.find("li.menupop.hover").removeClass("hover"),d.addClass("hover")):d.hasClass("hover")||(c.stopPropagation(),c.preventDefault(),d.addClass("hover")),b&&(a("li.menupop").off("click.wp-mobile-hover"),f=!1)})},d=function(){var b=/Mobile\/.+Safari/.test(navigator.userAgent)?"touchstart":"click";a(document.body).on(b+".wp-mobile-hover",function(b){a("#wpadminbar").length||e.find("li.menupop.hover").removeClass("hover")})},e.removeClass("nojq").removeClass("nojs"),"ontouchstart"in window?(e.on("touchstart",function(){c(!0),f=!0}),d()):/IEMobile\/[1-9]/.test(navigator.userAgent)&&(c(),d()),e.find("li.menupop").hoverIntent({over:function(){f||a(this).addClass("hover")},out:function(){f||a(this).removeClass("hover")},timeout:180,sensitivity:7,interval:100}),window.location.hash&&window.scrollBy(0,-32),a("#wp-admin-bar-get-shortlink").click(function(b){b.preventDefault(),a(this).addClass("selected").children(".shortlink-input").blur(function(){a(this).parents("#wp-admin-bar-get-shortlink").removeClass("selected")}).focus().select()}),a("#wpadminbar li.menupop > .ab-item").bind("keydown.adminbar",function(c){if(13==c.which){var d=a(,e=d.closest("ab-sub-wrapper");c.stopPropagation(),c.preventDefault(),e.length||(e=a("#wpadminbar .quicklinks")),e.find(".menupop").removeClass("hover"),d.parent().toggleClass("hover"),d.siblings(".ab-sub-wrapper").find(".ab-item").each(b)}}).each(b),a("#wpadminbar .ab-item").bind("keydown.adminbar",function(c){if(27==c.which){var 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When I used it with wordpress 3.6 it worked well. But this the problem appeared after update to version 3.8. Please give proper solution.
just took a casual look at your blog, it has jquery 1.4.2 included in your theme this is probably getting overwritten by "admin bar" javascript/jquery when you are logged in as admin. I am not sure as I never check if adminbar include it's own jquery. But remove jquery from theme and use wordpress enqueue function to include wordpress' default jquery this always ensure that you have one and latest version of jquery always included.
Really we need some more information code, server etc to provide the best help but I would suggest that it is likely once you login a new extension is becoming active. It may be loading Jquery and thus causing some sort of conflict.

"Code" button in CKEditor

I'm using CKEditor (currently using ver. 3.4.1 - I can upgrade if it's necessary) and I'm missing a possibility to use the <code> tag, either from the Format dropdown or via a button on the toolbar.
I couldn't find a plugin that would make this possible. I have also no experience or knowledge of how to write my own plugin for that.
Do you know of a plugin that might help me enable the "code" button/format (wrapping selected text into <code> tags)? If there is none, I would appreciate if you directed me to online resources about CKEditor plugin development (some sort of tutorial explaining the bare basics).
In case it's useful, my site's using Drupal 6.19, CKEditor module, CKEditor 3.4.1. As for plugin development tutorials, I have already found this, but most of it seems to beyond my grasp.
I solved with this ckeditor plugin:
It's also compatible with the jquery plugin SyntaxHighlighter
config.extraPlugins = 'codeTag';
No additional dependencies.
Get wysiwyg
Browse configuration>wysiwyg
Enable the 'source' button.

